Who made her an NPC!

Chapter 176 Popularity explodes, the succubus Bai Fu successfully seduces Fei Ye! [6k]

It took a lot of effort for Bai Fu to squeeze out of the cheering crowd and arrive at Feiye's resting room.

"The people in Xinghai are so welcoming."

Bai Fu wiped her sweat.

Now she is considered a star in the Sea Lion Galaxy. She has to make good use of this reputation to make more money. Otherwise, it will be too time-consuming and laborious to raise Yulia just by making money from commissions.

"It's not easy for me to be the master of the Court of Silence. Others will be the boss, and the secretary will do the work when I have something to do. It doesn't matter... When I am the boss, I have to do things by myself. When I have nothing to do, I will be dragged into doing experiments, and I will be pissed off every time. The only thing I can't do is to do it." They peed, why do they feel like I’m here to be someone else’s mother?”

Complaints are complaints, but Bai Fu still enjoys it.

From a little passerby to now becoming a star in the Sea Lion Galaxy, how can such a huge improvement not make people happy?

In order to take yourself further, it is necessary to invest more in some potential stocks.

As long as Yulia and the others grow up, she will be able to live a life where Yulia and the others can do whatever they have to do, and nothing... Then it will be fine!

Bai Fu sat down next to Feiye. For safety reasons, she used the medical equipment sent by Manu to conduct a full-body examination on Feiye, and then sent the examination results to the military doctor of the Tianhu Star Fleet.

During the inspection, she suddenly discovered that something was wrong with Feiye's legs, as if a layer of skin had fallen off. When she got closer, she discovered that it was not the skin that had fallen off, but that Feiye was wearing a special flesh-colored uniform. During the battle, this flesh-colored body stocking had several big holes in it from the legs down to the knees.

【Void Thin Socks】

[Quality]: Orange

[Additional effects]: As clothing, it can isolate dust intrusion and has an excellent body shaping effect. As equipment, it can greatly improve the wearer's perception of the surrounding environment and spatial fluctuations, and reduce the outside world's influence on the wearer's body. Level of stimulation.

"No wonder Fei Ye doesn't wear shoes. I thought she had some special hobbies."

Bai Fu suddenly realized.

She stretched out her hand and touched Feiye's toes. Just as she thought, these were split-toed socks. The Void Thin Socks were said to be socks, but they were actually made of Feiye's body surface condensed with the power of the void. This layer of "membrane" is similar to her psychic construct and is considered a special equipment by the game.

"It can improve the perception of the surrounding environment and space fluctuations. If this ability can be integrated into my psychic construct, combined with the [Psychic Super Perception] skill, my reaction ability during combat can definitely be improved by one level. Oh, by the way, these socks can also reduce external stimulation to the body, which seems to have many uses. "

Bai Fu stared at Feiye's toes and became excited.

But she didn't rush to study it.

Study a hammer!

She knew nothing about the power of the void. Even if she took off the thin socks of the void while Fei Ye was in a coma, she would not be able to study anything.

Let's wait until Feiye wakes up before asking.

Bai Fu sat down on the bedside. After the fleet left Tianhu Planet, she could freely access the interstellar network.

After the Tianhu Star War, her reputation in the Star Network Community soared to 860, which was still 140 points away from being well-known (1000). She wanted to see what people in the Star Network Community thought of her now.

Clicking on the largest forum in the Star Network Community, Bai Fu found that her name had become a hot search term on the forum.

Among related topics, the most popular post is——

[Let you get to know Queen White from the Dark Realm, Saint of Salvation, Goddess of Victory, Pure White Hero, Fu]

In the post, onlookers marveled, saying that this was the first time in recent decades that they had seen someone become famous so quickly.

[It also took Void Warrior half a year to become so popular]

A group of people discussed Bai Fu's deeds, appearance, abilities, origins, and why Bai Fu's current popularity is so exaggerated in the post. In the end, they came to the conclusion that there were three main reasons.

1. Bai Fu is very beautiful and conforms to the aesthetics of most races in the universe. This means that special species such as stone men cannot appreciate Bai Fu's beauty.

2. Tianhu Star is very important in the hearts of the Star Network community, so many people have been paying attention to the direction of the Tianhu Star war in recent days. With so many people paying attention, Bai Fu performed almost as an MVP.

3. Bai Fu comes from the dark realm. This extremely special identity makes her body covered with an extremely alluring veil, making people unconsciously want to explore everything that is looming behind the veil.

Based on this conclusion, many onlookers predict that Bai Fu will become the new queen of the advertising industry.

Bai Fu was in a good mood, as if she saw the credits waving to her.

The feeling of being a hero does not need to be poked!

At this time, she must thank herself for sticking to the bottom line and refusing to take the roast chicken route. Although Wan can accumulate a lot of popularity in a short period of time, how can she stand in the spotlight and accept the cheers of countless people like she does now.

