Who made her an NPC!

Chapter 146 Popularity surges, the real protagonist of Zuyuanxing, Bai Fu, is online! 【79k】

Chapter 146: Popularity surges, the true protagonist of Zuyuan Star, Bai Fu, is online! 【7.9k】

It was already half a day after Bai Fu met the people sent by the Railway Association and other forces in Haidu.

In the past half day, under the supervision of players, Haidu, which had just experienced a major chaos, was safer than before the war. Any evil was brought to justice by players who were everywhere looking for tasks to complete as soon as it appeared.

This astonishing efficiency made people from the Railway Guild and other forces amazed, and at the same time they became increasingly wary of Bai Fu.

Now Bai Fu is only the nominal queen of Zuyuan Star, or she is a well-deserved queen in the eyes of superpowers. In the eyes of ordinary people, her image is more like "strong" and "hero". word hook.

But if these immortals who follow Bai Fu do more things like maintaining law and order in Haidu, when Bai Fu's reputation among the people reaches a certain level, many ordinary people will spontaneously support her as their ancestor. Star's true queen.

It’s getting cold, so give Fufu a yellow robe.jpg

Living in the wasteland, following someone is not following. In this case, why not support Bai Fu, who is more amiable than the leaders of other forces in all aspects?

Moreover, Bai Fu is good-looking. She also gave a speech on TV and said a bunch of words that made people sleepy. At least Bai Fu had the advantage of being eye-catching.

"Fortunately, before we came here, those people above had vaguely revealed that they intended to swear allegiance to Bai Fu. Tens of thousands of undead people, plus the first person in history, are not so easy to provoke."

After sitting down in the conference room, the agents of the Railway Association appeared extremely relaxed.

They ate melon seeds and drank water, and even began to think about whether they really wanted to customize a new set of queen's clothes for Bai Fu.

Since they are taking an oath of allegiance, it is natural to have a full sense of ceremony, otherwise others will have to doubt whether they are sincere.

Compared with the Railway Guild, the people from the Old Republic and the People's League were a little uneasy, especially the people from the Old Republic, when they thought of what Orion, the predecessor of the Old Republic, did before the Cataclysm. , the people of the Old Republic were very worried that White Fu would spread their ashes like the Primarch.

Why don't we break away from the Old Republic now?

【I am inseparable from sin! 】

But can Bai Fu accept it?

It always feels a bit difficult. So far, I have never heard of anyone lying down and licking Baifu to get Baifu's important use. If they want to lick Baifu, they may not be willing to lick it for them.

The people of the Old Republic thought more and more. In their eyes, Bai Fu was no longer a succubus who was good at charming the undead, but was clearly a terrifying demon king.

Bai Fu’s evaluation of this view is——

You're so young, who says a succubus can't be a demon king?

She stood in the conference room for a long time, waiting for the people from the Old Republic to be frightened to the point of sweating profusely before entering the topic.

"I know why you came to me, so I'll just tell you. You don't have to worry that I will bring the undead to attack you next. After all, I'm not a demon. Of course, this premise is that you are not plotting in secret. I."

The other people in the conference room twitched their mouths.

Plotting against you?

Two lives are not enough to do this!

Bai Fu's words made the people of the Old Republic and the People's Alliance relax a little.

"Then what's your next plan?"

Bai Fu glanced at the agents of the Railway Association: "You must have heard some news from Su Li and Igor, right?"

The agents of the Railway Guild nodded repeatedly and said impassionedly: "We have indeed heard about your plan to rebuild the Ancestral Star. We are very interested in this plan and intend to join it, accept your command, and contribute to the reconstruction of the Ancestral Star. Power!”

Ancestral star reconstruction plan?

When this word came out, people from the other two factions were confused. Could it be that...

"The so-called Ancestral Star reconstruction plan refers to..."

Bai Fu briefly introduced her ideas to everyone in the conference room.

After hearing what she said, the people from the Old Republic suddenly stood up, and finally sat back down with embarrassment.

They were so excited.

They guessed right. Bai Fu really wanted to promote what she did in the Goli Desert to the world of Origin Star. This idea could only be described as crazy.

