Headquarters of the Navy.

After confirmation, a newspaper about Lin Yang’s escape from Advance City was released.

Warring States’ hearts are also very bumpy now.

This slap in the face came too fast.

As for this, it is because of the betrayal of the guard, Nagayu no Hiryu.

Then it caused Lin Yang to escape.

Although this is not the case.

But the Navy and the World Government will not carry this black pot.

So naturally only Hiryu came to carry it.

As for Xiliu, who has long been locked up in the Advance City, who knows?

Perhaps only they know, so Hiru became a black pot man perfectly.

I don’t know what kind of waves this time will cause.

It seems that now the power of the Navy on the sea is getting weaker.

Today, when pirates are becoming more and more rampant, something must be done to hit the morale of pirates.

Otherwise, if you go down with this.

That’s definitely not what they want to see.

If it continues like this, it will not be able to suppress this violent era…


“Is it really today’s news that I went here, I didn’t expect that guy actually escaped, daddy, look at it!”

Marko handed the newspaper in his hand to Whitebeard.

When I just got my hands on it.

I thought I was wrong.

Unexpectedly, Lin Yang actually escaped from the Advance City.

And left with the original caretaker Nagayu no Hiru and Walde.

Originally, because he was locked up, I didn’t pay much attention to him.

The result came out directly in the next second, and this came too fast, right?

“Goo la, this little ghost didn’t expect to be a little more powerful than that bastard Schi!”

Pushing into the city, there was once a big sensation.

That’s what the golden lion caused.

Lin Yang, who now had the ability of the golden lion fluttering fruit, did not expect to make such a big movement.

This sea man seems to be getting more and more interesting.

22 years ago, in order to escape from the Advance City, he cut off his feet bound by the stone leg cuffs of Hailou.

Since then, the feet have been prosthetic with Sakura and Kiku.

Back then, Whitebeard remembered seeing golden lions.

Unexpectedly, this time passed, and two people with the same ability did the same thing.

And the one behind was even more fierce, and escaped from the city without any losses.

Now he could imagine what kind of expression Sengoku was now.

I guess it’s very sour.

In the last second, he just said that he had caught Lin Yang and caught him into the city.

This newspaper is clearly written.

It didn’t take long for the results to come and go really fast.

And the riots in the city of Advance although not written on this.

But as you can imagine, there must be something wrong inside this time.

Judging by the personality of the Navy and the World Government.

It’s just not going to give them a clue.

“Dad, this guy is really powerful, he actually ran out of the city!”

A hint of surprise flashed in Bista’s eyes.

It was a propulsion city that was known as a copper wall and iron wall.

Back then, the golden lion didn’t take advantage of the characteristics of its fluttering fruit.

Coupled with his own relatively ruthless relationship, he escaped from this.

But Lin Yang actually didn’t pay a price.

I escaped from this.

In other words, if he was caught in, it is estimated that he will definitely not be able to get out.

“It’s just a little ghost, but I’m still looking forward to when he comes to the new world!”

Since then, he has changed a little about the young man in the newspaper.

Everything that is done is shocking.

However, if they did not come to the new world, they were not considered pirates in their eyes.

Although Lin Yang appeared in the country of peace at the beginning.

But if you don’t sail in the New World, you won’t count.

“I don’t know what happened to Ace…”

Looking at the young man in the newspaper.

This age seems to be about the same as Ace.

Previously because of Blackbeard’s betrayal.

After Ace went to sea at the age of 17, he was unstoppable and famous all the way.

He constantly challenges the strong and constantly seeks free adventures on the sea.

Later, he encounters the Whitebeard Pirates who stand in his way.

After experiencing failure, I also saw hope and found my belonging.

Ace made it his goal to make Whitebeard a One Piece, and soon after joining the Pirates, he served as the captain of the second team.

He loves this big family and also carries responsibilities.

Blackbeard hides his strength and ambition for many years, takes down the Dark Fruit, and kills his partner.

Ace decides to hunt Blackbeard and stops him with a bad feeling for his family.

“Let go of me, he is my subordinate, how can ignoring it be worthy of the murdered Saatchi… He killed his companion and fled, and after decades of your care, he disgraced you, and fled.”