Then Bai Fu clicked on the second most popular post in the topic.

The content of this post is more complicated. The onlookers are all discussing various black materials about her. Most of these black materials come from a news website called [Surfing Information], and a small part comes from the accounts of some people who claim to be insiders in the forum. .

【Gentle saint? It’s all fake, please watch the video, Bai Fu beats the old lady]

[She not only beat the old lady, but also bullied the little boy]

[Bai Fu is not from the Dark Realm at all. She lied. In fact, she comes from Chaos Star Road. I was her neighbor]

[I prove that the above person is not lying. Bai Fu used to join the gang and committed many murders and arson. A pure white hero? I'm afraid she is just pretending.]

Bai Fu: "?"

Surfing Information?

She is familiar with this name.

After killing the Titan Hammer who attacked her, she got a communicator. Manu asked professionals to crack the communicator and found that Titan Hammer secretly contacted many water army and news media to release her black material. Surfing Information is the most famous news media.

"What a birth, so black me, damn Titan Hammer, can you learn from the kind person who gave me advanced knowledge!"

Bai Fu was convinced.

Damn little black man, don't hinder me from making money!

She contacted Manu immediately, and Manu, who received the news, immediately patted his chest and promised to solve the problem.

I have to say that Manu is really efficient. After just a few minutes, the official spokesperson of the Star Network Community announced the record of "Secret Tower Killer Holt" looking for the water army Hei Bai Fu, and sent people to surround the headquarters of the news media that were connected with Holt.

The big black was arrested on the spot, the small black was scared and scattered, and Bai Fu's name instantly made the headlines of all news media in the Star Network Community because of this incident.

Secret Tower, Bai Fu, and the fake news... These three are hot topics when taken alone, and when combined together, they become the hot topics among hot topics.

[Who is Bai Fu, why did Secret Tower spread fake news to discredit her? ]

Many people who didn't pay much attention to Bai Fu were also attracted by this strange news.

After reading the ins and outs of the matter, the emotions of all the people who were attracted became very excited.

[Fuck, easily resolved the assassination of Secret Tower, forcing Secret Tower to use the method of fake news to deal with it, this is really awesome! ]

[This is the first person in so many years, right? She is worthy of being the queen from the dark domain civilization! 】

【Secret Tower, this is too embarrassing, hahaha】

Bai Fu's reputation was already very big, and with the notorious Secret Tower as a foil, her reputation ushered in a new round of surge. Her reputation in the Star Network Community rose from 860 to 1031 in a very short time. She was truly a household name and became an idol in the eyes of many people.

Not only that, her reputation in other star systems in the Initial Gate Galaxy Cluster also ushered in varying degrees of increase.

You are good-looking and still work in the Secret Tower?

Saint Fu Fu, we support you!

Bai Fu estimates that her reputation in the Initial Gate Galaxy Cluster is no less than that of Fei Ye, who has been famous for many years.

The benefits of a surge in popularity among NPC groups are obvious. The most intuitive benefit is that when Conversion to My Fu posted a screenshot of Bai Fu on the hot search list of various star system news to the game community, it immediately attracted countless players to fill in the blanks.

【No, buddy, Fu Fu will not still be the real protagonist after arriving at the Star Sea, right? 】

【To be honest, it is really possible. Among all the protagonists of the novice planets that have appeared so far, Fu Fu's identity is the most special. She comes from the Star Sea and has appeared on more than one novice planet. I think even if Fu Fu is not the protagonist of the Star Sea plot, she must be an important connecting role】

【I am looking forward to the status of the Lord of the Night more and more. Before Fu Fu was injured, she must not really be a master-level superpower】


Bai Fu was very happy. She didn't expect that there would be a master in the strength rating of superpowers in the Star Sea, and it just happened to correspond to the identity of the Lord of the Night that the players imagined for her.

It can only be said that good acting is not as good as good imagination of the players, and good imagination is not as good as clever imagination.

If the players form a consensus that she is the master, it will be much easier for her to recruit players. Just hook her fingers and move her toes, and there is no need to worry that the players will not bow down.

After angrily brushing a wave of players' imagination, Bai Fu found that the account registered on the Pan-Universe Entrustment Platform suddenly received many private messages.

She clicked on it and found that the private messages were sent by companies from the Sea Lion Galaxy. After confirming that her negative information was fake, many well-known companies in the Sea Lion Galaxy immediately sent her cooperation invitations as predicted in the forum.

There are arms companies, entertainment companies, cosmetics companies, underwear companies and companies selling stockings.

[The stockings worn by the Queen of the Dark Domain are awesome! ]


Bai Fu took a breath.

Money, a lot of money!

Now she shouldn't have to worry about the funds for training Yulia and building Ulysses and Zuyuan Star!

