Who made her an NPC!

Chapter 190 The main mission is completed, Bai Fu, the protagonist among the protagonists [6k]

Iqi, a descendant of a family that once served the devil, is trapped by a spiritual curse.

Teresa, a girl who saw the broken body of the devil in a disaster vision, was born sick and disabled.

They are the protagonists of Indigo Star. They first appeared in version 1.1. They formed deep friendships with some players in version 1.2. In version 1.3, they gradually got closer to the roots of Indigo Star with the help of players.

They both have the same dream, which is to reach the source of the Indigo Star and completely end this disaster that has plagued the world for hundreds of years.

To this end, the two of them, who are in different camps, continue to work hard.

It can be said that their journey was full of hardships, but they did not feel bitter, but felt that their future was bright.

As long as those upright and enthusiastic undead people launch an attack, they will surely be able to restore true peace to the Indigo Star before the arrival of the gods!

But neither of them dreamed that the day of God's arrival would come early.

The demon god named Lord of the Night suddenly appeared in the world, and in an invincible manner crushed everyone who attacked the Twilight Sect and the Black Mud Demon God. Then, he went to the capital of the Star Chaser Kingdom and blasted Yassini in front of countless audiences. Became crumbs.

So scary!

What makes Iqi and Teresa even more uneasy is that they have no idea what the Lord of the Night wants to do.

To end the disaster vision, the demon god was born with the emergence of the disaster vision. Is the Lord of the Night trying to kill himself?

Rather than fearing the devil and the source, Ichi and Teresa are more afraid of the unknown.

After receiving the contact from Star Chaser Country, they thought for a long time and decided to meet the Lord of the Night.

They didn't think they could escape. After all, there was a deadline for the arrival of the gods, and after the Star Chaser Kingdom sent a contact, many undead people came to them and swore that the Lord of the Night was the best person in the world.

[Savior of Civilization·Friend of the Immortal·Guide·Nemesis of Evil·Timely Rain·White Fu! 】

So good at blowing?

In the Yingbin Hotel in the capital of Star Chaser Country.

Iggy and Teresa nervously opened the door and walked into the reception hall.

The light from the crystal chandelier dazzled their eyes. When their eyes gradually adapted to the light, they saw an even more dazzling girl standing under the chandelier that was as bright as stars.

The girl is wearing a black evening dress, as deep as water, and her figure is graceful, like a black rose stretching under the starlight, both mysterious and elegant.

When the girl suddenly raised her head, it was like the morning sun rising from the eastern sky, and the stunning beauty surged in like a rosy cloud. At this moment, time seemed to stop, and all the light and sound were making way for the girl, leaving the girl alone. The lonely stage blooms.

Izzy and Teresa were lost.

Is this the Lord of the Night?

At this time, Bai Fu slowly walked down the small steps on the fifth floor. The sound of the heels of her high heels hitting the ground perfectly matched the heartbeats of Iqi and Theresa.

Bai Fu walked slowly on purpose. She was looking at Iqi and Teresa.

These are the two protagonists!

When she was on the Origin Star, she was following in the footsteps of the protagonist and trying to make herself the protagonist. Time has passed and the situation has completely reversed. The protagonist has begun to follow in her footsteps. I have to say that this is a huge and gratifying progress.

Bai Fu stopped in front of Iggy and Teresa.

"In order to eliminate the root cause and restore peace to Indigo Star, you two have worked hard along the way. Now that I am back, you no longer have to bear such a heavy fate."

The bottom of the Dark Scepter fell to the floor, and the crisp sound woke Izzy and Teresa.

They both raised their heads and saw motherly love on Bai Fu's face.

Before they came, they thought about what Bai Fu would say, maybe it was a threat, maybe it was Xiaozhi's emotion that would make him reason, but they didn't expect it to be like this.

Calm down, don't be fooled by that love and understanding, this must be a new type of fraud!

Theresa was about to strengthen herself when Bai Fu's hand fell on the top of her head and stroked it gently.

