Standards are standards, but at least the person you like is not from the navy and cannot be a pirate.

How can she still behave if this is passed out, a senior admiral of the navy headquarters is a backup, although it seems to the outside world that she has defected now, but in the end, she will go back in the future!

This is just an undercover mission.

“Tina thinks it’s good, it’s a pity that it’s a pirate!”

In fact, if Lin Yang is the navy, maybe Tina is really moved now.

The strength can be counted as a general level, and this looks better than the three major generals?

The most important thing is that there are several people in the navy who look like him at present, even if they have that strength?

So to say that this level of relationship here means that they are actually impossible.

“Yes, or you try to be with him really too, so that it can be natural, not to mention that you can be with him justifiably and not be punished later!”

Gion smiled and said his suggestion.

In her opinion, if Tina did what she had planned.

Not only in love with the ideal type, but also with intelligence.

And after that, you can continue to return to the Navy, such a good way was finally thought of by yourself.

Tina couldn’t thank herself properly!

“I really want to thank you very much, then if I like him, the next second I will directly betray you!”

A trace of contempt flashed in Tina’s eyes, why didn’t Gion do this kind of thing.

He also suggested that he could do this, which is not to reap the benefits of the fisherman.

It’s quite beautiful to think about, if you really like Lin Yang at that time, see if she doesn’t sell Gion directly.

I really dare to think that they came to go undercover and not to fall in love.

How can there be so many messy ideas, and it is better to think about what reasons to use to seem more natural to mix in later.

“Wow! So ruthless, Tina, then I will betray you in advance! ”

Gion smiled and grabbed Tina, looking like she had been seen through.

However, the solemn atmosphere before has now completely disappeared.

Being reminded by Tina, she also understood it at this time.

This may not be as difficult as I think.

Sometimes they don’t need to think too complicated about a thing, just like the task given to them by the Warring States before.

She thought that she had to complete the task immediately, so she directly fell into a strange circle.

But fortunately, it came out.

Now the two are not as nervous as before.

According to the plan, if you don’t get close to Lin Yang for the time being, you can choose to join the pirate group at this time.

This is relatively simple.

The reason has already been found, and on the one hand, they can hit the world government in the face.

And Tina herself is a captain in the Navy, and her combat effectiveness is not bad.

And Gion is a replacement for the general, although there is still a gap between the strength and the general, but overall it is also a high-end combat effectiveness.

The navy and the world government have investigated before, and Lin Yang’s pirate group currently lacks this kind of high-end combat effectiveness.

So after they joined it, it was definitely what Lin Yang wanted to see.

Although they will temporarily doubt their purpose, as long as they are honest during this period of time, there will be no trouble.

After that, you can slowly integrate into the pirate group and win their trust before starting to plan.

“Okay, don’t make trouble, hurry up and let go of Tina!”

Tina struggled twice, seeing that Gion didn’t care about this kind of thing at all, but she couldn’t do it.

The two women playing here look a little strange, and Tina’s personality itself has a bit of a boy’s look.

It is also commonly known as the straight girl of steel, so although she knows that Gion has no intention of messing with herself for this kind of thing.

But after all, she felt that she couldn’t accept it a little.

“Shy!? Tina didn’t expect your mind to be so impure! ”


Tina doesn’t know how to explain this to Gion now.

But this matter gave her the feeling that if she kept entangled in this matter, she would definitely be pulled by Gion all the time.

Gion’s personality is very clear to her, and she may be a relatively cold person in front of the public, but her personality in private is clear to anyone who is familiar with her.

This personality is really torturous sometimes.

Seeing that Tina didn’t seem to have any intention of talking to herself, Gion pouted, and a trace of boredom flashed in her heart.

If Tina kept telling herself this, maybe she would still be motivated.

If this is changed to her own constant like this, it actually doesn’t feel too meaningful.


“Catch up, hurry up, if my two house-filling wives don’t find it, then I will make sure you look good!”

At this time, Charros Saint angrily ordered the people around him to act quickly.

The battleship that he had always been proud of before seemed a little slower to him.

It seems that I will have to find a time to change to a better one in the future.

But at the same time, he also has a trace of eagerness in his heart now, and he has been chasing Gion and Tina according to the intelligence in the past few days.

He couldn’t wait any longer, but he hadn’t arrived yet.

“It’s about to arrive at Lord Charros Saint, the direction the other party is going is to go to the capital of seven waters, if we go over now, we can intercept the two of them in the capital of seven waters!”

If the Gion women are heading for the new world, they have nothing to do.

Even if they mess around again, Draco will definitely not go to the New World.

What is inside there, they all know here.

But in Gion, they are going in the first half of the Great Voyage.

For the world government that firmly controls the first half and the four seas.

Here it can be said that the Draco is domineering.

He came out with his bodyguards, and once he encountered something, he would have a general to protect them.

So this also creates their arrogant and domineering character.

“I don’t care where it is, anyway, I just need to arrest them quickly!”

Charros Saint doesn’t care so much, now he has these two beauties in his head.