Ace’s pursuit of Whitebeard has never had much to do with whether he feels he succeeds or not.

He just had to.

Ace is the captain of the second team of the Whitebeard Pirates.

And Blackbeard is a member of the second team, regardless of Blackbeard’s purpose.

But on this pirate ship he is a member of Ace’s team, and Ace is responsible for his actions.

And killing companions is a taboo for the Whitebeard Pirates.

Ace’s pursuit of him does not consider success or failure, which is his responsibility.

I still remember what Ace said when he left before.

Although there is a bad premonition in the heart.

But Whitebeard did not stop either, because he himself knew it very well.

Even if he stops it, Ace will pass.

His self-esteem would not allow him to stay in this place with peace of mind.

“Daddy, the redhead is coming!!”

Before the redhead had tow the letter to himself.

But then he tore it off without looking at it.

As for the redhead after that, he said that he would come to visit in person.

“Is that guy coming?”

“Cut, young man lean back, can’t stand it!!”

The arrival of the redhead also caused a small commotion in the white-bearded pirate group.

Many pirates still see another Four Emperors.

However, they are a group of white-bearded pirates, and they instantly calmed down when they thought of this.

Click, click, click…

Some undetermined people around were in the moment when the redhead came.

The body is a little bit about to hold on.

And looking at the crack in the ship, the corner of Marko’s mouth twitched.

Did the redhead come to meet and talk, or did he say he was going to sabotage.

Doesn’t this overlord color domineering know to converge?

“Offended, just got on the enemy ship and came a little threatening!”

“I’m here to discuss something with you!”

The redhead placed the wine he had brought over in front of Whitebeard.

This time I came here because of one thing.


The redhead itself actually means maintaining a balance point.

Once Ace is defeated by Blackbeard, this will definitely cause a riot.

And what is certain is that Ace will definitely be defeated by Blackbeard.

Whitebeard took a few sips of the redhead’s wine, and a trace of memory flashed on his face.

Because of the relationship of hanging needles every day.

He hadn’t drunk for a long time now.

“Roger… Karp…… Warring States …, there are not many heroes left who galloped across the sea! ”

“Twenty-two years, this is also very normal!”

The speed of renewal of the sea is really very fast.

The redhead’s mind instantly remembered the days when he was an intern.

This is really a little nostalgic!

“You also broke out of the sky, you were just an intern imp on Roger’s ship, we and Roger often clashed, and I accidentally remembered your appearance during the fight between each other!”

Thinking of this, Whitebeard laughed loudly: “I originally thought that the red nose that was with you at that time had returned to heaven, but I didn’t expect that he actually reappeared in another way now!” ”


The redhead remembered when he was in Rogue Town.

After Roger’s execution, he invited Bucky.

As a result, the other party did not leave with him.

And then even if he lost contact, he also saw Bucky in the bounty order and in the news recently.

Reappeared in the public eye.

And also joined the hottest pirate group at the moment!

Including Hawkeye, too…

The last time they met in a hurry, they didn’t have time to get to know this person.

What kind of charm is he had.

Even a lone ranger like Hawkeye would choose to join his pirate group!

“Time is just a rush for me, but a man like you lost his arm in the East China Sea, I believe everyone will be surprised, who cut off your left arm?”

Although Whitebeard’s face was not very concerned, his eyes looked at the redhead’s left arm, and the hint of curiosity in his tone could not be hidden.

It is unimaginable that a man like a redhead would lose his arm in the weakest sea, the East Sea.

“I… Bet on him on the new era! ”

A hint of solemnity flashed in the redhead’s eyes.

Now the sea has also been stormy, and all kinds of heroes have appeared.

He didn’t know how long the situation of the Four Emperors, the Seven Wuhai, and the Navy could last.

But Luffy…

That’s what he bet on in the new era.

The two chatted.

In the end, the redhead turned the topic to Ace.

And it is because of this topic.

The two even pulled out their knives directly at each other.

“Heavens… was cut…”

The pirates, who had retreated, looked above the sky.

It seems that the momentum of the two is directly divided into two sides to confront.

Could this be the combat power of the Four Emperors?

It’s so powerful!

Just one knife gave them a feeling of powerlessness to resist.

In the end, the conversation between the two also ended in unhappiness.

