Who made her an NPC!

Chapter 167 From the Star Sea Succubus to the Savior Saint, NPCs are also addicted to Fu【6k】

No matter what force, even in the three major cosmic civilizations, special professions such as senior mechanics, magicians, and psychic painters are highly valued.

Because they are not only powerful themselves, but the mechanical equipment, magic scrolls or prayer cards they make can also make others stronger. Who would hate such top-level assistants?

Even if the prayer cards made by Bai Fu can only increase the average survival time of the soldiers of the Star Network Community on the battlefield by 1 minute, it is enough to have a significant impact on the battlefield situation.

Based on this understanding, Manu did not hesitate to issue a new commission to Bai Fu.

[Temporary Commission-Prayer Card Supply]

[Task Introduction: ...]

[Task Objective: Provide as many prayer card support as possible to the Tianhu Star Resistance Force of the Star Network Community]

[Reward: Reward depends on contribution]

Bai Fu took a look at the task description.

This task reward is extremely rich. Manu promised to provide her with the raw materials for the prayer cards. After she made the prayer cards, he would pay an extra sum of money to buy the prayer cards.

In addition, she can also gain a lot of experience and the favorability of the Star Network Community camp.

Very good, very powerful!

But in Bai Fu's opinion, the most valuable thing in the hands of the Star Network Community at this stage is not money, but the advanced knowledge and various drawings they have.

The knowledge circulated in the trading center is basically general knowledge, and the rare knowledge and higher-level knowledge are strictly controlled by major forces.

One of the purposes of Bai Fu accepting Fei Ye's invitation is to use Fei Ye's relationship to obtain the advanced knowledge mastered by the Star Covenant.

Now Manu needs her, how can she let go of this good opportunity.

"It's best to exchange money for advanced knowledge. Money can be earned later. Once advanced knowledge is missed, it will be difficult to obtain it again.

"If there is no advanced knowledge of the psychic system, it's good to have advanced knowledge of other systems, which can be used to squeeze the experience of players.

Thinking of this, Bai Fu decisively made a request: "I agree to your commission, but I have a proposal. I want to exchange the money for other rewards."

Manu was stunned for a moment, and quickly asked: "What reward do you want?"

"An S-level advanced knowledge of the psychic system."

Manu frowned slightly. He was not dissatisfied with Bai Fu's proposal. He was just worried that the joint meeting would refuse, resulting in the breakdown of the cooperation that was finally reached.

"I'll go ask."

To the surprise of Manu and Bai Fu, the joint meeting did not directly refuse.

Want S-level advanced knowledge?

As long as you can prove your value, let alone one, I will give you two!

Bai Fu was surprised. This pie is almost catching up with the one she drew for the players.

It seems that the Star Network Community is serious this time, and it will completely solve the flood even if it costs a lot.

She felt herself burning.

After fighting for three versions, she is no longer the passerby Fu Fu. Now she is the passerby heroine Fu Fu!

Setting a challenge goal, right?

Good, good, good.

She had to eat this cake this time, not only to eat it, but also to eat more.

"Advanced knowledge, prayer card drawings, assembly line drawings, credit points, experience, reputation, I want them all!"

Bai Fu was never polite when she was squeezing players, and she was even less likely to be gentle with women when facing the Star Network Community. Can a succubus who is gentle with women still be called a succubus? Just eat it and it's done!

"Do you have any other requests?" Manu asked.

Bai Fu shook her head. She was not in a hurry to make more requests at this time, which would only reduce the other party's favorability and lead to the breakdown of cooperation. She believed that as the battle situation got into trouble, Manu would definitely come to her on his own initiative, and that would be her harvest day!

After Manu went to prepare the materials for making prayer cards, she immediately gathered all the people including Lu Ni.

She asked Lu Ni and other former subordinates of Fei Ye, Hei Fu, the two big Hei Fu, and some players to guard the city wall. As for Yulia, Anya and Xia Shi, she had other arrangements.

"Anya, you are responsible for providing mental relief to those who are under too much pressure. If you have nothing to do, just observe how Manu commands the battle."

"Xia Shi, go and help the Star Network Community repair the machinery and see if you can learn something from it."

"Yulia, you stay by my side and help me replenish my magic when my spiritual energy is too much."

After arranging tasks for everyone, Bai Fu went straight to the workroom that Manu had temporarily assigned to her.

As soon as she entered the workroom, she took out a stack of Little Black Fu cards. After the level was upgraded, she can now control up to 100 +10 Little Black Fu at the same time. Even without the skill bonus, the card making efficiency is more than four or five times that of her time on Zuyuan Star.

Come out, my Little Black Fu Army!

As the cards were broken, in just a dozen seconds, the workroom was full of Little Black Fu. They lined up in a neat square formation, facing Bai Fu, waiting for Bai Fu's orders.