"The reason that corrodes your body and makes you sick and weak is the root cause. Once the root cause is solved, you can quickly recover and become just like normal people by using the medicine I brought from the Star Sea. Your companions, they It will be fine too.”

Teresa's heart was pounding.

She wanted to dodge, but she was a little reluctant. Lord Youye's hand was so warm!

Then, Bai Fu looked at Iqi again.

"The curse on you does not come from the source, but as long as you get rid of the demon who imposed the curse, everything will be fine."


Izzy and Teresa didn't know what to say at all.

They couldn't resist Bai Fu like this at all.

Maybe, this is just a dream, otherwise, could You Ye really be so good at dominating a demon?

"I know you don't believe me, but you should try to believe in the immortals who accompany you all the way, and you should also believe in my spaceship. I don't need to play any tricks with you, that spaceship is enough Let me easily crush the entire Indigo Star."

I have to say that what Bai Fu said is very reasonable.


I will drive a spaceship and bomb the sky indiscriminately, and I will ask you who can withstand it!

Iqi and Teresa looked at each other and finally decided to tell Bai Fu the location of the root.

Bai Fu is a good person, and they have to say that Bai Fu is not a good person, and they have to say that, otherwise Bai Fu might threaten them with the entire Indigo Star.


Bai Fu, who successfully obtained the specific location of the source, was not in a hurry to kill it immediately.

The main purpose of her coming to Indigo Star this time was to squeeze the experience of Indigo Star players. Before squeezing, she decided to use the main quests of Indigo Star to replenish the players and increase their experience in inventory, so that she could squeeze out more experience after she started squeezing.

It’s a waste not to squeeze the official wool. Anyway, there is no loss, and you can also get praise from players after squeezing.

"Indigo Star will always remember your contribution."

Bai Fu comforted Ichi and Theresa, and then immediately called Digging Ji to let Digging Ji notify all players of Indigo Star.

[No matter what camp you joined before, from now on, as long as you fight against the monsters and roots that are causing trouble on Indigo Star together, you will be good friends]


The players of Indigo Star were all excited after receiving the news.

Hiss, is Fu Fu going to give friends money?

Go, go, follow Fu Fu to speed through the main quest!

Bai Fu specially reserved three days for the players of Indigo Star.

During these three days, players from all over the world of Indigo Star rushed to the gathering place that Bai Fu said.

During these three days, the rulers of Indigo Star were uneasy. They held meetings and discussed countermeasures constantly, but in the end, no useful countermeasures were discussed and they could only watch.

During these three days, the player community was also noisy. Players from other novice planets were almost envious. If only the players from Zuyuan Star could drink soup behind Bai Fu, it would be fine. Now how come the players from Indigo Star can also drink hot soup?

[Unfair, totally unfair! ]

[Why is it unfair? The players from Zuyuan Star can drink soup, and we, the players from Indigo Star, can drink soup too. It's so fair! ]

[Give me a mouthful of soup, please, Fu Fu, just one mouthful, really, I will only drink one mouthful! ]

No matter how crazy the players from other planets were, the date of the decisive battle set by Bai Fu still arrived.

This day was sunny and windy.

Indigo Star countries and secret societies that have not yet been destroyed have sent people to film the live broadcast. Under the gaze of almost all Indigo Star people, Bai Fu delivered a pre-war mobilization speech.

She reviewed in detail the legends of Indigo Star related to the root, the devil, and the disaster vision, and cited a lot of examples to illustrate how much pain the root brought to Indigo Star.

Then, she changed the subject and talked about those who worked hard to completely eliminate the root, including Ichi and Theresa.

"If it weren't for the two of them, we wouldn't be able to stand here today..."

Bai Fu looked around.

Under the sunlight, her long silver-white hair dancing in the wind seemed to turn into a stunningly beautiful snow lotus in a trance.

She is simply a god!

