Who let him play Yu-Gi-Oh!

Chapter 112 The bond with the elves

The King of the End, Demis, is defeated!

The huge World-Destroying Demon God turned into ashes and retreated, and the pressure on the entire venue seemed to have suddenly decreased. The strange blue flames on Sher's body also dissipated a little, but he was still panting.

"You actually defeated the King of the End?" Shel let out a sigh of relief, "I underestimated you. You are indeed not ordinary brats."

"It's not over yet."

Judai showed two more cards in his hand.

"Magic card 'Double Attack'! Discard a monster card from your hand to the graveyard. You can select a monster on your field that is lower level than the discarded monster. That monster can attack twice in one turn.

I discarded the level 5 "Elemental Hero - Necromancer" from my hand and selected the level 4 "Elemental Hero - Bubbleman" on the field. Bubble Man can attack twice this round!

Then enter the combat stage! "

Judai waved his arm down and launched an attack call to the heroes.

"The first is the 'Elemental Hero Ionization Clamp', which attacks the monster covered by it!" Judai said, "When the Ionization Clamp attacks a monster in defense position, if the attack power exceeds the defense power, it can penetrate the opponent by that amount. harm!"

"Then activate the cover card!" Sher's backcourt has also activated, "The trap card 'Absorption Shield'!

When the opponent's monster declares an attack, that attack is invalid, and you recover health points equal to that monster's attack power! "

The transparent absorption barrier unfolds, rippling with rainbow-like light. The electro-optical bombardment from the Ionization Clamp Man all hit the transparent barrier, turning into surging energy and being absorbed into Sher's body.

[Shell, LP 4800→LP7600]

"Ah, the LP is getting more and more. Then the 'Elemental Hero: Bubble Man' attacks the monsters covered! Bubble Shooting!"

Bubble Man squatted on the ground, carrying his foam cannon. A series of bubbles were wrapped in the water and shot away, washing away the monster covering the field.

A pot-shaped monster with one eye and a mean and sinister smile.

Transformation pot!

You Xuan frowned slightly.

Good guy, I took another amazing photo without saying a word.

[Transformation pot, defense power 600]

"The effect of the transformation pot, when this card is flipped, all cards in the hands of both sides are discarded." Sher said, "After that, all players draw five cards from the deck."

The cards in the hand were changed again, and the deformed pot exploded into pieces under the impact of the foam.

Judai: "Because of the 'double attack' effect, Bubble Man can attack twice this round!

Come on, Bubble Man's direct attack! Blister shot! "

The foam cannon carried on Bubble Man's shoulder fired again, and a series of bubbles exploded, exploding in Shel's face. Xie Er swayed again and staggered back a few steps.

[Shell, LP 7600→LP 6000]

"This level is far from enough." Sher stood up tenaciously.

Judai: "Hidden two cards and put them on the field. The round is over."

Then he looked at You Xuan with a hint of apology: "Sorry, his health points have increased instead."

"It's okay, you broke his front." You Xuan said.

Judai gave him another thumbs up: "I have already had a hunch that our cooperation is invincible!"

Xie Er watched silently, his face twitching, and he seemed to be even more unhappy.

"Companion, that's why companions are weak."

Judai: "What did you say?"

"Heroes are alone, and must be so. This is the fate of the sword-bearer."

Judai pondered for a moment and said: "You keep saying this, saying that you abandoned your companions and elves. But I think you still haven't completely let go, right?"


"Phoenix God of Nephthys, you said it failed you, but you still carry it and this deck of cards, don't you?" Judai said, "If it's like you said, your family has kept it for generations. You have regarded this card as a friend since childhood, so maybe it’s not so easy to let go of it, right?”

"Stop being ridiculous." Shel said coldly, "I have just said that a duel is nothing more than to win. Whether it is the Phoenix God or the King of the End, they are nothing more than swords in the hands of the duelist, and they only need to be done well. The role of the sword would have been nice.

All weapons that can be used must be used to the extreme, that's all. "

"Really? Then why did you make a special trip to this place, this dimension, to look for this hidden ruins?" Judai said, "I guess this is not your first exploration, right?

