Who let him play Yu-Gi-Oh!

Chapter 219 Demonic Bishop

In just a few minutes, there was a river of blood outside the bunker, and the fighting turned into darkness.

The army of monsters charged towards the bunker and fought with the jailer's team. The leading demon let out a low roar, as if the ground was shaking, and countless monsters came from all directions.

They have different shapes, some are as ferocious as beasts, and some are twisted like ghosts. The roars and roars intertwined to form a chilling symphony.

The warden demon came to the battle in person. Looking at the chaotic battlefield, he couldn't help but frown, and shouted loudly: "Lord!"

The battlefield was like a gust of dark wind sweeping over, followed by a series of "Jie Jie Jie" cold and strange smiles. The dark whirlwind transformed into a human form, like a nobleman coming out of an ancient scroll.

The pale face and skin looked like cold jade that had never been exposed to sunlight, glowing with a dim red light under the scarlet moonlight. There was a strange light in his pupils, and his thin lips were tightly closed under the high bridge of his nose, revealing only his sharp fangs.

Those who showed up this time were not those unknown and unrecognizable miscellaneous fish. This person is a vampire lord, with a five-star attack power of 2000 in Duel Monsters, and he was once a regular player in competitions in the ancient real card environment.

"You vampires are not in this activity area, are you?" The warden said coldly, "Why do you come to my bunker?"

"Humph, isn't our territory important?"

The vampire lord narrowed his eyes and snorted.

"The appetite of your evil gods is getting bigger and bigger. Everyone knows that it is only a matter of time before your claws expand into our territory. It is better to take the initiative and unite the allies of the demons to form a common front. While there are still allies who can unite."


The warden took a step forward, and the images of duel disks and card groups appeared on his arms, and he said coldly.

"You guys could have been more cheerful. But now, since you are seeking your own death, you can't blame me."

"Interesting, I have long wanted to try it with the rumored minions of the evil god."

The lord also sneered, and a duel plate also appeared on his arm.

"Duel!" x2

The warden drew five cards and said coldly: "Then let you understand how stupid it is to dare to challenge me, the guardian of the demon bunker."

The vampire lord's mouth twitched slightly again.

"Stupid, as long as I delay you in a duel, my mission will be completed."

"What?" The warden frowned, realizing something was wrong.


Just as the fighting was going on outside, a hole was blown out of the bunker. Then a large amount of water poured in from the breach, and a slender figure walked out slowly on the water.

A three-star water-attribute demon, the Dark Demon Bishop.

"Oh, it's easier than imagined."

The Demon Bishop sneered in a low voice and advanced slowly. He holds a staff in his right hand, and the end of the staff is decorated with a gloomy skull. The water that broke through the wall did not disperse, but swirled around him like a water dragon, like a guard.

The prisoners in the cells on both sides immediately became excited, cheering and shouting, and some even begged him to let them out.

But the bishop ignored it for the time being and went straight to a prison.


The man in the cell slowly raised his head.

It's not really appropriate to describe him as a human being, he's more like a well-dressed zombie. The face seemed to be rotten, with a protruding eyeball that looked sinister.

The Count of the Undead, the superior of the five-star undead. The monster is described as "the count of the demon world, a gentleman in appearance but evil in nature. Not only humans, but even low-level demons are afraid of him."

He is the strongest person imprisoned in this bunker, but he usually doesn't bother to participate in the boring struggles of the lower-level fish. Naturally, those demons would not dare to provoke him.

"The sentence is over, great Earl."

The bishop sneered and curled his fingers lightly. The water around him was like a flexible hand picking up a small metal instrument.

It was a key that he had snatched from a jailer when he came in. A glimmer of light flashed in the eyes of the Undead Earl, and he immediately realized that it was the key to this cage.

The cell in the bunker looks like an ordinary cell, but it actually has a barrier that can limit the power of these elves. In it, the elves cannot summon the Duel Disk, nor can they use the power of the card.

They prisoners are also bound by spells. Dueling activities are only allowed in the designated areas of the bunker or with the permission of the jailer.

Finally, it's time to be free.

"Welcome to the Count for his return." The Demon Bishop chuckled.

"Hmph, I was careless and got into trouble with those minions of the evil god." Earl of the Undead said solemnly, "But now, even if I, the Earl of the Undead, die in battle and my soul is absorbed and annihilated, I will definitely, definitely, no matter what, Never go back to this cell again!"

"That's natural."

The demon bishop laughed.

"But it's better to leave early now. The vampire lord is holding back the warden, and the old guy is still a bit tricky. The retreat route I arranged is over there, and there will be people outside to meet him. If we don't act quickly, I'm afraid the night will be long and full of dreams."

"Huh, okay. I originally wanted to see that old guy again and settle old scores with him. So I'll let him go today and let's talk about it next time."

The demon bishop was about to open the lock, but was suddenly stunned.

When he turned his head, he found someone standing in front of him.


The Demon Bishop and the Undead Earl were both stunned.

Not wearing the uniform of a jailer.

"You are also a prisoner?" the demon bishop said in a deep voice, "Get out of the way. I won't take you with me."

"Really? That's a coincidence. I don't want to leave yet."

You Xuan smiled.

I haven't finished collecting all the items in this map yet, so why are you in such a hurry to open the next map?

But according to what the four-eyed demon said before, this dead earl seems to be the hidden boss among the prisoners.

In other words, it is one of the most valuable treasures in this map.

You Xuan has zero tolerance for those who disturb his full collection achievement. People can leave, but the gold coins must be exploded for me first.

"But I'm afraid it won't be so easy for you to leave."

You Xuan raised his arm. The light blue data ripples gathered on his arm and transformed into the entity of the duel disk.

The demon and the earl were shocked.

"You want to stop us?"

The prisoners in the cages around were also at a loss. What's going on? Isn't he a prisoner like us?

Could he be an undercover planted by the jailer among them?

In fact, in addition to exploding equipment, You Xuan really has a bold idea, an interesting action plan.

But the premise is to explode the gold coins of the two in front of him first.

"Although I don't know what you are crazy about, we don't have time to waste time with you here."

The demon bishop stepped forward and swept his staff lightly. The water magic was activated again, and the water swirled around him, and finally transformed into a shape similar to a duel disk on his arm.

It seems that the duel disks of the elves are also different in shape. The main body of the demon bishop's duel disk is the color of white bones, and the texture is also made of skulls.

"Please wait, Lord Earl." The demon bishop narrowed his eyes, "I will send this ignorant kid away and get on the road, it will be fast."

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