Who made her an NPC!

Chapter 200 A loyal player tries to crown Bai Fu the queen [6k]

Thesia is missing?

The moment he heard the news, the chief steward of the secret tower had already guessed where Cersia was now.

As soon as the secret fleet sent to the Golden Valley Star left, Thesia disappeared. Where could she be now if she wasn't on that fleet?

With Thesia joining in, the success rate of Secret Tower's operations on Golden Valley will be much higher, but the big housekeeper can't laugh at all.

His eyes were sinister, his face was ashen, and his breathing was involuntarily rapid.

The people who came to report the news couldn't help but tremble when they saw the big housekeeper like this. The big housekeeper has always been very well-educated, even when facing those low-level minions, he always smiled. He has been in the secret tower for decades, and this is his first time. This is the second time I have seen the chief steward get so angry. Last time, he had a quarrel with the master of the secret tower because of differences in strategic policies.

Does Thesia's disappearance really have a big impact?

The person who reported the news was puzzled.

The chief steward gritted his teeth and said: "Check, contact me the fleet that just left and ask them to check. I must find Thesia!"

The person who reported the news did not dare to refute, so he took the order and left in a hurry.

It wasn't until the door was closed that the butler quickly turned on his communicator and kept sending messages to Thesia. However, he sent more than a dozen messages in succession, but they all seemed to be lost in the sea and did not receive any reply.

"Bastard thing!"

The big butler slammed the communicator against the wall so hard that it broke into pieces.

Just as the person who reported the message knew, he rarely got angry. Even if his men messed up things, he would usually just taunt him a few times. At most, he would enforce the "tower rules" and never use any lynching.

The reason for this is because he knows very well that the cause that Secret Tower insists on has a higher probability of failure.

Why worry about temporary failure?

As long as the overall situation develops for the better, it is enough. There is no real perfection in this world anyway.

He was so angry with Thesia this time not because Thesia lost, but because Thesia disobeyed his orders.

Over the past ten years, he has paved the way for Thesia's growth. Even if Thesia's loss caused dissatisfaction among many people, he did not blame her too much. He just asked Thesia to go back to her room and stay well. But how did Thessia repay him?

"Leave home" without saying a word!

Do you feel that as you grow up and your wings harden, you can fly alone without consulting him?

ridiculous! ridiculous!

The angry butler remembered another incident that happened decades ago.

At that time, the secret tower was in a very bad situation. It was attacked in many places and suffered heavy losses. He was determined to temporarily shrink his power and wait for new opportunities to come. However, the master of the secret tower did not agree with his idea and insisted on fighting to the end. , and even secretly contacted the Dark Territory Zerg without his knowledge, and reached a deal with the Dark Territory Zerg Mother Queen.

He had a big quarrel with the Lord of the Secret Tower over this, and the two parties broke up. He was even more angry that time than this time. The reason was the same as this time. The Lord of the Secret Tower did not make the decision when he made the decision. Discuss with him.

Although after receiving the support of the Dark Zone Zerg, the Secret Tower has developed much faster and the situation looks good. However, how can a tightrope operation such as cooperation with the Dark Zone Zerg only focus on the immediate gains and ignore the potential risks?

The purpose of the Secret Tower is to return to the sun and dominate the Initial Gate Galaxy Cluster. The appetite of the Dark Zone Zerg is much greater than this. If you cooperate with this group of monsters with big appetites, you will fall into the belly of the worm if you are not careful. .

The chief steward believes that the master of the secret tower must understand this, but the master of the secret tower just wants to bet that he will be the one who laughs last.

In his opinion, Thesia was just as obsessed as the Lord of the Secret Tower. She just refused to admit defeat and felt that she was just a little short. As long as she had another chance, she would be able to kill Bai Fu.

"If you become possessed too deeply, you will become distorted."

The butler walked up and down the room.

After a long time, he received a report from his men. The fleet conducted a carpet search, but no trace of Thesia was found on any spacecraft.

"She must be parasitic on someone. In this case, unless she shows up on her own, otherwise..."

The chief steward couldn't wait to catch up with him immediately.

But he is very busy now and has no energy to care about Sesia. His first priority is to continue to torture those captured from the Consecrated Order and find a way to get the Pillar of the True Spirit in the hands of the Consecrated Order.

The Pillar of True Spirit is the real hope of the Secret Tower!

"Keep an eye on her. If you see her show up, contact me as soon as possible."


Foster, the commander-in-chief of the secret fleet, responded quickly.

After finishing the conversation with the butler, Foster glanced around and shouted at the top of his lungs.

