Who made her an NPC!

Chapter 101: Increased exploration, an opportunity to unlock advanced professions [5k]

Digging Ji gave Bai Fu two maps, one of which was the current map of the Goli Desert and the other before it became a desert. A conspicuous red cross was drawn on the same coordinates on both maps.

[Psionic Research Institute Branch No. 2]

Next to the red cross was a note written by Digging Ji.

By observing the map, Bai Fu found that the location of the institute was once a sparsely populated river valley, but after the [Great Disaster], the Goli area completely turned into a desert, so there were no hills, river valleys or cliffs. Anyway, now it was all sand at a glance.

"It's more than 300 kilometers away from Shelter No. 11. No wonder old Nissen couldn't go back after leaving the institute."

If there were no player's map function to assist the investigation, even if the map of the Goli area before the disaster was obtained, it would be difficult to find the institute.

"Your outstanding contributions will be remembered by all the predecessors of the Silent Court!"

Bai Fu praised Digging Ji and the players in the expedition team.

A while ago, she awarded Patrick, who won the first place in the competition, a special silver Eye of Heaven medal called "Fighter Medal", which received a very good response from the player community. Therefore, this time she decided to repeat the trick and give all the players who found the research institute a new Eye of Heaven medal.

The name is the Explorer Medal, and the shape does not need to be changed. Just change the color to gold and the unique attribute will be highlighted.

Technology is based on changing the shell, and honor is based on changing the color. No problem!

Bai Fu prepared more than a dozen colors for the Eye of Heaven medal. If all these colors are used up, then change the shape of the medal slightly, add something to it, and then start a new round of color change.

After sending Digger Ji away, Bai Fu came to Old Nissen's tavern and took out little Yulia from the box hidden on the second floor.

"How do you feel?"

After hearing that some of her relatives and friends chose to commit suicide in order not to drag her down, little Yulia suffered a heavy blow, so that her emotions were out of control.

But after a ten-day break, she seems to have slowly accepted the reality.

It is useless to be sad and angry. You have to find a way to make the people who persecuted her feel sad, or even unable to feel sad again!

"Help me get revenge. You can do anything you want me to do as long as you can help me get revenge!"

It was just a rag doll lying in her hand, but Bai Fu felt a chill of being stared at.

Why did she feel that Yulia was about to turn evil and become a boss?

Thinking carefully, this seems to be a classic setting. The kind character in the early stage was betrayed by the person he once trusted. Not only did he lose his freedom, but his relatives and friends also died one after another.

Finally, she turned evil in despair and depression.

As the saying goes, evil is three times stronger. With her strength increased, she killed her enemies in a rage, but she could no longer turn back.

Once you enter the abyss, there is no way back!

After the decent NPCs who claim to be superheroes fell one by one, the next to rush to the battlefield were-

The players who appeared in pursuit of clues to the main quest!

[As long as the blood bar is exposed, I will kill you even if you are a god]

"Isn't it true that Yulia's plot will develop like this?"

Bai Fu was stunned for a moment, and then she shook her head.

Even if it was originally set like this, it should have gone astray now.

The reason is very simple. Due to her intervention, Old Nissen, the most important person in Yulia's eyes besides her biological parents, is not only not in danger, but is living a comfortable life. The tavern business is booming, and players are chasing after him. His past dreams have the possibility of being realized.

In the current situation, as long as Old Nissen does not die tragically, Yulia will not be completely blackened.

Bai Fu poked little Yulia's belly, and she seemed to have found a blind spot.

Before, she had been thinking about how to steal the protagonist's plot and make herself the new protagonist. So if she changed the plot of the future villain and made the future villain her follower, would she get the same bonus as stealing the protagonist's plot?

The more Bai Fu thought about it, the more she felt that this path was worth a try. Even if the experiment failed, it would be a good deed to make the world have one less terrible villain boss.

After doing too much to fleece players, you have to save some cyber merits when you have nothing to do!

