Who made her an NPC!

Chapter 172 The counterattack begins, Bai Fu transforms into the goddess of victory [6k]

Bai Fu didn't expect that her appearance could turn the tide of the war.

But it didn't matter, she wasn't here to be the savior hero.

Let Manu, who had already made up his mind to be the bait to lure the biological warships and brainworms, or Fei Ye, who was now the top master of Tianhu Star, be the hero.

That's how it was. Manu and his men had a lot to consider, but Bai Fu had a simpler thing to consider.

A few hours ago, her nonsense not only gave the demoralized soldiers around her a wave of chicken blood, but also made her completely established in the hearts of the people around her the title of "Saint".

After the war was reopened, Saint Fu Fu only needed to do one thing, appear on the city wall, transform into the goddess of victory, and transform into an unyielding flag to make the effect of chicken blood more lasting!

Judging from the shouts at the scene, Bai Fu successfully achieved this goal.

Not only did she achieve her goal, but she also surpassed the original goal, which made everyone's morale rise even higher.

This is thanks to the advanced knowledge and prayer card drawings that Manu gave her.

This advanced prayer carter is different. It directly doubles her combat power when her attributes have not been significantly improved.

Although time is very tight, she can't make many prayer cards even if she goes all out, but the prayer cards on hand are enough to produce a very explosive effect in a short time.

The cage with a length and width of hundreds of meters and the psychic storm with a diameter of tens of meters, these two things thrown on the battlefield, the efficiency of killing insects is higher than pouring magma into an ant nest. Occasionally, a large adult insect escapes from the psychic storm by chance, but the battlefield cleaners composed of spearmen and judges will rush up to finish it off.

After just a dozen seconds, a huge open space with a radius of nearly a thousand meters was cleared in front of Bai Fu.

In the surging insect tide, this scene is extremely eye-catching.


"What a powerful prayer card!"

In fact, among the mercenaries recruited by the Star Network Community, there are also magicians who are good at large-scale attacks. These magicians can also produce very gorgeous attack effects.

But they can't make magic scrolls, and no matter how gorgeous their skills are, they can only be used by themselves.

It's different for Bai Fu. The prayer cards she made can be distributed to others. Even if it is a high-level prayer card, it can be activated by injecting some psychic energy into the card with the help of a psychic collector.

The final result is that when Bai Fu summoned two psychic storms on the battlefield, other people who got the psychic storm cards followed suit and activated the cards and threw them out.

Hula hula——

In front of the narrow and long city wall, more than 30 psychic storms blew at the same time.

The storm swept, like a black fire tornado rising in the wilderness. The sky, which had already lit up a little at dawn, was hit by the psychic storm, and the whole sky instantly became as dark as ink. The low and oppressive feeling really gave people a terrifying power of black clouds pressing down on the city.

The psychic storm and the high wall built by the prison effectively blocked the insects' route. Combined with artillery fire and long-range attacks from other superpowers, this largest round of insect tide was forced back a lot.

"Fuck, awesome!"

A cheer mixed with curses rang out on the wall.

"With Bai Fu's talent in psychic energy, if it is properly cultivated, even if it cannot become a natural disaster, it can become a war machine that ordinary civilizations fear!"

Manu was full of expectations for Bai Fu, but he never expected that Bai Fu would bring him such a big surprise this time.

This time, Bai Fu has injected the blood gene into everyone in the defense line.

With the number of prayer cards that Bai Fu has made temporarily, plus the high morale now, this scale of counterattack can continue for another hour.


In this more than an hour, the brain worm will definitely continue to add, and when the brain worm's attention is all attracted by Bai Fu, it is the perfect time for him to act!

"Everyone prepare, listen to my orders!"

Manu stared at the surveillance screen in front of him.

In the blood and fire, he felt his heart beating like a drum.

For the Star Network Community behind him, for all those who have fought here, this time must succeed!

Not everyone was excited by Bai Fu's brilliant performance, at least Herbert and other Star Covenant executives were not excited.

The more dazzling Bai Fu was, the greater the impact she would bring to them in the future. What was shattered by the psychic storm was not a bug, but their hearts.

But no matter how unhappy they were, they did not dare to really do anything to Bai Fu.

Void Warrior Fei Ye is far from being as simple as it seems now.

The extreme destructive power she has shown now is enough to shake the earth and tear apart the town, but she still has a trump card that she rarely uses. That trump card is the key to her being called the Void Warrior and being considered infinitely close to a natural disaster!

Just as Herbert and others kept cursing Fei Ye for being lucky, there was suddenly an unusual rhythm from the ground.

"It's underground!"

Fei Ye's face changed suddenly.

As soon as the words fell, the ground in front of Bai Fu exploded, and a giant insect with a pointed head and several dozen meters long rushed out of the hole.

