Who made her an NPC!

Chapter 109 Dual main plots, Bai Fu is the savior? [22]

Bai Fu was not in a hurry and immediately rushed to the camp where the Holy Spirit Cult was located.

Her goal this time out was to complete the fourth branch of the hidden main line and collect all the obsidian fragments.

In the past few years, Platt has studied the obsidian fragment in the hands of the Holy Spirit Cult in detail, and read a lot of news, old newspapers and various documents. Through comparison and elimination methods, he speculated that there are only two destinations for the third obsidian fragment. ——

The Order of Truth or the Primarch!

The reason he gave was that the truth would have some characteristics similar to those of the mutants created by the Primarch and those affected by the power radiation of the obsidian fragments.

After finding the direction, Platt conducted a new round of investigation on where the third obsidian fragment might be.

Finally, he circled two locations through some obscure news reports.

[Marsk Wasteland (coordinates xx, xx, xx)]

[Primarch Haidu First Industrial Zone (coordinates xx, xx, xx)]

Considering that these two coordinates were directly included in the hidden main mission, Bai Fu felt that the third obsidian fragment was most likely to be in one of these two locations. Even if it was not there, the corresponding information would definitely be found at these two locations.

I have to say that although Pratt is not a good guy, his abilities are indeed outstanding. If he hadn't met her, an NPC with a player panel, he would have been very likely to succeed with the help of players.

"Marsk Wasteland is not particularly far from the Holy Spirit Church. It only takes two days to travel there. Let's go there first."

Baifu's plan was to go to Haidu, the capital of the Primarch, if nothing was gained in the Marsk Wasteland, and make the branch 3 of the hidden main line and the [Psychic Source] triggered from Xia Shi, so as not to have to pay for it later. Have to run again.

After making up her mind, she took the player and the men in white robes back to Vault 11.

On the way to the Holy Spirit Cult and Marsk Wasteland, she may encounter people from the Truth Society or the Old Republic, so she must be fully prepared.

In the next two days, she and Heifu worked together to produce a large number of prayer cards.

This includes the psychic shield for life protection, the Little White Fu for reconnaissance, and the newly unlocked psychic blast and piercing gun.

In addition, she also made a lot of prayer cards with lower requirements. If there is any problem at that time, she will send these cards to the players, let the players charge collectively, and let the people of this world experience what the fourth natural disaster is!

Shelter 11 has become very lively in the past two days, because all players know that Bai Fu is going to take players on a mission again.

[Okay, I heard that we will bring hundreds of people there this time, far more than the 50 people last time]

[Although I watched the whole process of hanging street lights up close last time, I didn’t actually fight much. I don’t know what the situation will be like this time]

Players in the Court of Silence are full of expectations, but players in other camps are a little anxious.

The group of players who followed Su Li and the Human League were fine, but the players who joined other camps all had a bad look on their faces.

[Mom, can you give me one too?]

[Bai Fu is very good, but she doesn’t belong to me, which is very bad]

[I’m not envious, not at all. Black and white women are not as good as my Qingbaoxiang]

"Maybe there will be some more radical players who see that they can't get any benefits, so they want to break up with the players in the Court of Silence."

Bai Fu thought secretly and felt that she must be on guard.

She first contacted Gao Yuan and asked Gao Yuan to keep an eye on them while she was away, and then sent Anya, Lao Nissen and others to another shelter currently being built by the Court of Silence in the Goli Desert to prevent any unexpected events.

After everything was ready, Bai Fu collected the obsidian fragments and officially took the player and the man in white robes on the road to the Holy Spirit Cult.

Even the players who only entered the game in version 1.1 have been developing for more than a month now. Therefore, although she brought a lot of players this time, more than 400 people, the average level of the players is still very impressive——

Level 12!

"At this level, as long as there are enough weapons and ammunition, you can throw them anywhere, and you will be a force that cannot be ignored."

Bai Fu is very satisfied with her achievements in the past few months. Now she is only one step away from the carp leaping over the dragon gate.

Under the guidance of the man in white robe, Bai Fu successfully arrived at the Tongshan camp where the Holy Spirit Cult was located.

Tongshan Camp is located four hundred kilometers west of the Old Republic and the Railway Association. Before the Cataclysm, this area was very desolate, suffering from drought and little rain all year round. After the Cataclysm, the area became even more desolate.

Bai Fu walked around the outskirts of Tongshan Camp, and all she saw were abandoned buildings, with open doors and windows, and cobwebs on the corners.