But if you think about it carefully, this plan is indeed possible. According to incomplete statistics, there are hundreds of thousands of undead scattered all over the Ancestral Star. If these hundreds of thousands of undead listen to Bai Fu and join the reconstruction plan Come on, let alone rebuilding the entire Zuyuan Star, it is still very possible to truly connect all the large-scale settlements on the Zuyuan Star. In this way, their normal activity area can be expanded dozens of times.

The only problem is that in order to completely rebuild the Ancestral Star, it is not enough to kill the mutated life forms. All sources of pollution must be cleaned up. The undead just won’t die, not that they won’t be contaminated. If in the process of dealing with the sources of pollution, If it is contaminated, then all previous efforts will be wasted, and a countermeasure must be thought of.

"This is simple. I will ask the undead to cooperate with experts in this field to do research. I believe that after having enough samples, we will soon be able to develop a truly effective anti-pollution drug." Bai Fu proposed a solution.

As long as you lie down in the laboratory for a while, you can gain experience. If you fail in the experiment, you will not lose experience. She believes that there will definitely be many players who will take on such a task.

It’s true!

Bai Fu's words caused the heartbeats of those people in the Old Republic to speed up involuntarily.

They looked at each other and saw expectations in each other's eyes. They didn't know what their superiors would think. At least they themselves were really looking forward to the future described by Bai Fu.

Except for a very small number of people, who likes to struggle to survive in a wasteland with a harsh living environment?

Because their strength is far beyond ordinary people, they can live a life far beyond ordinary people, but as for their descendants, they dare not guarantee that their descendants will be able to succeed in the wasteland.

"I..." One of the people from the Old Republic became emotional, "I hope what you said is true."

If Bai Fu is not fooling them, then even if the people above do not agree to cooperate with Bai Fu, then they will take the initiative to join the Court of Silence and shout together with the undead——

Hey, Queen Bai Fu, we love your mouth and teeth!

"Yes, that's all I want to say now. As for the details, we can talk about it slowly when you reach a consensus internally."

Bai Fu smiled and sent away the people sent by the three major forces.

In the evening of that day, the TV crew sent by Igor arrived in Haidu.

After cooperating with them in recording the documentary, she brought together the still living managers of Haidu for a meeting and asked them to continue managing Haidu. How could these people dare to say no and honestly agreed? .

After arranging the affairs of Haidu, Bai Fu took the spoils of the expedition and embarked on the road back to the Court of Silence.

Because Xia Shi was in very poor condition, even worse than Yulia who had just been rescued, she did not drive fast. Two and a half days later, the convoy arrived in Baifu Town via Shelter 5.

Just like last time, this time the residents of Baifu Town still held a grand celebration ceremony for her. The difference was that this time there were many people standing on both sides of the road because they were too low-level to participate in this operation against the Primarch. Players who go among them.

These players looked at Bai Fu much more eagerly than Bai Fu looked at Yulia.

They were very upset.

Why didn't they join the Court of Silence earlier? Why didn't they do more tasks and learn more skills in this store to improve their strength?

Well, now they completely missed the battle against the Primarch, and could only watch helplessly as other players in the Court of Silence made a lot of money in the action.

"Ah, ah, I'm so jealous of you."

"Are there any new main missions on Zuyuan Star?"

"There should be."

"After fighting the Primarch, are we going to fight the Old Republic and the People's Alliance next? I must sign up this time!"

"Add me one!"

Bai Fu was still secretly proud of the player's welcome. After overhearing the player's conversation, the corner of her mouth couldn't help but twitch.

That is to say, the people from the Old Republic and the People's League are not here, otherwise they would definitely be frightened by these energetic players.

【Don’t come over here! 】

Bai Fu waved to the NPCs and players on the side of the road. She knew that the players on the Ancestral Star were worried that there would be no main quests to complete after the Society of Truth and the Primarch fell one after another, but she did not plan to disclose her ancestors for the time being. Source Star Reconstruction Plan.

She had already discussed with Igor that she would disclose the plan in the trailer of the documentary and create a super advertisement for the documentary.

In short, let's hold these players in for a few days. The longer they hold them in, the more powerful they will be when they find an outlet.

This is very beneficial to her plan to improve her status in the Origin Star and get herself out of the circle again.