Bai Fu waved her hand and gave the order: "Start working!"

As if a mysterious switch had been pressed, all the little black Fus started to move. They sat on the ground, their hands swiftly flying, and began to make prayer cards using the basic materials placed in front of them.

Making prayer cards requires not only raw materials, but also a lot of spiritual energy.

Coincidentally, when returning to Zuyuan Star this time, Bai Fu specially got a large number of fully charged spiritual energy collectors from Anya's mysterious shop.

Although she has been away from the Origin Star for some time, under her training, the players in Baifu Town have long developed the habit of going to Anya's mysterious shop from time to time to pray, which makes them feel uncomfortable all over.

After all, you can get a blessing by praying, and you can get shopping discounts by accumulating a certain number of blessings. Don't waste such good things in vain.

same day.

After being hit by Fei Ye and players one after another, the Dark Zone Zerg seemed a little restless and dropped more ordinary bugs on the battlefield.

The first round of the Dark Zone Zerg's offensive reaches its climax here.

Facing the terrifying insect swarm like a moving black wall, even Fei Ye, who was extremely powerful, did not dare to rush forward at this time. She was not afraid of ordinary insects, nor of adult insects, but biological battleships and brain worms were One has to be wary of existence.

As Fei Ye retreated, the players also stopped attacking. They relied on the mechanical city wall and started to block the insect tide with other NPCs.

boom! boom!

Even though she was far away, Bai Fu could still hear the roar of cannons and missiles. When she looked up, what she saw in the sky were laser cutting nets sweeping across each other and long tails. The trajectory of flame's special incendiary bomb.

This was the first time she had seen such a bloody war.

The roar of artillery fire set off thick smoke and shock waves among the insect tide. Mechas and swords swept across, sweeping away all the insects that tried to climb under the city wall.

Facing insect corpses all over the ground, the insects coming from behind didn't hesitate for a moment and stepped over the broken bodies of their companions despite the steel rain and energy storm.

They are fragile, but their fearlessness makes up for this fragility.

Everyone looked solemn. At first, they could still feel their blood boiling when they looked at the blown bugs, and a few curse words popped out of their mouths from time to time. But as time went by, they gradually became a little numb.

There were so many bugs that, standing on the mechanical city wall, what they saw was a picture of hell where the end of the bug wave could not be seen.

If anyone can remain excited at this time, it is undoubtedly the players.


Fighting is fun!

Earning experience is even more fun!

Seeing them so happy makes Bai Fu happy too!

After this commission is over, it's time to find an opportunity to squeeze these players hard. With the amount of experience accumulated by these players now, she should be able to get as much reward as when she returned to the ancestral star. ?


At this moment, the door to the workroom was suddenly pushed open, and Manu walked in with a solemn expression.

He came to get prayer cards.

"These bugs are very weak, but the acid they spit can cause great corrosion to the mechanical city wall. We cannot let them destroy the wall in the first round of attack, otherwise they will be very passive later on. I organized an assault force. Prepare for them to attack from the flanks and attract the attention of the bugs. How many psychic shield cards have you produced now?"

Manu actually didn't have high hopes because time was too tight. It had only been an hour and a half since he and Bai Fu reached a cooperation, but what he didn't expect was that Bai Fu directly took out two stacks of cards.

"How many?"

"908 photos."

Manu was dumbfounded. He once suspected that Bai Fu sacrificed quality for quantity, but after trying out a psychic shield card, he realized that his knowledge was too limited.

These cards have uniform specifications, stable performance, and almost no faults.


Manu's heart was filled with turmoil.

Bai Fu pointed to the little Hei Fu who was still busy next to her: "It's a pity. If my prayer card assembly line was here, the number could be much higher."

She deliberately emphasized the word assembly line and sighed.

Manu's heart moved: "Can you build a new assembly line here?"

Bai Fu spread her hands: "I didn't build my assembly line myself. If I want to build an assembly line here, I first need the drawings of the assembly line."

Manu hurriedly checked the price of the drawings. After seeing the high price, he couldn't help but twitch the corner of his mouth. He couldn't afford the money. He would ask the joint meeting for its opinion later.

He hurried away with his prayer card.

Time waits for no one. Five minutes later, with the bombardment of particle cannons, the assault force rushed out from the newly blasted gap. The members of the assault force were carefully selected by Manu. Each one of them was in B level. They gathered together, like A chariot, roaring and roaring, crushed a gap in the insect swarm.

They charged and killed among the swarms of insects. Faced with the constant siege of the insects, even though they were very powerful, the energy shield they held in their left hands was still crushed after repeated impacts. At the critical moment, the attacked warrior took out the psychic shield. Shield card.


He was knocked out, but when he landed, there was nothing strange about his body. Countless acid flew towards him, but was blocked when it was about to touch his skin, and fell to the ground helplessly.