Little Yulia stared at Bai Fu with sharp eyes. She was quietly waiting for Bai Fu's answer, but the development of the next thing was completely beyond her expectations.

Bai Fu first poked her belly with her hand, and then Bai Fu looked at her with more and more burning eyes, as if something hot was about to flow out of her eyes.


She felt a chill.

No way, no way, can anyone really have evil thoughts about a 20-centimeter-long rag doll?

Being interrupted by Bai Fu's eyes, she forgot the hatred in her heart for a while and felt "calm" for a rare time.

Bai Fu took a deep breath: "Don't worry, I will destroy the Truth Society sooner or later. I came to you today to ask you to do me a favor."

When talking with old Nissen, old Nissen mentioned that Yulia's psychic talent was unlocked after being illuminated by a beam of light in the desert. She suspected that the light was related to the laboratory hidden under the yellow sand, so she planned to take little Yulia to have a look.

After listening to Bai Fu's request, little Yulia quickly agreed. After lying in the box for a long time, she also wanted to go out and have a look.


Early the next morning, Bai Fu took the fresh Explorer Medal and little Yulia and went straight to the location marked on the map.

She spent six hours on this journey. The closer she got to the research institute, the more sandworms appeared on the road and the higher the level, which gave her a vague feeling of bad premonition.

"How is the situation now?"

Bai Fu came to the entrance of the research institute and asked old Nissen who had been waiting here for a long time.

Looking over Old Nissen's shoulder, she saw that the gate of the institute was half buried by yellow sand, and a small sign was exposed on the wall on the left, with the word "study" on it.

Desolation, desolation mixed with a bit of coldness.

Bai Fu saw blood on the wall, and saw fresh corpses of sandworms beside the wall.

Old Nissen shook his head: "When we found this place, we found that there were a lot of sandworms here. Fortunately, there were undead people covering it, otherwise I might have to be found here. The last time I came here, not a single sandworm was here. No, maybe I moved something I shouldn’t have moved after entering the institute and attracted the sandworms.”

Bai Fu nodded. She did not rush to enter the institute. Instead, she opened the camp management interface first, put the institute under the jurisdiction of the camp, and then set up a resurrection point outside the institute.

With this resurrection point, there is no need to worry about players having to run around for hours before they can get here again after dying.

"Let's go in and take a look."

Under the leadership of Old Nissen, Bai Fu got familiar with the internal situation of the institute.

Just as old Nissen said, all the security facilities inside the institute have been destroyed. After walking a few dozen steps, you can see a white skeleton lying on the ground. You can imagine what kind of brutal fighting there was here.

"On the wall, on the door, on the skeleton...are these all claw marks? Are they animal claws or mechanical claws?"

Bai Fu reached out and touched a white bone on the ground.

Some timid players deliberately stood far away, but there was nothing they could do. These skeletons were so lifelike that even if the harmony mode was turned on, they were still scary.

"Everyone split up and see if there is any missing information here."

Bai Fu issued a new mission, and then followed Old Nissen to what was suspected to be the central control room. Nowhere as far as the eye could see was intact, and there were several big holes in the walls.

That's it?

No way.

You must know that the main mission of Goli Desert [Watcher's Elegy] lists the search for this research institute separately and releases it as a branch.

Bai Fu felt disappointed.

Just as she was about to leave, little Yulia, whom she put in her trouser pocket, spoke: "There is a place on the left that has a very high psychic energy level. There is definitely something wrong with that place!"

Left side?

Bai Fu immediately used psychic perception on the wall. In an instant, a red question mark appeared in her field of vision, and the game prompt also sounded at the right time.

[You found the hidden map [Psychic Research Institute Branch No. 2 - 2nd Floor]]

I wipe it to hide the wall!

The producer of this game may not have learned from Xiao Gao. He likes to put hidden walls in unexpected places.

"You guys get out of the way first."

