Who let him play Yu-Gi-Oh!

Chapter 266 Digital Ascension

After Kaiba finished speaking, just a moment later, a figure appeared in the darkness.

He was an old man in a red suit and white hair just as he remembered, but his physique was surprisingly strong, and he even seemed to be more energetic than Kaiba remembered.

Or should I say it's natural. The last time he saw the real Gozaburo in reality was when Gozaburo was forced to step down. At that time, Gosaburo was just an angry but powerless old man, looking so weak and exhausted.

But now he looks more energetic.

"You're fine, Seto."

Gozaburo said calmly with his hands behind his back.

"I saw you grow up and remember my teachings. I told you that everything a man needs to work hard with his own hands, and it seems that you have truly practiced this in your own life.

You already have the potential to do whatever it takes, even to use it against me, the father who taught you this. "

Kaiba sneered: "Are you serious, Gozaburo? There are only two of you and me here, so you can save yourself from those false remarks. We all know what the truth was back then, so there is no need to fabricate some false pictures to try to What a touching past.”

He waved his hand, and the hem of the virtual windbreaker seemed to rise and fall with the wave of his arm.

"For me, there is nothing worth remembering in the past, especially the part related to you, Gozaburo." Kaiba shouted, "I have defeated you twice, but since you are so lingering, I don't mind Again.

No matter what method you use to make a comeback, even if you turn into a ghost and demand your life, I will stay with you until the end. "


Gozaburo pondered for a moment and said.

"I see, are you referring to Naia's time?"

Kaiba frowned: "Why are you so pretentious now? This conversation has already happened once, hasn't it?"

He was referring to the accident that happened during the first Duel City game when Atum was still there.

The AI ​​of Gozaburo's real son, Kaiba Naia, who died in a car accident, hijacked Kaiba's airship during Duel City and forcibly brought all the participants on the airship into Naia's virtual world.

However, it was not until the end of the incident that it was discovered that Naia was just a victim. The real ruler of the virtual world is Kaiba Gozaburo's AI. Before he died, the old man backed up his consciousness through data, achieving digital immortality.

Not only that, the old man has even evolved the ability to break through all the firewalls in the world at will, and can freely enter and exit the Internet. And he had calculated that as long as he used all the arms, weapons and production lines controlled by the Kaiba Group to the maximum extent, he would be able to completely control the entire earth within a month.

But of course, Gozaburo was still a little too optimistic at that time. Because he only took traditional weapons into account in this calculation and ignored the proportion of card-playing elements in the new era.

Gosaburo, who is still stuck in the old days and thinks about how to conquer the world with aircraft, artillery and missiles, is doomed to fail even if he lets it go.

But that AI should have been completely destroyed. The server he lived in was bombed by the Kaiba Group's missiles until not even a scrap was left.

"What you have seen is just the old model of 'I' that has been abandoned." Gosaburo said with his hands behind his hands, "Of course, even that 'I' himself does not know this fact."

"What?" Kaiba frowned.

"Naiya had an accident that year, and the top scientists of the Haima Group sealed him into the data world. But that was our first attempt, and the technology was inevitably immature."

Kaiba Gozaburo said.

"However, the birth of Electronic Naia has helped us a lot. He has a learning ability that humans cannot match, and especially the development in the field of artificial intelligence has given us a lot of inspiration and key data.

Therefore, after that, the relevant technologies of Haima Group have developed rapidly.

From the birth of Electronic Naia until Seto forced me to hand over the Kaiba Group, there have been several years, which is enough for us to push related technologies to a new level. "

"What do you want to say, Gozaburo?" Kaiba frowned.

"It means that Naiya and the other 'I' you faced back then were just defective products on the road to development and should have been eliminated long ago."

Gozaburo continued.

"I think that 'I' didn't know this myself. He thought he was the last backup uploaded by Kaiba Gozaburo before his death. But that's not the case. He was just an experiment to verify the possibility of the digital immortality plan. It's just a test product downloaded on old-generation hardware of the same model as Naia.

In fact, it should have been destroyed along with all other similar variants after testing was completed. But before I could do that, something happened to you, Seto. "

He watched Kaiba speak calmly, without the resentment or rage of the past, as if he was talking about something that had nothing to do with him.

“You took away my company and forced me to death, so the project was naturally stopped.

However, in the end, Gozaburo Kaiba did activate this project for the last time before his death, sealing his consciousness into the new generation device that was still in the testing stage.

Fortunately, I succeeded. In this way I survived and created the most perfect life form ever created. "

"You don't mean to say that you are yourself, do you?" Kaiba sneered, "It seems that you have not improved at all compared to before, whether in reality or in numbers, you have never been able to recognize yourself, Gozaburo . This is why you lost to me."

"It's just that you thought you won, Seto." Gozaburo shook his head.

"Oh? So this is how you win?" Kaiba sneered, "Create a bunch of my substitutes and wag their tails at you like a pug?"

"They are just test products, worthless from the beginning." Gosaburo said lightly, "They are stepping stones for the development of a greater project, and they are destined to be eliminated and recycled from the moment they are born.

Well, dying for me can be regarded as exerting their little value. "

"You really haven't changed at all, Gozaburo." Kaiba frowned, "You were a scumbag back then, but now you've just become a scumbag with power."

"I don't expect you to change your opinion of me, Seto. However, after these long years of thinking and having a clearer and more rational mind, my opinion of you is different, Seto."

Gosaburo looked at him, as if he wanted to see into his heart through the eyes of Kaiba's virtual body.

“The project I just mentioned, all those stepping stones that I created, is there an end point for this project?”

"Hmph, since it was your idea, it must be something boring." Kaiba snorted coldly.

Gosaburo didn't take it seriously and continued, "It's for you, Seto."

Kaiba frowned.

"They thought they were designed just to imitate or study ways to defeat you, but that's not the case. This is a necessary adjustment in order to create the most perfect you."

"What are you talking about, old man?" Kaiba asked coldly.

"You are a genius, Seto. I have put down my hatred over the years, and I have figured it out. You are the only genius recognized by me, and you are the only one who deserves eternal life like me, sharing endless knowledge and all power.

You took everything from me, my wealth, my company, my life. But I forgive you, Seto. "

Kaiba Gosaburo reached out his hand to him.

"I want you to be my son again."

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