“One thing that is looking for you is that the record pointer who wants to go to the whisky peak does not know if there is one on your side?”

To get to the Alabastan line, the first stop is Whiskey Peak.

So, as long as there is this record pointer.

In the past, there was no problem at all.

“Oh, give it to you as a meeting gift for little Bucky!”

Kourokas has been here for so long.

In fact, there are record pointers for each line.

But even if someone wants it with himself, he has to see whether he is in the mood or not.

This time, since he is Bucky’s captain, let’s take it as their old crew member to help Bucky again.

I’m really curious where Bucky can go this time!

Thinking of this, Kulokas’s face couldn’t help but flash a trace of nostalgia.

Remember a long time ago, when Bucky and Shanks were interns on Roger’s ship.

At that time, he also followed Roger and saw a lot of strange things in the world.

Speaking of which, it may be the happiest time for yourself!

“Thank you, Mr. Kulokas, let’s go first!”

“Go ahead, little Bucky hopes that the next time I see you in the newspaper, it’s not that you were arrested or killed in the sea!”


He felt that he would be angry one day when he talked to Kourokas.

What is called being caught or dying on the sea.

Can’t you think of something good?

For example, he successfully won three generals, or punched Shanks!

He Baki must live longer than Kulokas in the future!

This old man is really disrespectful to the old man.

“Thank you Mr. Kulokas, since this is the case we will go first!”

Lin Yang waved his hand.

I didn’t expect Bucky’s face to be a little.

Originally, he thought that he was going to say more about it here.

Unexpectedly, this old man directly gave them the record pointer.

“Let’s go, little ghost!”

I don’t know if it’s my own delusion.

Kourokas always has a kind of guy in front of him who will pry the whole world.

It seems that after a long period of calm, the world is starting to stir again.

“The captain … The whale looks like it’s going to swallow our boat…”

Haven’t noticed before.

When they are ready to leave.

This whale is actually going to swallow the boat.

How will they leave when there is no boat?

“It’s a whale with human feelings. I remember it was fifty years ago.

I was stationed at the lighthouse as usual, and a group of very bold pirates came from the West Sea.

And the young Rab came after them, and the pirates had been traveling with Raab.

Originally, they called Raab in the West Sea, but he still followed, you must know that the island whale is a social animal.

Korab already regarded the group of pirates as companions, but because the Great Passage was too dangerous.

So their captain entrusted me with taking care of Raab, and agreed with Raab to travel around the world in three years and take him on a trip.

But they have been gone for fifty years, and they have not come back. ”

Kulokas sighed and said slowly.

He had seen a group of pirates from the West Sea before, and he had an agreement with Raab and would come back later.

But so many years have passed.

There is no news about this group of pirates.

Kulokas probably knew in his heart that if there was no news on the sea.

Then it is very likely that he has died on the sea.

However, he did not dare to tell Raab about this news, after all, this is equivalent to saying that it is to cut off its thoughts.

“I’ll do it!”

“Little brother, don’t hurt Rab!”

Kulokas knew that Lin Yang’s strength was strong.

If he did, Raab would most likely be killed.

He also has no ability to stop it, only to remind him.

The other party just took his own things, and he will definitely give him a little face.

“Well, don’t worry!”

Lin Yang jumped in front of Rabu, grabbed its head directly and raised it.

If he eats his own ship, how will he sail after that.

“The Rumba Pirates are dead!”


Kourokas was drunk at the time.

What I didn’t dare to say before, this product directly said.

Looking at Rab’s unacceptable expression, he felt as if things were about to get worse.

“But there is still a person alive, but he is trapped in one place now, and if you still torture yourself now, he may not see you when he comes back in the future!”

The Lomba Pirates are now alive and Brooke.

However, he has been trapped in Moria’s territory and cannot get out.

And Raab, who was just about to run away, heard that there was still a person alive and trapped.

Instantly calmed down.

His eyes also involuntarily looked at Lin Yang, wanting to determine the authenticity of this matter from his eyes.

“That’s right, you should know that guy’s name is Brooke, right?”

Raab and Brooke have a deep bond.

Even after fifty years, Raab remembers Brooke.

“Now I put you down, you are not allowed to self-harm, and you are not allowed to eat my ship, if I have the opportunity in the future, I will tell him about it!”

After speaking, Lin Yang put Rab down.

Sure enough, after that, Rab did not want to eat Lin Yang’s boat.

For Raab, there seems to be one more to hold on to at the moment.

“Do you really know where he is?”

Kourokas wondered, there had been no news on the sea for so many years.

Lin Yang wouldn’t be coaxing Rab, right?

“Well, but I’ll see if I can meet him, and I’ll tell him Raab’s news if I do.”

“I see.”

Kourokas probably understood what it meant.

Reassured Raab.

Raab now seems to be much calmer than before.

I hope that in the future, the other party can really tell Brooke to let him come.

Kulokas waved his hand and looked at the group of pirates who had left.

He also had a hint of premonition in his heart.

The world seems to be about to change drastically!

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