"Is this the effect of the psychic shield?"

The men in the assault force were shocked.

The shield is invisible and does not affect their movements, but it can block most attacks.

Everyone's morale suddenly increased. With psychic shields protecting our bodies, why am I still afraid of you, a bastard?

Kill kill kill!

For a time, the members of these assault troops showed a bravery that was no less than that of the players. They used full firepower and destroyed as much as they wanted. They successfully attracted the attention of a large number of insects. The defenders on the city wall took this opportunity to continuously pour artillery fire.

This round of fighting lasted for two full days before the insect tide finally became smaller in size until it completely disappeared.

Looking at the devastation outside the city wall, no one except the players could laugh.

Manu's brows were filled with sadness.

If Tianhu Star wasn't too special, or if it wasn't to attract the attention of the bugs and buy time for the main fleet, it would be enough to just use the naval guns to wash the ground against these ordinary bugs, why would it be so hard to fight?

"I hope that after this war is over, more people will survive."

Manu has already felt the pressure. The scale of this flood is unprecedented. Thanks to the hard work of the hired people and the undead, and the powerful psychic shield card made by Bai Fu, this time There weren't too many casualties on his side in the first round of fighting, but it would be difficult next.

Death follows you like a shadow.

The only good news now is that the superiors approved his application, and he quickly handed Bai Fu the prayer card assembly line drawings just sent by the superiors.

Bai Fu immediately studied the drawings.

[You have mastered the [Prayer Card Assembly Line] drawings]

It’s here, it’s finally here!

A pleasant reminder sounded, and Bai Fu suppressed the excitement in her heart.

This is a blueprint worth 330,000 credits. The money saved is enough for her to buy a dozen low-purity psychic crystals!

"Give me half a day."

In fact, it only took Baifu five hours to set up two assembly lines. The single-card production speed of the assembly line is actually not as fast as that of the concentrated little Heifu, but it is better than the continuous production and can be built in large quantities. The assembly line It is also very simple to operate, as only two little black girls need to watch an assembly line.

Of course, those little black buddies who were freed up continued to make cards.

Now is a good time to make money and gain fame, so there is no time to give these little black beauties a rest.

"Hurry up and fuck me 007 to death!"

With the cooperation of Little Heifu and the prayer card assembly line, Baifu's card production efficiency has been greatly improved.

Looking at the piles of prayer cards, Manu couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief. Bai Fu is such an honest person!

Although it cost a lot to obtain these card star network communities, it was all worth it.

On the fourth day of the commission, the Dark Zone Zerg launched a new round of attack. This time, a large number of adult insects appeared among ordinary insects. There are many types of adult insects with extremely rich fighting methods. They cover everything from underground to aerial. Some are good at close combat. Some are good at spitting poisonous mist, and some are good at long-range attacks. The strength of the adults is also extraordinary. The most bad ones are all B-level, and occasionally you can see some A-level adults.

When fighting floods, this round of confrontation is often the most dangerous time.

In order to prevent the adults from advancing, a large number of high-end combat forces fell. Under the attack of the adults, a large number of weapons and equipment were destroyed. Once this situation reaches a certain threshold, it will trigger a chain reaction, evolving from a defeat at one point to a global defeat, which will lead to Countless people died in the worm's belly.

Manu was very worried about this situation happening, but after Bai Fu's prayer cards were supplied in large quantities, the originally low morale suddenly rose.

The prayer cards are so useful.

If you are in danger, use a Psychic Shield. If you are surrounded, use a Heavenly Demon Gravel or Dark Thorns. If you want to escape, use a Space Chaos.

Some people who had been beaten to near mental breakdown in previous battles miraculously returned to normal after experiencing the effects of Anya's mental soothing and prayer cards.

Wonderful rejuvenation, Dr. Fu!

"The adult insect is very powerful, but is it as powerful as Bai Fu?"

"Bai Fu is invincible, hahaha!"

"Kill, kill, let's feel the magic gravel descended from Goddess Fu!"

Manu found that the atmosphere in the camp became a little strange.

In the beginning, only those undead people liked to go to Bai Fu's workshop to see Bai Fu when they had nothing to do. Now it's better, and many of his people are also attracted to Bai Fu.

These people just watched, and they even communicated cordially with those undead people.

"Do you understand what the charm of the Star Sea Succubus is?"

"Climb, crawl, Fufu is mine, I have nothing to talk to you about."

"Now that we have entered the Fu Sect, we are brothers in the same sect, and we must treat each other with courtesy from now on."

Bai Fu still enjoys this kind of popularity. She doesn't object to becoming a popular idol at all. It's not like she has never been one before. It's a good thing if she can increase her reputation.


In just a few days, her reputation in the Star Network Community has reached the 300 mark!

Manu's reaction was different. If only these people went crazy, forget it. The key was that under their influence, more and more people began to go crazy towards Bai Fu.

