Who made her an NPC!

Chapter 184 Bai Fu grows into the Star Sea Boss [58k]

Chapter 184 Bai Fu who grows into the BOSS of Xinghai【5.8k】

In order to stop Bai Fu, Elon and others, the chief steward of the secret tower did not hesitate to mobilize a secret fleet hidden near the Sea Lion Galaxy.

This fleet is not large in scale and was originally used to deal with the Star Network Community. Now this appearance will inevitably be noticed by the Star Network Community. The fleet base that was previously built with a lot of money is considered to be scrapped.

But in the opinion of the big steward, this risk is worth taking.

In fact, if the headquarters of the Secret Tower were not too far away from the Sea Lion Galaxy, it would be difficult for other fleets to rush to the battlefield in a short time, otherwise he would never send only one fleet there.

As long as we can successfully capture those people from the Consecrated Order and get the real Pillar of the True Spirit, let alone a base, what's the point of giving away a few more bases to the Star Network Community?

The plan can go ahead without the Pillar of True Spirit Secret Tower, but with the Pillar of True Spirit, the probability of success of the plan will be greatly increased, and the time for success will be greatly shortened. This value is obviously far more than a few bases!

"Don't worry, they can't escape!"

Foster, the commander-in-chief of the Secret Tower Fleet, said confidently to the shadow of the butler emerging from the spaceship.

The chief steward nodded: "I'm waiting for your good news."

As his shadow disappeared, the Secret Tower Star Network fleet broke away from the black zone formed by high-speed sailing, officially ending the jump mode.

Waves of space ripples appeared in the universe, and the next moment, hundreds of spaceships emerged from the space ripples at extremely fast speeds, densely packed like a flock of geese crowded together.


On the spaceship, Elon's pupils shrank suddenly.

In the picture transmitted back by the detector, as soon as the Secret Tower's spaceship appeared, the naval gun was activated immediately, and the thick beam spanned the starry sky and suddenly penetrated the mining ship of the Trolla Pirate Group.

The mining ship was already beaten to pieces. After the cannon was fired, a series of explosions immediately started on the ship, like an extremely gorgeous cosmic fireworks show.


But hidden behind this silent beauty is a cold and biting murderous intention!

"The secret tower seems to have spent a lot of money this time, and it will definitely kill us!"

Elon's expression became extremely solemn, but there was also a hint of excitement underneath this solemnity.


He hadn't even asked about the specific location of the Pillar of True Spirit, but he had just learned from Sean's mouth that there was something very similar to the Pillar of True Spirit in the secret tower. The people in the secret tower were so ruthless that they had to kill them. What does this mean?

This shows that the Pillar of True Spirit is really in the hands of the Secret Tower. The Secret Tower is worried that they will spread the news, so they must kill them to silence them.

Although all the information that has been tortured through psychic hypnosis so far is true, there is always an accident in everything. What if something goes wrong this time? Fortunately, the secret tower used its own actions to tell them that you were right!

At this time, both Elon and Sui Xi were 100% sure that the Pillar of True Spirit was in the hands of the Secret Tower.

Elon couldn't help but glance at Bai Fu.

In his opinion, Bai Fu, the Queen of the Dark Realm, is simply the lucky star of the Consecrated Order. In the past more than a hundred years, the Consecrated Order could not find the Pillar of the True Spirit no matter how hard they searched. But as soon as Bai Fu appeared, they were very happy. The clues to the Pillar of True Spirit were successfully found.

His affection for Bai Fu surged.

Not only Elon, but also Sui Xi's favorability towards Bai Fu has also increased.


Bai Fu couldn't help being stunned. Wasn't she dazzled just now? She found that Sui Xi was looking at her, and a smile flashed at the corner of her mouth.

She quickly threw a psychic vision at Elon and Sui Xi each, and was surprised to find that Elon and Sui Xi's favorability towards her had increased not long ago.

Damn it.

Her favorability didn't go up when she led the players to catch the fake Broken Star, and it didn't go up when she controlled Sean. Why did it suddenly go up now?

Is there a bug in the game, or did the two of them just make up something in their head?

Bai Fu was confused, but she knew that now was not the time to think about such things, because after blowing up the mining ship, the secret tower's fleet had already chased them.

Still laughing, still laughing, wait until the spaceship is bombed, I will see how you two laugh!

Bai Fu lifted Trola up: "You are familiar with this area, right? If you don't want to be bombarded to death by the secret tower's spaceship, hurry up and show the way."

"Yes yes yes."

Trola nodded like garlic.

Under his command, the spacecraft made a sharp turn and flew towards a nearby area where space was extremely unstable.