[Let's talk about it in detail when we meet]

Bai Fu picked a few companies that she thought were pretty good and replied.

After replying the message, her eyes fell on Fei Ye next to her.

She found a more profitable idea. If Fei Ye agreed to take the advertisement with her and they appeared together, the amount of the advertising contract would definitely be 1+1\u003e2.

It's a pity that she is still Feiye's subordinate in name, and her relationship with Feiye is not as good as that with Yulia, so if she proposes that Feiye take advertisements with her, she will probably be rejected.

Just as Bai Fu sighed, Feiye's fingers on the bed suddenly moved.

Hey, awake?

Bai Fu hurried over.

Feiye did not wake up, but struggled in her dream. Her forehead began to sweat, her hands and feet kept moving, and she kicked Bai Fu.


Bai Fu grabbed her ankle, but she was still restless after being caught, and her feet moved around.

If you move again, I won't be able to elbow you!

It took Feiye dozens of seconds to finally stop struggling. She opened her eyes suddenly, and her red pupils showed fear at first. The fear quickly dissipated, and then she was filled with doubts. She was confused. Looking at Bai Fu's hand grabbing her ankle.

"What are you trying to do by grabbing my feet?"


Bai Fu threw Fei Ye's feet away with a look of disgust: "Who wants to do anything with your feet? You were moving around in your dream just now, and you almost stuck your feet in my mouth."

Fei Ye couldn't help being stunned.

Ah, did you almost stick your mouth out?

No, dream, the dream she had just now...

Fei Ye came back from her confusion. She finally remembered what happened just now and what she saw in her dream.

In the dream, she returned to a past she was unwilling to face, and in that past she became an ugly void monster.

When the content of the dream came to mind, her eyes suddenly lost color, and she lay blankly on the bed, staring at the ceiling of the room blankly.

Bai Fu, who had communicated with Green Ni, roughly guessed why Feiye became like this. She was probably worried that she would become a void monster.

She smiled and said: "Don't worry, Director Feiye, I won't let you turn into one of those twisted void monsters. I can help you regulate your body and ensure that you have the chance of genetic adaptation to an adult void life." It has risen to over 99%, and the chance of genetic adaptation to those twisted void monsters has dropped to less than 10%.”

These words successfully attracted the attention of the absent-minded Fei Ye. She tilted her head, her eyes still gloomy.

"You don't understand."

You look down on people, right?

Bai Fu was full of confidence: "Believe me, I am professional in this regard. When have I ever let you down?"

But Feiye still shook his head: "I don't care if my body is twisted or I can still maintain my human form. I just don't want to become a void life."

"Why?" Bai Fu was puzzled, "The innate abilities of void beings are much stronger than those of ordinary humans in the universe. If you become a void being, your strength will definitely be further improved."

A look of fear appeared on Feiye's face: "You don't understand."

Bai Fu said: "How do you know that I don't understand if you don't tell me? I guess you have something to hide. I have come here from the dark realm, and I may have experienced less than you. Tell me, maybe I can give you something. Share some experience.”

Fei Ye closed her eyes, bit her lower lip tightly, and her body trembled slightly. At this time, she didn't have the majesty of the Void Warrior at all, just like a bratty sister who didn't listen to her sister.

After a long time, she finally let go.

"My hometown is in a remote area of ​​the Sea Lion Galaxy. The connection with the Star Network Community and the Chaos Star Road is not close. It can even be said that there is almost no communication. One day, a huge hole suddenly appeared on the dome. The monsters of the void emerged from the hole and invaded my hometown. The beings in the void were greedy and hungry. Many people I knew were eaten by them. My sister took me to hide here and there. We were pretty lucky. I hid for two and a half months and still didn’t die.”

Bai Fu raised her eyebrows slightly. Because her hometown was invaded by the void, did she instinctively reject the void?

"However, we have reached our limit. We are exhausted and seriously lacking food. In order to have something to eat, my sister bid farewell to me for the time being and went on a long trip alone..."

Fei Ye waited and waited, fearful and uneasy. On the seventh day, there was a knock on the door of the hiding place.

She opened the door happily, thinking that her sister was back, but found an injured void monster standing at the door.

Stirred by fear, she kicked the monster hard, rushed back into the house, raised her gun and shot.

To her surprise, the void monster didn't resist at all during this process. It wasn't until she tripped herself out of fear that the void monster pulled her up with a gentle look on her face and took it from behind. Give her a lot of food.

"I didn't know until then that the void monster was my sister. She took great risks to find food for me. She was accidentally infected with the blood of the void and turned into a void life. But even so, she still did not forget me. , she brought the food back with her seriously injured body, and then, when she opened the door, she was attacked by me. "

Fei Ye, who was in the hospital bed, became more and more unstable in mental state.