A man in white robe explained: "A few years ago, a special infectious disease suddenly broke out in the camp. The sick people only had high fever at first, but after a few days, small black spots would appear on their bodies. At this time, if you don't use a After taking very expensive drugs to suppress it, small black spots will appear all over the body for up to a month. Once this stage is reached, the patient will be suffocated to death due to muscle stiffness and inability to breathe. There, there, and there, there used to be people living there. Yes, but now..."

He shook his head and sighed, with a sad look on his face, and the other men in white robes were also infected by his emotions.

The Holy Spirit Cult was indeed very radical in the past. Even if Pratt's money-loving father became a priest, things would only be a little better. However, with the outbreak of infectious diseases, the people of the Holy Spirit Cult have been so tortured that they no longer have any energy to care about other things.

They just want to live, but living is not that simple.

"The drugs sold in the old Republic were too expensive and ordinary people couldn't afford them. Even if they were used, they could only suppress the spread of the virus, but could not completely cure the disease. People who were sick could not get out of bed, and they had to have someone special care."

While they were talking, everyone had arrived at the main entrance of Tongshan Camp.

Hundreds of people came at once, and the people in the camp became very nervous. If they were looking for trouble, it would be difficult for the Holy Spirit Sect to withstand the current situation.

The man in white robes who was traveling with Bai Fu quickly ran over, raised his hands and shouted: "Don't be afraid, everyone, we have found the holy relics. This lady of Silver Moon came here with the holy relics to confirm our situation."


This shout made the whole camp excited.

Within a few minutes, dozens of people poured out of the camp, all with happy faces.

"Ms. Silver Moon, thank you very much for coming."

"Great, we are finally saved!"

"Where's Pratt, why is he missing?"

When the name Pratt came up, the group fell into an odd silence.

It was Bai Fu who spoke first: "He suddenly disappeared when we were preparing to come here. We searched for him for a long time but still couldn't find him."


The people from the Holy Spirit Church were confused.

Bai Fu moved the topic away naturally: "Time is tight. We will talk about his affairs later. First, take me to see the infectious disease you mentioned."

The people of the Holy Spirit Church could only suppress Pratt's disappearance for the time being. They led Hei Fu and some players into the depths of the camp. Because it was an infectious disease, all the patients were placed in an isolation area.

A respectable-looking old man pointed to the isolation area: "Only people wearing special protective clothing dare to go there. I'll ask someone to get a set of protective clothing that fits you..."

Heifu stopped the old man and, under Baifu's control, said: "No, I won't be infected, and they are not afraid of infection. Just take us in."

Heifu asked again and again, but the old man had no choice but to have someone lead her in.

After entering the isolation area, all I could hear was painful groans and breathing sounds like bellows.

"The camp is too small to isolate too many people. Sometimes we have to kill some severe patients." The person leading the way said with a gloomy face, "Please save them."

Digging Ji's eyelids jumped wildly when she heard that, good guy, is this too difficult?

At this moment, both Bai Fu and the player received a new task of helping Tongshan Camp treat infectious diseases.

The content of the task is very simple, which is to treat diseases, but the task is not simple to complete because there is no obvious prompt. The good news is that the task rewards are quite rich, with a lot of experience, money and camp favorability.

Of course, this richness is only for players. Bai Fu, who has mastered two main lines, does not think highly of this experience.

She used psychic vision on the patients lying in bed and on the medicine she bought from the Old Republic.

There is nothing to explain about the disease. Until the investigation is clear, there are question marks everywhere. That medicine will have an explanation.

[Muscle Strengthening Potion (Trial Type III)]: A special potion developed by the old Republic. Although it cannot cure myostasis after dilution, it can prevent the patient's physical condition from deteriorating further. If treatment is needed, please use the high-concentration type. For the first time Use Stamina +1.

Judging from the drug introduction, the Old Republic should have high-concentration medicines that can cure diseases, so why not sell them to the Holy Spirit Sect? Is it because they want to cut the leeks of the Holy Spirit Sect?

The problem is that the Holy Spirit Church doesn't look like it's very profitable, and once everyone in the Holy Spirit Church gets sick, there will be no leeks to cut.

"It seems that the investigation must start from the direction of pharmaceuticals."

Bai Fu has already confirmed that obsidian fragments are useless in curing diseases.

She told the players what she had discovered, and promptly shared the branch 1 of the hidden main line [The Desire of the Savior] with the players, asking the players to investigate the potion and see if they could get the Psychic Diffusion Committee from the Old Republic. Specific list.

This kind of shareable task is very special. Even if she does nothing, she can get certain rewards after the player completes the task. Otherwise, she would not be willing to give these tasks to the player. She is alone. Not happy with your meal?

