Who made her an NPC!

Chapter 182 The Psychic Legion is invincible, Bai Fu descends from the sky [4k]

Although Bai Fu's current strength is not the best in the Sea Lion Galaxy, it is definitely in the first sequence.

If she can't beat Fei Ye and Ye Mu, she can't beat a group of pirates in the Sea Lion Galaxy?

She immediately called all the players present and shared the hidden main task she had just received with the players.

[Oh my god, the main task? ]

The players who received the task were overjoyed. They thought that they had completed the task after investigating the true identity of the Avalanche Pirates, but they didn't expect that there was such a surprise behind it!

In fact, Bai Fu was enough to deal with those pirates by herself. The reason why she brought the players with her was mainly for two reasons.

The first one was to advertise herself.

She is very popular now, but no matter how popular she is, she still needs to do some publicity.

Didn't the players guess that she would still be the protagonist even if she went to the Star Sea? Once this task was shared, even the players who hated her the most would have to admit that this was indeed the case.

There is no way to deny it. Players would never dream that she could share some special tasks she received with others like ordinary players. Players would only think that this hidden main task was issued by her, and she who can issue the main task is the protagonist.

[I am the protagonist, I am very cute, come and join me, you bastard! ]

The second layer is to give herself a bottom line.

Bai Fu knew very well that her strength could beat most of the pirates in the Initial Gate Galaxy Cluster, but this did not guarantee that she could complete the task. If those pirates destroyed all relevant information urgently when she took action, it would be difficult to complete the task again.

In order to ensure that the task can be completed smoothly, she needs to use players.

"You guys wait like this..."

Bai Fu quietly shared her plan with the players.

The players who received the task nodded repeatedly. They usually like to make trouble, but they are more serious than each other when doing the main task. Bai Fu's plot has clearly told them that the development of the main plot is closely related to their future experience in the game. They dare not mess around when it comes to game experience.

After instructing the players, Bai Fu found the people of the Consecrated Order and hoped that they would hand over all the remaining pirates to her.

"What are you going to do with them?" Elon asked.

Bai Fu did not deliberately hide it: "Let them take me to their lair and completely eliminate the pirate group behind them."

Sui Xi's eyes fluctuated for a moment, and she silently thought in her heart -

[Nice guy]

She actually didn't hate nice guys, she just thought that nice guys like Bai Fu were boring and stupid.

There are so many pirate groups and pirates in the Initial Gate Galaxy Cluster, can you kill them one by one?

The sins in this world need to be judged, but bloody judgments are only a temporary solution.

To completely eliminate worries such as pirates, we can only seek the help of higher-level forces, such as the Apostles of the Void Realm, to completely change the world from the rules and not give these worries any living space!

Of course, Sui Xi did not intend to share her views with Bai Fu. As she said before, she was not interested in these boring ordinary people. What made her yearn for was the Supreme Heaven Realm and everything in the Realm, which was exclusively for psychic superpowers.

At this time, Elon suddenly said: "You want to go to their lair? It's just right, we are on the way."

Bai Fu was stunned for a moment: "Why are you going to the lair of these pirates?"

Elon smiled bitterly: "We just hypnotized the target we were looking for with a special method. Unexpectedly, even in the hypnotic state, he still didn't reveal the truth. This is the first time we have encountered such a situation. Since we can't get any useful information for a while, we can only go to the place where he hid before."

He is not a broken star, so of course you can't get any useful information.

Bai Fu couldn't help but complain in her heart.

"Then let's go together."

Because the mission involves the Ulises, she speculated that the Trola Pirates trading with the Avalanche Pirates were probably related to the dissociative potion, that is, the secret tower. If they went with the Consecration Cult, they could ask the Consecration Cult to help share the burden if they ran into trouble.

After making the decision, Bai Fu and the people of the Consecration Cult boarded the spaceship one after another and headed straight for the Trola Pirates' lair.

It was called a lair, but it was actually a large scrapped mining ship.

After robbing these scrapped mining ships, Trola, the leader of the Trola Pirates, made a deep transformation on them and turned them into his own mobile base. The mining ships usually operate in a "stellar cemetery" in the Cape spiral arm.

