Gion and Tina were in no hurry to leave.

Their purpose here is to choose to join Lin Yang’s pirate group.

Therefore, if they leave now, it is definitely impossible for them to have such a natural opportunity to join in the future.

But the Draco in front of them didn’t know what to do at this time.

According to their previous duties, they must protect Draco.

This is a duty in the Navy, although they are not very willing in their hearts.

Now the two of them are not in a hurry to act, they are not currently in the Navy.

And the situation has not completely deteriorated.

If you take action at this time, you are likely to reveal your future plans.

“Then why don’t you stay here in the Holy Land and do here!?”

Lin Yang turned his head to look at Tina and Gion on the other side.

I used to think that this was a plan made by the Navy, but now it seems to be a little different.

Even if it is a plan, it is impossible to really get Draco.

And looking at Draco like this, I can’t wait to pounce before.

In this case, even if the plan is caught by the Draco, then they will definitely not let them go.

And even if you can’t catch it, Draco will be injured at that time.

So no matter what, calling Draco over is a complete fool’s act.

People in the Navy and the World Government will not be unclear.

“Kill this bastard for me!”

A trace of fierceness flashed on Charross’s face, and this guy actually asked himself what he was doing here when he saw that he didn’t kneel.

As a Draco, he can go anywhere, do you still need to report to him?


The CP0 bodyguard knew very well what the combat effectiveness of this person in front of him was.

It seems that his words do not have much chance of victory, but Draco does not care so much.

This guy in front of him is already offending Draco.

If he was not killed, he felt that there was no way to maintain his majesty.

“Don’t hurry up, are you trying to make the Charros Saint Master angry?”

The Draco butler on the side didn’t care so much, they were arrogant and domineering before.

Even if this person’s strength is strong, what can he do?

Is it still better than the world government and the navy?

No one wants to provoke Draco, and basically Shanghai thieves will hide a little when they encounter them.

This thing is not strong, but if it is messed with, it is simply a big one. Troublesome.

“Anilu, you come and try, the strength of this CP0 is not very strong, just when you just came down to try it first, but be careful what I told you before!”

There are two kinds of devil’s fruits that restrain nature in this world.

One is sea lou stone, and the other is armed color domineering.

As for the seawater, they will naturally have no problem fighting in the town.

The sea lou stone is what Anilu needs to pay attention to, as for the armed color domineering, as long as it is avoided in advance, there is no problem.

Moreover, Anilu’s domineering spirit itself is very strong, so as long as his brain is not sick or the other party’s strength is not much stronger than him.

Basically, there will be no problems.

“Boss, I want to fight too!”

Weber naturally didn’t want to be worse than Anilu at this time.

If he can, why can’t he go on it?

Thinking of this, he quickly said that he would also participate in this battle.

For Qinghai’s combat effectiveness, his current knowledge is relatively small.

This time is also an opportunity.

“Those are for you!”

There were also several bodyguards around Draco.

Webb’s words should be fine, and it really can’t be done to let Bucky go up with him.

Don’t look at Bucky’s expression that I can’t get on now, but if I can’t beat Bucky, he will choose to go up.

“Boss, actually, I…”


Bucky hadn’t finished speaking, but now he was immediately holding back what he wanted to say before.

If you want to look at it according to this, I really want to say this.

Lin Yang would definitely beat himself to death.

Still don’t say it.

In fact, he was still a little afraid in his heart, after all, it was Draco as a person who had always lived in Qinghai.

The heart is still more or less afraid.

However, in the face of Lin Yang’s pressure, he felt that if he said not to himself today.

I’m afraid I’m going to be hung up and beaten.

“Yay, hey! Is it finally Benjin’s turn to strike!? ”

A hint of excitement flashed in Anilu’s eyes, he had been in Qinghai for a while.

In the past, Lin Yang had always refused to let himself make a move.

Now that he finally had the opportunity to make a move, how could he not be excited!

And CP0 on the side was obviously relieved at this time, if it weren’t for Lin Yang’s move, he might have tried it.

I’ll see if there’s a chance to escape with Charros Saint.

