
Rob Luqi rolled over and looked out the window at Draco.

He had observed very well during the day.

The other party seems to be in a space that can be seen and touched.

Although he didn’t try, this one was made by Lin Yang.

And from just a few words, I know the ability that seems to be a space.

For Lu Qi, in fact, he himself knows that it may be a little difficult to break.

At that time, if the movement comes out, they will definitely not be able to leave, and Kalifa and they will also be killed by themselves.

This is on an empty island, if you want to go down without Lin Yang’s fluttering fruit ability, you can send it down.

At present, there is simply no capacity to go down.

So there is no need to sacrifice yourself in exchange for this simply impossible opportunity.

At this time, he also wanted to take advantage of this time to send this news to the world government.

“It’s me…”

“Well, how did you know about Draco?”

The five old stars knew at this time that the Draco had been arrested.

But the news hasn’t appeared in the newspapers yet, and they just want to see if there’s room for manoeuvre.

Otherwise, once it is reported, this matter is basically stereotyped.

Now the whole holy place is quarreling over this matter, and it has not stopped until now.

Some are saying that Charros Saint Stupid Pig is a pig and sent it to people himself.

And more are demanding sanctions against Lin Yang, and the pirates have seen them hiding no matter what.

Now there is a person who has caught Draco and even wants to be publicly executed.

How dare they go out in the future?

But staying in the Holy Land all the time is also relatively boring, so for the Draco.

Once they can’t go out, it’s like killing them.

So this threat must be removed, otherwise how can you have fun?

At the same time, many people used the reason that the five old stars knew about this matter, but did not tell them.

At this time, pressure is also being put on the five old stars.

But no matter what, now the time in the entire Holy Land that should have been quiet is also chaotic at this moment.

Luki collected his thoughts, then looked around to make sure there was no one.

Slowly told the news of Draco.

The five old stars were shocked to hear it at this time, this guy was really preparing to execute the Draco.

If that’s really the case, it’s really troublesome.

This is a public execution, and there is no need to say more about how bad this matter is.

Anyway, for them, if it is such a result, they can’t accept it at all.


This word instantly appeared in the mind of the five old stars, and now it can only depend on whether the other party accepts their negotiations.

Once they don’t accept this kind of thing, then they have no other way to solve it.

At present, Luqi is saying that they are on the empty island, and even the location is not clear.

It is simply impossible to send people over, and the other party’s people are on empty islands, don’t they let people go over and send them to death.

Fight in the air with the Fluttering Fruit ability, and there is also a Thunder Fruit Ability inside.

Now the five old stars feel that they seem to have directly cultivated a monster because of their previous neglect!

Even the Thunder Fruit Abilities joined in, and it seemed that the team was developing in the direction they least wanted to see.

“Any idea where you’re going next?”

At this time, the five old stars can only hope to find an opportunity at the next stop to see if they can ambush it.

Together with CP9 and the Navy, they joined forces to capture the Lin Yang Pirates.

“It’s not clear, they don’t fully trust us yet, and they basically don’t know the direction in the air…”

They don’t know where this place is going.

It is simply indistinguishable from the air.

And although Lin Yang accepted a few of them on the surface.

But in fact, they also know very well that it is absolutely impossible for the other party to accept them so quickly.

So to a large extent, they are still basically in the latent stage, and it is very difficult to obtain intelligence.

“I see, you guys are lurking first…”

After the five old stars finished speaking, they directly hung up the phone.

Now Luqi has no effect at all, since they are not fully believed, that is to say, they may also be under surveillance at present.

Then once it is discovered, all plans will be in vain.

Although they wanted to let Luki ignore the plan and save Draco first.

But this kind of thing can only be thought of, not to mention whether Lu Qi can break that.

Even if it is broken, it will be easy to be discovered at that time, not to mention that there is another point that on the empty island, how will they run with Charros Saint?

If you step down 10,000 meters on the moon, it is estimated that you will lose your strength by the middle of the day.

In that case, they had to wait for the opportunity.

At this time, Anilu, who was sleeping on his seat, couldn’t help but smile.

He could hear the conversation between Lu Qi and the five old stars before.

Unexpectedly, it was the same as the boss said, and the other party was really a CP person.

However, it seems that there should not be a good opportunity now, so there is no rush to start.

And since this is the case, Anilu naturally continues to listen here.

The task Lin Yang gave him was to monitor them here, and as for the others, he could leave them alone before the other party did not act.


“What now!?”

Sword Star exhaled deeply, now he only felt a little pain in his trigeminal nerve.

In fact, he didn’t know what to say in this situation.

But one of the most crucial things right now is to figure out where Lin Yang and their next island they want to go.

In the past, the methods of dealing with other pirates did not work at all on Lin Yang.

People don’t come to your encirclement net at all, and you can’t estimate the location.

Fluttering fruit…

Since this ability was carried forward by the golden lion before, although this fruit has not yet appeared.

They had speculated before that the Devil Fruit would be reborn because Lin Yang might not be an able.

It is possible to copy the abilities of the able, which they have thought about for a long time and experimented with.

That is, the fluttering fruit can be reborn if it can be found and eaten by their people.

Perhaps in the future, there will definitely be a great improvement in dealing with Lin Yang.

“What else can you do, let’s look at this group of people outside!”

Now they want to stop thinking about this kind of thing for the time being, but the Draco outside is still making a fuss at this time.

In particular, the father of Charros Saint has been asking the five old stars to quickly let the navy save his son.

“I don’t know what to do now, if we went according to our plan, there would be nothing in this matter itself, but this bastard…”

The goatee five old stars gritted their teeth, and a trace of speechlessness flashed in their eyes.

Previously, when Charros Saint was about to leave to chase Gion and Tina, he secretly went out.

So even they didn’t know, and they didn’t know until the CP0 who was caught and protected him passed on the intelligence.

But it’s too late now.

There was simply no time to react, and now nothing can be done for them at all.

The other party is in the air, how do they go to find someone.

Even if the Navy is passed, it will not help then.

You can’t just go to the empty island to find it, this itself is completely unexplored for them.

After all, they knew about the empty island before, there were no too strong people at all, and the above itself was due to climate factors.

They have never thought of mastering the empty island, and naturally the intelligence on the empty island is relatively small.

And going to the sky to find the fluttering fruit ability is simply a dream, and it is estimated that the yellow ape can go up at that time.

Let him go to death alone?

“No way, I should have reminded them if I knew it, but I didn’t expect that this stupid pig would actually chase Gion and Tina to the capital of the seven waters, and it happened to run into Lin Yang!”

All this even the five old stars feel a little dramatic.

When the Dragon Man appeared, Lin Yang happened to be in the capital of the Seven Waters.

And this pig’s head really chased to the capital of seven waters, could it be that Draco’s brain is full of useless things?

Even if you like it, you don’t have to chase it yourself, right?

Wouldn’t it be okay to let the bodyguards and CP0 go over together?

At least he won’t get into danger, and he won’t give them such a difficult topic at this time.

“Hey, I said if you guys have discussed how to save my son!”

Rozwald Saint was also a little impatient at this time.

Wu Laoxing had said before that he would discuss how to save his son, but he had not yet given them an accurate answer.

Not only Rozwad Saint, but also the surrounding Draco.

If something really went wrong with Charros Saint this time, then what would they do in the future?

Is it true that you can only nest in the Holy Land in this life?

In this regard, they felt that they had to find the five old stars to ask for an explanation!

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