Who let him play Yu-Gi-Oh!

Chapter 177: Is this how the demon is used?

"Thousand Eyes. Satisfied Demon??"

Tianma Yuexing's eyes widened, completely unexpected by the sudden development of this style of painting.

But of course he knew this monster, after all, it was his adoptive father Becas' trump card.

He also knew that when Yu Xuan came last time, he got a replica of the Thousand-Eyed Naji Demon from Ye Xing, so it stands to reason that he was not surprised that Yu Xuan had the Naji Demon in his hand.

But what surprised him was not the demon himself;

"Using a scapegoat to transform into a thousand-eyed demon?"

The Thousand-Eyed Demon is originally a fusion monster, and one of the fusion materials is the ritual monster "The Demon", and the other is the fusion-specific mortal bone material "The Thousand-Eyed Cult God". The fusion difficulty is a bit high and it is not very easy to perform.

However, using the combination of "Scapegoat" and "Sudden Mutation", you can easily replace this big monster in the market with a trick that is almost buggy.

In fact, this was one of the important reasons why the "Thousand-Eyed Demon" became a banned card in the competitive environment. In fact, in the early days after this card was released, it was basically regarded by players as a banned card with only ornamental value. Only some fans with animation feelings specially formed specialized decks to perform acrobatics.

At that time, no one could have thought that it would not be long before this thing would become a universal field-clearing artifact due to various card-bug-like simple entry conditions.

[Thousand-eyed demon sacrifice, attack power 0]

But Yue Xing quickly recovered from the shock of the sudden appearance of "Dad's Card" and said calmly.

"But even so, when 'Angel O7' is on the field, all monsters on your field cannot activate their effects. Even the Thousand-Eyed Najima is the same."

If the monster effect cannot be used, the threat coefficient will be cut by more than half immediately.

"Mr. Tenma's trump card is indeed very tricky."

You Xuan nodded, followed by a burst of golden light in the cemetery, and the trap card exited from it.

"Therefore, I activate the trap card from the graveyard - Skill Breakthrough!"

Yue Xing was shocked: "Launched from the graveyard. The trap was used in the first round!?"

"That's right. When the breakthrough skill exists in the graveyard, you can only use this effect during your own turn." Yu Xuan said, "Remove the 'breakthrough skill' in the graveyard from the game, and keep one monster on the opponent's field until the end of the turn. The effect becomes invalid!

Therefore, I invalidated the effect of ‘Angel O7’! "

If the opponent's formation on the field at this time is a real card version, then the "Dark Marquis Belia" on Pegasus Yuexing's field should also have "When this card is on the field, the opponent cannot select other monsters of its own to attack." Target, nor can you select other monsters as the target of the magic trap effect."

In other words, if it is a real card version, Yu Xuan will have to use other tricks, and the "Breakthrough Skill" cannot select "Angel O7" as the effect target.

However, the effect of the original manga version of "Dark Marquis Belial" in Yue Xing's hands is "This card can negate the attacks of all monsters below 7 stars on the opponent's side." Unlike the real card, it does not provide teammates with target resistance. Sex, only attack and defense capabilities.

Moreover, the effect of Beria's original work is similar to the effect of "Electronic Angel-Nasatimi" just printed by Yu Xuan and others. It is an attack-invalid blockade without the limit of once per round, which can be regarded as a quite good defensive effect.

However, although the prototype using the original card from the comic enjoys the unique unilateral effect blocking and suppression of the Angel O7 comic, it also loses the protective resistance due to Beria's original effect. It can only be said that each has its own advantages and disadvantages.

"The effect of the breakthrough skill applies, and the effect of 'Angel O7' becomes invalid!"

The halo of the artificial angel suddenly dimmed, and the holy realm of light shrank, finally returning to the angel himself. At the same time, the suppression of effects on You Xuan's half was also lifted.

"We already have countermeasures from the first round." Yue Xing murmured.

"Then activate the ritual magic 'Fantasy Ritual' from the cards in your hand." Yu Xuandao, "Sacrifice the monsters with a total of 1 star or above from the cards in your hand and on the field, and ritually summon the 'Demon of Sacrifice'."

It is also the card that You Xuan got at Night Walk last time. The Nakshatra Demon is one of the fusion materials for the "Thousand-Eyed Nakshasa Demon". Of course, there is no reason to only give fusion monsters but not the materials.

Yue Xing was shocked again: "Are we going to summon both the 'Thousand-Eyed Sacrifice Demon' and the 'Sacrifice Demon' at the same time in one turn?"

He immediately thought that even the original designer and holder of the Nasai series, his adoptive father Becas, might not be able to do this.

"Although the 'sheep derivatives' summoned by the scapegoat cannot be used as sacrifices for higher-level summons, there is no problem with ritual summons." You Xuandao, "Therefore, I sacrificed the level one 'sheep derivatives' for ritual summons!

The bewitched imaginary monsters who were sacrificed came through imaginary rituals——"

The ritual card was slapped onto the duel plate, and a gloomy monster with a single eye that poked forward and a mind-boggling image appeared in the flames of the ritual.

[Sacrificial demon, attack power 0]

The moon is already a little sluggish.

The two sheep turned into two sacrificial trump cards that Bekas made for himself in one go.

Is this how the Naji series works?

At this moment, a somewhat rebellious thought suddenly flashed through his mind——

——Could it be that my father doesn’t know how to play Najimo at all?

