Who let him play Yu-Gi-Oh!

Chapter 195 Intruder?

"Brother, please slow down."

In a dense forest on the mountain behind the academy, Sho Marufuji and Hayato followed pantingly. In front of us is naturally the energetic Judai classmates.

"What are you talking about? You can't explore if you are so slow, Xiang!" Judai laughed.

"But even if you say so"

Xiang gasped for air.

"Why do we have to miss the cultural festival and come to this wilderness?"

"Recently, there are rumors that there are dueling koalas in the woods here!"

Judai was very excited.

Sho Marufuji: "Just thinking about koalas that can duel is impossible."

"No, haven't we already encountered monkeys who can duel before?" Hayato thought, "Koalas and the like are not impossible."

Marufuji Xiang glanced at Hayato and thought for a moment.

"That's right. Besides, there are actually no koalas in our dormitory who can duel."

"How rude!"

The three of them walked for a while, and the two cranes behind them completely stopped.

"No, I really can't run. My brother's energy is too strong." Sho Marufuji panted, "And we are almost at the beach. I think there should be nothing in this place."

"That's not necessarily true. There are many unexpected secrets hidden on the island of this academy." Judai said, "Some aquatic animals may suddenly appear in the sea."

Hayato was ashamed: "I think it is absolutely impossible for a fish to be able to duel."

While he was talking, he suddenly heard a snap next to him.

A hand wearing a black leather glove suddenly climbed onto the cliff from below, and a figure appeared from then on.

"It really happened!" Hayato and Sho Marufuji hugged each other.

It looked like a man in black leather clothing, with half of his face covered. He climbed up from the cliff and seemed to frown when he saw the three people.

"Damn it. You can bump into students even from a place like this."

Hayato and Sho looked at each other.

"What is this man muttering about?"

"I don't understand. But I don't feel like a good person."

Then, the originally folded mechanical components on the man in black's arm suddenly began to deform, forming a shape like a cannon barrel. A vortex of air fluctuations blasted out from it and headed towards the three of them.

Air cannon!


Wing Chestnut Ball appears just in time. Judai instinctively raised his arms to protect himself in front of him, and the translucent elf barrier blocked the air shock.

"Kuri Kuri!" Winged Chestnut Ball said.

Judai nodded: "Ah, I understand, partner. Is this guy an enemy?"

He immediately became alert and looked at the man in black who fired at them: "Who are you? Why did you sneak into this island and why did you attack us?"

"Hey, it is indeed a duel academy. The students I bump into randomly all have such abilities, so if that's the case"

As the man in black spoke, the mechanical components that were originally folded and stored on his arm suddenly began to deform, and in just a moment they were assembled into the shape of a duel disk.

"You can call me 'Beta'. I have something very important to do when I come to this academy. Since you happen to be standing in front of me," the man in black said coldly, "Then let me use Duel Academy. Let’s break through the duel.”

"What? Do you want a duel?"

Judai also started the duel disk.

"Okay, if it's a duel, I'll accompany you anytime!"

Xiang: "Brother, we don't even know what the opponent's purpose is. Wouldn't it be a bit awkward to have a duel all of a sudden like this?"

But Judai couldn't listen to it at all.

"Duel!" x2

【Ten generations, LP 4000】

[Beta, LP 4000]

"Start attacking my side first and draw cards."

Beta's voice was hoarse and muddy, sounding like a voice-changed mechanical voice.

"Summon the 'Demon Dragon'."

[Devil Dragon, attack power 1500]

"Then move two cards to the backcourt, and the round is over."

Beta ended the first round of simple operations, raised his head and said coldly.

"The best formation has been completed. Your hope of winning this duel is less than 1%."

"Oh? Are you so confident?"

Judai was not afraid when he heard this, but was looking forward to it.

"That's right." Beta said, "I analyzed the essence of the tactics of the legendary man at the top of the duel. You don't have any chance."

"The more you say this, the more people look forward to it. Then let me see your essential tactics."

The morale of Judai is even higher.

"Then I have to use your power first, Electro!

I summon the 'Elemental Hero Electro'! "

The blue elemental hero, the Electro-Optic Warrior, one of the "Four Wasted Heroes" known as the "Four Bad Heroes" by the card guys, jumped out onto the field with blue lightning dancing all over his body.

[Elemental Hero·Electric Man, attack power 1600]

"Electric Man, attack the 'Demon Dragon'!" Judai said.

Seeing the electric current piercing from the mortal hero on the opposite side, Beta let out a somewhat contemptuous chuckle under the thick mask.

It seems that it is unnecessary to be wary of this kid because of the power of the elf. After all, he is just a student of Osiris Red. He had heard that Osiris Red was always at the bottom of the Duel Academy.

He doesn't seem to have any scheming at all, and he shouldn't be a difficult opponent.

"Then at this moment, activate Gaika!" Beta raised his hand, "The quick attack magic 'Shrink'!

It can reduce the original attack power of a monster on the field to half! "

Judai frowned: "Are we going to halve Electro's attack power to counterattack?"

"Hmph, I'm not using low-level tactics. Look, this is the tactic that was reconstructed from the analysis of the duel between the strongest duelists in the legend.

The one I want to halve the attack power of is the ‘Demon Dragon’ on my field! "

The magic effect bound the dark dragon on his field, and the size of the demon dragon immediately began to shrink rapidly under the shrinking magic until it was reduced to half its original mini size.

[Devil Dragon, attack power 1500 → attack power 750]

"Reduce the attack power of your own monster!?" Hayato was shocked.

What is this operation?

Immediately afterwards, the Electromaniac blasted through the Demon Dragon's body with a thunderbolt from his palm, and the radiated electric light wave exploded on Beta's face.

[Beta, LP 4000→LP 3150]

"What are you doing?" Judai was confused.

"Humph, at this moment you have stepped into the bottomless abyss!" Beta sneered, take a good look at the monsters on your field.

The Electro stumbled back, looking down at his hands. A wave of dark red energy radiated from his body, gradually swallowing his whole body, until the elemental hero turned into a phantom and disappeared.

"What?" Judai was surprised, "What's going on?"

"Hahahaha! Because the moment the battle was established, I activated this card!"

He pointed to the open backfield on his own court.

"Trap card 'Death Destroying Virus'! When a dark monster on your field with an attack power of less than 1,000 is destroyed by battle, all monsters on your opponent's field, hand, and deck with an attack power of more than 1,500 will be destroyed!" (Original effect )

In fact, what Kaiba describes in the anime is "using a dark attribute with an attack power of less than 1,000 to become a vector for the virus." Listening to the description, it is easy to think that it is a sacrifice. But in the animation, he usually deliberately lures the opponent to attack, uses "shrink" to halve the attack power of his monster to below 1000, and after the death poison is successfully activated, he will also take combat damage.

Therefore, the original deadly poison should be through combat, and can only be triggered when the dark attribute below 1000 attack is destroyed.

"Nani? All monsters with an attack power of more than 1500" Judai was shocked.

"That's right, not just on the field, but also destroy all the monsters in your hand and deck with an attack power of over 1,500!" Beta shouted.

"Is the purpose actually to destroy my soul-like deck?"

Judai watched with a heavy expression as the virus corroded into his deck, and he could only reluctantly take out three of the cards and send them to the graveyard.

They are the Golden Blade, Wilderness and Necromancer among the Elemental Heroes.

Beta: "."


Are you the only three in the deck with an attack power of over 1,500?

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