Who let him play Yu-Gi-Oh!

Chapter 144 The King of Divine Beasts

Pegasus Ye Xing also narrowed his eyes slightly: "The Phoenix God and Silent Magician were summoned in the first round."

"The Silent Magician's attack power will increase by 500 points x the number of cards in his hand."

You Xuan pointed to the silence on the field.

"I have two cards left in my hand, and my attack power has increased by 1000."

[True Silent Magician, attack power 1000 → attack power 2000]

"The Silent Magician attacks the 'Chief Turtle'!"

Shen Mo stepped forward on the magic circle, and the staff swirled with radiance in his hand. But just when she had time to take action, Ye Xing interrupted.

"Then activate the cover card, Continuous Trap - Blood Compensation!" Ye Xing said, "This trap card can be used to normal summon the monster in the opponent's card by paying 500 points of life points."

Keppei looked on: "Normal summon during the opponent's turn?"

"Not bad! And this is the card I want to summon!"

【Night Walk, LP 4000→LP 3500】

Ye Xing held up a card in his hand.

"Sacrifice the three 'leader turtles' on the field."

Keihei: "Three sacrifices? Aren't they the same price as gods?"

"Yes, here I call my trump card, the Lord of the Earth, the ancient mythical beast——

——The Divine Beast King Barbaros, summon! "

For a moment, there was a strong wind and dark clouds on the field. It was like a dazzling light that cut through the sky and shot straight to the center of the battlefield. The earth-shattering roar made everyone's eardrums buzz, and the body of the Divine Beast King appeared from the light. The half-human, half-beast body seemed to be riding on thunder and lightning.

[Mythical Beast King-Barbaros, attack power 3000]

"The effect of the treasure of the underworld, when summoning two or more sacrifices, I draw two cards."

Ye Xing drew a card from the deck and continued.

"Then there's the effect of 'Beast King - Barbaros'! When the Beast King summons three monsters as sacrifices, all cards on the opponent's field are destroyed!"

Keppei was surprised: "It actually has such a powerful effect!"

You Xuan also raised his eyebrows.

The effect of Blood Compensation can be summoned during the opponent's turn, and coupled with the effect of clearing the field when the Divine Beast King appears, it is equivalent to manually clearing the field at the second speed of the opponent's turn. This combination is quite powerful.

The King of Divine Beasts seemed to have thunder in his mouth, and his anger turned into thousands of lightning bolts that exploded across the entire venue. The lightning swept everything, the white-robed mage's magic circle was blasted to pieces, the flaming phoenix was also swallowed up in the thunder, and both disappeared under the churning lightning.

All the experts watching held their breaths.

Such a powerful formation was instantly disintegrated before it could launch an attack.

"However, Silent Magician has subsequent effects." Yu Xuan said, "When Silent Magician is destroyed by battle or the opponent's effect, he will ignore summoning a 'Silent Magician' monster other than himself from his hand or deck. Conditional special summons.

The radiance of silence blooms from the intersection of chaos and order, and the magician of light descends here——

——Silent Magician LV8! "

The white light turned into a magic circle, and the silence that had just dissipated stepped on the whirling magic circle, changed into a vest and immediately returned to the field.

[Silent Magician LV8, attack power 3500]

"The Silent Magician's counterattack!" Yu Xuan ordered, "Attack the 'Beast King - Barbaros', the Silent Magician explodes!"

The Silent Magician's staff struck out, and the lightning surrounded the magic ball of light and drew a gorgeous incandescent trajectory. The Divine Beast King was stabbed through the chest, with a transparent hole from his chest to his back. He let out a low roar and fell to the ground with crackling lightning trailing from his body.

【Night Walk, LP 3500→LP 3000】

Tianma Yexing raised his arms in front of him to protect him: "You can actually counterattack after catching the thunderbolt from the Divine Beast King."

You Xuan smiled.

In fact, not only is it silent, the Phoenix God that was just blown up can also deceive the corpse, and it is a "big storm" type effect that needs to be "destroyed by the effect" to be triggered. In the preparation phase of the next round, the whole place can be cleared of magic traps.

So to a certain extent, the Beast King has become lonely.

The experts in the audience couldn't help but swallow their saliva.

While summoning such a powerful formation in an instant, their boss immediately cleared the entire field within the opponent's turn. They did not expect that the opponent could launch such a powerful counterattack immediately after being bombed. A monster as powerful as the Divine Beast King It was actually knocked off the ground as soon as it hit the ground.

What kind of duel is this?

Yu Xuan drew another card from his hand and inserted it into the slot of the duel disk: "Take a card and the round is over."

Pegasus Ye Xing took a deep breath and smiled.

"I seem to be beginning to understand why Seto Kaiba is interested in you."


"Nothing. It's my turn to draw cards." Ye Xing said, "Activate the magic card 'Magic Book in the Pot', and both sides draw three cards from the deck." (Original card)

Quickly scanning the cards in his hand, he immediately played another one.

"I summon 'Red Gear'!"

[Red gear, attack power 1300]

"The effect of Red Gear, when this card is successfully summoned, add 'Yellow Gear' from the deck to your hand."

Nightwalk retrieves the yellow gear from the deck, and then reveals it immediately.

"Then activate the effect of the permanent trap 'Blood Compensation', and pay 500 health points to add a normal summon of the monster."

【Night Walk, LP 3000→LP 2500】

"I then normally summon 'Yellow Gear'!"

[Yellow gear, attack power 1200]

"The effect of Yellow Gear, when summoned successfully, add 'Green Gear' from the deck to your hand."

Nightwalk retrieves it from the deck and immediately reveals that card again.

"Use the effect of the permanent trap 'Blood Compensation' again, pay 500 health points, and normally summon 'Green Gear'!"

【Night Walk, LP 2500→LP 2000】

[Green gear, attack power 1400]

"Then activate the effect of the permanent trap 'Blood Compensation' again, pay 500 health points, and add an additional normal summon."

【Night Walk, LP 2000→LP 1500】

"The three gears of red, yellow, and green are sacrificed——

——The Divine Beast King Barbaros, summon again! ! ! "

The three-color gear turned into a sacrificial golden glow and disappeared, the summoned storm burst out in a blood-colored pool, and the blond king of divine beasts holding a spiral spear and shield came again!

You Xuan pondered.

Well, your trump card actually has Unit 2?

"It's still the effect of the sustainable magic 'Treasure of the Underworld'." Ye Xing said, "When the superior summoning of two or more monsters as sacrifices is successful, draw two cards from the deck."

He drew two cards, glanced at them, added them to his hand, and then continued.

"And the effect of the Divine Beast King is also activated again. When the advanced summoning using three sacrifices is successful, all cards on the opponent's field will be destroyed!"

The thunder that bloomed again swept across the field on You Xuan's side unstoppably, like the wrath of the gods.

But You Xuan also activated the backcourt at this moment.

"Then chain-activate Gaifuka's 'Bottomless Hole' in the backcourt!

When the opponent summons monsters, those monsters become on defense and cannot actively change their position. "

He pointed at the beast king on the opponent's field, whose body was filled with lightning.

"Cover the inside of 'Beast King Barbaros'!"

The storm of destruction swept across the audience, and the LV8 Silent Magician had no choice but to withdraw. But the over-satisfied Divine Beast King's foot slipped, and he accidentally fell down and turned into a Gaika.

"Even if the defense line is like this, it can't be easily broken through."

The corner of Ye Xing's mouth curled up, seeming to become more and more interested.

"Then I will cover three more cards and put them on the field. The round is over."

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