This scene is that the two of them deliberately fought for a while before coming.

It even ended up splitting the sea again.

Just while cultivating, create some battle scenes.

And the people of the Lin Yang Pirate Group were also sent thousands of meters into the sky by the fluttering fruit.

“What about the others?”

Lin Yang is not like Hawkeye is a lone ranger.

He has his own pirate group.

It includes Kaido’s daughter inside.

This is critical for the Navy.

Before coming, the Warring States explained that if you can arrest all the people inside.

“Gone, when I fought with him before, the rest of the people saw that the situation was not okay and had already retreated!”

“Give me what I need, I’m leaving!”

Several people from the crane glanced at each other, and then ordered to the sailors behind them: “Bring a billion Bailey!” ”

This is already prepared when going to sea.

Since the person has been caught.

Naturally, there are not so many other things.

Pay money with one hand, hand over with the other.

After getting Bailey, Hawkeye took his boat directly to prepare to leave.

The navy carried Lin Yang to the warship.

Looking at Lin Yang, who had been handcuffed by the sea tower stone at this time.

I remember the experience of the golden lion escaping from prison in the past.

The crane directly ordered the surrounding sailors to bring the sea tower stone chains prepared earlier.

If the whole body is bound by sea lou stones, you can’t cut off your hands or legs and leave, right?

“Are you so afraid that I will escape?”

Lin Yang looked at the warship that had left the small garden, and an inexplicable smile flashed at the corner of his mouth.

The first step of the plan has been completed.

Although there were doubts among them, there was always a thrill.

After all, the navy did not think at all that Hawkeye had joined its own pirate group.

After all, his good friend redhead did not accept the invitation before, this is the Four Emperors.

Hawkeye did not join his pirate group, so naturally he could not join Lin Yang’s pirate group.

And the moving eagle eye looked at the warship that had disappeared in front of him.

With a burst of buoyancy, soon Hawkeye directly converged with the people of the pirate group in the air.

Then it’s up to you captain….

Hawkeye silently thought in his heart that what he could do had been done.

“Is it done?”

“Well, you put this away first!”

After handing Bailey over to Yamato, Nami looked at the boxes and took a deep breath.

That’s a billion Baileys.

How had she ever seen such a big scene.

However, she also knows in her heart that this money is absolutely untouchable by her at present!


“Little brother, it seems that your pirate journey is coming to an end!”

Looking at Lin Yang, who had not spoken since he got on the warship.

A hint of ridicule flashed at the corner of the yellow ape’s mouth, and it was really a surprise to catch Lin Yang this time.

Originally, they had already begun to set up in the Chambord Islands.

This arrangement seems to be no longer needed.

“Do you want to take me into the city?”

Lin Yang closed his eyes and said without care.

He would rather be taken into the city.

Otherwise now he is ready to run.

“Being looked at like this by General Yellow Ape, Staff Officer Crane, Lieutenant General Peach Rabbit, and Lieutenant General Karp, I feel that no pirate has this treatment before, right?”

“Even One Piece just let Vice Admiral Karp follow along the way, right?”

“This is going to be me, I feel like I can blow for the rest of my life!”

“Isn’t he afraid?”

The surrounding sea soldiers looked at Lin Yang, who was still very calm when he was caught, and a trace of doubt flashed in his heart.

This look is calm, but not caring at all.

Gave them an illusion.

The man didn’t seem to be afraid at all.

“Little ghost, your adventure is over, but I was expecting a little bit of what you would do!”


The crane shouted angrily, and then glanced at Karp helplessly.

Has this guy forgotten where he stands?

How could such words come out of his mouth!

Remember, Capco is still a navy.

Still looking forward to where he goes?

When will the Navy expect where the pirates can go, if not for these feats on him.

Tsurudu feels that it is a blessing that Karp has been so dashing all these years.

“Haha, what does it matter, just talk about it!”

Looking at Karp’s uncaring expression, Tsuru also sighed lightly at this time.

This guy really can’t manage it.

Since before, his own personality has been like this.

The peach rabbit on the side saw the crane like this, a smile flashed at the corner of his mouth, and there seemed to be only Kapu in the naval headquarters.

The face of the crane who can be angry has changed.

But for now, she was quite curious about the person who was caught.

Lin Yang!

She had already heard her name at the headquarters of the Navy.

This time I looked at it up close, and I actually felt that there was nothing special.

You can fight with the two Four Emperors and escape from the hands of the yellow ape.

Are you actually caught by Hawkeye now?

Blue Bru!

Blue Bru!

“Hey, it’s a crane over here!”

After connecting the phone, Tsuru looked at the personified face of the phone bug and knew who the person on the other side was.

In fact, you don’t need to think about it to know.

After the Warring States connected, he also hurriedly asked: “Have you caught someone?” ”

According to the calculation of time, it is time to catch people.

But he never called himself, and he was a little afraid that it would be an accident halfway.

“Well, now that the Hailou Stone chain is locked, it is currently being escorted to Advance City!”

“Got it!”

Warring States also breathed a sigh of relief in their hearts when they heard this.

Now after catching it, it’s time to explain things.

Unexpectedly, Hawkeye actually caught people.

“Is it really going to advance the city?”

When Lin Yang heard this, a secret smile flashed in his heart.

It seems that now it is only necessary to follow the Navy.

He had imagined it before.

Even if the world government wants to experiment with itself.

For now, he must first lock himself up in the city.

It seems that I guessed correctly!

“Very good, you guys must watch this guy!”

“Got it, Sengoku!”

The four of them were watching here.

Could it still be possible for Lin Yang to escape?

Although think so.

But Tsuru is still very careful.

They would have been watching here until they were locked up in Advance City.

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