You have been traveling around, looking for the whereabouts of the Phoenix God, because you want to see its spirit, right? "

"Nonsense. I only did this to capture the power of the elves and use them for my own use." Sher was unmoved. "Or maybe I was seeking revenge for its indifference to us back then?"

"I thought so at first, but through the duel I can understand that it is not the case." Judai shook his head, "A duel is a collision of souls, and only through a duel can we understand each other.

You are very strong, probably the strongest duelist I have ever fought against. Although you said that you only need to use the monsters, I can feel from the duel just now that you have a heart that believes in your own cards and monsters, and is a true duelist. "

"It's nonsense, it's nonsense"

"Of course you can deny it." Classmate Judai was still voicing, "It doesn't matter how you deny me. But with such rhetoric, can you really convince yourself?"

Sher: "."

Although Yu Xuan remained silent, he began to admire the power of words passed down from generation to generation by his Judai classmates, the protagonists of Yu-Gi-Oh!

Don't tell me, you Xuan could vaguely feel that the other party's aura seemed to be weakening after the words were exchanged.

To use the teaching method of the academy's card drawing course, it is probably that Judai's "power" as a duelist suppressed the opponent.

"It's so noisy."

Sher shook his head and said coldly.

"It's full of nonsense. It's just a duel. What do you know? How can you understand my thoughts?

My turn, draw a card! "

He pulled the card hard, and the card drawn from the deck drew a huge arc.

"The moment it enters the preparation phase, the effect of 'Nephthys' Phoenix God' in the cemetery has been activated again!" Sher raised his voice, "Because the last round of 'Nephthys' Phoenix God' was destroyed by 'Endgame'. King Demis' effect was destroyed, so the effect is activated!

In the preparation stage of this round, Nephthys’ Phoenix God will be reborn! "

The fire pillars of the phoenix flames soared into the sky, and the golden phoenix spread its wings in the green light barrier. The phoenix flames condensed, and gradually transformed into the posture of the golden divine bird.

"Then the Phoenix God activates its subsequent effects! When resurrected by its own effect, all magic and trap cards on the field are destroyed!" Shel laughed loudly, "The combination of the King of the End and the Phoenix God, every turn of the End After the king clears the field, the Phoenix God will be reborn in the next round and sweep all the backcourts!

In front of this combination, any defensive line is meaningless, you have no choice but to destroy."

"Activate Gaika!" Judai interrupted his chanting, "Trap card 'Lost'!

Remove a card from the opponent's graveyard from the game! "

Sher: "!"

Nani? You actually want to dig my grave! ?

Did you print this thing on the spot?

"Therefore, I exclude the 'Phoenix God of Nephthys' in your graveyard from the game!" Judai said, "'The Phoenix God of Nephthys' is no longer in the graveyard when the effect is processed, so naturally it cannot be specially summoned. , but will be excluded from this game!”

The flames churning in mid-air transformed into the form of the Phoenix God, but immediately turned into a transparent phantom.

But in this way, it got rid of the shackles of Oliha Gang.

The mark of restraint on Phoenix God's forehead broke, and his translucent body burned silently in the air. He lowered his head and looked at Xieer.

Sher unconsciously looked up at it.

"Phoenix God"

In a daze, he seemed to hear a voice that seemed to come from far away, like a weak voice that broke through layers of barriers and came from another time and space.

"Feel sorry."

Then the image of the phoenix was completely burned out and disappeared from the field.

Sher: "."

He remained silent for several seconds.

"Sure enough, the bond between you and the elves has never been broken." Judai continued, "It's just that you were blinded by the power of evil, right?

There must be some hidden secrets about what happened back then."

"My round continues and enters the main phase." Sher interrupted coldly.

"Xiel?" Judai frowned.

"In any case, it is meaningless to say this. Now I am no longer the descendant of the Phoenix God. I am one of the three swordsmen of New Doma, and that is the only way."

Sher raised his head and said solemnly.

"I'm going to knock you out here. And then move on."

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