Who let him play Yu-Gi-Oh!

Chapter 257 Do you know Mr. Ma?


Amaluda looked up at the sky, looking a little dazed for a moment.

After waiting for about two seconds, he realized that he had not burped yet and his soul was still well in his body, and then he reacted——

——Oh, it turns out it’s not a dark duel.

At that time, Ameruda, like the other two of the Three Musketeers of Doma, obtained the dark power through Oliha Gang's barrier. But after the downfall of Dazi and the three people's innocence, they no longer have the power of the barrier.

But the experience in Doma allowed Amaluda to unlock the talent of the dark game, and he learned how to use the dark game even without relying on the barrier. Over the years, he has established this alliance of dark duelists, using the power of dark duels to punish evil and promote good. To some extent, this is also to compensate for his mistakes in his early years as a Doma swordsman.

Therefore, he has played a lot of life-betting cards over the years, and has not neglected to hone his strength.

I'm so used to playing life cards that I didn't react at all today. When my LP reached zero, I instinctively thought I was going to burp.

It didn't take long for me to realize, oh, there's no dark game open today. The reason why it feels dark is simply because the duel with the person opposite me is somewhat dark.

It is said that playing cards can reflect the soul of the duelist, so at this moment, Amalda, who had eaten the Lava Demon God three times in a handful of cards, could only think of the lava giant's silly smile, and he couldn't help but start to wonder about this person. I'm afraid my soul may be a little dark.

"Awesome, Yugen, even Ameruda is no match for you." Keppei stepped forward and patted him on the back, smiling, "It seems like now you might be able to compete with your brother. ”

Now that more than half of the semester has passed, the half-year appointment with the president is approaching. By the end of this semester, the new Duel City Competition will probably begin, and that will probably be the main project during Yu Xuan's winter vacation.

Duel with the president

You Xuan glanced at the president and found that the president was also looking at him. The moment their eyes met, the corners of the president's mouth slightly raised, showing an expression of interest.

Miraculously, through this look, a voice actually appeared in Yu Xuan's mind.

You ↑Xuan↓, this moment has finally arrived. Full ☆ speed ☆ forward ☆ forward ☆ da, duel!


"Yugen's duel is also very good, right?" Keppei smiled at Ameluda.

In fact, Keppei and Ameluda have a better relationship than Kaiba. At the beginning, Ameruda saw the shadow of his deceased brother in him, and gave his brother the most important relic. After that, it was basically Keppei who maintained contact with this person.

"Well, right? He's very powerful, and he fought pretty well."

Although Amaluda said this, he looked at Yu Xuan with a strange expression.

There is a sense of being unable to speak sincerely and being unable to speak.

It can't be said that it's not powerful, after all, he has never fought before.

But to say it was a good fight, as a victim, I really can’t say it.

"By the way," Americaruda remembered something, "I remember that Yu Xuan was a student in the La-Huang dormitory at Duel Academy, right?"

"Yes." You Xuan admitted.

"Oh, hehe, such an outstanding student like Yu Xuan is only in the yellow dormitory. Duel Academy is really blind." America smiled dryly.

The promised elites are all in the blue dormitory?

I wonder if you, the teacher and the principal, can't do this kind of freaky student even if you tie him up, right?

"No, Huang's dormitory is pretty good." You Xuan smiled, "I personally like Huang's dormitory too."

Amaluda pondered.

By the way, speaking of La-Huang.

Naturally, I thought of a certain crispy chicken in Three Fantasy Gods, and then I thought of the driver of the crispy chicken in Duel City.

Then I thought about the lava demon who repeatedly jumped and killed countless monsters in this duel.

"I'd like to ask, Yu Xuan-san." Amaluda asked, "Do you know Malik Isildar?"

"Well, I only heard that he was the legendary duelist who controlled the phantom god back then, but I never had the opportunity to meet him." You Xuandao.

"That's it"

Amaluda laughed and smiled dryly.

"Although I have never met him in person, I think that if it is Mr. Malik, he and Yu Xuan should have a lot in common, and maybe we can get along very well, haha, haha."

You Xuanxu stared.

What's the meaning? Are you implying that I've been playing cards to hell?


Well, it does seem a bit difficult to refute a victim who just took three shots from the Lava Demon and was finally hammered to death by the Lava Demon.

But back then, Mr. Ma had in his hands the Winged Dragon, which was known as the most illusory god in the underworld.

If I could also create a fantasy god with animation effects, then the role of the Lord in Yellow would be complete.

Thinking of this, You Xuan shook his head.

That's all, it's too far away, I don't want to think about this.

As we all know, the three fantasy gods in the animation are not just cards, but real "gods" who will choose their own users.

It was explained in the DM that even Bekas reluctantly completed the design of the Phantom God card with the help of the power of the Millennium Eye. All other card designers who tried to take over the Phantom God project were punished by God, either dead or insane.

However, they didn’t say why specifically. Maybe the three buddies disliked the three-dimensional drawings the designer drew for them that didn’t look good.

Now the three phantom cards originally produced by Bekas have all disappeared, and like the thousand-year artifact, they have gone to the underworld with the Pharaoh. Only people like Kaiba who have both black technology and a license to use can rely on the "floor card drawing" skill to temporarily obtain the phantom experience card.

Speaking of which, You Xuan vaguely remembers that someone in the second year of GX also successfully copied the Pterosaur.

After the Pharaoh left, the International Phantom Club has never given up on copying the three phantoms - after all, they are the strongest cards at the top of the duel monsters, and they will definitely not give up like this.

Just trying to copy the card is dangerous in itself, and it is even more dangerous to summon it in a duel. If the phantom thinks that the holder is not qualified to use it, it may directly attract the punishment of the divine thunder, and if you are not careful, you will be struck into a vegetable, just like Malik's attendant Lishid in DM.

But in the animation, a genius designer of the International Phantom Club developed a field magic called "Binding God Tomb", which can help him avoid the divine punishment and force the phantom to control the phantom. It's just that this behavior is probably playing with fire, and it's not surprising that it can go wrong at any time.

However, it is enough to prove that the International Illusion Society has never given up on the reprint of the phantom god, and has even been trying to develop more supporting derivative cards.

To be honest, You Xuan feels that he is currently an ordinary person and the probability of being recognized by the phantom god is not high, but if he has to choose from the derivative cards, his favorite is the "Pterosaur of the Sun God - Sphere" that was released after the real card.

It looks like the smooth golden sphere that was summoned after the Duel City Peacock Dance Bull took away Malik's Pterosaur, commonly known as the bird's egg.

Attack power 0 defense power 0, but this card can sacrifice three monsters on the opponent's field and summon them normally on the opponent's field. And after one round, it will jump back to the original owner's field, restoring the animation scene to pay tribute to the classic.

I can only say that the phantom god is worthy of being a phantom god, and the card face is different. Ren Tiehanhan only eats two monsters at a time, and it eats three in one breath. Moreover, the Lava Golem has a Blue-Eyes White Dragon-level panel when it goes to the opponent's field, which is considered an effective combat force.

The bird egg has 0 attack and 0 defense, and it seems to have no other use except to annoy people on the opponent's field. After being angry, it will come back on its own in the next round, and can also transform into other forms of Pterosaur.

It looks like a very happy card.

You Xuan thought that he would go to the International Illusion Club to find the two brothers Tianma when he has time in the future. If you can't get the genuine Illusion God, it feels good to find a way to get a bird egg.

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