This is the thought that flashed through the minds of countless Indigo Star people who watched the live news broadcast after seeing Bai Fu like this.

Ichi and Theresa at the scene were also moved.

Very good, the atmosphere is completely in place!

Bai Fu nodded secretly, then she raised the dark scepter in her hand high and shouted: "Let's go!"

Under her leadership, Anya, Yulia... and countless players rushed to the location of the root.

The monsters entrenched near the root sensed the danger and tried to resist, but they were very fierce when it came to hitting the players. To hit Bai Fu, it can be summarized in a few words-

[I hit Bai Fu? Eh, is that true?]

[Will I win? I'll kill her!]

[There was not even a moment to mourn the death of the Sun Demon God. The next one to arrive at the battlefield was the Destiny Weaver!]

Bai Fu spent 20 minutes slashing from the gathering place to the root. In fact, she didn't need to spend so much time. A full sprint would take her more than ten seconds to cross this distance. The reason why it took so long was mainly to take care of the players, Ichi and Theresa, and the reporters following behind.

The fresh hot soup cooked by the Lord of the Night, Bai Fu, must be fed to the players, and the heroic figure of the Lord of the Night, Bai Fu, must be conveyed to the eyes of every audience.

Bai Fu looked up at the thunder-covered plateau not far away. She had discovered through her psychic super perception that there was something with extremely high energy intensity underground in the middle of the plateau. It must be the "culprit" that caused the mutation of Indigo Star.

This is what she wants!

"Be careful!"

Just as Bai Fu was about to step forward, Theresa suddenly shouted.

"The root is surrounded by a mental distortion barrier. If you enter this barrier without any protection, you will be twisted into a monster!"

Bai Fu smiled and nodded at Theresa.

You are right, but I am Bai Fu, an S-level superpower. My mental attribute is as high as 322 points after various bonuses are calculated. If I open the mind blessing, this attribute will further increase to 352 points. Is there an NPC or monster with such a high basic mental attribute in the entire Indigo Star?

Bai Fu stepped into the Thunder Plateau.

Teresa's heart almost jumped out of her throat when she saw this scene.

Nothing will happen, right?

All the NPCs on Indigo Star became nervous. Some were worried that Bai Fu would be in trouble, while others were worried that Bai Fu would not be in trouble.

Bai Fu took only two steps forward when she saw several black shadows jumping out and blocking her way. She used her spiritual vision one after another, and the names that came into her eyes were all in the format of [Incomplete Demon God xxx]. One of the demons with horns on his head was the most eye-catching.

[Incomplete Demon God Lord of the Night]

Bai Fu: "?"

You are not dead yet!

That won't do. For my sake, you should die!

The Lord of the Dark Night pointed at Bai Fu and shouted, "Who are you? I am..."


The surging spiritual energy directly smashed it into pieces, completely eliminating the possibility that those high-level players who have unlocked advanced reconnaissance techniques could accidentally see its true identity.

Well, now I, Bai Fu, am the real Lord of the Dark Night!

The other demons around were frightened by this scene. They killed a demon with similar strength in an instant. How could they fight?

One of the demons immediately took the lead in surrendering, and the others followed suit.

But Bai Fu came here to eradicate the evil spirits today, so how could she let these demons go?

"Fuck, since this woman won't let us live, let's fight her!"

"Count me in. Although we were mortal enemies before, today I am willing to put aside my prejudice and fight side by side with you!"

"Count me in too. Together, we can beat this woman!"

The incomplete demons gathered together and shouted. This shout actually made people feel a bit like the protagonists of a passionate animation gathering to fight.

Hey, who is the boss?

The NPC of Indigo Star who was watching the live broadcast was stunned.

The player was very calm. Fu Fu was the master and was doing great things in the star sea. Isn't it still a massacre to beat a few incomplete demons?

In fact, Bai Fu was too lazy to talk to these incomplete demons. She raised her hand and used a spiritual explosion to blast the incomplete demons that blocked the way, leaving only one standing at the edge alive. The reason why she didn't kill this one was to ask if there were any other demons and which forces were colluding with the demons.

