Who let him play Yu-Gi-Oh!

Chapter 165 Electronic Showdown

"Duel!" x2

【Asuka, LP 4000】

【Takahashi, LP 4000】

It's still a while before the meeting starts. I heard that there were cards to watch, and experts from all walks of life came together.

"Huh? That one is the electronic angel."

"Chief Takahashi, the most authoritative person in the field." Someone quickly recognized him, "My opponent looks like a little girl. Does anyone know her?"

"I heard that he seems to be a new student at Duel Academy."

"Huh? Real or fake?"


Gold medal commentator Misawa has also taken his place, standing side by side next to Yu Xuan.

"My opponent is an authoritative expert, and she happens to have the same type of deck as Tianshangyuan classmates. Do you think she has no problem?"

"Experts only say that the results are great, but it does not necessarily mean that the duel is that strong. Even if we compare the research results, we are not worse than others now, are we?" You Xuan smiled.

"That's what I said"

"It's okay, just watch." You Xuan patted Misawa's shoulder and said confidently, "It's no problem."


"Then let's start the attack first, little sister."

Takahashi showed a master's style and generously gave up the first attack.

Asuka nodded, not politely: "Then for my turn, draw a card!"

After drawing the card, she quickly browsed the cards in her hand, recalling the new ways that electronics had been enhanced these days.

And under Yu Xuan's suggestion, the deck was rebuilt based on the enhanced new features.

"Then first is this magic card 'Planet Transformation'!" Asuka said, "Add the field magic card from the deck to your hand.

I added the field magic "Blessed Church-Ritual Church" from the deck to my hand! "

Chief Takahashi nodded slightly. This field is also a card previously developed by their association and has the ability to retrieve key components from the deck.

"Then the field magic activates!"

As Asuka's card was inserted into the duel plate, the venue quickly changed and a huge church rose from the ground. The sun casts dappled light and shadow through the stained glass, roses fell from the sky, and Bibles and crosses were placed on the beautifully decorated altar.

"The Church of Blessing - Ritual Church, you can discard a magic card in your hand and add ritual magic or light attribute ritual monsters from your deck to your hand."

Asuka sends a card from her hand to the grave, and then searches it from the deck.

"Add 'Cyber ​​Angel-Benten' from the deck to your hand!" Asuka said, "Then activate the magic card 'Preparation for Ritual'! Add ritual monsters with level seven or below from the deck to your hand, and then add the ones from the graveyard to your hand. Ritual magic recycling.

I added the Level 5 ‘Electronic Angel-Nasatimi’ from the deck to my hand, and returned the ritual magic ‘Mechanical Angel’s Ritual’ that I had just discarded to the graveyard! "

"What about Satimi?" Chief Takahashi was shocked.

Is there such an electronic angel? I do not know how?

"Oh, this is a new card we just completed yesterday, so it may not be written in the paper." Asuka showed the ritual monster retrieved from the deck, "I just take advantage of this duel opportunity, please give me more advice, Chief."

Takahashi was shocked: "You guys, you guys, just spent the past few days and completed an unprecedented new card!?"

Even the experts in other fields who were attending the meeting thought this was outrageous, and couldn't help but cast surprised glances at several Duel Academy students.

A new card that even the association chief has never heard of.

Are these really students?

"Interesting, really interesting." Chief Takahashi looked increasingly expectant, "Then let me experience the new power of electronics."


Asuka said seriously.

"Activate the ritual magic 'Mechanical Angel's Ritual' from your hand! Until the total level becomes higher than the monsters summoned by the ritual, sacrifice the monsters in your hand and on the field to ritually summon the 'Cyber ​​Angel' monster. !”

She showed the two ritual monsters she had just retrieved.

"I sacrificed the Level 6 'Electronic Angel-Benten' for the ritual summons!"

Asuka raised her hand.

"Angel of Light, who holds the secret healing power, brings divine healing with her beautiful body! Come down——

——Electronic Angel-Nasatimi! ! ! "

Bentian's figure turned into fire on the altar, the flames expanded rapidly, and the holy light bloomed from it. The bright red cloak fluttered, the four eyes on the golden helmet opened simultaneously, and the four-armed angel who was half human and half beast descended on the field.

[Electronic Angel-Nasatimi, attack power 1000]

"Has a new electronic angel appeared?"

Research has been stuck at a bottleneck for many years. Chief Takahashi couldn't help but feel excited when he saw the arrival of a new angel with his own eyes.

"However, her attack power is only 1,000." Chief Takahashi reminded, "Benten's attack power is 1,600. Why should Benten be used as a sacrifice to summon this card?"

Asuka smiled slightly: "'Electronic Angel-Benten', a new effect. When this card is used as a sacrifice, you can add angel-type and light-attributed monsters from the deck to your hand.

Therefore, I removed this card from the deck."

Asuka searched the deck again and revealed a ritual monster.

"I added 'Electronic Angel-Wei Tuotian' to my hand."

"I see, Benten's new ability can be of greatest value when used as a sacrifice." Chief Takahashi nodded slightly.

"Then the effect of 'Electronic Angel - Nasatimi' is activated!" Asuka said, "Once per turn, select the face-up monster on your field.

Your health is restored by half of that monster's attack power.

I choose the 'Electronic Angel - Nasatimi' herself and restore half of its attack power, which is five hundred points of LP! "

【Asuka, LP 4000→LP 4500】

"The ability to restore health." Chief Takahashi held his chin, "An electronic angel that focuses on defense? It's really rare."

Asuka smiled slightly.

That Satimi's ability is far more than that.

But she said nothing.

"My turn is over."

"Then on my turn, I draw cards." Chief Takahashi said, "Activate the magic card 'Angel's Alms', draw three cards from the deck, and then discard the two cards in your hand."

But after being discarded, one of them quickly popped up again.

"One of the cards discarded from the hand is the magic card 'The Compensation Treasure'. When sending the cards from the hand to the graveyard, draw two cards from the deck." (Original card)

The chief drew a card, and then showed the three cards in his hand.

"Magic card 'fusion'!

The fusion of ‘Blade Skater’ and ‘Electronic Star’ in your hand! Fusion Summon——

——Electronic skateboarder! ! ! "

Skaters and celebrities disappeared in the fusion vortex, and the slim skaters came gliding on the ice blades, with long hair flowing and their bodies spinning lightly.

[Electronic ice blade hand, attack power 2100]

Asuka waited intently.

This is also a commonly used monster in her own deck, an electronic fusion ace.

"I'm going to do it here, little sister of Duel Academy." Chief Takahashi said, "Let me see your new power as an electronic angel!"

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