If he couldn’t get it back quickly, he felt like he was going crazy.

And one of them was a general backup before, and I don’t know why it is such a woman.

He just felt very interesting.

In the past, the world government and the five old stars did not let them put their hands into the navy!?

Now is the opportunity to capture two former navies, and he can also be treated as navies.

Grab it and be your own aunt, and then throw it away or use it as a slave when you get tired of it.

The thought of two navies becoming his slaves, and one of them once a senior general backup, he was already excited now.

The butler on the side quickly flashed a trace of helplessness, but he also quickly ordered: “Hurry up and hurry up!” Didn’t hear the order of Saint Lord Charros? Delay you can afford the responsibility no, you group really haven’t eaten! ”

With Charros Saint here, the Draco butler was also commanding the people around him with a high toe at this time.

Although there is quite a feeling of fox fake tiger power, it is already very useful to him.

With his strength, if he wanted to order these people who were stronger than him, I didn’t know how much stronger, had no chance at all.

Now is it not to be ordered by such a strengthless person as yourself?

So he often thinks about it, even if he becomes a Draco dog, isn’t this better than becoming a strong person?

The strong still have to be instructed by themselves, this … It’s the power of power!


“Boss, where are we going now, if you want to find something, you can tell me!?”

After Anilu finished eating, he followed Lin Yang and kept turning left and right.

Lin Yang seemed to be looking for something.

Could it mean that there is something here that Lin Yang is worth looking for here?

I don’t know exactly what’s going on, but it seems that I can help if I’m looking for someone.

The thunder fruit is like a humanoid radar at this time.

As long as he told himself the characteristics, he probably knew how to find them.

“Yes, how did I forget you!”

“Good guys… Just forgot about me…”

Anilu covered his head speechlessly, Lin Yang really didn’t notice himself before.

Although Lin Yang probably described Franky’s appearance and the place where he was.

Although he didn’t know exactly where, according to the previous description, the French family should not be in a relatively poor location.

“Are you looking for Frenchy?”

“You know!?”

Just as Anilu was about to use his heart to find out, a person who had heard their conversation on the side of the road asked curiously.

Here, French is a relatively famous person.

It couldn’t be easier to find Franky, just ask some of their locals?

But what did they come to Franky for?

Although at that time, French was seriously injured in order to block the sea train that took Tom.

Fortunately, he used a large amount of steel on a nearby scrapped ship and transformed himself into a Coke-fueled remodeler.

His family register in the Water Capital is registered as Carter Fram.

So the world government only knows him as Carter Flamb.

In addition, the Navy could not find Frankie’s body at that time, so he was declared dead.

So no one else knew he had another name for French.

But in the capital of seven waters, everyone except the iceberg thought that Carter Fram was dead.

Although Carter Fram is dead, what does it have to do with him Franky?

Due to the industry relationship they are engaged in, they still know this man named French in the capital of seven waters.

is a standard punk, usually a disintegration businessman, a side job is a bounty hunter, and occasionally makes a cameo appearance as a punk.

But in general, basically he will not go to the trouble of civilians, so although he has a certain popularity.

It’s just limited to visibility.

“That one hundred thousand Baileys here, how about you take me to find Frankie!?”

Since someone knows where Franky is, then there is no need to look for it yourself.

The other party also gladly accepted this hundred thousand Bailey, which is also a good income for ordinary people.

And it’s just to show the other party the way.

Came to the door of a small, dilapidated house, and inside at this time was the French House.

Seeing that he had brought Lin Yang to this side, the man quickly said a word of goodbye and left.

He didn’t want to be involved with Franky’s group, although he didn’t know what Lin Yang did when he came to find French.

But this has nothing to do with him, anyway, Bailey has already earned.

At the door, the three tall people in front of them wanted to enter the Franky House, and Kiew and Moz, who were guarding the gate, quickly stood up and asked, “What are you doing here!?” ”

In general, this place will not be visited.

Once someone comes over, obviously it won’t be a good thing.

They also know in their hearts what they do, and people who come here generally come to seek revenge.

“Is French at home?”


The two looked at each other and saw a hint of clarity in each other’s eyes, exactly as they thought.

They came to find their boss, and these three people looked fierce.

Franky was inside, but the two of them shook their heads repeatedly: “No, do you have anything to do?” When the time comes, my boss will tell him! ”

First figure out the purpose of the other party’s coming here, as for the rest, there is no need to think so much.

At that time, it is better to tell Boss Franky directly whether they have decided to stay here or prepare to run.

Looking at them like this, it seems that they are not here to talk about business with them.

“There are people in the boss, and the person you said before is inside!”

Anilu’s heart can clearly see that the man named Frankie that Lin Yang said before is in this.

The two women in front of them were obviously lying.

A flash of thunder flashed in Anilu, and in an instant it flew out the door behind the two of them.

Franky, who was inside, couldn’t help but open his slightly misty eyes at this time.

It’s really strange that people actually came in this big daylight.