"Gao Yuan, you first arrange a place for Xia Shude and Xia Shi, father and daughter, and find a doctor and nutritionist to look at Xia Shi. Her body is already weak, but after being locked up for a while, she seems to be somewhat nourished. Bad."

Bai Fu gave Xia Shi a physical examination in the car. Good guy, when she grabbed Xia Shi's feet, she thought she was grabbing the tip of the bamboo chopsticks.

However, Xia Shi's arrest this time was a blessing in disguise.

When Bai Fu checked Xia Shi's body for any abnormality, she gave her a psychic vision, and then found that her attribute panel was very different from the first time they met.

The most obvious thing is that she has two new talents in her talent column——

[Mechanical Induction] and [Magnetic Resonance].

The former allows her to have a good bonus in learning mechanical knowledge and manufacturing machinery, while the latter allows her to have a bonus far beyond that of ordinary mechanics when controlling machinery. Moreover, the more machines she controls at the same time, the greater the difference between machines. The higher the positive bonus generated, the effect is similar to the machines that Broken Star placed in the egg-shaped room to protect himself.

"This is a necessary talent to become a legendary mechanic!"

Bai Fu was a little curious about where Xia Shi got these two talents. After reaching out and poking the details button behind the talents and asking Xia Shude, she gradually understood everything.

Broken Star was actually a very talented mechanic. In order to be resurrected, he instructed the Primarch to create many artificial humans, and these artificial humans were genetically edited according to his requirements.

Because Broken Star's own understanding of gene editing technology is limited, and the execution of the original gene is not very good, over the years, most of the artificial humans they have produced have not shown outstanding talents, and Xia Shi is no exception. Xia Shi seemed ordinary in the android training camp, otherwise the Primarch would not have allowed Xia Shude to take her home and raise her.

But people from Broken Star and the Primarch never expected that Xia Shi had a talent for strong luck.

The gift of strong luck did not allow Xia Shi to live a happy life of continuous good luck, but it caused her body to undergo a positive mutation when it mutated due to defects in gene editing. It was this mutation that allowed Xia Shi to master two new machines related to talent.

Bai Fu understood.

This is called awakening!

She guessed that in the original plot, Xia Shi awakened a new talent due to an unexpected incident while cooperating with the players, and then turned the tide of the battle in one fell swoop.

As for what the specific emergency was...

Maybe it was Xia Shude worshiping heaven.

Forging the pain into the heart of the enemy, she sublimated into despair and became the mechanical queen of the ancestral star.

Considering that Xia Shi is more like the protagonist and Yulia is more like the villain, maybe players can see Xia Shi and Yulia fighting after making some special choices.

But now they probably have no chance to fight.

"After all, they have now joined the Court of Silence and become my wings."

If the Court of Silence wants to develop and grow, it still needs a mechanic to be in charge.

Gao Yuan nodded after receiving the order: "I will arrange it. By the way, the laboratory you asked me to build for Yulia is almost complete."

He handed over a key.

"Thanks a lot."

Bai Fu took the key and turned around after watching Gao Yuan leave with Xia Shude and Xia Shi.

"Come on, let's go take a look."

Before going to the laboratory, Bai Fu went back home and took out the two hidden fragments of the Pillar of True Spirit.

A few minutes later, in the newly built laboratory.

Yulia was excitedly checking the equipment in the laboratory, and Bai Fu placed three pieces of the True Spirit Pillar fragments on the ground in turn.

To her surprise, before she had done anything, a deep purple electric light automatically appeared between the three fragments.

[The Pillar of True Spirit is being fused, the progress is 1%...]

This process lasted for nearly ten minutes. As the progress bar climbed, the three fragments got closer and closer, and finally merged together with a click, turning into a black stone slab the size of a palm.

Bai Fu threw a psychic vision skill up.

[Pillar of True Spirit (Incomplete)]

[Quality]: Red

[Item Description]: The incomplete Pillar of True Spirit is rumored to be a strange object born in the wonders of the universe, the Void Realm Ladder. Because it has lost its spiritual core, it is now unable to exert its full effect.

[Remarks]: The interstellar pirate Broken Star hijacked the cargo spacecraft transporting the Pillar of True Spirit, and then he was attacked by an unknown spacecraft. When he was seriously injured and on the verge of death, he accidentally drove the spacecraft carrying the Pillar of True Spirit to the Origin Star. .

