Who made her an NPC!

Chapter 159: The bad woman who robbed the players, fortunately Bai Fu was more skilled [12]

The commission that Bai Fu was interested in was posted half a month ago. The task required recruiting five A-level superpowers to wipe out Singularity Company.

The reward for the task was 30,000 credit points. Because the goal was to deal with Singularity Company, this reward was not high, and it could even be said to be a bit low. Because of this, even after half a month, the client still failed to recruit enough people.

Bai Fu clicked on the commission details and found that there were only two hunters who applied, and there were still three people missing.

"Me, Hei Fu, and Vic, aren't the three of us just enough?"

Bai Fu told Vic about her plan.

On the day she registered for Dark Moon Tide, Vic took the initiative to apply to join Dark Moon Tide and became the No. 5 employee of Dark Moon Tide. Now that he heard that Bai Fu was going to take action against Singularity Company, he immediately agreed.

After getting Vic's approval, Bai Fu applied for the commission in the name of the new vest Dark Moon Tide.

[You triggered the hidden mission [Undercurrent]]

[Mission description: A hunter named [Mountain Pioneer] has an irreconcilable feud with Singularity Company. He posted a mission on the commission platform and is preparing to gather five A-level superpowers to destroy Singularity Company]

[Mission target: Destroy Singularity Company]

[Reward: 3 million experience points, 30,000 credit points]

[Hidden reward:? ]


Bai Fu was surprised. The name of this mission just happened to coincide with her [Dark Moon Tide], but it was actually a hidden mission with a hidden reward.

Normally, the missions received on the commission platform cannot be hidden missions. If they are, there must be something hidden.

"Is it because Singularity Company is special, or because the person who posted the mission is special?"

After Bai Fu disguised herself, she took the player, Vic and Hei Fu to the appointment.

One day later, it was still Fengdeng Star.

After getting off the spaceship, Bai Fu went straight to the gathering point.

She asked Yulia and Anya to be on standby on the ship, and to pick them up and run away at any time if anything unexpected happened.

"You are finally here." A tall and thin man with milky white tentacles on his head came up to greet him, "I am the person who issued this commission, Kaishanzhe."

Because Bai Fu had said before coming that she would bring some men with her, he was not too surprised.

His eyes were mainly focused on Bai Fu, Hei Fu and Vic.

At this time, Bai Fu was wearing the Fu II psychic structure, and the helmet extending from her neck perfectly covered her face. Hei Fu also wore a similar helmet. Vic's side was much simpler, just a little oil paint on his face, in his words, it was to save money.

When Kaishanzhe looked at Bai Fu, Bai Fu was also looking at the three teammates in this operation.

Kaishanzhe is a standard A-level superpower, nothing special, but no obvious weaknesses. The green big guy standing behind him is called Green Mud, a superpower who can make his body as hard as iron or soft as a pool of mud.

What attracted Bai Fu's attention the most was the woman standing by the door with a white alien ring on her neck and her hands on her chest.

She looked ordinary, but her thunder heightened her ordinariness. Bai Fu recalled that even the gifted Su Li was no match for this woman.

So scary, is this the talent of a cosmic person?

Just as Bai Fu was complaining, the woman suddenly raised her head. The two of them looked at each other at this moment, and an inexplicable sharp aura collided fiercely in the middle. Everything around them seemed to solidify at this moment. The colorful world began to degenerate until it degenerated into a monotonous world of black, white and gray, as if sinking into the other side of the world, as quiet as death.


It was not until the voice of the mountain pioneer sounded that this solidified black and white world was shattered like a mirror.

The color returned, and Bai Fu's heartbeat also returned. She quickly threw a spiritual vision to the woman.

[Name]: ?

[Template]: Ordinary

[Main Occupation]: ? Lv24[+50], ?

[Secondary Occupation]: ?

[Health]: ?

[Attributes]: Strength? , Agility? , Constitution? , Intelligence? , Spirit 626, Inspiration?




[Danger Level]: Black

Major occupation level 74, except for spirit, all other items are question marks.

Peak A-level superpower?

Bai Fu's pupils shrank slightly. What she cared about was not the attributes of this woman, but the danger level rating.

Black means that under normal circumstances, she would never be able to beat this woman.

No, can the gap between A-levels be so big?

Before, she saw that Singularity Company only had one peak A-level, and thought this operation was very stable, but now it seems...

It seems to be quite stable.

As long as this woman can successfully contain the peak A-level of Singularity Company, the remaining 4 A-levels will not be difficult to deal with. The only problem is that their battle location is the headquarters of Singularity Company, so they must not be careless.

"This is Honglian, this is Dark Moon." The Founder briefly introduced all the A-level superpowers present, "Now that everyone is here, let's go. I will explain the action plan in detail on the way."

Everyone boarded the Founder's spaceship. On the way to the Singularity Company headquarters, the Founder distributed the Singularity Company headquarters route map that he had spent a lot of effort to collect to everyone.