If you look at this posture, it seems that you are here to find something specifically.

“Hey, what are you guys doing here to disturb Uncle Ben’s sleep?”

“Our boss is looking for you!”

Anilu didn’t rush to move, and Lin Yang didn’t say his purpose before coming.

If he was Lin Yang’s friend, wouldn’t it be a little embarrassing if he made a move himself?

He Anilu is not the kind of person without brains.

“You?” Frankie looked Lin Yang up and down, and then wondered, “What’s the matter with me?” ”

I don’t remember seeing this person, is it business with myself?

But his voice is not that ordinary people will come to him, generally speaking, some old people will come to him.

And when the newcomers came together, they were also brought by the old people.

“How about I have two separate words with you?”


Frankie sat up straight, and then asked a few people around him to go out and wait outside.

As for Anilu and Weber, they were also called out by Lin Yang.

French poured himself a cup of Coke, and then lifted Erlang’s legs and said leisurely: “Say, what are you looking for me for!” ”

Since the other party has something to find him, then there is no need to be so nervous.

It seems that he is from abroad, maybe it has something to do with their ships.

After all, most of the people who come here to talk about things rely on this.

“The design of Hades is in your hands!”


Franky’s face changed in surprise, he never thought that the other party would directly say that the Hades design was here.

Seriously, this is really what he is.

However, the expression on his face was only for a moment, but it was quickly concealed and said: “Hades design drawing!? I don’t know what you’re talking about! ”

This thing was given to him by Tom, how could it be handed over to Lin Yang.

Besides, how can this kind of thing be handed over directly.

“It used to be in Tom’s hands, Tom saw that you had a talent for making cannon weapons at a young age, adopted him and worked under him, and the 35 battleship Frankie Battle invented was used by the then CP5 commander Spandam, so that Tom was charged with attacking the judicial ship and escorted to the hall of Ainiace, and then you were seriously injured in order to block the sea train, everyone thought you were dead, but in fact, you just changed your name and continued to survive!”

What Lin Yang said made Franky have no way to refute it at all.

That’s exactly what he said, but it’s been so many years.

Why would the other party know so clearly, is he a member of the world government?

Has he already found here?

However, this design drawing should also be investigated to investigate the iceberg.

Hades has always been in the hands of the iceberg before.

But four years after he was hit, he met his senior brother Iceberg in the form of a transformed person.

Iceberg entrusts him with the design of the ancient weapon Hades that the world government has been watching, and asks him to leave the water capital and give up his real name.

But of course, he refused to leave, and continued to live on the island under the name Frankie.

Because the Franky Battle Horn he created hurt his mentor, leaving an indelible shadow in his heart.

And the interest in building battleships also drew a rest, and the French 36 was also the last work.

Although he did not choose to leave, Iceberg still handed over the blueprints of Hades to himself.

Frankie collected his excess emotions, he now knew in his heart that no matter what the identity of the other party looked like.

But the other party is coming towards Hades, which will never be allowed.

This thing must not appear in this world.

He had seen Hades before, although there were many that he couldn’t understand.

But one thing Franky is very clear about, once Hades appears in this world, it will definitely cause turmoil in this world.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about, and my name is Frankie, if you don’t have anything to do, please leave, don’t disturb my sleep!”

He had slept well before, but after being woken up by Lin Yang, he couldn’t sleep at all now knowing the news.

But there is no way to do this, he can only find a reason to send Lin Yang away.

But since the other party was so sure of finding himself, he directly said the matter.

Obviously, I was prepared, and it should not be so simple to want to fool the past.

“You know very well in your heart, and I want to tell you that I am not a member of the World Government, but the people of the World Government have noticed you, and it won’t be long before CP9 will act, and this organization doesn’t need me to talk to you more, right?”

I believe that for this CP9 on Justice Island, French will definitely not be a stranger.

After all, his own teacher once died in this frame, and the shadow of CP9 was in it who made this frame-up.

For so many years, he originally thought that with Tom’s death, in fact, this matter can be regarded as a dust settler.

The world government did not continue to investigate the design of Hades, but did not think that it was actually transferred underground.

“I don’t care what you say that I haven’t heard at all, I just want to get out of here if you have nothing to do now!”

“What do you say the world government will do for the design of Hades, and the lives of the entire people of the Seven Waters Capital will not be taken into account by them, right?”

Without following Frankie’s meaning, Lin Yang’s inexplicable words made Franky feel a pang of tension in his heart.

Hades is the worst warship in the history of shipbuilding, a super battleship built by the capital of seven waters, which can destroy an island with one shot, and now sleeps somewhere in the world.

The construction drawings left behind were held by Franky’s master Tom and later handed over to Franky for safekeeping.

The world government has always feared and longed for Hades, and the top officials of the world government have repeatedly expressed their desire to obtain Hades to end the era of sea thieves.

They have never given up on this thing, if the other party knows that this thing is in themselves.

No matter what method is used, the world government will definitely do everything to get this in its hands.

How can he be an opponent in the face of a world government!?

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