The moment the item description popped up, Bai Fu received a new game prompt.

[You triggered the hidden mission [The Pillar of the True Spirit Wandering in the Dark Realm]]

[Mission introduction: The Pillar of True Spirit that Broken Star looted during the chaos is an extremely rare spiritual prop. Many forces in the Sea Lion Galaxy are very interested in this Pillar of True Spirit. Now the Pillar of True Spirit falls to you. In your hands, it’s up to you how to deal with it]

[Task goal:

Branch 1. Give the Pillar of True Spirit to the Red Moon Mercenary Group, and the reward will be -3 million experience points, and the favorability of the Red Moon Mercenary Group camp will be opened, which is unknown;

Branch 2. Give the Pillar of True Spirit to the Consecrated Order, and the reward will be -3 million experience points, and the favorability of the Consecrated Order camp will be opened, which is unknown;

Branch 3. Deliver the Pillar of True Spirit to Shijing Security Company, and the reward will be -3 million experience points, open favorability of Shijing Security Company camp, 10,000 Titan credit points, and Shijing Company Amethyst Customer Card;

Branch 4. Take it as your own, reward - none. 】

[Note: This mission has a high probability of triggering subsequent missions, depending on your performance when in contact with other forces]

Bai Fu looked at the mission introduction. Although the mission was not explained in detail, she felt that in order to complete the mission better and trigger subsequent missions, she should hand over the complete Pillar of True Spirit instead of the incomplete one she has now. Taste.

"The complete pillar of true spirit."

Bai Fu raised her head and her eyes fell on Yulia.

She thought she had almost figured out the current situation. The reason why Yulia awakened her psychic talent was most likely because she accidentally fused the spiritual core that flew out after the Pillar of True Spirit exploded.

She didn't know how to get the spiritual core back, maybe she wanted to kill Yulia, so her answer was that she wouldn't give the Pillar of True Spirit to anyone.

I lost this, why should I give it to others?

"They actually merged together? Well, the pattern on the stone slab is exactly the same as the pattern on my body."

While Baifu was thinking, Yulia walked up to her.

Yulia opened her collar without any scruples, turned her spiritual energy, and a purple pattern slowly appeared at the mouth of the canyon.

Bai Fu's eyes were dazzled by the big pattern.

"Any further discoveries?"

Yulia asked seriously.

Bai Fu: "..."

While asking, you bent down to get closer. Did you do this on purpose?

Bai Fu handed the Pillar of True Spirit to Yulia: "The Pillar of True Spirit has something called a spiritual core. Your power should come from that spiritual core. Because the spiritual core is lost, now this Pillar of True Spirit is incomplete."

"Is that so?"

Yulia nodded in understanding, and then sandwiched the Pillar of True Spirit between the pattern on her body.

After two seconds, she regretted: "What a pity, I thought I could suck out the spiritual core and give it to you."

She put the Pillar of True Spirit back into Bai Fu's hand.

Okay, okay, you put on a cold face and play it seriously, right?

It was the first time that Bai Fu saw such an aggressive woman.

Fortunately, she had sparred with Yulia before, otherwise she would have been fooled and thought Yulia was a natural fool.

Forget it, I won't bother with this scheming woman.

Bai Fu was about to put away the Pillar of the True Spirit, and something outrageous happened. The Pillar of the True Spirit in her palm suddenly broke into three pieces again.


[Pillar of the True Spirit Fragment]: After wearing it, you can enjoy the blessing from Yulia.

Bai Fu's eyes widened, and she quickly clicked on the detailed explanation. This blessing is actually the [Consecration Link] buff that she got after touching the pattern on Yulia's chest, that is, all attributes +10.

The difference is that the [Consecration Link] only lasts for 4 hours, and the buff of the Pillar of the True Spirit Fragment will always exist as long as the Pillar of the True Spirit Fragment is worn on the body, and there are three pieces of the Pillar of the True Spirit Fragment in total.

"One for me, one for Anya, and one for Xia Shi. Just enough to share."

Good job!

Bai Fu gently patted Yulia's shoulder. If Yulia hadn't squeezed the Pillar of the True Spirit, she really didn't know that the Pillar of the True Spirit had this effect.