This time when he came here, he felt that he had poured blood mold for eight lifetimes.

For the sake of two women, I actually met this madman.

But even so, for CP0 it is its own task.

He didn’t have any right to complain, after all, the Draco were essentially their masters.

Solve the person in front of you first.

“Hey, hey, your guys over there!”

Anilu looked at Webb’s appearance, wouldn’t it be to rob someone and fight with himself?

He didn’t agree to this, it was obvious that this person was the strongest here.

And Lin Yang said to let himself come.

It’s good to have a little first-come, first-come-first-served awareness!

“I know idiot!”

Webb took a deep breath of his cigarette.

Didn’t he understand what Lin Yang said before?

The people here are standing in a pile, and if he wants to go over, he is obviously facing here.


Seeing this, Anilu didn’t say much, but CP0 on the side was a little angry.

What are these two guys thinking of themselves?

I actually picked it up at random here, I don’t really think I’m a soft persimmon, right?

Thinking of this, CP0 took the lead and came directly to Anilu’s eyes.

And Anilu seemed to have no reaction at this time, standing straight in place.

This inevitably made a trace of contempt flash in his heart.

Before I was talking here who I wanted to fight with myself, but now it seems that I can’t even react to my own attack, so I am embarrassed to say this?

But thinking about it, at this time, his movements were also quite clever, and he kicked it directly.

But the next second, his foot went straight through Anilu’s body.

And the place where he was kicked before was also broken in the middle at this time, and there was still flashing thunder and lightning.


A hint of surprise flashed in CP0’s eyes, it could be elementalized and there was still thunder and lightning in the middle.

It didn’t need to be said, he also knew what kind of fruit it was.

The physique becomes electric, and physical attacks are ineffective against it.

Thunder fruit!

They had seen it before on the Devil Fruit Guide.

Even the devil fruit that the world government had been looking for, but he didn’t expect that it had been eaten and was still in Lin Yang’s pirate group.

It can fluidize the body into lightning, ineffective for normal physical attacks, and can hide in conductors.

It can release high-voltage currents to attack at will, and can move at lightning speed.

It can also use electric waves to strengthen the domineering range, and even use the ability to shock itself to revive after being seriously injured.

Thunderbolt has energy, which can be used as spacecraft power and robot power, which is equivalent to the owner having inexhaustible electrical energy.

One of the strongest natural fruits!

It is not that there have been no people with thunder fruit abilities before.

In the records, after each appearance, whether it is the end of the navy or a pirate.

They all caused great trouble to their opposing forces.

It has super attack power, can release terrifying high-voltage currents, is also extremely fast, and has terrifying destructive power, and has electrotherapy ability.

This can be said to be a relatively comprehensive ability.

Now his mentality has changed a little.

If only you had felt that you could easily solve this person.

Now he only hopes that the ability development of this guy in front of him is not very powerful, and it is best not to be too strong in domineering, and it is best to be weak in physical skills.

“Those who are capable of the Thunder Fruit… It seems that his pirate group has some more strong people during this time…”

Gion looked at this ability from the side, and a hint of surprise flashed in his heart.

This fruit actually appeared, and it was still in Lin Yang’s pirate group.

Looking at this, the Thunder Fruit Ability seemed to have great respect for Lin Yang.

This is not good news, this pirate group seems to have been a little irrepressible.

Although there was a discussion of Lin Yang’s pirate group in the navy headquarters before.

At present, there are high-end combat effectiveness but not much, the middle combat power is what they lack the most, and the lower level can definitely be supplemented as long as they have a reputation.

That’s why the Navy is so eager to get rid of them quickly.

After all, once they are formed, this pirate group will definitely not stay in the new world as safely as the other four emperors.

Even if Lin Yang’s pirate group wanted to enter the new world and pull down a Four Emperors.

In fact, for the navy, not only will it not do anything, but it may also secretly provide a little intelligence.

After all, the battle between the two pirate regiments, no matter how you look at it, is definitely a super good thing for their navy.

But obviously the other party didn’t think so.

And Weber’s side, although its own combat effectiveness is not as high as Anilu.

