Who let him play Yu-Gi-Oh!

Chapter 106 Duel Secrets

Elf dimension, somewhere.

The night was as dark as ink, and the dark moonlight shrouded the dense forest. The man in black hood moved silently, his figure blending into the shadows as if he were one with the bushes.

He came to a cave covered by dense vines, with only a dim light shining through. The man in black leaned slightly and entered the cave.

A cold wind came from the depths of the cave, accompanied by a wailing sound. The environment was dark and quiet at first, but as he went deeper and deeper, he seemed to hear faint sounds of commotion, fighting and noise.

It's a group of bugs.

In an open space, Zerg of different shapes were fighting fiercely. Some are as huge as giant beetles, while others rely on their small size and agility to quickly shuttle among the insect swarms. Roaring sounds and crashing sounds came and went, causing the cave walls to tremble slightly. They bite each other with fangs and claws, each attack accompanied by splashes of bodily fluids and shattered carapace.

This is the Zerg lair.

The boss has been around and hasn't returned yet. The beetle armored knight has been given away in vain, and the entire lair is leaderless. The remaining swarms of insects are now engaged in a fierce battle over who has the final say.

Then suddenly Youchong noticed the man in black who appeared at the door.

"The taste of humans!"

"Human race? Here?"

"court death!"

The insects immediately put aside the fight at hand, and swarmed towards the man in black, baring their teeth and claws as if to tear him into pieces.

But the man in black only raised his head calmly, his eyes under the hood shining with a cold green light. The mark of the six-pointed star appeared on his forehead, as if a magic wheel was slowly turning.



After a few minutes, the battle in the cave was over.

The insects staggered around and fell to the ground. The fragments of carapace, body fluids and blood mixed together, as if drawing some strange and bloody pattern.

The man stood in the center of the cave, looking coldly at the insects that had fallen to the ground. The light of the six-pointed star bloomed on his forehead, and he was dressed in a black robe without any wind.

Behind him, an extremely huge black shadow was slowly dissipating, and there seemed to be some kind of blue flame remaining around it.

"Stop, my friend." A mantis-like Zerg hurriedly begged for mercy while coughing up blood.

"We did not know that an angel of God was coming."

The man in black asked coldly: "There are duelists from other worlds coming to this dimension, right?"

Immediately some Zerg nodded.

"Yes. I heard that the Bone King's wife ran away with him, and then he himself surrendered to the enemy."

"That's just a rumor." A Zerg next to him couldn't help but said, "This is too ridiculous."

"It's absolutely true! My intelligence network is absolutely reliable."


The man in black gestured to them to be quiet, and then asked coldly: "Where is your leader?"

The insects looked embarrassed.

"Well, the boss heard that the Bone King was killed, and he said he was going to meet those guys."

"Then what?"

".And he hasn't returned yet."

The man was silent, as if thinking.

The Mantis Zerg asked cautiously: "Master Messenger, you see the boss is gone. Do we need a new successor here? Look at me."

The man glared at it coldly, and the mantis hurriedly shrank its head and did not dare to say anything.

"last question."

The man's eyes flashed green and he asked in a deep voice.

".Is there a Phoenix God relic in this dimension?"

Elf dimension, camp.

"Come on, come on, if you want to practice dueling, line up."

Judai-san was all smiles.

"Come one by one, don't grab. Everyone has a share."


Hearing that Yu Xuan actually did something as interesting as guiding elves to play cards here, Judai couldn't bear it anymore and said that he must not be left out for such an interesting thing.

So he began to take those elves who wanted to learn dueling from the brave men from other worlds to start military training.


The soldiers soon discovered that this brave man's painting style was completely different from before.

If the duel with the previous one made people feel helpless, as if they were unable to use the cards they had, then this one was like a light weight. No matter what cards you played or what moves you made, you would be easily beaten in all kinds of unexpected ways. resolve.

For example, when the monster spirit of a certain "Magic Dark Merchant" dueled with Judai.

Judai: "Activate the magic card 'Fusion'! Triple fuse the elemental heroes 'Bubble Man', 'Wing Man' and 'Electric Man'!

Show up, my strongest hero ‘Elemental Hero Storm’! "

[Elemental Hero·Stormman, attack power 2800]

Magical Dark Merchant: "Nani!? It's actually a powerful monster with an attack power of 2800. But I have my own 'Magical Dark Merchant' on the field. As long as there are permanent magic or permanent traps on the field, I can't be Destroy in any way!"

[Magical dark merchant, defense power 200]

"I now have the permanent magic 'Chamber of Darkness' on my field. During the battle phase, both sides can only have at most one monster attack. Even Storm can't break through my defenses."

"Don't worry." Judai said confidently, "Launch the fast-attack magic 'Fusion Release' covering the field, cancel the fusion of Storm Man, and special summon 'Wing Man', 'Bubble Man' and 'Electric Man' on the field. '!

Then activate the magic card ‘Wing Scatter’! At the cost of giving up the attacks of other monsters this round, the Wingman on your field can attack the same number of times as the number of monsters on your field this round. I have three monsters on the field, so I can attack three times in one turn!

Next is the magic card ‘H-Fiery Heart’! Increase the attack power of 'Elemental Hero·Wingman' by 500 points, and gain the effect of defense penetration! "

[Elemental Hero·Wingman, attack power 1500]

[Magic Dark Merchant, Defense 200]

"Nani!?" The magician's dark merchant was shocked, "Three attacks and defense penetration."

"That's right! Come on, Winged Man, and let your wings scatter three times in a row!"

Magical Dark Merchant: "Ughhhhh!!!"

[Magic Dark Merchant, LP 0]

"Won!" Judai gestured happily, "What an interesting duel!"

Magical Dark Merchant: "."

You Xuan couldn't help but think deeply as he looked at it.

how to say

Wing Shot is a card that allows Wing Man to gain multiple attack effects. It is one of the things with unknown meaning in the Elemental Heroes gift pack.

As for Wing Man, a salted fish with an attack power of only 1,000, what's the point of attacking continuously?

Moreover, to perform attacks "the same number of times as the number of monsters on your field", you have to sacrifice the attack opportunities of other monsters to Winged Man.

Normally, it looks like a salted fish card with unknown meaning.

But Judai said, I got up, it’s been seconds, what do you think?

Judai's military training continues.


"Activate the trap card 'Golden Blade Hammer'! Use the 'Elemental Hero-Golden Blade Man' on your field as a sacrifice, destroy a monster on the opponent's field, and inflict damage equal to the original attack power of the opponent's monster! "


"Activate the counterattack trap 'Winged Wind'! When the 'Elemental Hero - Winged Man' on your field attacks face-up, the activation of the magic trap card is invalid, and that card is destroyed!"

You Xuan: "."

It’s undeniable that even though his deck may look like it’s all useless parts at first glance, when it comes to playing like this, it’s ineffective, destructive, and resistant, and it looks a bit sophisticated.

As for whether the elves can learn any duel secrets from it, it's hard to say.

Judai: Huh? duel? Wouldn't it be possible to win as long as you draw the card you want?

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