The battleships of the Secret Tower, whether in terms of firepower, durability, speed, or quantity, are enough to crush the spaceships currently on board. If you want to escape, jumping directly will definitely not work, because it takes a certain amount of time for the jump engine to start. The spacecraft is likely to be surrounded before the engine is started. The best way is to rely on the harsh environment of the Stellar Cemetery to get rid of the secret tower fleet first, and then start the jump.

The spaceship moved forward at an extremely fast speed, and Bai Fu's heart rate also increased.

Since coming to the Star Sea, this should be the most dangerous time for her except for the time when she was targeted by Night Mother Thesia.

The reason why there is no danger this time is because Thesia's skills really made her feel the passage of life and the approach of death. But this time her biggest feeling was thrill and excitement. As for death...

Let's just say death is still chasing her after her.

"You like to bully the minority, right? Just wait for me!"

Bai Fu added another note to the secret tower in her little notebook of holding grudges.

Now she has only more than 3,000 players, which is not enough to scare the Secret Tower, but when the number of players under her increases to hundreds of thousands or even millions, I wonder if the Secret Tower will still be able to laugh.

Millions of players driving thousands of spaceships rushing towards the Secret Tower, that scene, just thinking about it, Bai Fu almost flew up.

When Bai Fu's heartbeat speed increased, the players' heart rates also began to soar. The difference is that the players are not afraid at all now, but very excited.

[I used to like the car racing scenes when I watched movies, but I didn't expect that the car didn't race, but the spaceship was racing first]

[Oh my god, the Secret Tower's spaceship looks so cool, much cooler than the Star Network's spaceship]

[Do you think our spaceship will be blown up? ]

[It's broken, anyway, I won't die, I really want to experience what it feels like to explode the spaceship]

[We won't die, but Fu Fu will]

Ah, it really is!

Now the players are not excited anymore. If Bai Fu dies, they can still play a market trade.

"Call for help. We are still in the Sea Lion Galaxy. The Star Network knows that the Secret Tower is causing trouble here, so they will definitely send reinforcements."

"Look for Fei Ye. She is a member of the Star Covenant."

The players shouted in unison.

Bai Fu shrugged helplessly.

The moment she found the Secret Tower's spaceship, she sent a distress signal to Fei Ye, but unfortunately, the Secret Tower's fleet launched a signal interference wave, causing the distress signal to fail to be sent out.

At this time, Sui Xi suddenly said: "I have contacted the Pope. The Pope told the Star Network what happened here. The Star Network replied that it would take 2 or 3 hours for reinforcements to arrive."

2 or 3 hours?

In the past, Bai Fu would think that 2 or 3 hours was very short. She and Yulia would sometimes take longer than this to do a psychic transmission verification experiment, but now she just feels it is long.

"How far is the Secret Tower's fleet from us?"

"1.27 million kilometers."

The driver replied.

This is completely within the range!

As soon as this thought came up, Bai Fu found a huge purple laser beam flying towards them. The laser beam pierced through the dark space and flew past the front of the spaceship. Although it failed to cause serious damage to the spaceship, it still made the spaceship's shield flicker continuously.

Then, several more laser beams attacked, but these laser beams were not very accurate. They encountered a distorted space halfway. One of the laser beams was swallowed by the crack, and the others were also distorted to other directions.

"That was close!"

The people in the spaceship exclaimed. They didn't dare to relax their vigilance at all. Just avoiding one round of attacks, there would be more troubles in the future.

To everyone's surprise, the commander of the Secret Tower Fleet, Foster, came faster than the second round of attacks.

"Stop the spaceship now, surrender voluntarily, and hand over all the people you just captured and the things you got. I can leave you a way out and allow you to join the Secret Tower."

Foster is not a kind person. On the contrary, he is a cold-blooded killing machine.

The reason why he didn't rush to order all the ships to fire at the same time this time was that Bai Fu and the others had already hidden in the chaotic space area, and it was difficult for the ship's guns to aim, but the more important reason was that he was afraid that the ship's guns would smash the Pillar of the True Spirit while smashing the ship. Even if the Pillar of the True Spirit was not smashed, under the impact of the explosion, if the Pillar of the True Spirit was accidentally sucked into a space crack, then his work would be in vain this time.

Facing Foster's threat, Elon acted extremely tough.

"Stop talking nonsense, if you want people and things, come and get them yourself!"

Provocation, complete provocation!

Foster was very angry, but he really didn't dare to launch a fierce attack just because of anger.

"It seems that you think you are invincible just because you have a trump card?"

He said this just to mock Elon for thinking that he could rest assured with the Pillar of the True Spirit in his hand, but Elon didn't hear this meaning at all, and thought that the trump card he was talking about was his hidden ability. This little misunderstanding made Elon's face extremely ugly.

How did the people of the Secret Tower know his hidden ability? Could it be that there are spies of the Secret Tower hidden in the Consecration Cult?

