
They hadn’t noticed here before.

There was actually a giant approaching.

The people of the Lin Yang Pirate Group instantly entered a state of alert.

People who appear suddenly.

I don’t know if it’s friend or foe, but now is not the time to relax.

“Yes, but I have one condition!”

“What conditions?”

Brocky and Dongli’s eyes lit up.

If you can join this hunt.

That’s what they can’t do.

After all, the giants seem to be very enthusiastic about the game.

Before, when they just rushed over.

The battle here is also over.

I wanted to see what was going on.

But after coming.

Fortunately, there is still a guarantee for things.

That’s the game.

How can there be a game without the two of them?

“If you lose, you must join my pirate group!”

“So what if you lose?”

Brocky and Dongli quickly asked.

It’s normal that the game has bets.

But they have to know.

If the other party loses this time.

What kind of price to pay.

This requires a contrast between equivalents, otherwise they wouldn’t have done anything that wasn’t cost-effective.

Don’t let them be foolish when they’re giants.

They’re not stupid at all.

“If I lose, I will admit that you two are the most powerful giant warriors in the world!”


The people of the Lin Yang Pirate Group instantly smelled a hint of inexplicable meaning.

Especially Hawkeye.

This familiar sense of déjà vu seemed to be a bet with himself before.

Said to admit that he is the world’s number one swordsman.

Now it’s changed.

Actually changed to the world’s most powerful giant warrior!

These two Tie Han should not be stupid enough to agree to come down, right?

After all, does this kind of thing need others to admit?

It is estimated that there are absolutely no such stupid people in the world.

“Okay, we promised!”

“It’s really Nima who promised to come down!’

Originally, they all thought that the other party would not agree.

But Brocky and Dongli’s answer was something they hadn’t expected.

This is also too ironclad.

This Nima also promised to come down.

Then again, even if Lin Yang admitted that he had the role of yarn.

Will they still be famous?

Could it be that their captain is actually the one who recognizes the ability of fruit.

As long as he admits what this person is, then he is what he is!

“Okay, then the bet is established, I know that your Erbaf giant warrior has always been the most trustworthy, first give you the title of the most honest warrior!”

“Hehe, how embarrassing this is!”

Brocky and Dongli touched their heads embarrassedly.

This is the first time it has been praised like this.

This little devil is actually so good at talking.

Three clicks and two clicks to say that they are so happy.

Brocky and Dongli looked at each other.

In that case, they won’t let each other lose too embarrassed!

Although the two seem to be a little humble.

But they’re not stupid.

I have lived in the small garden for so long.

Isn’t it clear how much can be hunted on this?

Even where these hunting targets are, in fact, both of them know very well.

So this gamble was actually unfair to Lin Yang from the beginning.

That’s why Brocky and Dongli want to bet with him.

Even if you are stronger than theirs.

But you can’t always be familiar with this neighborhood.

Since they are not familiar, then surely their advantages will be even greater.

“In that case, then let’s choose the contestants, I’m alone, Mustache is alone, and then Yamato is a family, and you stay here!”

To avoid saying they bully.

Lin Yang did not form a group with Yamato and Hawkeye.

Otherwise, there would be no doubt about the balance of victory.

“Let’s each have a group!”

“No, you two in a group!”


Brocky and Dongli looked at each other.

Originally, they didn’t want to leave this tongue behind.

After all, everyone is in a group of one, but they are a group of two.

In any case, it seems that they still earned, not to mention in terms of geographical location.

They also have an advantage.

“These humans are more innocent and simple than us!”

Originally, I thought that the giant was more innocent and simple.

I didn’t expect this group of people to be really silly and cute.

However, in order to avoid problems later, Brocky and Dongli hurriedly said: “It should be fair for the two of us to separate, right?” ”

“No thanks, so be it!”

“Are you sure?”

Is this person very confident in his strength or really stupid.

They all made such concessions.

Not yet.

“Sure, so let’s take a break now and make the rules of the game during this time, Bucky, you must be fair as a referee?”

“Know, guaranteed to complete the mission!”

Originally, Bucky thought that this was no longer his own business.

Unexpectedly, Lin Yang actually handed over the task of referee to himself.

It seems that this hunting game cannot be opened without him, Lord Bucky.

After all, who else here has more potential to judge than himself.

Sure enough, Lin Yang found himself to join his pirate group, and he really picked up a treasure.

I can perform acrobatics myself, and I can also be a referee, and the key is a certain combat effectiveness.

This kind of treasure is a rare encounter in a thousand years!

“Good, the rules are very simple, let’s count it according to an hour.”

“In an hour, whoever catches the heaviest prey overall, who wins?”

The rules are also very simple.

This kind of simple and rough game, Brocky and Dongli still quite like.

At least it won’t be difficult to understand.

“No problem!”

Brocky and Dongli quickly agreed.

I was afraid that Lin Yang would say the rules that he couldn’t understand later.

“I don’t have a problem, then again, I actually want to compare with you once!”

Yamato is quite confident in himself.

She has always had a hand in hunting!

“I don’t have a problem either, although I lost in swordsmanship, I can definitely win in this aspect!”

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