All the players, including Digger Ji, thought that they were here to treat illnesses and save people as a living bodhisattva. Who would have thought that while they were chatting, Bai Fu actually released a main quest for them.

[Wait, main quest? 】

Some players are aware of the problem.

[Fufu has previously released a main quest called [Watchman's Elegy], and this time she has released a main quest called [The Desire of the Savior]. Damn it, there are two main quests. Fu Fu has two main quests by herself! 】

Players in the Court of Silence and players in the community who saw the news were all excited.

[Fu, how many more surprises have you hidden? 】

[Is it possible that Bai Fu has more than two main lines? 】

[You might as well say that all the main plots of Zuyuan Star are related to Bai Fu]

[Maybe it is really possible, I am the best in the world! In fact, I am more concerned about the name of this new main quest than having one person and two main quests]

Trying to be a savior!

Even the dullest players began to think uncontrollably at this time.

As a die-hard supporter of Baifu, and the one who became famous for making Baifu-related videos, Digging Ji could not help but hold her breath at this time.

Oops, I feel so happy that I almost lose my sight when I think about it deeply!

But she couldn't stop herself from thinking about it.

[ @Digging Ji digging treasure digging treasure, what do you think]

For a while, the community was full of players asking @Digging Ji, hoping that she could express her opinion.

What else can she say? Isn't it clear?

[Task certification, it can be basically confirmed that Fu Fu's role is the savior of Zuyuan Star! ]

[You asked me what I think, of course I'm opening champagne! ]

How much information can be dug out from a savior?

Digging Ji didn't dare to think about it, anyway, she was invincible.

When the news that Bai Fu was very likely to be the savior spread, the atmosphere in the community changed all of a sudden.

Those players who were originally envious of the players of the Silent Courtyard camp became even more envious, and those players who originally thought that "if they can't get it, they will destroy it" suddenly fell into fear.

Fortunately, they haven't taken action yet, otherwise they will provoke an existence that has a pivotal position in the plot of Zuyuan Star.

If they succeeded in killing Bai Fu, it would be fine. If they didn't, they wouldn't be able to take on the main quest and could only stand there and watch other players have fun.

This is the savior. Although she is a "savior who wants to save the world" and may not really become the savior, this means that Bai Fu is not only the number one protagonist of Zuyuan Star, but also one of the top few.

Some players beat their chests.

[Why didn't I follow those players who restarted to go to Shelter No. 11? ]

The players' reactions made Bai Fu laugh.

That's right. This misunderstanding caused by the players is beneficial to her. The most direct benefit is that her role positioning may really become the savior when she is strengthened next time. The secondary benefit is that many players will not dare to trouble her because of her "identity" as the savior.

When Bai Fu laughed, Digging Ji was also laughing.

We must find a way to dig deeper into Fufu's story and find out what Fufu's true identity is. If Fufu's true identity is exposed in advance, it will definitely be more popular than launching a new version!

When the players were shocked by the new main quest, the Holy Spirit Church was a little desperate.

The holy relic can't cure the infectious disease, so what should they do?

Hei Fu said: "Don't worry, this disease is not completely incurable. I have some clues. I will let the people who came with me investigate. You just wait."

To be honest, the people of the Holy Spirit Church didn't quite believe what Hei Fu said, but Hei Fu and Bai Fu came here from afar and promised to continue to help them. What else can they do except be grateful?

Wait, anyway, we have waited for a long time, and we can wait a little longer.

After Bai Fu handed down the task, she sent Xiao Bai Fu to stroll around the camp. She found another obsidian fragment in Pratt's residence without much effort.

She didn't take the fragment away immediately, and planned to take action after returning from Marsk Desert.

After arranging tasks for the players, she selected a group of players who were highly sensitive and good at fighting from the players who came with her.

"I'm going to Marsk first."

Bai Fu did not reveal what she was going there for. She was mainly afraid that the players would tell the community about it, causing the news to leak out and be seen by the people of the Truth Society, thus making a wasted trip.


Marsk Wasteland.

In a relatively flat valley, a helicopter roared in and finally landed steadily on the helipad in the valley.

In an instant, people on both sides surrounded it.


They stood straight in two rows and saluted the person who got off the helicopter.

The president of the Truth Society looked around and was in a good mood. He came here to inspect the progress of the mutant plan. This plan was related to whether the Truth Society could kill the other four major forces.

"Take me to the laboratory."

Under the guidance of the guard, the president of the Truth Society entered the Marsk underground laboratory.

PS: I don't know if there will be two updates tomorrow. It depends on whether there is any urgent matter. There were a lot of typos in the last chapter, I'm very sorry.

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