But except for this CP0, all the rest of the protection around Draco are not very strong.

He was relatively easy to solve.

However, this group of people around Draco are basically desperately protecting.

After all, if the Draco died, they would almost be considered dead.

So you have to work hard.

And CP0’s side is obviously a little anxious.

Seeing that Draco’s side was about to be solved at this time, he didn’t have time to think about it, he wanted to take Draco away immediately.

But the voice that suddenly sounded in his ears made him break out in a cold sweat: “When you fight with me, you have to lose your mind, 60 million volts Thunder Dragon!” ”

Anilu struck the taiko drums on both shoulders, revealing the thunder and lightning he had created out of the taiko drums.

And this thunder dragon instantly engulfed CP0 before he could react.

“I actually resisted hard…”

A hint of surprise flashed in Anilu’s eyes, this thunder dragon party actually did nothing.

Just relying on the body to carry it, can it be that the physical strength of the people in Qinghai is so strong?

But in the next second, he also saw a hint, which seemed to have a layer of power on it.

Armed color domineering …

During this time, he has been training in physical skills, and he is armed with domineering.

It’s all too familiar with this trick.

“Okay, it’s all solved on my side!”

Anilu turned to look at Weber’s side, at this time Draco was talking ruthlessly but was trampled under Weber’s feet.

He came down from the empty island, and naturally he was not afraid of any Draco.

Even when he is a little annoyed now, he will kick Draco.

This guy has already been caught, can’t he be quiet?

I really find myself a job.

“Do you bastards know what they are doing now, and dare to offend the nobles of the world!”

CP0 felt that he couldn’t breathe a little at this time, and his pupils were constantly dilated.

Draco was actually trampled underfoot!

As long as Draco is beaten, he will be personally maintained by the admiral, one of the highest combat forces in the naval headquarters.

Therefore, everywhere the Draco went, everyone was in a hurry.

Even the pirates who do nothing evil around Draco are obedient like babies and dare not make a second time.

“And then, the last time I told the people of the World Government not to let me meet Draco, didn’t they tell you?”

Lin Yang was a little curious.

If I remember correctly, I told the world government.

Don’t let yourself meet Draco, otherwise they will know what cruelty is.

But now looking at their dazed looks, it seems as if the five old stars did not tell these Draco.

But think about it, fortunately, the five old stars did not tell this group of Draco.

Otherwise, he really wouldn’t have met Draco, at least not here.

He appeared in the capital of seven waters, and this day the dragon actually sent it himself.

What a nice guy!

“Tell what!?”

A hint of doubt flashed in CP0’s eyes.

Seriously, I really didn’t tell them anything before I came out.

Did something happen before?

When they left before, they were actually not notified, because Charros Saint was in a hurry to leave.

So after preparing my things, I talked to the others and left.

It is estimated that the family members who know that San Charles Ross left are his family.

“Last time I told Sengoku to be careful in the future, if I were to catch a Draco… I’m going to broadcast him live and publicly execute him…”

A cruel smile flashed at the corner of Lin Yang’s mouth, and it should feel quite cool to kill the Draco!

And it is also directly broadcast in public, which is not only provoking the world government.

In the end, it can also be shown to people all over the world that Draco is not unkillable!


CP0 was shocked after listening to it, there is actually such a thing.

But at the same time, the mood is also low at this time, if you can try to use the prestige of the Draco to let the other party go at the beginning.

Now it seems unlikely, the other party not only will not leave, but also want to arrest a Draco for public execution.

This kind of thing had never happened before, was he really crazy?

Once he did this, then neither the World Government nor the Draco would let him go in the future.

“You’re going to execute Ben Sheng!?”

Charros Saint still retained a trace of arrogance on his face at this time, but at the same time, he couldn’t help but feel a little afraid in his heart.

He just came out to catch the beauty as before.

But now there would be such a thing, which he did not expect.

His own life has not been enough, but he is a Draco, how can he die like this.

The more he thought about it, the more he felt that a trace of fear was spreading and expanding in his heart.

He still has decades to play, but now he doesn’t want to die at all.