It flipped over and leaped, like a giant whale breaking out of the water.

Time seemed to slow down at this moment.

Everyone turned their heads in shock. At this time, they could do nothing or shout anything. They could only watch as the giant insect stretched out its venom-filled giant pincers and hit Bai Fu heavily on the head. .

Bai Fu was smashed flat, the city wall was dented, venom splashed everywhere, and broken metal flew all over the sky.


It wasn't until the giant insect landed that the sound it made finally shattered the moment of deathly silence.

Bai Fu died and was beaten to the point where there was nothing left?

Most people who saw this scene felt as if they were struck by lightning and felt like something collapsed in their hearts.

"Ahhh, I'm going to kill you!"

Feiye blushed on the spot, her pink hair dancing in all directions.

Almost as soon as her eyes turned red, she appeared in front of the giant insect, and her fist landed straight on the giant insect's head with terrifying power.

This punch was like hitting glass, and spiderweb-like cracks appeared in front of her. These cracks extended from the space to the giant insect. The giant insect didn't even have time to neigh, and its huge head was broken into countless pieces. Pieces rolled down like pieces of broken concrete.

The giant insect whose head exploded is not dead yet, and its body is still instinctively attacking Feiye, but with Feiye's strength, how can it be afraid of it? The red flames soar into the sky, instantly igniting its body. Under the scorching flames Next, the giant insect's body struggled continuously for more than ten seconds, and finally lost all movement.

Before the giant insect's body fell to the ground, Feiye landed on the shattered city wall. She squatted on the ground, holding her hands on the ground, her face full of sadness.

"It's all my fault. If I could have noticed the movement of this insect earlier, you would not have died. Wuwu, now I can only go to Yulia and ask for two pieces of your clothes to build a tomb for you."

Feiye raised his hand, and just as he was about to wipe his eyes, he found that his hand was grabbed.

"I'm not dead yet."


Feiye raised his head suddenly.

The person holding her hand was Bai Fu, who looked helpless. Not only was Bai Fu not dead, her clothes and hairstyle were not messed up.

"You...are really not dead?"

Fei Ye was stunned. She had no idea how Bai Fu appeared. She stood up suddenly, stretched out her hand and touched Bai Fu's face.

What an unlucky thing to say about someone who is immortal!

Bai Fu pushed Feiye's hand away.

When the giant insect came out, she used the shadow substitute and instantly turned into a virtual spirit, leaving a phantom on the spot. The whole person flew back like a cannonball, because the speed of the bounce was too fast for her. Imagine that she was wearing high heels with blades, so that the heel accidentally tilted during the bounce, and she almost fell down on her butt. Fortunately, she could not be seen by the naked eye after she transformed into a virtual spirit, so there was no If anyone noticed anything unusual, she would adjust it before coming out to alert Feiye.

In fact, even if she didn't use the Shadow Stand in time, Bai Fu wouldn't be afraid of being hit by a giant insect.

Her physique and talents of being immune to instant death and critical hits are not fake!

Of course, this is not the real reason for her confidence. She is confident because standing here is Heifu, whose hair has turned white and her clothes have become like hers. Heifu can be resurrected even if she is beaten to death, and she is fearless.

[This Bai Fu is obviously super strong but too cautious]

The Dark Zone Zerg originally wanted to kill Bai Fu through a sudden attack to severely damage the morale of the defenders. However, Feiye's furious killing of the big bug and Bai Fu's return unharmed caused an extreme rebound in morale after hitting bottom.

That's it?

What kind of bullshit is that? It doesn’t look like it’s doing well in front of Saint Bai Fu. It can’t even hurt a toe of Saint Bai Fu!

"This group of bugs must have reached their limit, otherwise how could they even use the tactic of beheading?"

The defenders became more determined.

As long as you survive this wave of impact, you can win!

The Dark Zone Zerg missed a single hit and immediately launched a new round of attack. However, even if the attack became more fierce, they still could not get close to the last line of defense for a while.

In the distance, Manu, who had been paying attention to the battlefield, breathed a sigh of relief.

It’s good that nothing happened to Bai Fu!

At the moment, Chongzi's attention has been completely attracted, and it's his turn to attack.


A shout echoed in the cockpit of the spacecraft, and for a moment, everyone in the spacecraft tensed up.

Prepare, the spacecraft is ignited, all weapons enter the preload state, the shield is activated, the space fluctuation detection instrument is ready, and the final countdown before takeoff begins.

10, 9, 8…

Huge numbers flashed in the middle of the screen. When the number finally reached 0, a huge roar came from the military port in the center of the Tianhu Star garrison. A 1,580-meter-long Crimson Tide-class light battleship rose from the ground. Soaring into the sky, more than fifty White Bird-class heavy frigates followed closely behind, guarding both sides of the battleship in a figure-eight shape. On the ground, more than twenty planetary array cannons raised their muzzles and were ready to go.