Is there still a reckoning?

Under Bai Fu's torture, the frightened demon quickly confessed everything he knew.

"Very good, I won't kill you."

Bai Fu threw the demon in front of Fei Ye, and the next second, Fei Ye punched the demon into a bloody mist.

She just said she wouldn't kill, but she didn't say that Fei Ye and the others couldn't do it.

When the demon died, the whole world was quiet, including the NPCs who were watching, and they all couldn't help swallowing their saliva.

"Good, so scary!"

The president of the Star Chaser Country was terrified, and was very glad that he didn't choose to fight Bai Fu to the end, otherwise he would have turned into a bloody mist.

A moment later, Bai Fu walked to the center of the Thunder Terrace and pulled out a black iron stick with a length of more than ten centimeters and strange golden patterns on it from the ground.

The moment she held the iron stick, the thunder on the Thunder Terrace disappeared completely, and she also received a game prompt that the main task of Indigo Star had been completed.

The root disappeared, the demon lost the source of power, and the disaster vision would no longer occur every once in a while. At that time, the people of Indigo Star had not realized that Bai Fu's action of pulling out the black iron stick had such a great impact, but they heard another sentence Bai Fu said in front of the camera.

"I have cleared the root, but this does not mean that peace has completely come to Indigo Star. Next, I will eliminate all the evil demons. By the way, there are also those secret societies. In the past, they used their power to do evil and no one punished them, but what I want to say now is that their good days are over now!"

Bai Fu issued a new battle declaration.

After saying this, she immediately arranged for Anya and the others to lead the players to go out for a sweep.

There are dozens of carrier-based aircraft in the spacecraft. Relying on these carrier-based aircraft that are many times more advanced than the aircraft of Indigo Star, they can appear in any corner of Indigo Star at the fastest speed.

Those living demons, or secret societies that collude with demons, want to escape?


All evil will be brought to justice!

"Leave it to me, Boss!"

Anya, who had a great fight a few days ago, charged forward again this time. In the Star Sea, she was too weak to get any chance to appear, but the situation is different on Indigo Star.

The number one under Boss Fufu came to Indigo Star to spread fear. I, Anya, am the nemesis of all evil!

"You two should go and have a look. Isn't it what you have always expected to eliminate the root cause and restore peace to the world? Now the opportunity has come, just in time to see it for yourself."

With Bai Fu's encouragement, Ichi and Theresa, who were in shock, got on Anya's carrier-based aircraft in a daze.

A super operation that shocked the world began.

The Indigo Star people were still shocked by Bai Fu's instant killing of the Demon God, but they didn't expect that Bai Fu would do something bigger just a few minutes later.

The Lord of the Dark Night is the Demon God?

What a devilish god, this is clearly the savior!

At the same time, a resentment that had been suppressed for many years burst out from the hearts of countless Indigo Star people. They had been looking forward to this moment of peace for too long.

In the past, every few years, a catastrophic phenomenon would break out on Indigo Star. Anyone caught in the phenomenon would die tragically. Many people were separated from their relatives and friends forever. They hated it, but it was useless for them to hate it at that time. Now, everything has finally reversed. The phenomenon has disappeared, and those secret societies that pursue the phenomenon are about to receive the punishment they deserve.

"Long live the Lord of the Dark Night!"

"I support the Lord of the Dark Night as the captain!"

"From today on, I am a believer of the Lord of the Dark Night, and I want to join the Dusk Sect."

The cheers rang from the Thunder Mesa to the Star Chasing Country, and from the Star Chasing Country to the entire Indigo Star. Before, many people suspected that Bai Fu had ulterior motives, but now it is difficult to find one out of a hundred people.

No matter how ulterior motives Bai Fu has, she looks much better than those secret societies with ulterior motives and those who colluded with secret societies!

"Bai Fu! Bai Fu!"

