Who let him play Yu-Gi-Oh!

Chapter 200 Invitation from the Pirate Ship

Duel Academy Island.

Gamma walked through the dense forest, stopping and moving, stretching his head and looking left and right from time to time, as if trying to find a reference.

Because he is lost.

Although it seemed a bit unprofessional for an intruder, he still had to face the cruel fact that he was indeed lost.

But he felt that he couldn't blame himself. This damn duel academy had to be built on such a primitive island, and it was such a large area.

Getting lost in the deep forest is like being in an intricate painting. The texture of the trees is staggered and stretched, and the branches and leaves are lush, as if weaving an endless sky. The layers of leaves cut off the moonlight, making the only light seem to have lost its direction.

"Sealing Array Sealing Array."

Gamma muttered as he moved forward, emerging from the dense woods. The soil underfoot was soft and moist, and there was a rustle of fallen leaves with every step.

Everything around them looks so similar. Whether it's the straight tree trunks or the dense canopy, walking along the way feels like copying and pasting, and there is no difference at all from the area we just passed.

"Go six hundred meters to the four o'clock direction and emerge from the bushes."

Gamma silently recited the mission instructions, emerged from a bush, and his eyes suddenly became clear.

A large empty space with nothing.

"Damn it, where is the Phantom Demon Sealing Array hidden?"

Gamma was depressed and began to reflect on which step he had taken wrong.

Then a female voice suddenly came from behind: "Who are you?"

It was Asuka who happened to be passing by this road on her way back to Blue Dormitory.

"A student from Duel Academy?"

Gama glanced at her, thought for a moment, and hummed.

"You came just in time. I was worried that I couldn't find the way. Since you came just in time, come and show me the way."

Asuka took two steps back warily: "Are you the intruder?"

Gamma said nothing and raised his arms. The mechanical parts were assembled into the shape of a duel disk, and a wave of light blue waves erupted from the duel disk and swept away quickly, as if some kind of barrier had been formed to cover the two of them.

"The duel field has been opened, and now you have no way to escape." Gama clenched his fists and shouted, "Let's duel the way our academy does! If I win, you will have to take me to the designated place!"

Although she didn't know why she suddenly fast-forwarded to this stage, Asuka naturally didn't feel sleepy when she heard about the card game. She took two steps back and started the duel disc vigilantly.

"If it's a duel, I'll accompany you no matter what."

"Duel!" x2

After the alarm sounded, You Xuan and the other three people immediately set off and rushed back to the dormitory. Asuka was from the blue dormitory and was on a different path from them, so naturally they separated midway.

When approaching Huang's dormitory, You Xuan suddenly stopped.

"Why don't you go back first, Misawa?" he said.

Sanze turned around strangely: "Now that someone has invaded and the whole school is under martial law, where else do you want to go?"

After he finished speaking, he thought of something: "Don't you want to find those too?"

"Don't worry, I'll be fine." You Xuan waved his hand, "I'll see you tomorrow."

Sanzexin said, of course I know you will be fine. But something might happen to someone else

"Okay, then be careful yourself."

After separating from Sanze, You Xuan no longer went in the direction of Huang's dormitory, but turned around and walked towards the forest again.

"Have you found the target? Are you sure they are intruders?" You Xuan asked.

Silent Magician and Cyborg Suojia, who were in spiritual form, floated out one on the left and the other on the right, both nodding in confirmation.

"Are you watching me?"

The Silent Magician nodded again.

"Strange thing." You Xuan muttered as he walked, "A bunch of new fans who are thinking about me appeared out of nowhere."

Alpha stood in the dark, narrowing his eyes and observing Yu Xuan.

"Fujiki Yugen, a first-year freshman from La-Huang, has an astonishing record that can be checked several times." Alpha said to himself, "What is so special about you?"

You Xuan and Sanze separated, suddenly turned around and entered a forest on the island. Alpha followed silently.

Isn't this guy going to go back to the dormitory? Alpha was confused.

He suppressed his doubts and followed into the forest. The two of them made twists and turns in the forest, one after the other. Although Alpha didn't know where the other party was going, the direction seemed to be away from the teacher-student activity area and heading deep into the dense forest.

Alpha thought this was a good sign. The purpose of his trip was to take away this student named You Xuan, and the less noise he caused, the better. The more remote the place, the easier it is to do it.

The night was low, the moonlight was shrouded in thick clouds, and the faint light made the forest even more gloomy. The outlines of trees are looming in the darkness, and their branches and leaves are swaying gently in the wind, like the whispers of hidden creatures in the forest.

Alpha gradually began to feel that the atmosphere was a bit disturbing.

After a certain turn, he took a closer look and was suddenly shocked to find that the back figure in front of him had disappeared at some point.

Where are people?

Alpha looked around blankly.

At this time, looking at the dense forest around me, I felt like I was in the middle of a huge maze. The starry moonlight was cut into pieces by the branches and leaves of the towering trees, casting mottled and twisted shadows, and the air was filled with indescribable mist.

A voice sounded softly behind him: "Did you see it?"

Alpha suddenly turned around and jumped back. When he turned around, he saw Yu Xuan standing behind him with his hands behind his hands at some point. He looked a bit intrusive under the hazy mist shrouded in the moonlight.

Alpha was startled.

No, I was obviously the intruder and stalker, so why did I suddenly change my offensive? It felt like I had become the cannon fodder in a horror movie when my opponent turned into a villain?

But he distanced himself and quickly calmed down.

"I see, it seems that you do have some incredible power." Alpha said in a deep voice, "I knew that my father would not appoint a student for no reason."

"Father." You Xuan repeated the word, "So you are still a family gang?"

Alpha did not answer the question, only said: "I am here for you, Fujiki Yugen. Father believes that your abilities are valuable to us. Join us, and you will receive unimaginable resources and the opportunity to reach the top of the world. ”

"Well, before that I at least need to know who you are, right?"

"You have to wait until you join to know this." Alpha said, "But what I can tell you is that our purpose is to subvert the world and gain supreme power and authority to snatch it from the tyrant named Kaiba Seto. come over."

You Xuan raised his eyebrows.

This goal alone basically determines whether or not they can work together.

First of all, You Xuan didn't have enough money with Haima, and the relationship was pretty good. Secondly, at this stage, as long as the game does not come out, the president is basically the son of the plane. With the president's cards, resources and power, I want to go against him.

You Xuan just wants to say that if you are looking for death, don’t drag me along with you.

"Refuse? Oh, that's expected. But unfortunately, now that I'm here, I don't have the option for you to refuse."

The mechanical components on Alpha's arm were deformed and assembled, directly creating a duel disk.

"Then let's take you back through a duel and use force."

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