There are more than 100 million stars in this cemetery, most of which are neutron stars, and some small black holes. The reason why the Trela ​​Pirates hid here is because the environment here is extremely harsh. Even if someone comes to trouble them, they can take advantage of their understanding of the terrain to run away.

But this trick didn't work on Bai Fu.

"We have reached the edge of the cemetery."

The Digger turned to look at Bai Fu.

Bai Fu nodded and gave the order: "Let's get started."

The Digger quickly conveyed the order to the players who were guarding the captured pirates through the team channel.

[Wait for our good news! ]

The players who received the order took action one after another, pretending to be careless and negligent.

Most of the pirates did not make any moves even if they found that they were not guarding well, but there were still a few pirates with unusual identities who became more active.

They originally thought they were dead, but who would have thought that such a good opportunity to escape would appear? So what are they waiting for?

They carefully moved to the player who was watching over them, and "seized" the identity verification card carried by the player while the player was not prepared. After using the verification card to remove the strong magnetic chains on his hands and feet, they laughed and pushed the player to the ground.

Haha, the situation has turned!

"Tell me, where is the carrier aircraft or escape hatch on the spaceship hidden? If you don't tell me, I will break your neck right now?"

The overwhelmed player "panicked" and said: "I said, I said, the carrier-based aircraft and the escape capsule are at the tail of the spacecraft. There are three electronic doors on the way there. If you want to get through, you must use me, so don't Kill me."

The few pirates who successfully escaped from bondage looked at each other and finally decided to believe it.

They lifted the player up and rushed toward the rear of the spacecraft.

They encountered "danger" several times along the way, but in the end they were extremely "lucky" to escape the danger. When boarding the carrier-based aircraft, they also caught two more players.

They originally wanted to kill all these players, but after one of the players begged for mercy, they immediately realized that killing was better than capturing.

Only by arresting a few people and interrogating them can we find out the specific identities of those who attacked them, so that we can deal with them better!

"Let's go, we won't be able to leave if it's too late!"

The carrier-based aircraft started, and the moment the spacecraft door opened, it rushed out as fast as a falcon, and disappeared from the naked eye observation range of everyone on the spacecraft in just a few seconds.

"Escaped, haha, we escaped!"

"I didn't expect it. I thought I was dead several times. It seems that I do have some destiny in me."

"No one is so lucky, haha. When I get back, I'm going to the casino to have a good time."

The pirates in the carrier aircraft laughed and cursed, completely unaware that the players they captured were also celebrating.

[Haha, it’s done, we’re done! 】

[Dig for treasures, share our location with Fufu]

Without the urging of these players, Digging Ji had already pointed out their locations on the star map.

Bai Fu smiled and nodded.

Very good, this way her plan is more than half successful.


"Follow me!"

at the same time.

In the mining ship of the Trola Pirate Group, the leader Trola was looking at the green-skinned weirdo sitting opposite him with a flattering expression.

"Mr. Sean, don't worry. I have already sent people to search for Ulises people everywhere. I will definitely complete the tasks assigned by the above this month."

The green-skinned weirdo named Sean looked a little unhappy. He nodded slightly: "It's best this way. You should know what kind of punishment you will get if you can't complete the task."

"Yes yes yes."

Trola smiled brightly and did not dare to refute or complain at all.

At this moment, his communicator suddenly rang.

"Second brother? Why did you suddenly...what?!"

After hearing what the deputy leader of the pirate group, his second son, said, Trola's expression suddenly changed.

"What happened?" Sean asked casually.

Trolla told the story of how the second brother was attacked and everyone was arrested by people of unknown origin. Finally, he managed to escape with his own wit and bravery, and even captured three hostages and came back.

While explaining, he also comforted Sean: "Mr. Sean, don't worry, I will get those Ulisses back as soon as possible, and I guarantee that it will not affect the plan above!"

Sean stood up and twisted his thick neck: "Interesting, your men did a good job. I want to personally interrogate the prisoners brought back by your men. It would be fine if I didn't encounter this matter. Since I did, If you get there, you can't pretend you didn't see it. It just so happens that I haven't taken action for a while. I'm in a good mood today. After interrogating the prisoners, I will personally help you get those Ulises back. "

This domineering speech made Trola fall into ecstasy.