Although at the time of coming.

Shanks had already thought that Whitebeard might not accept his opinion at all.

But I didn’t expect this old man to be so stubborn.

Now things are not as simple as he expected.

The balance of the sea is going to be upset after all.

Once Blackbeard catches Ace, he will definitely use him to make a big fuss.

Blackbeard left a scar on the redhead’s face that year!

Back in the windmill village, the redhead had scars on his face.

But at the time of the Battle of Wall, the redhead did not have a scar on his face at that time.

Later, whether it was Roger’s execution ground, or pulled Jesus into the gang, the red hair covered his face!

That said, the grudge between redheads and blackbeards has a long history.

Blackbeard can hurt redheads.

At the very least, the strength is definitely no worse than the captains of the whitebeard, but the blackbeard can endure.

Ace’s past words are actually not understood, perhaps thinking that he will definitely complete the task.

But he knew in his heart that Blackbeard was not as simple as it seemed.

And there is also a person … Lin Yang!

Now Shanks doesn’t understand him, and he was hunted down and killed when he was in Wano Country before.

I’ve seen it once.

Unexpectedly, it was just this person who had met once.

This is how the situation in the whole sea looks.

What he wants is not clear, nor is he willing to do.

What an eventful time!


“Mom, that guy ran out of Push City again!”

Among the Aunt Pirates, Daifuku ran over with this newspaper.

After seeing this handed over to his aunt, he now felt that his brain couldn’t turn a little.

When he was arrested before, it was the newspaper he brought to his aunt.

Now he escaped with the newspaper.

This person is really strange, is he going to promote tourism in the city?

Just go in and come out!

“Momomomo, it’s kind of interesting that this guy was able to escape from the city unscathed!”

“That… What about marriage? ”

Previously, because Lin Yang had been caught by the navy.

So the aunt’s side directly canceled this matter.

People are already pushing into the city.

And marry a hairy ah.

But now the tide seems to have reversed a bit.

So will the marriage continue as before?

“Wait until this little devil comes to the new world, if you don’t come to the new world, everything is empty talk!”

None of this has yet come to the New World.

Auntie’s mind is naturally very light.

Judging by the personality of the world government and the navy.

He would definitely not let Lin Yang go just like that, before entering the new world.

He could all be caught again.

Therefore, Auntie will not put her mind on a person who has not even come to the new world.

Unless it’s coming.

When you come to the new world, everything can be considered, but if you don’t come, it’s all empty talk.

“Knowing mom, then I’ll go down first!”

Daifuku nodded, and then turned and left directly.

Auntie’s mind changed really fast.

But Daifuku didn’t dare to say anything more, even though it was their mother.

But what the aunt did, in fact, many times she was using her own force to suppress this group of people.


On the territory of Alabastan.

Holding the newspaper in his hand, Yamato’s heart flashed with joy.

Sure enough, he escaped from inside the city.

Although there is not much description on the surface, as long as the person escapes from the inside, this is fine.

“Did the captain escape from the inside, and it seems that he has found someone new?”

The newspapers described Wald and Hiliu leaving with them.

It seems that there are new people to join their pirate group?

Now Yamato and they have entered the territory of Alabastan.

Because Dongli and Brocky, two tall giants, were in the team.

So in order to avoid detection, they generally choose to travel when there are fewer people.

Then hide in broad daylight.

But fortunately, there are actually fewer people in the desert.

So they have not been detected, but this speed is much slower.

But after coming to the rain.

They also investigated some intelligence.

Probably some of the situation is clear.

I just waited for Lin Yang to come over and make a move.

“And our bounty has all gone up!!”

Bucky looked at his already 200 million Bailey reward.

He didn’t do anything, and he could actually raise the bounty.

I didn’t dare to think about it when I was in the East China Sea before.

“Raising the bounty is not necessarily a good thing, it may be that what the captain did in the advance city is estimated to have aroused the ideas of the world government and the navy, and we will definitely be hunted down by the navy in a large area after that!”

Hawkeye picks up his bounty order.

The bounty that has remained unchanged for many years above has also become 1.2 billion at this time.

This time, it is estimated that the navy side is very angry, otherwise it would not have made a big release of this.

“Being hunted down…”

Nami thought that she would have to face the pursuit of the navy every day in the future.