This is not the entire combat power of the Tianhu Star fleet. Manu only dispatched about one-seventh of the ships. He is afraid that if he fails, all the spaceships will be controlled by the brain worms, and what awaits Tianhu Star is that the entire planet will be destroyed. Burnt into glass.

"Has it started yet?"

Baifu, Feiye, Yulia, Herbert, the player, and everyone else present raised their heads.

Manu went to attack the sea of ​​​​stars with a certain death intention.

In order to prevent the fleet he led from space from carrying out a devastating blow to the bugs that were dropped to the ground from the air, the brain bug hiding in the secondary space will definitely take action. It may destroy the giant beast transformed from the starry sky. If the biological warship is released, it may also take action himself. No matter what form it is, the moment it takes action is the best time for him to succeed in this desperate attack.

As long as the source of the space fluctuations can be captured at that time, the location of the secondary space is locked, and then the dimensional wave shock bomb is dropped into that secondary space, the brainworm can be forced out.

Next, it’s hunting time!

Manu closed his eyes and prayed silently in his heart, praying that all the ancestors since the rise of the Star Network Community could protect him.

After an unknown amount of time, he suddenly heard shouting.

"There is a fluctuation!"

Manu opened his eyes suddenly, his eyes glaring like thunder.

A virtual screen popped up in front of him, which displayed the detection data of the spatial fluctuation detector.

Is it a brain worm or a biological battleship?

No, this kind of thing is not important at all!

With the shield strength of the Crimson Tide-class light battleship, it can definitely block the first round of attacks from the brainworms and biological battleships. What he needs to do is to find the location of the brainworms before the spacecraft is invaded!

"Report to Commander, the spacecraft has been invaded by an unknown signal!"

"Just try your best to stop it, just buy me two minutes!"

Two minutes, usually very short, was surprisingly long at this time.

Manu, most of the people on the spacecraft, and the people in the ground monitoring tower were all staring at the data from the space fluctuation detector.

The fitting curve kept fluctuating, and the intensity was a bit like the viewer's electrocardiogram. After a full minute, the fluctuations in the curve finally became smaller.

"Found it!"

Manu is overjoyed.

He clenched his right fist hard and looked at the curve on the screen that gradually matched the mean. But before he could be happy for a long time, the curve suddenly fluctuated violently. He instinctively had a premonition that something was not good. Sure enough, when the curve was completely stable, What appears on the screen is not a fixed coordinate, but an interval.

In the front right, there is a spherical area with a diameter of six million kilometers, where the brainworm is hiding.

However, six million kilometers away, what kind of attack should he launch so that the dimensional wave concussive bomb can hit the brain worm exactly within this six million kilometers area?

"Why is it a range?"

Manu couldn't understand it at all. The data displayed by more than a dozen spatial fluctuation detectors were all very different.

He saw a biological battleship several hundred meters long rushing out of deep space, targeting the battleship he was riding on.

A sense of powerlessness and despair surged into my heart. The situation was obviously good at this time, but it fell down at the most critical moment.

it's over.

It's really over now.

Manu managed to hold on without falling to the ground.

At the same time, many people on the ground were asking anxiously.

"Have you found the location of the brainworm?"

The person in the tower had a bitter look on his face. This kind of thing could not be hidden. He could only shake his head with a smile and send the detected data to all the people whose communicators were still functioning normally.

Bai Fu quickly turned on the communicator and looked at the set of data and star map, her pupils couldn't help but shrink.


In fact, not long after Manu led the fleet into the starry sky, she suddenly had a strange feeling in her heart. She vaguely felt that she had captured something in a distant place.

Because this kind of perception was very weak, she didn't take it to heart at first, thinking it was a sequelae of high-intensity work and combat. But after seeing the data from the tower, she suddenly realized what she was sensing. .

"There are two things I sensed, and they are located exactly within the range of the star map transmitted from the tower. Could it be said that what I sensed are brain worms, and two brain worms?!"

Bai Fu was shocked.

She is not a psychic psychic, and she does not follow the psychic perception school in terms of psychic abilities. How did she sense the location of the brain worm?

At this time, Yulia stood up.

"In this star map, I seem to be vaguely aware that something is in this area."

Yulia also has this ability?

The first thing Bai Fu thought of was Consecrated Link and Miraculous Resonance. With these two skills, she and Yulia were connected all the time. The relationship was as close as a two-way tube inserted into the body.

But the problem is that the skill descriptions of Consecrated Link and Miracle Resonance don’t say that the senses of both parties will be shared. If the senses are shared, then it’s okay. I’m afraid you need to be mentally prepared for experiments with Yulia in the future.

If it weren't for the effects attached to these two skills, then...