Thinking of this, Charros Saint also screamed at this time: “Hurry up and call the general, and the two former navies over there hurry up to protect this saint, otherwise I will definitely not let you go in the future!” ”

Now for Charros St.

As long as it can be used, he must use it, and he wants to live.

Even Gion and Tina were no longer navy at this time.

But he was already used to it, and he couldn’t take care of so much at this time.

Let this group of people drag and go quickly, and when the big future is here, they will be safe.


Gion and Tina looked at each other.

Now before their eyes are two choices.

One is to protect the Draco, and the other is to continue their mission.

Looking at the hysterical Draco who was yelling.

I don’t know if it’s because of the previous incident, and even a trace of happiness suddenly flashed in the hearts of the two.

Unexpectedly, Draco was just like this, and they were also afraid of death.

“Still stunned to do something, hurry up and protect this saint!”

Charros Saint looked at Gion, who was still indifferent, and Tina, and couldn’t help but roar at this time.

Don’t these two guys see that they are being trampled under the feet of a pariah?

After making eye contact between Tina and Gion, they finally chose not to act.

Let’s not mention that there is a special task on him, which has been arranged before.

Everything is based on their own tasks, plus they do not think that they can save Charros Saint under the opposing side.

Lin Yang was still watching on the side and did not make a move.

Now there is no chance to strike at all, and it will even expose them.

Finally, there was an opportunity, and then I could only wait until I mixed up with the ship and tell the Navy the news.

Come and let them come to the rescue.

“It’s really noisy, don’t you think about being an elegant Draco at this time?”

A hint of ridicule flashed at the corner of Lin Yang’s mouth, a creature like Draco was really magical.

At this time, you know how important your life is.

However, he was quite curious, would Gion and Tina help now?

He also knew very well in his heart that even if the other party wanted to make a move, it was impossible to take people away from his hands.

And CP0, who is still fighting with Anilu, is obviously smarter than Charros Saint.

Seeing this situation, he naturally knew that it was impossible to leave unless it was the two of them.

They used to be in the Navy, but now they are not.

But he could only gamble, and taking advantage of the gap between blocking Anilu’s move, he quickly shouted: “As long as you take Lord Charros away, the previous incident can be solved, and we will give up hunting and killing you, including the navy!” ”

“You guy and mine actually lost their minds twice!”

This time it was Anilu’s turn to get a little angry.

When I was playing with myself before, I was distracted once, but now I start to remind the people behind me when I hit myself.

Is it really when you don’t exist?

Thinking of this, Anilu’s eyes couldn’t help but flash a trace of haze.

The golden staff in his hand was instantly smelted into a sharp spear by his thunder and lightning.

It was covered with thunder and lightning, and in an instant, it pierced the other party’s shoulder.


If he hadn’t reacted quickly, CP0 felt that this move was originally aimed at his heart.

Now that this state is getting worse and worse, they really can’t help it if they are still indifferent.

It’s just that only Tina and Gion know this.

They would not have been hunted down, and if Charros Saint hadn’t come with them, there would have been no problem at all.

This guy is definitely not enough to succeed.

Seeing this situation, CP0 knew that he could not change this situation.

I took out my video phone worm and recorded everything here, and then quickly sent it out.

And in the next second, a thunderbolt instantly passed through his body.

Although Anilu has tried to destroy this phone bug in his hand as fast as he can.

But this has also been sent over, looking at everything that has been dealt with.

Now he couldn’t help but breathe a sigh of relief in his heart, and the call for help had been sent.

I can only look at other people, and now he is estimated to be dead.

Seeing that he had sent a message before he died, Anilu was now shocked and angry in his heart.

It was actually sent out by him, and his battle this time was a complete defeat in his opinion!

Originally, it was reasonable to say that such people should not be able to resist in their own hands.

Looking at CP0, who was about to die, a haze flashed in Anilu’s eyes.

Instantly falling from the air, a huge thunder pillar ended CP0’s life.

The more he thought about it, the more angry he became.

“Ahem, Anilu is dead, this time it’s not bad, but the combat experience is a little less, let’s work hard next time!”

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