After the player and old Nissen retreated outside, Baifu placed two small Baifu on the wall.

With a loud bang, the wall was blown to pieces, the smoke and dust cleared, and behind the wall was a staircase leading underground.

She summoned a new Little White Fu and asked the Little White Fu to go down the stairs to investigate the situation.

Although many years have passed, the various equipment on the -2nd floor still seems to be operating normally.

Little White Fu traveled smoothly, and finally found a cylindrical room at the end of the -2nd floor. The room was open, and Little White Fu flew in slowly.

The picture changed, and what came into Bai Fu's eyes was a strange life in a culture vessel.

She threw a psychic vision up.

[Psionic Original Body (Dead)]

[Introduction]: The original life created by the No. 2 Branch of the Psionics Research Institute based on [Obsidian] has an energy intensity of close to 100 units. After the catastrophe, it died due to lack of sufficient nutrients. As a dead corpse, it still has 43 units of energy intensity.

"It seems like I discovered something amazing."

Bai Fu frowned.

The information that Old Nissen took away from this research institute mentioned that this research institute has been studying a strange black slate, which should be the so-called [obsidian].

Speaking of obsidian, she remembered the information she snatched from the Marine Life Research Institute, where there was an obsidian project.

I feel there is a connection between the two.

In addition to obsidian, the professional term energy intensity also caught Bai Fu's attention.

While she was thinking, a player walked up.

"Fufu, leave the reconnaissance mission to us."

Bai Fu nodded: "Be careful."

In terms of reconnaissance, Little White Fu has many advantages over players, but it also has many disadvantages. The biggest disadvantage is that Little White Fu's hands and feet are actually decorations. She cannot control Little White Fu to rummage around for various things. So this task still has to be left to the player.

The players who received the mission carefully entered the second floor of the research institute. It took them nearly ten minutes to finally reach the door of the cylindrical room.

When they saw the psionic original in the culture vessel, their eyes all widened.

"Holy shit, what kind of monster is this?"

"If I walked over now, wouldn't it suddenly break the glass and jump out with a health bar?"

"The reconnaissance technique failed. The level is too high."

"Okay, okay, let's check first to see if there's anything valuable nearby."

The player rummaged around the room and found a safe in the corner. The player with the physical training profession went up to it and punched it twice, swollen his hand.

This is not a safe that they can break at all. The key is that the safe is nailed to the ground and cannot be moved even if they want to.

"Let me do it."

Bai Fu walked in from outside the door.

The player has been here for more than ten minutes and still hasn't encountered any accidents. It seems that this -2nd floor is really not dangerous.

She chopped off the entire door of the safe with a knife, and then took out a pile of paper information from the safe.

【Mayer's diary】

[November 2: An organization calling itself [Psychic Diffusion Committee] found me. They invited me to join the new research institute they established. When I showed hesitation, they suddenly told me that they landed in the White Tower last month. The meteorite on the border of the Republic was actually an alien spacecraft. This instantly aroused my interest. We have thought countless times whether there are really other civilizations in the vast sea of ​​​​stars, and this seems to have the answer. 】

[November 4: I saw that spaceship. I am very sure that this is not a spacecraft that can be manufactured by any country or company on the ancestral planet. It really comes from an alien planet. I see a new era beckoning to me, and I must join that new plan! 】

[November 5: I heard that there was an alien on the spacecraft, but unfortunately I didn’t have the opportunity to meet him. I received a new task, responsible for studying a special stone slab codenamed [Obsidian]. 】

[November 11: A colleague touched Obsidian after forgetting to wear gloves. He mutated and killed three people before he was killed. We will perform an autopsy on his body tomorrow]

[November 12: It’s incredible. The physical strength of that colleague has increased several times after the mutation. Obsidian may be the key to evolution, but it is also connected to hell. We must be careful! 】

The diary was discontinued after the 12th, but these alone revealed a lot of information.

Alien spaceship!

