Who let him play Yu-Gi-Oh!

Chapter 234: Fusion Birth

Fusion restrictions, lifted!

"Sure enough, Judai is not a duelist who is easily restricted." Misawa also chuckled, "He still found a way out."

"It's Judai after all." Hayato also nodded, "If he could be suppressed so easily, it wouldn't be him."

"Okay!" Judai shouted, "I will activate the magic card 'Fusion' from my hand again!"

Fusion Unit 2!

"My heroes are just beginning to exert their strength now." Judai said, "The real battle is just beginning now."

"Activate Gaika."

You Xuan calmly opened another backfield.

"Continuous Trap - Narukami's Waterfall." Yu Xuan said, "As long as this card is on the field, neither of us can send monsters to the grave from our hands!" (Original card)

Judai stared at the card and pondered hard for two seconds.

Then the pupils contracted and the mouth slowly opened

"Nani!?" Judai exclaimed in shock, "You can't send cards from your hand to the grave, that means..."

"Not bad." The corner of Yu Xuan's mouth raised. "I'm sorry Judai, but it seems that you still can't fuse the cards in your hands."

The people who were praising Judai's excellent response just now also fell silent.

After a few seconds, Hayato said: "Well, although Judai is Judai, Yu Xuan is Yu Xuan after all."

"Indeed." Sanze nodded, "If it could be broken through so easily, it wouldn't be Yu Xuan."


Another fusion turned into an empty hair. Judai scratched his head: "Oh, I have prepared enough countermeasures. In this case, wouldn't it mean that we have to gather all the monsters on the field to fuse them?"

It's just that the scene is completely suppressed by Yu Xuan. There is a powerful "Chaos Wizard" standing on Yu Xuan's side. It is not easy to gather materials and fuse them on the field.


Judai glanced at his hand and showed an excited smile.

He still has the means to break through!

"Activate the magic card 'Return of the Soul'!" Judai shouted, "Return the two warrior-type monsters in your graveyard to the top of the deck in any order!" (Original card)

The two cards exited the graveyard area and were briefly displayed by Judai.

"I recycle the 'Elemental Hero - Winged Man' and 'Elemental Hero - Explosive Girl' from the cemetery."

He swipes two cards into the top of the deck.

"Then return to the top of the deck!"

"Oh?" Yu Xuan said with interest, "Return to the top of the deck. What are you doing?"

"Hey, you'll find out soon."

Judai waved his hand, and another magic card appeared in the backfield.

"The magic card 'Fusion Birth'! Send the five cards from the top of your deck to the graveyard. If you have collected all the monsters that are fusion materials, you can fusion summon the fusion monsters that meet the conditions!" (Original card )

People who eat melon: "What!?"

This time, even the people outside the venue were shocked.

Is there such an operation? Fusion from the deck?

"Oh." You Xuan also narrowed his eyes.

As expected of a tenth generation classmate who is the master of fusion dimensions and travels around the city, there are so many fancy fusion poses.

"Therefore, send five cards from the deck to the grave!"

Judai drew out five cards in one go. The top two of them are naturally the Winged Man and the Hot Girl that he just returned.

"Then according to the effect of 'Fusion Birth', Winged Man and Explosive Girl merge!"

A whirlpool of fusion appeared above Judai's head. He held up the two cards, and the model worker couple appeared, turning into a green and red vortex and getting involved.

A fiery storm rolled up, and flames fell like meteors. White wings spread out, and the hero bathed in fire arrives.

"Show yourself, my beloved hero—

——Elemental Hero·Flame Winged Man, Fusion Summon! "

[Elemental Hero·Flame Winged Man, attack power 2100]

"Even in this case, the Flame Winged Man was fused." You Xuan smiled, "However, even your favorite Flame Winged Man has lower attack power than the Chaos Wizard. You must have not forgotten it, right?"


Judai smiled confidently and turned over a card he was holding between his two fingers.

"Venue Magic - Skyscraper!"

In the bustling city, skyscrapers rise from the ground like towering towers, towering in the sky where bright stars and lights interweave. The moonlight is like a silver ribbon, falling on the nightless steel jungle. The golden light beams emitted by the searchlights pierce the night sky and reflect on the glass curtain wall, like gems embedded in the night sky.

"Sure enough." You Xuan was not surprised at all.

"A hero must have the best stage for a hero." Judai said, "Fight! 'Elemental Hero Flame Winged Man' attacks the 'Chaos Wizard'!"

The figure of the flame-winged man was tumbling in the air, wrapped in blazing flames, and swooped down from the top of the sky with the moonlight behind him like a flying fireball.

"The effect of Skyscraper, when the 'Elemental Hero' on your field fights a monster with higher attack power than yourself, the attack power will only increase by 1000 points during damage calculation!" (Original work effect)

The real card has been weakened so that it can only increase its attack power when attacking the opponent, but the original version will trigger it whether it is actively attacking or being attacked by the opponent. In the original game, it has helped Judai withstand damage more than once.

[Elemental hero·Flame Winged Man, attack power 2100 → attack power 3100]

The Flame Winged Man blessed by the skyscraper is known as the Three Thousand Killer, with a full hundred attack power higher than the legendary Blue-Eyed White Dragon, which is very terrifying. The Chaos Wizard was naturally no match. He was kicked out by a flying kick and was quickly burned up surrounded by flames.

[You Xuan, LP 3600→LP 2800]

"It's not over yet. You Xuanzang must have not forgotten the effect of the Flame Winged Man." Judai smiled, "When the Flame Winged Man destroys the opponent's monster in battle, it will inflict damage equal to the original attack power of the destroyed monster."

The flame-winged man who passed through continued to spin and landed in front of You Xuan. His arms were raised, and the flames were already churning in them.

This blow will cause an additional 2300 huge damage, and in one breath will reduce Yu Xuan's LP to 500 points of Fengzhong Canzhu!


The flames shot out almost to the face, but did not hit directly. At the critical moment, a shield appeared out of thin air in front of You Xuan, and the flames of the impact all hit the shield and washed away along the shield.

"Eh?" Judai was surprised.

"Counterattack Trap 'Damage Polarized Shield'." You Xuandao, "Invalidate the effect that gives damage, and then both sides draw a card from the deck."

You Xuan drew the card.

"Don't be so anxious. The outcome of this duel is hard to say yet."

"Haha, that's right."

Judai also drew a card, but still said confidently.

"Although I can't see the direction yet, I will be the winner in the end."

"Really." You Xuan chuckled, "Then I have to look forward to it."

Judai glanced at the card he just drew, and then drew out all the remaining cards in his hand at once.

"Add three cards to the field and the round is over."

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