They privately gave Bai Fu a nickname, "Saint Maid of Salvation". To be honest, this title is quite appropriate in this environment. If Bai Fu hadn't contributed, most of them would probably have been there. The previous action was dead.

Manu very much agrees with Baifu's contribution. The only problem is that he is a person who cares about his image.

Damn it, can you all be serious? Even if you are addicted to sex, don't show it outside. It's okay now. Let's see what people from Xingyue and other mercenary groups think of us!

Feiye said she looked left, right, horizontally and vertically.

"You, you, you... what are you two doing?"

She just wanted to run over to see how Bai Fu made the prayer cards when she was free, and to inform Bai Fu of the changes in the battle situation. Unexpectedly, after opening the door, she saw Bai Fu and Yulia entangled together, arguing with each other. , the fight was so lively.

Feiye's brain shut down on the spot.

Of course she knew what she was doing, and she was not the kind of innocent girl who thought she would get pregnant if she held hands.

But it was precisely because of knowing that she felt that her head was full of mush.

Can you still play like this?

It feels like the door to a new world has suddenly opened.

Feiye stood at the door. For a moment, she didn't know whether she should step aside or it would be better, but she couldn't help but want to look.

The beautiful girl’s post looks really exciting!

Just when she was struggling, Bai Fu and Yulia suddenly took a step back. Then, Yulia stretched out her right hand and gently helped Bai Fu wipe away the water marks at the corners of her mouth with the back of her hand.


In fact, Yulia noticed Feiye's existence when Feiye walked to the door, but it doesn't matter, just see it when you see it, there is still a little bit of meat left. Some relationships don't need to be hidden, they just need to be displayed openly!

She turned around, nodded to Feiye, then walked to the chair next to her with a nonchalant expression, sat down, and read a book.

Fei Ye opened her mouth and guessed: "I'm very sorry for disturbing you. How about I leave now and you continue?"

Bai Fu rolled her eyes: "You misunderstood. Yulia is helping me heal my demons, but the method is a bit special."

"To mend demons?"

"It is to restore spiritual energy. To maintain the operation of the prayer card assembly line and Little Heifu requires a lot of spiritual energy. Thanks to her timely help in healing my demons, I was able to produce so many prayer cards."

Feiye seemed to understand: "It sounds very powerful. Is this Yulia's special ability?"

Bai Fu said: "That's right."

Feiye suddenly became excited: "Can you help me refill it too?"

If she could, she could fight longer.

Yulia didn't look back and said calmly: "No, only Bai Fu can do it, and no one else can."

Fei Ye felt deeply regretful: "It turns out to be an exclusive ability."

Bai Fu: "..."

Are you a little too naive?

"Director Feiye, why did you come to see me?"

As soon as Bai Fu changed the topic, Fei Ye immediately thought of business: "Let me take a look and tell you about Manu's new discovery. He said that the intensity of the second wave of insect waves was very strange. It was obvious that the scale of the first wave of insect waves was It is much larger than the ordinary insect wave, but this second wave of insect wave, although it was a little stronger at the beginning, did not show its due strength at all later, so that the first line of defense has not fallen until now. He felt something was wrong, so he wanted to ask other people’s opinions.”

Bai Fu frowned slightly.

The rewards for entrusted tasks are very high, so the difficulty of entrusted tasks will definitely not be low. Therefore, if you ask her what she thinks, her answer is the same as Yuan Fang——

There must be something fishy about this matter!

"I think those bugs are probably brewing something, so be careful lately." Bai Fu reminded.

Fei Ye nodded and did not express too many opinions. She was not good at analyzing these twists and turns. If she had any questions, she should leave them to Lu Ni and Bai Fu.

Sea Lion Galaxy, a starry sky near Tianhu Star.

Holt, a man who had recently received an order from the Secret Tower to investigate the destruction of Singularity Company, turned on his communicator expressionlessly.

He received a piece of information, which was sent by the secret tower's undercover agent lurking on Tianhu Star. This intelligence introduced Bai Fu's situation in detail, as well as the current battle situation on Tianhu Star.

"The Saint of Salvation?"

Interesting title.

But what makes Holt even more interesting is that by comparing the intelligence in the file with the intelligence of Dark Moon who attacked Singularity Company that day, he is now 100% sure that Bai Fu, Dark Moon, and Silver Moon are actually the same person. Next, he could finally find the lost mother copy of the dissociative potion.

"I will pretend to be an enthusiastic person and come here with other superpowers who are voluntarily going to Tianhu Star for support. If there is anything unusual, please contact me immediately."

Holt messaged back.

One day later, while fighting back and forth with the Dark Zone Zerg over the mechanical wall of the first line of defense, Manu suddenly received an urgent contact from an intelligence agent.

"What, some enthusiastic people came to Tianhu Star to support us?"

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