This can explain why there was no psychic power on the Zuyuan Star before, but it suddenly appeared before the outbreak of the World War. The psychic power was most likely brought by the alien spacecraft.

[You triggered the hidden plot, and the exploration rate of the Zuyuan Star plot +0.7%]

[You have completed the mission [Watcher's Elegy] Branch 5 [Searching for the Lost Relics], and the exploration rate of the Ancestral Star plot +0.4%]

Two prompts rang in Bai Fu's ears one after another.

Her heart was filled with joy.

Is this the reward for the main mission? Her exploration level suddenly increased from 0.9% to 2.0%, more than doubled. It can only be said that it is too rich. Those ordinary hidden missions are simply incomparable!

The previous exploration degree of a few tenths has caused a huge change in her identity and positioning. Now her exploration degree has increased to 2.0, and the improvement will definitely be even greater next time she is strengthened!

But the 1.1% exploration degree is not all Baifu’s gains from this operation.

She triggers a new mission.

[You triggered the hidden mission [Obsidian Mystery] (total level 35 only)]

[Task introduction: All the work of the No. 2 Branch of the Psychic Research Institute is carried out around the mysterious [Obsidian], but after the catastrophe, the Obsidian suddenly disappeared, find it! 】

[Mission goal: Find [Obsidian]]

[Task reward: 700,000 experience points, rare prayer card drawings [spiritual blessing]]


Judging from the item introduction, Spiritual Blessing is a blessing-type prayer card. After use, it can increase a large number of attributes in a short period of time. It is a divine card in the early stage.

In addition to exploration and new tasks, Bai Fu also found what she wanted on the old antique terminal next to her.

[NCC-1773 terminal that stores advanced psychic knowledge]

[Quality]: Purple

[Item Description]: A terminal that was very common in the old era, but it contains advanced psychic knowledge.

[Remarks]: This terminal has multiple layers of encryption. Trying to read data or disassemble the terminal will cause the self-destruction system to start after an hour. Non-professionals are not allowed to touch it at will.

Bai Fu was ecstatic.

Appeared, the last chain of psionic knowledge she was looking forward to appeared!

As long as she successfully masters this knowledge chain, she is really only one step away from unlocking a high-level profession. When she unlocks a high-level profession, all presidents and generals will be killed by her!

Bai Fu's eyes quickly scanned the notes.


It doesn't matter!

The self-destruction system will take effect in an hour, and it only takes her more than 20 to 30 minutes to learn a psionic knowledge chain, which can be said to be quite ample time.

[You start reading "Advanced Psionics Knowledge in NCC-1773 Terminal", the intermediate level psionic specialization takes effect, your reading speed +20%, the current progress is 0.1%...]

Bai Fu estimated that it would take a little longer than usual for the progress bar to reach full this time, but it would not exceed 40 minutes.

She was in a good mood as she watched the progress bar slowly climb.

"Isn't it too easy to discover the fifth psionic knowledge chain?"

An idea suddenly occurred to me.

Before Bai Fu could scold her for talking too much, a player suddenly ran in from outside in a panic.

"Oh no, there are suddenly a large number of sandworms outside!"

Damn, I knew it wouldn't be that simple. This is a high-level map. It would be a miracle if there was no danger at all.

Bai Fu couldn't get away now. She could only spend all the task quota for today in one go and issued new faction tasks to the players.

[Delay time]

[Task introduction: ...]

[Task goal: prevent sandworms from entering the room where Bai Fu is]

[Task reward: reward depends on contribution]

A large amount of experience, Bai Fu's favorability, prayer cards, faction reputation...

When these rewards were placed in front of them, all the players present fell into a frenzy.

[Protect Fu Fu! ]

[If you want to touch Fu Fu, you have to step over my corpse! ]

[Fu Fu is here! ]

PS: Thank you dudududu for the reward.

Although I won't be able to post 10,000 posts tomorrow, there will be two more posts.

I'm asking for monthly tickets.

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