This is really possible.

The Secret Tower wants the Pillar of the True Spirit, and their Consecration Cult has been looking for the Pillar of the True Spirit. The Secret Tower has every reason to plant spies in their Consecration Cult.

Elon snorted: "Your intelligence work is very good, but what if you know it?"

His words stimulated Foster again, making Foster 100% sure that the Pillar of the True Spirit is in his hands. After all, he admitted it himself!

What do you say?

Of course, I took it back!

"I will let you know the consequences of provoking the Secret Tower!"

Foster gave an order and divided the fleet into three waves, trying to encircle the spaceship that Bai Fu and others were riding from different directions.

A chase battle took place in the Star Cemetery, a desolate world that no one except pirates usually visited.

Because they were not familiar with the terrain, although the performance of the spaceship on the Secret Tower side was better, they could not get closer to Bai Fu and others, but this situation could not last too long.

Foster deliberately changed the output energy level of the laser cannon. The power of the laser cannon fired by the spacecraft was much smaller, not enough to directly destroy another spacecraft. However, such continuous attacks put a great burden on the shield of the spacecraft that Bai Fu and the others were riding.

"The shield is still 21%, and it can only last for another 20 minutes at most. Once the shield is broken, they can attack the spacecraft directly. If the power module is damaged, we won't be able to escape!" The pilot from the Consecrated Order shouted in panic. shouted.

Elon walked up to Trola: "Is there a twisting one-way street in the Stellar Cemetery? If we let them attack from three different directions like this, we will be overtaken soon."

Trolla looked bitter: "Yes, there is, but that kind of place is too dangerous. No one dares to go, because if you are not careful, everyone and the boat will be turned in. I don't recommend going to that kind of place. There is no need for the secret tower to put pressure on us, and we might just kill ourselves.”

Elon shook his head. Since this method doesn't work, he can only find another method.

"Find a planet with harsh environment, mountains and valleys, and let's go to the surface!"

After such a long period of chasing and escaping, he could see that the Secret Tower did not dare to blow up the spaceship directly. It was probably because there were other things in Sean, Trola, and Broken Star that the Secret Tower valued.

This is a point that can be exploited.

Anyway, it’s just a matter of stalling for time. It’s much easier to drag the reinforcements to the Star Network to arrive. It’s much easier to stall for time on the surface than in the extremely empty space around them. After all, there are mountains and valleys on the ground to hinder them. If the secret tower’s spaceship wants to target them and attack them, it will be difficult. It's much more difficult.

Trola immediately pulled out the star map and clicked on several places on the map.

Elon selected one of the planets and asked the pilot to turn it around.

The chase continued. After about ten minutes, when the shield dropped to about 5%, the spacecraft successfully broke through the thick atmospheric dust and sandstorms, and sank into the dim canyon on the ground. Not long after, the secret Tower's fleet also rushed over.

"sucker Punch!"

Foster sent the spacecraft to block the road and sent a large number of aircraft to fight.

The aircraft were overwhelming, like locusts, quickly passing over the surface of the planet, setting off scorching waves and dust all over the sky. In the dust, small laser cannons continued to exert their power.

"It seems that the spaceship can no longer support it." Bai Fu said.

Elon nodded: "Let's split up, me, Sui Xi, and you. Let's each take one person away so that the secret tower cannot concentrate its strength. If we wait another half an hour, reinforcements from the Star Network should arrive."

Bai Fu nodded and had no objection. Their goal together was still too big.

She took Trola away, and before leaving, Elon gave her a prop to hide her breath.

The moment the spacecraft's shield was shattered, the spacecraft's carrier-based aircraft exit hatch suddenly opened, and then more than a dozen aircraft quickly slid out like swifts.

Bai Fu piloted one of the carrier-based aircraft and roared into a gap between the two nearby peaks. Behind her were the carrier-based aircraft driven by the player and a large number of pursuers from the secret tower.

When the carrier-based aircraft rushed through the gap, she looked back at the pursuers.

"Before, in the star sea, I faced large spaceships. It was difficult for my attacks to hit the target. Even if I hit the target, I had to break the shield first to cause damage, so I never took action. Now I'm on the surface. , then there is no need to have any scruples.”


If you dare to chase me so close, I will make you fly!

Bai Fu raised her hand and made a card in the void. She had a few cards of [Captive Land] and [Psychic Storm] in her hand out of thin air.

Go for it!

The card turned into a stream of light and flew out.

A white light flashed, and a huge black cage suddenly appeared in the wilderness. The secret tower aircraft rushing at the front had no time to dodge.

"It's over, it's over, we're going to hit him!"

The pilot of the aircraft panicked. To their surprise, the aircraft was not smashed, but crashed through the boundary of the cage and rushed into the interior of the cage.