Overnight, Bai Fu's popularity on Indigo Star caught up with that of Zuyuan Star.

When she returned to the hotel room again, the president of the Star Chasing Country almost nodded and bent over.

Don't click, don't click, Bai Fu calmly sent all the outsiders away. Now is the time for her to count the gains of this operation.

After completing the main task of Indigo Star, she received a total of four rewards.

First, the legendary rating gave her 12 million experience points, and then the special title [Terminator of Demons], [Selected Spiritual Power Equipment Blueprint*1] and the special item [Contract Certificate].

Among them, the effect of [Terminator of Demons] is the same as the title [Bury of Truth] she obtained after defeating the Truth Society, which provides her with an additional 5% bonus to all basic attributes, which makes her strength rise again, which is very powerful.

As for the equipment blueprint, it was useless to her. She planned to use it as a prize for the upcoming celebration event, so that the players of Indigo Star could also experience the fun of opening the "Bai Fu Happy Box".

The last special item [Contract Certificate] was really special. It was useless alone, but if it was used with the black iron stick she dug out from the Thunder Mesa, the effect would be quite outstanding.

[Contract Certificate]: After using it, you can reach a spiritual contract with [Sin Needle].

Sin Needle is the name of the origin of Indigo Star. It is a weapon that can be controlled by mental power. It has considerable mental attribute bonus and various special effects, but it is not just a weapon, but also a rare item.

The remarks column of the equipment description specifically mentioned that Sin Needle has the effects of breaking mental barriers, magic gravel spirit, and mental concentration. Especially the effect of mental concentration, which is reflected in the game terminology -

Increasing the success rate of mental items!

"Isn't this what I have been looking forward to?"

Bai Fu's eyes suddenly lit up.

She had obtained the mother of the dissociative potion for several months, but because she was not a psychic, the probability of triggering a mental mutation when taking the dissociative potion was very low, not to mention accumulating multiple mental mutations to trigger racial evolution and transform herself into a [Shadow Ghost].

Now with the Needle of Punishment, the situation is different.

"If I can become a Shadow Ghost, the next time I meet Cecilia, even if I can't beat her, my chances of escaping will be greatly improved!"

Shadow Ghost is a special race between entities and energy bodies. It usually exists in the world as an entity, but after using its talent skills, it can be transformed into a Shadow Ghost energy body.

Cecilia's ability is terrible, but her ability will be greatly reduced when facing energy bodies. The most obvious thing is that her skill of depriving the target's health by percentage is ineffective against energy bodies.

Very good!

Bai Fu quickly called Anya, who was killing people outside, back and asked Anya to use the Evidence of Contract and the Needle of Punishment to reach a mental contract.

The Needle of Punishment is a good thing, but it is not very useful for her who is a psychic. At most, it can add some spiritual attributes. She is not in urgent need of spiritual attributes now, so the Needle of Punishment is better for Anya who specializes in spirituality.

With the help of the Contract Certificate, Anya merged very smoothly, and her strength increased a lot at once. When she completely merges the Needle of Punishment, she will probably be able to touch the threshold of A-level superpowers.

Bai Fu nodded with satisfaction.

Two days later, the demons of Indigo Star were wiped out.

Bai Fu took this opportunity to cooperate with the Star Chaser Country to organize a national celebration event, and also opened many exclusive events for players in this event.

It's time to harvest!

While the Star Chaser Country was working hard to help her promote the celebration event, she gathered Anya, Yulia and others. The fusion has been completed, and it's time to hold a Fu Party so that everyone can enjoy the benefits of accumulated mental mutations.

"Exploit experience to upgrade, unlock new races... In a dozen days, version 1.3 will be almost finished, and then we will get another wave of enhancements..."

Bai Fu is full of confidence.

The day she returns to the Sea Lion Galaxy, the entire Sea Lion Galaxy will definitely know her again!

PS: Thanks to Yi Ran Xiao Wen Deng for the reward

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