Now they are a little shivering, she is a weak chicken-like existence in this team.

If you are hunted down, is it faster to die?

No way!

Be sure to exercise well in the future…

But the thought of exercising made Nami a little deflated.

She really has no talent for exercise, and Bucky is a little later than her.

The two were actually in sync for a long time, but Bucky’s progress could be seen every day.

On her own, Lin Yang felt that she was not very good after training for a while before, so let her practice the basics.

Or will it be from Lin Yang?

I believe that with his protection, in fact, I don’t exercise and there is nothing.

Handsome, saved yourself and still has money, this is completely ideal!

It is necessary to think about the last time!

“I don’t know when he’ll be back!”

Yamato looked at the sky, she had given Lin Yang her own life card before.

Just follow this to find their location.

Since he has escaped, he should be seen soon.

Come to think of it.

Although they hadn’t seen each other for a long time, after seeing him escape from the Push City.

Yamato’s originally tense heart gradually relaxed.


“Let’s go here, I’m going to Alabastan later, Wald, you’re almost recovered, right?”

This time.

Lin Yang was with Wald and Hiliu all the way to Alabastan.

“No problem, come on!”

Although it has not yet reached the strongest state of its own strength.

But Wald feels pretty much the same now.

“Xiliu, go farther!”

This battle is sure to be widespread.

Momo Fruit he really wanted to see it.

“Little ghost, although you saved me, I won’t leave my hand in this battle, of course, if you want to admit defeat, just say it!”

Wald actually admired Lin Yang.

This man came to advance the city and attacked at the speed of light.

And also saved himself, in a sense is also his own lifesaver.

If Lin Yang were not there, it is estimated that he would have to stay in Advance City for the rest of his life.

But on the other hand, Wald actually has a bit of a rejection of the word partner.

It was because his partner betrayed his relationship.

He will eventually be captured by the navy and thrown into the city.

But since Lin Yang saved his life, even if he wins, he will keep his life.

And whether the other party wants to join him or not, he will not say anything.

In Walder’s opinion, the other party could not win it in the first place.

Maybe it’s a young relationship, not seeing the horror of the older generation of pirates.

His heyday was not something this little ghost could imagine.

“Otherwise, I’ll make a circle here, and if you can beat me out of this circle, it’s considered that I lost!?”

Lin Yang took out the demon sword, and then drew a circle of about one meter around him.

He’s standing in this if Wald can knock himself out of it.

Even if he loses.

“Captain, this is crazy, isn’t it…”

At this moment, it is unknown that the cigar fell to the ground.

Isn’t the captain I just recognized a little too big.

Wald is very clear who believes that as long as it is going to sea, and has understood the estimation of the previous batch of pirates.

Back then, they competed with Roger and Whitebeard for hegemony.

This Lin Yang actually said that if he went out in this circle, it would be counted as his loss?

“Little ghost, do you know what you’re talking about?”

Wald’s face instantly became gloomy, and even his voice gradually became a little chilly.

Look down on him?

He actually drew a circle and said that in this circle, once he went out, he would be considered a loser.

Today’s young people really don’t know the height of the sky.

Wouldn’t he think that he had saved his life, and that Wald would really stay after a while?

If Lin Yang had such an attitude, he felt that there was no need for him to keep his hand.

“I know what I’m talking about, in fact, I’m still looking forward to you before I come out!”

“There are only a few I can see in Advance City, but to be honest… I’m a little disappointed right now…”

Of course, Lin Yang knew what he was talking about.

But he wouldn’t think he was Wald decades ago.

To be honest, if it weren’t for seeing his Momo fruit.

Lin Yang was actually quite disappointed.

This is too weak, but think about it, it is almost eighty years old.

This age was in his previous world, all of whom were aged at home, and they were all about to step into the coffin board.

It is quite normal for the strength to decline.

“Little ghost remember what you said now, don’t beg me for mercy later!”

Wald took a deep breath.

Since the other party said so, he became Lin Yang.

Just don’t beg for mercy like a coward!

“There is a good show, let me see your real strength… Captain…”

He was actually very unfamiliar with Lin Yang’s strength.

This is an opportunity to take a good look.

What kind of level is his strength!

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