None of the NPCs responded, but the players were very excited. This was the first time they took the initiative after entering the star sea, and this was also the richest battle they had ever fought.

Bai Fu shared part of the money earned from selling slaves to the players. Even the players who contributed the least earned 800 credit points. Players who contributed more to the task even credited 2,000 on the spot. After receiving the money, the players immediately started Happy buying, buying, buying.

Many players bought power armor that they had liked for a long time, and some players dressed up in extremely flashy outfits. Their wanton squandering made other players look red-eyed.

"It would be great if one day I could get a super large mecha to have fun."

I can't help but sigh with emotion.

After the spacecraft landed, he followed the crowd and poured out of the exit. He had just taken a few steps when footsteps sounded next to him.


He turned his head and saw that the female superpower who didn't like to talk very much since her debut was walking towards her. She seemed to be named Guren. It seemed that she was running towards him.

Could it be that there is a mission?

Converting to me, Fu's eyes suddenly lit up. As a Fumen player, there are only two things he likes most in the game, one is Fufu and the other is missions.

"Is there anything I can do to help you?" Shifu Wofu came up with a player's standard starting move.

"You are not from the Sea Lion Galaxy, are you?" Honglian said with a smile, "You look like a very ordinary cosmic human race, and your clothes are completely different from the local civilization of the Sea Lion Galaxy, and you have a greenish youthfulness everywhere. breath."

I took refuge in my husband and nodded.

Really, the players are excited to take a look at everything they see, as if they have just arrived in the big city from the countryside.

"What's wrong with this?"

Honglian said: "The star sea is vast and boundless, filled with countless opportunities. When you first come to the Sea Lion Galaxy, you probably don't understand many things. In fact, with the strength and courage you have shown, as long as you look in the right direction, you won't be able to achieve anything. People who are rich and wealthy can live very well..."

I took refuge in you and nodded. Then, where is your mission?

Hong Lian saw that converting to my wife was really unreasonable, so she could only clarify her words: "Dark Moon is the Silver Moon who is very famous in the Chaos Star Road recently. Following such a ruthless person who regards the lives of his followers as nothing. It’s dangerous, I think…”

Now I understand.

Good guy, this NPC is here to poach Fufu, not to issue quests.

Funny, have you seen my name? "Convert to me Fu", let me let go of Fufu's lap and follow you, dreaming!

Honglian was disappointed, but she did not give up and quickly found other players.

This time she was much more direct. Not only did she directly state her intention, she also offered quite good conditions, such as a fixed salary, additional bonuses, and special equipment.

As a result, all the players rejected her, and she was almost depressed. No, the bad woman Yin Yue took the initiative to let you die, and you are still willing to follow her wholeheartedly. Are you crazy, or is the world crazy? Or is it true that good-looking people can do whatever they want?

She really couldn't figure it out, so she could only glare at Bai Fu a few times.

Guren made a lot of noise, and there was a snitch from Ji Ji, so Bai Fu had already noticed her.

Okay, okay, you are poaching me... No, I said the wrong word, you are poaching me, right?

If you get angry, I'll put a sack on you sooner or later!

Fortunately, no player was impressed by Guren's pie this time.

Loyal! Sincerity!

According to Dig Ji, some players simply ignored Guren. Some players felt that they had been following her for a long time and did not want to switch camps and start over. Some players were a little tempted, but after careful consideration, they felt that it would be better to follow her. Hope.

[After arriving in Xinghai, Fufu is no longer the protagonist, but she at least has a long-term hidden mission to complete]

Bai Fu felt very pleased. Fortunately, she was superior in skills and had always hinted to the players that she had an unusual background when she was at the abandoned cooling plant. Otherwise, if Hong Lian was seduced like this, some profit-seeking players would definitely rebel.

She secretly became wary.

Guren can see through her true identity, maybe because of her high mental attributes.

But rather than worrying about this, she was more worried about the players.

At present, this group of players has a very high sense of belonging to the Court of Silence, but it is hard to say for other players. They shout nice, but if they really meet Honglian or a bad woman who is more difficult to deal with than Honglian to seduce them, It's really hard to say whether it can be controlled.

After all, players are profit-seeking. In order to prevent players from being seduced away on a large scale, Bai Fu feels that she has to show more of her special characteristics to players.

While she was thinking about the future, everyone had already arrived near Singularity Company.

There is nothing special about the planet where Singularity Company is located on the Chaos Star Road. It is just as chaotic and barbaric as other places, so the arrival of Bai Fu and the others did not attract anyone's attention.

"According to my information, two of the five A-level superpowers of Singularity Company are currently performing tasks outside. Even if they rush back at the fastest speed, it will take an hour. This one hour is our golden time. "When the time comes, Honglian will contain Jia Yi, and the rest will be left to me and An Yue."

The founder of the mountain shared his plan again. After arranging the main attack direction, everyone began to wait for nightfall.

PS: Thanks to Fengfei March for the reward.

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