Who let him play Yu-Gi-Oh!

Chapter 193 Cultural Festival

Somewhere, unknown.

The cold iron wall seemed to be frozen with endless darkness, swallowing up every ray of light that tried to penetrate. The four walls and ceiling of the room were particularly dim under the cold light, and the occasional sharp corners shone coldly in the darkness.

Three pairs of cold eyes lit up in the darkness.

"It's almost time." One of the shadows said.

The black figure next to him said in a deep voice: "Did your father give you instructions, Alpha?"

The dark figure known as Alpha nodded: "Just two days later, the target is Duel Academy."

"Are we finally going to take action?" It was the third, taller shadow who spoke, grumbling, "But is the target actually the Duel Academy?

Hey, it's rare for me to come out, and the imaginary opponents are just some students. It's really boring. "

The black figure next to him asked: "So Gamma, what kind of opponent do you think can satisfy you?"

"Of course it's the legendary duel king, that damn Yugi Muto."

The other two people immediately looked at him like he was an idiot.

But the tall figure named Gamma still held his head high: "The meaning of my existence is to hit the top of the duelist. If it is not a duel with the strongest, it is meaningless!"

This abominable game↑↓, I don’t know where he is hiding now. Sooner or later he will be called out to face me.”

The other two people simply ignored the big guy who was enjoying himself.

"Beta, this is the first mission that our father has directly assigned to us." Alpha said solemnly, "This operation is crucial. We have two goals, you should know, right?"

"Of course." The dark figure named Beta nodded, "The data has been received."

But after a pause, he continued doubtfully.

"I can understand the primary target. But the secondary target, the duelist named 'Fujiki Yugen', seems to be just a first-year student in the Duel Academy?"

"Don't underestimate him just because he is a student. Since his father likes him, it naturally means that he is outstanding. We don't need to understand his father's motives, we just need to do what he does."

Alpha paused, and then warned solemnly.

"In addition, if you deal with the secondary target last time, be careful. Data shows that this person's duel is quite unique. He is good at disrupting the opponent's mind and brain, making it difficult for the opponent to perform normally and even acting abnormally during the duel."

The big guy Gamma on the side suddenly intervened in the conversation: "Oh, it's just some tricks. Any means to disturb the mind and brain, this kind of trick has no use on me!"

The other two people's eyes lit up and they all looked at him: "Oh? Do you have a clever plan for him?"

Gama held his head high: "If I have no brain at all, how can he disturb me and how can I deal with it?"

Two people: "."

A brief moment of silence.

It's like being speechless, using silence to express "What you said is really reasonable."

Gama plausibly said: "A duel only requires ninety-nine percent of strength and one percent of thinking. As long as you have strength, you can defeat all the evil heretics' tricks."

The other two chose to ignore him again

Beta: "I still don't understand, why did father insist on sending this defective product out with us?"

Alpha: "Ahem, we don't need to understand father's motives. He has his own reasons for doing this."

At this time, Gamma had already crossed his arms and let out a long burst of laughter, "Hahaha".


Alpha suddenly felt less confident.

The cultural festival is one of the most important events in the first half of the new school year at Duel Academy.

When Yu Xuan first heard the term, he was still a little unfamiliar. He instinctively felt that it was probably an activity related to duel culture. But when he came to the scene today, he immediately realized that this should actually be a grand ceremony with eating as its core.

The air is filled with the aroma of food, the smoke of barbecue and the sweetness of desserts. The colorful flags are fluttering and the ribbons are swaying in the breeze, showing a bit of festive joy.

Since early in the morning, students wearing three-color uniforms had crowded the venue. In addition to food, the surrounding stalls are also filled with a dazzling array of products, such as handmade Black Magic trinkets, Q-version Black Magic girl pendants, and exquisite blue-eyed white dragon models.

You Xuan wandered among the festival crowds for a while, and spotted an acquaintance in the crowd.

Misawa Daichi seemed to be educating a certain yellow dormitory colleague.

Taking a closer look, the man opposite You Xuan was also somewhat impressed.

What does it seem to be called? Kagurazaka?

Yes, it’s Kagurazaka who stole a copy of the game deck in the anime.

Misawa's evaluation of this person is that he is extremely talented. He is good at imitating the tactics and even personalities of other duelists. He can freely use any deck he gets, which is a unique talent.

You Xuan felt it was true. The game is so jam-packed with cards and a bunch of messy systems put together. It is proof that only a very advanced player can master it. But Kagurazaka, who stole the game and was able to play well with the card pile without seeing any jams in the whole process, is indeed a gifted person.

As for this person's shortcoming, it may be that he can never win.

It's amazing. Although Kagurazaka is said to be able to pick up any deck without getting stuck, it seems to be limited to the category of "not getting stuck". He can even lose with a deck as powerful as Professor Qiangyu's Ancient Machine. It doesn't matter if he loses to others. He even lost to Sho Marufuji, which is truly an unsolved mystery in the world.

".So I said it, Kagurazaka, even if I share my build with you, it doesn't make any sense."

Misawa said with a headache.

"The duelist's deck is powerful precisely because it was selected and built with great effort. Your ability to imitate and learn is top-notch, but in actual combat you are at a loss. Doesn't this explain the problem?"

Sanze didn't seem to notice that You Xuan was nearby, and happened to be making comparisons with him.

"You see, for example, classmate Yu Xuan, his strength is obvious to all. Although he is not willing to give in, he is indeed far stronger than me, the number one in the yellow dormitory.

What makes him so powerful is that he never takes the path that others have taken, and can always carve out his own path. Even I can’t catch up.”

You Xuan was silent.

Wuze Haiyang actually commented on himself in this way, and he felt somewhat guilty. To be honest, although his decks that seem strange to others are all constructed by himself, many of his ideas and ideas are actually the crystallization of the wisdom of countless predecessors.

Therefore, although outsiders may think that he drives all day long into hidden and secluded paths, they don't know that every highway he takes is a busy highway, the kind that has been passed by hundreds of times.

"I see!"

Kagurazaka nodded vigorously.

“Sure enough, I thought before that Yugen-san’s deck looked stronger and more distinctive in comparison, and it turns out that Misawa-san felt the same way.

Okay, then I know how to go next. Thank you Misawa-san for your guidance! "

Misawa: "No, actually what I want to say is"

However, before he finished speaking, Kagurazaka had already turned around and disappeared into the crowd.

Looking at the posture, it seemed that he didn't even want to participate in the cultural festival anymore, so he went back to building a deck.

Misawa: "."

It feels like there are some understanding problems again.

Forget it, let him be.

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