They soon discovered that a more terrifying crisis was waiting for them.

Storm, psychic storm, huge psychic storm!

No matter how skilled these aircraft pilots were, they could only watch helplessly as the aircraft disintegrated and their bodies were torn into pieces when swept by the psychic storm.

"Get out of the way, get out of the way!"

Other aircraft pilots who saw this scene outside hurriedly pulled up the aircraft, but as soon as they pulled up the aircraft, they discovered that several psychic clouds and several black spheres appeared in the sky.

Swish swish——

Countless psychic magic gravels fell from the clouds, and the psychic energy beams shot by the black magic ball cut back and forth like long knives. Under the double blow, a large number of aircraft were damaged and fell from the sky like dumplings.

"Why did her strength suddenly become so much stronger?"

In the battleship, the members of the secret tower who saw this scene through the footage transmitted back from the aircraft were all shocked.

This is no longer an ordinary S-class superpower!

"Do you want me to go meet her?"

At this time, an extremely tall and strong S-class superpower with skin like stone came out.

"She is not important now. Let's capture the people from the Consecrated Order first, and the broken star that fell into the hands of the Consecrated Order." Foster shook his head, and then looked at another subordinate next to him, "Send a few ships When the spaceship goes over, kill Bai Fu if you can. If you can't kill her, hold her back first. Don't let her escape until I deal with the Consecration Order."

The people in the secret tower immediately took action, and a large number of people rushed towards Elon and Sui Xi. Four other spaceships descended from the clouds, trying to blow up Bai Fu directly.

Bai Fu had been prepared for this. Before they split up and ran away, she stuffed several [Whisper of Vision] cards into the players. The moment they found the spaceship, the players who got [Whisper of Vision] played their prayer cards one after another.

The gunner on the spaceship tried to lock onto Bai Fu's vehicle, and then he was confused to find that there was a Bai Fu on each carrier-based aircraft below.


There is no doubt that only one of them is real, but which one is the real one?

The carrier-based aircraft's engine power was fully pulled and fled in all directions. He had no idea who to lock onto. At first, he tried to determine where the real Bai Fu was by looking at which carrier-based aircraft the Psychic Storm and the Imprisoned Land flew out of, but he soon found that this didn't work either, because every plane had a Psychic Storm and the Imprisoned Land flying out.

"Damn it, I forgot that Bai Fu is a psychic painter, and the prayer cards she made can be used by others!"

The people on the spaceship were furious.

How did they meet such a difficult opponent like Bai Fu?

Well, well, since we can't tell them apart, let's blow them all up.

The four spaceships split into four groups, and sent out aircraft to help chase the fleeing carrier-based aircraft. During the chase, a large number of the Secret Tower's aircraft were torn into pieces by the storm, and Bai Fu's experience points soared.

"The people of the Secret Tower would never have dreamed that I had already abandoned the carrier-based aircraft and hid on the ground, right?"

On the ground, in a cave, Bai Fu watched the show leisurely.

Look, this is how the players use it!

Who said that players can't affect the battle situation if they are not strong enough? With her, a psychic painter, there are many ways for players to play.

At this time, the players really had a lot of fun.

The chase between the spaceship and the carrier-based aircraft was thrilling enough. They also got a lot of prayer cards from Bai Fu, so they could shoot the flying bees without any scruples. That cool feeling...

[Ahhh, you are not allowed to fight, let me fight! 】

[I can't stand it anymore, I want to be Fu Fu's dog too]

[Please, let me play too, the guy upstairs can do anything]

The players who rushed into the live broadcast room were really angry this time. They were still fighting with people on the ground, but here they had evolved to a spaceship war. The gap was like primitive people on one side and modern people on the other.

Bai Fu nodded very satisfied. This wave of advertising effect was maximized.

Whoever can give players a good game experience can win the love of players. Obviously, she did it. Players gave her experience and she made players have fun. This transaction was very fair.

"It should be able to hold on until the support from the Star Network arrives. I just don't know what the situation is like on the side of the Consecration Cult."

Bai Fu waited quietly for more than ten minutes. When the last carrier-based aircraft driven by the player had not crashed, the spaceships and aircraft chasing the player suddenly stopped.

After a few seconds, the captain of one of the spaceships couldn't help but stomped his feet hard.

"Bai Fu, I'm not done with you!"

He had been busy for a long time, chasing the carrier-based aircraft everywhere, and was almost dizzy. In the end, he found that the Bai Fu on every carrier-based aircraft he blew up was fake, which meant that he had received professional training, otherwise he would have fainted from anger.

This thing is too difficult to kill, ah ah ah...

"Let's go!"

Accompanied by an indignant roar, the spacecraft and aircraft turned around and prepared to run away.

Bai Fu stood up.

It looks like the reinforcements from StarNet should be here.

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