Bai Fu was slightly startled. Did Fei Ye beat her sister to death?

She quickly grabbed Feiye's hand and was about to say, "It's not your fault" when Feiye spoke again.

The shooting caused new injuries to her sister, but the vitality of the void life was very tenacious and she did not die, but her movement became more difficult.

At that time, Feiye's sister fell to the ground, begging Feiye to kill her before she lost herself, but how could Feiye, who knew the truth, be able to do it.

The two of them stayed in that hiding place for another five days.

In the past five days, Fei Ye has watched her sister become more and more distorted. She can no longer speak or write. She is very scared, but when she thinks of what her sister has done for her, she has been holding on. Escape.

On the fifth night, a huge void monster appeared nearby. She thought she was dead. At this moment, her sister, who had been lying on the ground, suddenly got up and pushed her into the corner.

The sister didn't mean to attack her. After using her last bit of reason to say "You will always be my sister, no matter what time," she rushed towards the huge void monster outside.

After that, Fei Ye survived. During her escape, she was bitten by a void monster and infected with void blood, but she was lucky. She met the Lord of the Oath who passed by and took her back to the Star Covenant, so she did not become a void life.

"If you have such an experience, can you accept yourself as a void life without any psychological burden?

"In fact, I don't reject void life. Rejecting void life is rejecting my sister who died to save me. I'm just afraid that my sister made such a great sacrifice, but I still became a void life in the end. What's the meaning of my sister's sacrifice?

"No, maybe I'm not afraid of this at all. I'm afraid of the loneliness after losing my sister. If I become a void life, that loneliness will probably haunt me like a nightmare for the rest of my life."

Fei Ye became more and more emotional as he spoke.

Bai Fu was stunned for a while: "If that's the case, then why do you still use this hidden power to save me? Without this power, at least you don't have to worry about becoming a void life in the short term."

Fei Ye did not answer Bai Fu's question directly: "There's nothing to say, I volunteered."

She was unwilling to say, so Bai Fu took the initiative to guess: "It's also because you are afraid of loneliness. You feel that you finally have a subordinate like me, and you don't want to lose me?"

Fei Ye didn't say a word, but Bai Fu received a game prompt.

[Fei Ye's Favorability -1]

If you guessed wrong, there should be no reaction, but now the favorability has decreased. It seems that she guessed right and hit Fei Ye's heart.

Bai Fu was not happy.

That's too much. I guessed right and you still lowered your favorability. Doesn't this mean that I have a sympathy with you?

"Go away, don't worry about me."

Fei Ye started to drive people away.

Of course Bai Fu would not leave like this. She told Lu Ni that she would help Fei Ye become a human-shaped void life, and she was leaving. If Fei Ye gave up on herself, what good would she do?

"Why don't you leave?"

"I don't need your help, and you don't need to feel guilty about me."

"You must tell me..."

Before the word "get out" came out, Bai Fu suddenly stood up, and the shadow covered Fei Ye's face.

She realized that the perfect opportunity she had been looking forward to to boost Fei Ye's favorability, overthrow "Empress Fei Ye" as a "traitor", manage the government, and turn Fei Ye into her puppet was here.

"As long as you come into contact with the blood of the void, you may become a void life, right?"

Bai Fu asked.

Fei Ye frowned, but finally nodded.

Bai Fu said: "Very good, since you feel lonely after becoming a void life, then I will accompany you!"

Fei Ye was stunned for a moment, and didn't understand what Bai Fu meant for a while, accompany, how to accompany?

Soon she understood, because Bai Fu jumped directly onto the bed, sat on her waist, held her hands firmly with both hands, and then opened her mouth and bit her.

Bai Fu was going to drink her blood, and then become a void life with her!

Fei Ye panicked.

"You... get off, are you crazy, get off!"

She struggled hard, but her strength was not much greater than Bai Fu wearing a psychic structure, and she couldn't get away for a while.

While pulling, the door suddenly opened and Yulia walked in from outside.


Looking at Bai Fu riding on Fei Ye, Yulia was confused.

It seems that she came at a bad time?

The room fell into silence. After a while, Yulia closed the door and asked, "Do you want me to help you hold her down?"

Fei Ye: "?"

Ah, is this the time to say such things?

Bai Fu's eyes lit up.


While Feiye was dizzy from Yulia's words, she bit Feiye's shoulder.


The blood melted in her mouth.

Then, she received a game prompt.

[You are infected with the blood of the void]

[The blood of the void merged with your genes, and you got attribute correction]

It's done!

Bai Fu was overjoyed.

Not only did she successfully increase Feiye's favorability, but she also got the opportunity to unlock a new race. This time she really made a profit!

PS: Thanks to the book friend 20190715004003379 for the reward

Putting out a bowl to ask for a monthly ticket~

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