"The first is the effect of the demon of sacrifice."

You Xuan waved his hand calmly.

"Once per turn, absorb a monster on the opponent's field as equipment, and obtain the offensive and defensive values ​​​​of that monster. Of course, I think you must know this effect."

He pointed to the Dark Lord Beria on the Moonwalk.

"Then, let's absorb 'Dark Marquis Beria' as equipment first."

The huge cavity in the chest of the Demon of Naji opened, and an incomparable force was released from it. Like an irresistible gravity like a black hole, Beria was pulled over without any explanation, sucked into it and disappeared without a trace.

"The Demon of Nazhi obtains Belial's equipment, and its attack power increases by the amount of the equipped monster's attack power."

[Demon of the Sacrifice, Attack Power 0→Attack Power 2800]

Yue Xing gritted his teeth.

"Then there is the effect of the 'Thousand-Eyed Demon', of course, you should also know." You Xuan smiled, "As a fusion monster, the Thousand-Eyed Demon also inherits the effect of the 'Demon'.

Similarly, one monster can be absorbed as equipment once per round, and its attack power and defense values ​​will be obtained.

This time absorbing the ‘Earth Giant-Gaia Plate’! "

The Thousand-Eyed Naji Demon is also released as a ball of darkness, like a majestic gravity dragging the monster into the endless abyss.

[Thousand Eyes Naji Demon, attack power 0 → attack power 2800]

"Even Gaia was caught" Yue Xing gritted his teeth.

There are also differences between the animated Nasai series and the real cards. After being transformed into real cards, the Nakshasa Demon and Thousand-Eyed Nakshasa Demon have been weakened to "can only absorb and equip one monster at most". In the animation, if you suck as many monsters as you want, their attack power will become absorption. The total attack power of monsters.

However, whether in the animation or in the real card, the effects of the Nasai series have a "once per turn" activation limit, and only one monster can be sucked out per turn.

Now that Yu Xuan's two Naji Demons have activated their effects, they shouldn't be able to continue to absorb "Angel O7".

In theory this is how it should be.

"Then I usually summon 'Tsukiyomi Ming'."

[Tsukiyomi fate, attack power 1100]

"When Tsukuyomi Summon is successfully summoned, you can turn a monster on the field into face-down defense position."

The moon moves strangely.

Put the monsters on the field? Could it be the "Angel O7" covering him?

But at this time, changing Angel O7 to a defensive position, wouldn't it actually help you consolidate your defense and reduce damage?

"I put the 'Thousand-Eyed Naji Demon' on my field into a defensive state on the inside."


Yue Xing was startled.

The Thousand-Eyed Naji Demon that covers him? What kind of operation is this?

Then he stared blankly at the incomplete crescent moon rising, and the Thousand-Eyed Sacrifice Demon transformed back into a card and covered the field.

"Of course, because the 'Thousand-Eyed Demon' became covered on the inside, the 'Earth Giant-Gaia Slate' equipped on it was also destroyed."

The Slate of Gaia was restored to freedom, and the image of the rock giant briefly flashed past after being covered by the Thousand-Eyed Nakshatra, and then shattered into points of light and dissipated.

"Then activate the effect of the 'AD Changer' in the graveyard!" Yu Xuan said, "This card in the graveyard is removed from the game, select a monster on the field, and the form of that monster is changed!"

Yue Xing's face changed slightly: "When did this card come from?"

"Just in the last round, the hand was thrown away by 'Angel's Alms'." You Xuan smiled, "I changed the 'Thousand-Eyed Sacrificial Demon' that was covered from the inside back to attack position!"

The Thousand-Eyed Naji Demon, which had lost its equipment, reappeared from under the cover of the card, its single eye glowing with a gloomy and wise light.

"The status of the re-flipped 'Thousand-Eyed Naji Demon' has been reset, and its effect can be activated again." You Xuan said, "Once per round, absorb a monster on the opponent's field as equipment.

Absorb ‘Angel O7’ as equipment! "

Yue Xing stared blankly as his soul card was also pulled into the underworld vortex by the majestic gravity, turning into a part of the Thousand Eyes Naji Demon. For a moment, he only felt a deep sense of powerlessness. .

"Is this what the Naji Demon is used for?" he said to himself.

When the real card "Thousand-Eyed Demon" is on the field, it has the suppression of "all monsters on the field except this card cannot attack", including your own side.

However, the original effect used by Becas in the animation is only "monsters on the opponent's field cannot attack", so now there is no attack restriction on Yu Xuan himself.

"The 'Thousand-Eyed Demon of Sacrifice', 'The Demon of Sacrifice', directly attacks Mr. Tianma."

The two sinister monsters opened their cavities at the same time, releasing "Angel O7" and "Marquis Beria of Darkness" respectively, which were absorbed by NTR.

Yue Xing could only lift the duel plate and helplessly protect it in front of him. He was pushed to the ground under the attack of his two aces in turn. Until the end, his eyes were filled with deep doubts about the world.

The two scapegoats transformed into two demons, and in one round the bulls took away three of his monsters.

Why did he have such a strange dream?

[Moonline, LP 3000→LP 0]

Seven updates in a row, my liver is gone

It’s only during the May Day holiday that it’s possible to play such a long game in one day. It’s really impossible to do it during normal working days XD

There are two days left in the double monthly pass event, please give me a monthly pass!

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