The effect of the consecration link will increase as Yulia's strength becomes stronger. It seems necessary to find a way to get Yulia some props to enhance her strength. After all, she is now bound to Yulia. The stronger Yulia is, the stronger she can become.

Yulia stared at Bai Fu in confusion.

Here it comes again, that strange look again!

She is sure that she is greedy for Bai Fu, but how does Bai Fu see her?

It is puzzling. It seems that more radical tests are needed.

After leaving the laboratory, Bai Fu took Yulia straight to the spaceship found in the territory of the Primarch.

This time, she stepped on the accelerator to the bottom and rushed all the way. It took only half the time to return to Baifu Town to get to the spaceship. The price was that Yulia, whose physical fitness was far inferior to hers, was vomited by her.

"Not everyone's physical fitness is as abnormal as yours!"

Baifu's physical fitness was so exaggerated that Yulia began to worry about her future.

"Yes, yes, I will pay attention next time."

Baifu pulled Yulia into the spaceship.

As she expected, the computer on the spaceship recognized not the empty shell of the True Spirit Pillar, but the spiritual core that had been integrated into Yulia's body, that is, Yulia became the key to this spaceship.

[Authentication completed, RX0713 cargo spaceship is waiting for the owner's new instructions]

In the cargo ship's cockpit, a blue virtual figure appeared in front of Baifu, speaking the international common language of Zuyuanxing learned from Shattered Star.

Yulia handed over the command to Bai Fu, who asked, "Can the spacecraft return to the galaxy you were in before?"

The AI ​​replied, "Because the spacecraft was attacked before and encountered an accident during the landing, I suggest that the spacecraft be fully self-checked before returning."

"How long will the inspection take?"

"Three days. After the self-check, based on the technological level of this planet, the repair will take about one to two months."

Two months at most?

Bai Fu didn't care. After finding a way to leave Zuyuan Star, she was not in a hurry to leave now.

Her plan was to wait until the reconstruction plan of Zuyuan Star was on track, and she would become the true queen and true protagonist of Zuyuan Star, and then leave with various resources harvested from Zuyuan Star and a large amount of experience harvested from players.

This is a more prudent approach.

With these experiences and resources, she only needs to collect higher-level psychic knowledge in the Star Sea and complete the corresponding promotion tasks to quickly raise her level, without having to slowly work hard in the Star Sea and play a game from scratch.

"Can you teach me Interstellar Common?" Bai Fu asked.

The AI ​​immediately transmitted the language knowledge it had sorted out to Bai Fu. With the learning function of the game, Bai Fu successfully mastered Interstellar Common in just one hour.

Very good, this way she is more like a real alien!

"Notify me after the self-test is completed, and I will help you collect the materials needed for repairs."


Bai Fu drove here, and it was easy to go back. The spaceship went straight into the sky and stopped near Bai Fu Town in just one hour.

"After all, it is an ordinary cargo ship, and the speed is still too slow when flying on the surface of the planet."

Bai Fu shook her head and planned to get a better spaceship after arriving in the Star Sea.

After getting off the spaceship, she stuffed the Interstellar Common into the store of the faction copy and sold it as a new product, priced at 3,000 experience points.

This move quickly attracted the attention of the players of the Silent Courtyard.

[Look, there is a new product in the store, [Interstellar Common], damn, this thing is prepared for entering the Star Sea, is it possible that the next version is the Star Sea version? 】

The players of the Silent Garden were excited all of a sudden.

The players of other planets were confused.

No, man, we are still crawling on the ground, and you are going to fly to the sky?

No, you can't!

[I don't think so]

[I think so]

[I don't know if it is, but I can tell you for sure that something big is coming! 】

Just as the players of the Silent Garden were arguing with the players of other planets, a player from the Railway Guild suddenly brought big news.

【What's big? 】

[I don’t know, but judging from the reaction of the Railway Guild NPC, it must be huge! 】

【How big is big? 】

[Is Fufu as big as that?]

Soon, players from the Old Republic and the People's Alliance also jumped out.

[I testify that he is right, the big one is indeed coming! 】

[Okay, okay, if you are not as big as Fufu by then, I will have sex with you]

Players were noisy in the community, but as time went by, some attentive players discovered that the atmosphere on Zuyuan Star was indeed a little different since the Primarch was beaten to the ground by Bai Fu.