Bai Fu quickly contacted Anya who was providing psychological counseling to the wounded soldiers in the rear.

As she expected, Anya also sensed it, and Anya's perception was much clearer than hers and Yulia's.

"It's the effect of the dissociative medicine!"

What she has in common with Yulia and Anya is that they all use dissociative drugs. Anya's perception is clearest because she successfully triggered a mental mutation after taking the dissociative drug.

"Could it be that the dissociative potion is related to the Dark Territory Zerg? If that is the case, doesn't it mean that the secret tower that developed the dissociative potion is also related to the Dark Territory Zerg? Also, this may be my triggering a mental mutation and evolving into Opportunity for a new race!”

Bai Fu became excited.

She didn't dare to jump to conclusions, but now was not the time to dwell on such things. From the starry sky to the ground, the morale of the Tianhu Star defenders was collapsing rapidly because of the failure of the desperate assault.

If there was no chance, it would be fine. If there was a chance to complete the mission, she didn't want to watch the mission fail.

"I'll come to you right away!"

After telling Anya not to run around, Bai Fu rushed out of the spaceship quickly, contacting Manu while rushing to her.

"What, you said you sensed the location of the brain worm?"

Manu was stunned when he heard this.

Bai Fu nodded and said, "I'm not sure if the coordinates are accurate, but it's better to have a target to try than nothing!"

As she said that, she asked Anya to point out the location on the star map, and then sent the star map to Manu.

Manu held his breath and stared at the star map sent by Bai Fu.

Two coordinate points mean there are two brain worms?

This possibility does exist, otherwise why did they detect a range instead of a specific location?

Now the fleet is under attack by biological warships. Several frigates have lost control. The situation has reached the most dangerous moment. Even if the attempt fails, it will not be worse.

"Quick, enter the coordinates and attack these two coordinates!"

Manu ordered loudly.

Although the others were very puzzled, since Manu said so, they could only do it.

The gravity ejection device on the battleship began to aim. After aiming, the two gravity ejection devices exerted force at the same time and ejected the dimensional wave shock bomb.

This was a minute longer than before.

Manu waited until his palms, forehead, and back were all sweaty. One minute later, the dimensional wave shock bomb that arrived at the designated location rotated at an incredibly fast speed, releasing strange shock waves to the surroundings.

"It's the fluctuation of the secondary space!"

An observer on the spacecraft shouted.

The rupture of the secondary space set off two terrifying space storms in the deep space. In the storm, two huge insects that looked like brains with whiskers were looming. This scene was captured by the detector launched by the spacecraft.

"Goddess of victory, Bai Fu is the real goddess of victory!" Manu's voice was filled with excitement that could not be concealed, "Send the picture back and tell everyone what happened here!"

After dozens of seconds, everyone on the ground knew that the brainworm had been found, and that the information was provided by Bai Fu.

They were stunned at first, and never expected that things would usher in such a huge reversal in just a few minutes.

Then, everyone fell into a carnival.

The brainworm was found!

The plan was successful!

They crawled out of hell for the third time!

And every time they crawled out of hell, they couldn't do without the help of a hot woman. It was her, it was her, it was her, the saint who saved the world, the unyielding flag, the goddess of victory and hope--

Bai Fu!


"You can even sense the location of the brainworm, too strong!"

Hey, hey, hey, what do you want to do, this is my Bai Fu!

Seeing that the eyes of the people around him were not right, Fei Ye quickly protected Bai Fu behind him, fearing that Bai Fu would be snatched away by someone.

This wave, the popularity is really bursting

Bai Fu calmly lifted the silver-white hair hanging by her ear with her right hand, and a smile as warm as the spring breeze appeared on her face.

Calm, calm, she also wanted to keep a low profile, but she was too outstanding, and the light on her body was like the thunder on her body, which could not be hidden even if she wanted to. She could make people understand what it meant to stand proudly wherever she stood, unlike Fei Ye, who was still pitiful no matter how much he raised his head and chest.

After the carnival, the people on the ground immediately felt furious.

These days, how much pressure they have endured, and how many times have they experienced the separation of life and death of their companions, all thanks to the two brainworms that had just been blown out.

"Damn it, can they be spared casually?"

With Manu's order, a large number of people boarded the spacecraft, including Bai Fu, Fei Ye, Herbert and others.

It is enough to leave some people on the ground, plus the automatic weapons that can be used at will now.

The moment of decisive battle has come. There is no need to hold back. Whether the Tianhu Star War can be won, whether it can successfully attract the attention of the Dark Domain Zerg, and buy enough time for the main fleet depends on this assault.

After boarding, hundreds of spaceships roared into the star sea.

Counterattack, start from now!

PS: Thank you Mikiboon and EMT for the reward

Putting out bowls to ask for votes~

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