Who let him play Yu-Gi-Oh!

Chapter 157 The teacher has a friend

When he saw the results of this small laboratory that You Xuan had just built not long ago, Dadeji, who had always been so calm and talented in acting, almost fell silent.

He wanted to say that you guys are a bit too much.

"Teacher, please see if there is anything improper in our research work." You Xuan asked politely, "Teacher, please give me some advice."

Daitokuji Temple: "."

What's the point?

My suggestion is that the principal can consider opening the research department of the college, and you guys can start working today.

Everyone in the world says that life lasts for a long time. Daitokuji thought that he had never seen such an abnormal situation like living for such a long time.

Misawa and Asuka actually felt a little strange why Yugen would ask Daitokuji to be the main instructor. After all, in their eyes, this was just a dawdling, and they didn't say anything just out of respect for the teacher.

But considering Yu Xuan's performance so far, there is obviously a reason for everything he says and does. Many times his behavior seems deviant at first glance, and a bit unreasonable according to the common sense of duelists. But the final result often proves that he has his own reasons.

The two people who have gradually become familiar with him have accepted this setting. During the research process, many times when You Xuan puts forward some instructions that are difficult for them to understand, they will always follow them first. Generally, You Xuan will be right in the end.

Dadeji pondered for a moment and said, "I have a suggestion."

He picked up the chubby Pharaoh again and said while stroking him.

"I have a friend who is quite successful in the field of card making and has some connections." Dadeji coughed.

You Xuan nodded and listened, without examining whether the teacher's friend was his own problem.

"Anyway, it seems that the International Illusion Society is holding an academic event recently. It seems to be some kind of conference?" Daitokuji patted his forehead, "Oh, anyway, there is such an event.

If you can show your results at that conference, you can get funding from the International Illusion Society, and it is said that you may also have a chance to get the attention of Mr. Bekas, the father of Duel Monsters.

Although the registration time for the conference has long passed, my friend also knows some people in the International Illusion Society. If we ask them to do it, it shouldn’t be too late to join now.”

"That's it." You Xuan thought.

It’s good to be able to attract sponsorship from both the International Illusion Society and Seahorse Company. Participating in public conferences can also expand the influence of their laboratory, which is good for obtaining more manpower resources and improving development efficiency in the future.

You Xuanxun thought that he actually had some acquaintances in the International Illusion Society now, and it would be better if he had the opportunity to visit their warehouse in the future.

"Thank you very much, teacher."

Misawa and Asuka both felt a little dreamy for a moment.

After all, they were only students who had just entered school. Who would have thought that they would suddenly have to participate in activities in the academic circle. And they have even achieved quite a lot of results.

The electronic angel trio "Benten", "Vitaten" and "Dajini" in the Asuka animation have all been enhanced from animation to real cards.

In Asuka's opinion, this was an amazing achievement that she had never thought of before, but Yu Xuan felt that this was just the beginning.

Enhancing the animation card to the real card is just the first step in development. He then began to follow the guidance and continue to expand ideas for Asuka.

"I think the thinking is a bit solid now." You Xuan said, "Including current mainstream research, electronic angels are regarded as representatives of storm-flow rituals."

Asuka wondered: "Isn't it?"

Originally, as the owner of the electronic angel, she should have the most say. However, after doing research with Yu Xuan for a while, she is not so confident now.

"Yes and no. Electronic angels are good at attacking, but because of this their potential has been ignored." You Xuan said, "I have recently discovered a new idea.

Electronic Angel's new ritual monsters may not necessarily have auxiliary deployment or offensive abilities. I think Electronic Angel has potential in defensive capabilities that has been ignored by everyone so far."

That's right, he is referring to the "electronic angel Nasatimi".

The Level 5 Electronic Angel Ritual Monster has only one thousand attack and defense points, and the three effects it possesses are all defensive compared to other Electronic Angels.

The first effect is that you can select a monster on your field, and restore health points equal to half of that monster's attack power.

The second effect is that when a ritual monster on your field is attacked, you can invalidate that attack.

The three effects are the key. When this card exists in the graveyard, by excluding other "Cyber ​​Angels" in the graveyard, it can be Special Summoned and gain control of a monster on the opponent's field.

Compared to fighting and killing, You Xuan thinks this tauren effect is more interesting. It's a pity that no one seems to be thinking about strengthening this deck in this regard.

But he is optimistic about Asuka. Although Asuka-san's destiny power is far from reaching the point where Judai-san can just seal it according to the atmosphere in actual combat, it is already outstanding compared to ordinary people.

Give her some hints and point her in the direction. What if the real print comes out?

When the time comes, people in the world will definitely feel happy when they see an electronic angel with a more unique style than before.

Duel Academy, nightfall.

The unknown room seemed like a forgotten corner in the college. The weak candlelight swayed, as if controlled by an invisible force, like a restless eye peering into everything.

In the dim candlelight, three men in white robes sat around an old wooden table. The shadow of their hoods obscured most of their faces. The white robes glowed faintly in the dimness.

Their movements were slow and solemn, as if they were performing some ancient ritual, operating on the table where they were sitting around.

A Ouija board?

That's right, it looks like the Yu-Gi-Oh card "Ouija Board". The card that Tapiryo used when fighting Yugi in Duel City. When he collected the five letters "DEATH" on the field, he directly won the game according to the rules.

It's just that what the three men in white robes are operating at this time is not a three-dimensional projection of the Ouija board, but more like a physical object made by imitating the image of the card.

This is a psychic ritual.

"Great homunculi, if you can hear our pious call, please come here!"

The cold wind poured in through the cracks in the windows. The candlelight flickered suddenly, then was suddenly blown out. Three figures in white robes were shaking strangely, and were immediately swallowed up by darkness.

A pair of dark red eyes lit up in the dark shadows.

His eyes were full of greed and hunger.

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