Sean wants to take action himself?

You must know that Sean is an S-class superpower. Now, once Sean takes action, all problems will be solved.

"I'll bring the dick over."

Trola rushed out of the cabin quickly, and after a few minutes, he brought the players and the few NPCs who escaped from the spacecraft to Sean.

"Tell me your identity honestly. As long as you tell me, I will spare your life." The second child glanced at the player with contempt.

Players looked around: "Are all your senior officials here?"

The second child frowned slightly: "What do you mean? Do you think what I said is not weighty enough? To tell you the truth, I am the second master of the Trola Pirate Group. This is our boss Trola. This is... our distinguished guest. Mr. Sean, don’t you know what’s good and what’s wrong!”

One player said: "Explain it, explain it immediately, come on, I'll show you something good."

Sean subconsciously moved his head over, and at this moment, two sandbag-sized fists appeared out of thin air, and one of them hit him hard on the bridge of his nose with the speed of a thunderous explosion.


The bridge of his nose was shattered instantly, and along with the collapse of his nose, Sean's cheeks were also sunken. Under the huge impact, he flew backwards and crashed through more than a dozen walls. He was in mid-air, The blood sprayed like a small fountain.

The other fist fell from the sky like a forging hammer, and hit Trola's skull with one hammer. It not only smashed the skull, but also smashed the fragile feet. Trola's legs were so soft that they turned into noodles. He fell to the ground, coughing out blood from his throat.

These two scenes seemed long, but in fact they both happened in the blink of an eye. When the people around them reacted, they were horrified to find two more four-meter-tall "giants" in the room.

But this is just the beginning.

As the players continued to use the prayer cards that Bai Fu had given them in advance, various true spirit summons such as spearmen, judges, priests, little black Fu, and void spheres popped up in the room one after another.

"court death!"

An extremely angry roar came from the place where Sean fell. His arrogance surged and he came back like a cannonball, aiming directly at the tied players. However, when he was still halfway, he noticed that there were many people in the room. A group of strange things appeared.

This is……

A big black lady almost beat him to death with one punch, and now there is another big black lady and a large number of "followers", and he even beats the shit out of him.

He wanted to brake and run away, but it was too late.


Da Heifu's fist fell on his eye socket again.

"Beat me until I'm half dead!"

Bai Fu gave an order, and her psychic army rushed towards Sean like crazy.

Among them, the void ball is the most cruel. The black beam cuts everywhere in the room like a 40-meter-long knife. Anyone who touches it will have their hands and feet cut off.

This scene frightened the rest of the Trolla pirate group.

At this time, they were no longer in the mood to care about Trola, who was crippled by a punch, and Sean, who was beaten up and down like a monkey. They began to flee in panic.

For a time, the entire mining ship was in chaos.

The players who broke free quickly rushed forward to hold Trola down to prevent Trola from being rescued.

Seeing others starting to run away, Sean, who was surrounded, was in a panic. He no longer had the arrogance he had before. After several failed attempts to escape, he shouted loudly: "Stop, stop, stop, you know I Who is it? I can forgive you if you stop now, otherwise..."

"Otherwise, when did the Sea Lion Galaxy become as arrogant as you Secret Tower people?"

A voice interrupted Sean's words.

Sean turned his head suddenly, his pupils trembling. Before he could even see the appearance of the woman in black who suddenly appeared, he found that the woman appeared in front of him as if she teleported.

Invisible forces came from all directions, making him unable to move. He could only watch helplessly as the woman raised her right leg high and slapped him on the top of his head like a whip.


Sean fell to the ground, his head nailed directly through the floor of the cabin, and then he felt a high heel fall on the back of his head.

"Tell me, why is the secret tower studying the mother of dissociative potions? Tell me honestly, and I might be able to spare your life."

Bai Fu turned her heels calmly.

She was just cheating, but judging from Sean's reaction, she guessed right. Sean did come from the secret tower.

PS: I didn’t get home until eight o’clock in the evening, so the update was late. I can resume normal updates tomorrow.

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