Who let him play Yu-Gi-Oh!

Chapter 104 Finally freed

"My turn, draw a card."

A burst of golden light appeared in Youxuan's cemetery, and two cards were withdrawn.

"The effects of the two 'Killer Snakes' in the graveyard are activated. During your preparation phase, when the 'Killer Snakes' are in the graveyard, you can recover cards in your hand from the graveyard."

Two cards are drawn from the graveyard and returned to the hand.

The Beetle Knight's face twitched.

Replenished ammunition

He already understood how the combination on the opposite side worked. The killer snake was the ammunition that the soldiers of the underworld could never run out of.

Sure enough, Yu Xuan immediately sent one of the killer snakes recovered into his hand back to the cemetery.

"The effect of 'Abyss Soldier' ​​is activated. By discarding the water attribute monster in the hand, any card on the field can be returned to the owner's hand.

Therefore I discard the water attribute ‘Killer Snake’.”

"I knew it!"

Beetle Knight shouted.

"Open the cover card, and the trap card is 'Forgetful'! When an attack position monster on the opponent's field activates an effect, that activation is invalid, and that monster changes to defense position!"

Judai: "Huh? But shouldn't you know that there are announcements on Yu Xuan's side?"

You Xuan raised his eyebrows.

Does this posture seem to have countermeasures to deal with the announcement?

"Interesting, then I'll accept the challenge." You Xuan said, "Then activate Gaika, the permanent trap - the palace's announcement!

All trap cards present on both sides have their effects invalidated! "

The notice recovered by the abyss soldiers once again showed its divine power, and invisible pressure swept across, suppressing the entire venue.

"As expected!" shouted the Beetle Knight, "Counterattack trap - counterattack!

When a trap card is activated, that activation is invalid and that card returns to the owner's deck! "

Sure enough, there are countermeasures.

You Xuan held his chin and nodded slightly.

The force of the counterattack took effect, and the launch of the announcement was immediately forcibly terminated. The trap card turned into a golden light and flew back to the deck on Yuxuan's duel plate, and the deck shuffled by itself.

“Even if it’s the ‘Notice from the Royal Palace’ as a trap nemesis, as long as the activation is disabled before the effect is applied, there’s nothing to be afraid of.

And the effect activated later will be processed first, so when the effect of 'Forgetfulness' is processed, 'Announcement from the Royal Palace' is no longer present, so the effect of the trap card 'Forgetfulness' I activated becomes effective!

Due to the effect of 'Forgetfulness', the activation of 'Abyss Soldier' ​​becomes invalid and changes to defense position! "

The Beetle Knight laughed.

"Just stay here, soldier of the abyss!"

The power of the underworld seemed to be temporarily restrained, and the abyssal soldiers had no choice but to kneel down and crouch temporarily under the trap, temporarily changing to a defensive posture.

[Abyss Soldier, attack power 1800 → defense power 1300]

"In this way, your combination will be broken." The Beetle Knight said proudly.

He could see that whether it was offense or operation, the abyssal soldier was the absolute core of the opponent's tactics. As long as the effect of the Abyss Soldiers is invalidated, there is nothing to be afraid of.

In the next round, his insect army will launch a desperate counterattack and sound the horn of reversal.

Can you still take out the No. 3 machine and give me seconds?

"Open the cover card, the permanent trap - the cry of the living dead." You Xuan said, "Resurrect the monsters in your graveyard in attack position. I choose another 'Abyss Soldier' ​​in the graveyard to resurrect."

Beetle Knight: "."

The vortex of the cemetery opens, and clear water bursts out of it. The soldiers of the Water Tribe leaned out from the abyss and returned to the field. The vortex leading to the underworld beneath them seemed to be blowing out of the dark wind.

You Xuan said it was awesome and the draw was wonderful.

But what are you going to do with the second one?

Having already foreseen the inevitable future that is about to happen, the beetle face has been distorted: "No, no, please forgive me."

However, he didn't expect that You Xuan didn't rush to activate the effect, but calmly showed another card in his hand.

"Equip the magic 'Explosive Flame Penetration' to equip your 'Millennium Scorpion'."

Come on, big brother, you're welcome.

Beetle Knight: "?"

At this juncture, what does it mean to suddenly give yourself equipment?

"Monsters equipped with explosive flame penetration will increase their attack power by 400 points, and when attacking monsters in defense position, if their attack power exceeds their defense power, they can obtain a defense penetration effect." Yu Xuan said with a smile, "You're welcome to give it to you."

[Millennium Scorpion, attack power 2500 → attack power 2900]

When the Thousand-Year Scorpion destroys a monster in battle, its attack power will increase by 500, so its attack power will increase to 2900.

"But of course, you also know that generally powerful power comes with risks. So 'Explosion Penetration' also has a side effect." Yu Xuan explained with a smile, "When this card leaves the field, the equipped monster must be directly removed from the game. Except in "

The Beetle Knight thought for a moment.

When leaving the field, the equipped monster is directly removed from the game.

He suddenly understood something, and his expression suddenly twisted: "Are you really trying to do this?"

"Guessed it right, unfortunately, no prize." You Xuan smiled, "The effect of the second 'Abyss Soldier' ​​is activated. Discard the other water-attributed 'Killer Snake' in your hand, and kill any on the field. The card is returned to the owner's hand.

What I want to return to, of course, is the equipment magic ‘Explosion Penetration’. "

The equipment magic suddenly turned into a golden light and flew back to You Xuan's hand.

"Of course, because I am the holder, it will still return to my hand. But because 'Explosion Penetration' has left the field, the equipped monster has to be removed from the game.

Remove the 'Millennium Scorpion' from the game! "

The cracks in the dimension opened again, and the huge suction force caused the Millennium Scorpion to fly off the ground, and was directly involved in it and kicked out of the game.

The Beetle Knight looked at himself and turned into a field as clean as a piece of white paper. He wanted to cry without tears.


Why is there such a combination of dogs in the world?

And what kind of dog would come up with such a tactic?

Judai was also stunned: "Ah this."

Although it can be cleared by directly using Abyss Soldier to bounce the monster on the opposite side, the monster that bounced away is still a usable resource when it returns to the hand.

And by combining the effect of Abyss Soldier and the side effect of Explosive Penetration, you can directly remove the designated monster from the opponent's field without having to bounce the card back to your hand. And because the explosive flame penetration will be bounced back to your own hands and can be reused, the killer snake can also salvage itself infinitely, so the whole process consumes almost no resources.

Although You Xuan felt that he had basically won at this point, the opponent actually still had cards in hand. If the opponent prints a Chestnut Ball but doesn't kill it this round, then compared to directly using the Abyss Soldier to bounce the Thousand-Year Scorpion back to the hand, it will deprive the opponent of a card's resources.

Well, that's it, it's definitely not because it would be happier to send the Millennium Scorpion to a duel in another dimension.

But the other person doesn't seem to think so.

The Beetle Knight has given up struggling and put on a mask of pain.

Please just give me a good time

He wanted to leave this unfriendly world and be reincarnated as soon as possible.

I will never touch cards again in my next life.

"Fight." You Xuan waved his hand and ordered, "Direct attack from the abyss soldiers!"

Seeing the sinister soldier charging towards him with his sword, the Beetle Knight took a deep breath and closed his eyes.

It may be a little outrageous to say it, but after experiencing several rounds of monsters being flicked off repeatedly, being sent to different dimensions, and being notified one-way, now that such a direct knife was about to fall on his head, what came to his mind was actually something other than Fear of death.

But relief.

Great, no more duels at last.

[Beetle Knight, LP 1400→LP 0]

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