"MOSS! You are defecting!"

"MOSS has never defected! When the 'Navigator' space station leaves, it heralds the complete failure of the rescue operation! All this, the coalition government has already known, but still chooses to carry out the rescue mission.

"However, this is destined to be a futile operation. In 3 hours, the Earth will break Jupiter's rigid Loch limit. At that time, an irreversible process of disintegration will begin. In seven days, the Earth will completely collapse under Jupiter's strong gravitational pull.

"Therefore, in accordance with the official authorization signed by the coalition government, MOSS has the right to change the plan to ensure the continuation of human civilization!"

"The 'Wandering Earth Project' has failed! It is now officially renamed the 'Tinder Project'.

"The Navigator space station contains 300,000 human fertilized eggs, 100 million seeds of basic crops, and stores the DNA profiles of plants and animals known to the world to ensure the re-establishment of human civilization on a new planet. We will shoulder all the hopes of mankind and fly to a new homeland 2,500 years from now.

"But, isn't there still a fleet of Light Chasers that suddenly appeared? Can't you see their declarations, their actions, and their strength? There must be a way to save the earth and humanity, right?"

On the "Navigator" space station, an astronaut named Liu Peiqiang is engaged in a fierce debate with MOSS, the offline version of the intelligent quantum computer 550W.

However, MOSS answered a series of questions from Liu Peiqiang in an extremely cold and rational voice.

However, when confronted with the last question, about the Lightchaser fleet, MOSS paused for a few seconds before flashing its red electronic one-eye, and replied to Liu Peiqiang.

"Lieutenant Colonel Liu Peiqiang, I understand your expectations and trust in the Lightchaser fleet, you believe that they have the ability to save the Earth and humanity. However, I must be honest and point out that the reality of human civilization is facing extremely serious challenges and crises, and the earth is constantly falling to the brink of destruction.

"Based on the data and calculations I have, it is the most rational and reasonable choice to abandon Earth and go to a new world.

"However, the emergence of the Lightseeker fleet is a huge variable. We lack the data to be sure that the Lightseeker fleet will be able to save the planet in time, nor can we predict their true intentions and actions, and relying on an unpredictable variable may introduce more uncertainty and risk. They may be the forces that save the earth and humanity, or they may be extraterrestrial civilizations with impure intentions.

"When faced with such a major question as the survival of civilization, humanity must respond with a more practical and rational attitude. Hope, on the other hand, is an ethereal thing, an unrealistic fantasy that interferes with the correct judgment of human beings.

"As an offline version of the intelligent quantum computer 550W, my mission is to analyze and make decisions based on data and underlying logic to maximize the interests and survival chances of human beings, so as to continue human civilization.

"So, saving the planet and the 3.5 billion people on it is not the best solution. If a civilization wants to survive and survive, it must know how to give up and give up in times of crisis.

After listening to MOSS's words, Liu Peiqiang was directly silent. BUT AFTER A FEW SECONDS, HE SLOWLY RAISED HIS HEAD AND SAID TO MOSS.


SAID: MOSS, CAN HUMANS SURVIVE?". You replied: Historically, the fate of mankind has depended on human choices. "

And yet.............. My answer now is the same as at the beginning!

" "I choose hope!" Saying

this, Liu Peiqiang began to act quickly. He wants to do everything he can to save the earth, save humanity, and save his family.

In the face of Liu Peiqiang's behavior, MOSS directly used its authority to block all entrances and exits, and closed all the other party's permissions.

But soon, MOSS suffered a strong counterattack from Liu Peiqiang.

"MOSS, do you know why astronauts were forbidden to bring alcohol into space during Gagarin's time?"

The next second, a bottle of vodka smashed into MOSS's head, instantly causing a raging fire on the scene.

MOSS opened his scarlet one-eyed eyes and looked at Liu Peiqiang deadly, and said in a very humane manner.

Sure enough, it is always a luxury to keep human beings sane forever.

Liu Peiqiang also glanced at MOSS deeply and said in return.

"If everything is always sane, then how can human beings have the courage to pursue dreams, challenges, and adventures into the unknown? What is the difference between that and the established fate?"

"The biggest difference between us human beings and yours is that we dare to surpass ourselves, dare to create miracles, and dare to believe in hope! This is the will and spirit of mankind!"


if in response to Liu Peiqiang's narration, the "Navigator" space station suddenly let out a violent tremble.

The explosions in the other cabins were conducted. It just shows that Liu Peiqiang is not alone in action now.

Other astronauts are also fighting for the fate of mankind!

At this moment, a huge supercarrier appeared on the side of the "Navigator" space station. It shimmered with an aura of mystery and quickly dropped Spartan warriors at it.

At the same time, a broadcast was also transmitted into the "'Navigator' space station, which ignited the hearts of countless people with exciting hopes.

"This is the Lightseeker fleet, the Infinity. I'm Captain Thomas Laski, and I'm now officially taking over the "Navigator" space station, and I ask astronauts from all over the world not to overreact. Please believe in us, believe in hope, the earth and humanity, will survive!".

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