In the next ten days, many people came to Baifu Town, and Baifu also went out several times.

On the tenth day, a new news suddenly spread.

[At eight o'clock in the evening, please tune in to the Railway Association's Agate Stage on time. Bai Fu, the superpower known as Silver Moon, will be a guest on the Agate Stage to share with us her views on the future of the Origin Star]

I'm going!

This news instantly detonated various settlements, shelters, and player communities on the Origin Star.

The future of Zuyuanxing?

This live broadcast proposition is really big!

[Quick, quick, don’t just eat alone, start a live broadcast while watching, we also want to watch together]

When the time finally came to eight o'clock, NPCs and players from all over the Zuyuan Star were crowded in front of the TV or radio station.

Igor's voice came out: "Since the fall of the Truth Society and the Primarch, Bai Fu, the name has become the focus of the Ancestral Star. Who is Bai Fu, why is Bai Fu so powerful, why does Bai Fu want to After dealing with the Society of Truth and the Primarch, what Bai Fu wants to do after this is a question that many people are concerned about. Today, we specially launched a program called "Fireside Chat", and the first guest on the program was Bai Fu. Fu!”

Amid cheers and applause, Bai Fu appeared on the TV screen wearing an elegant yet mysterious uniform specially made by the Silent Court.

According to the format of the initial rehearsal, Bai Fu chatted with Igor. She answered some of Igor's questions one by one, and said that she would cooperate with Igor to shoot a documentary to introduce in detail the World War of the Origin Star and the Great War. The beginning and end of the disaster.

"A lot of information has been made public for the first time, so please stay tuned. I think everyone living on the Ancestral Star is qualified to know what caused the world we live in to become what it is now, but..."

Having said this, Bai Fu suddenly stood up.

“Rather than looking back at the past, what I want to do is look forward to the future.”

"I often think about a question. I have lived in this world for many years. One day, when I decide to travel far away, I must do something for it."

"Before today's show, I had many consultations with the Railway Association, the Old Republic, and the People's League. We all agreed that after eliminating the hidden dangers of the Origin Star, it is time to return the Origin Star to its original state. Looks good!”

"A world where you can travel far away freely, a world where you don't have to worry about being attacked by mutant life on the way!"

"I have verified it in the Goli Desert. I believe that the successful experience of the Goli Desert can be extended to the entire Ancestral Star. Here, I sincerely call on..."

Bai Fu's impassioned voice penetrated time and space, touching the hearts of most of the Zuyuanxing NPCs who listened to her.

Especially after the leaders of the Railway Association and other forces connected to the Agate Platform to support her, everyone had an uncontrollable thought -

What if it really succeeds?

The show has not ended yet, but at this moment, Bai Fu has transformed into the most popular super idol in Zuyuan Star, queen, goddess, and various titles rained down on her head.

The players watching the live broadcast room also exploded.

Before, they had been thinking that after the Truth Society and the Primarch were sent, there would be no main mission on the Zuyuan Star, but Bai Fu's words clearly told them that they wanted a main mission?

Just tell me whether the main line of rebuilding the Ancestral Star is a big deal or not!

From the Goli Desert to the Origin Star, from destruction to construction, from a passer-by in major events to the Hero of the Origin Star, if you perform well, your name will even be left on the Planet of the Origin Planet forever and become the name of a city. , or become the name of a landmark building, all of which are too tempting for players.

[Before, I have been wondering who the protagonist of Zuyuan Star is, the five NPCs that appeared on the official website? Now I am sure that Zuyuanxing has only one true protagonist——

Fufu! 】

Baifu's live TV broadcast was a huge success beyond expectations.

The photo of her bowing to the audience in front of the TV, standing up, raising her right hand and shouting "Long live Zuyuanxing" has become the annual photo of Zuyuanxing, and has also become the reference for a lot of posts in the community and a lot of videos on video websites. cover.

After the live broadcast, Bai Fu immediately opened the community.

She has already made her move, and it depends on how the players and planners react.

PS: Although I updated it later because I wrote 1,000 words more than expected, I am still sorry. It seems that it is still a bit difficult to update before nine o'clock. Try to make sure it is around ten o'clock first.

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