"Cheer up, everyone. Last time we let Bai Fu escape in the Star Cemetery. We must not let her escape this time. Do you understand?"

Do you still need to say this?

Thesia, who was parasitic on a cleaner in a special way, sneered, and then looked at the receding stars outside the spacecraft expressionlessly.

"The spacecraft is about to enter warp flight mode. Please stop fighting to prevent accidents."

As the radio rang, Bai Fu stood up from her chair.

"We're about to go head-to-head with the Secret Tower. I wonder what lineup the Secret Tower will send this time?"

Manu said: "The secret tower should be on guard. The strength of the people they send will definitely not be bad, but we don't need to be afraid here."

Bai Fu smiled and said nothing more.

Manu appeared out of nowhere just as she was about to set off.

Manu was accompanied by masters from the Tide Civilization, Sky Eye Alliance, Caster Civilization and other forces, who expressed their willingness to act together.

Seeing their enthusiasm, what else did Bai Fu say?

Then let's go together!

At this time, there were a total of 7 S-level superpowers in Feiye's spaceship, including her, Feiye, Yulia, and 4 masters sent by other civilizations. Among these 7 S-level superpowers, 4 had reached S+ (Bai Fu was one of them), which can be said to be a great number of heroes.

In order to give a heavy hammer to the Secret Tower, which has been attacking frequently recently, on Jingu Star, the major civilizations of the Initial Gate Galaxy Cluster have invested heavily this time.

On the way to Jingu Star, Bai Fu was very excited, and Manu and others were no exception.

However, they were excited for different reasons. Bai Fu was excited because she could exploit the players again. Although she still had a lot of experience that she had not digested from the players on Indigo Star, it didn't matter. If she couldn't digest it, she could just save it. Anyway, her experience reserve was unlimited, so there was no need to worry about the experience overflowing.

Manu and others were excited because they couldn't wait to beat up the Secret Tower. In addition, they were also very interested in the dark domain civilization of Jingu Star.

Jingu Star was not Bai Fu's hometown, but it must have a deep connection with Bai Fu. This trip to Jingu Star might help them figure out Bai Fu's past. When they thought of this, it was hard not to look forward to it. This was what most people in the Initial Gate Galaxy Cluster were looking forward to!

The spacecraft sailed in deep space for six days.

During these six days, the news that Bai Fu was about to arrive at Jingu Star had spread among the player community. This time, the popularity was even higher than when Bai Fu suddenly arrived on Indigo Star.

There were two reasons for this.

On the one hand, before Bai Fu set off, Digging Ji had already issued a notice in the community. On the way, Digging Ji broadcast live 24 hours a day. The game map was hung on the left side of the live broadcast room, and the situation of the spacecraft cockpit was hung on the right side of the live broadcast room. Although the map during warp speed navigation could not distinguish the specific location of the spacecraft at all, this wave of operations still attracted a lot of attention.

On the other hand, Bai Fu's trip to Jingu Star this time was not like returning to her "hometown" to do a side quest to punish evil like her previous trip to Indigo Star. This time, Bai Fu's trip to Jingu Star involved many forces in the Star Sea, including the Secret Tower, which was obviously a big villain. If lucky, the players of Jingu Star might be able to contact the main quest of the Star Sea on Jingu Star before the Star Sea version.

This discovery made the players of other novice planets envious.

Some new players who had just entered the game not long ago decisively reincarnated to Jingu Star, wanting to gamble big.

Those players who were already at a high level wanted to imitate the players on Jingu Star and send long-distance signals to the starry sky, but their actions were stopped by Digging Ji.

Under Bai Fu's instruction, Digging Ji specially sent a video to persuade players on other planets not to do stupid things.

This time, Bai Fu received the message in time and was free, so she could rush to Jingu Star before the secret tower.

Next time, if Bai Fu does not receive the message, or is unable to split up because of important matters, causing other forces, especially some evil forces, to arrive at the novice planet where the players are, then something big will happen.

[These evil forces can cause the main quest that you have worked hard for half a day to be interrupted with a casual shot]

[To be honest, it is not a big problem if the main quest is interrupted. If those evil forces are cruel enough to capture you and brainwash you, then you are really finished. Players who often follow me should not be unfamiliar with the players of the Truth Society camp on Zuyuan Star, right? 】

[Once they are brainwashed, they will be unable to defect from the camp like them. Either they can only work as laborers for these evil forces, or they can only delete their accounts and start over. Imagine waiting for Fu Fu's rescue like the players of the Truth Society. Emmm... I think there is a lot of waiting. The Star Sea version has not officially arrived yet, and those evil forces are still a little far from death.]

The words of Digger Ji calmed down many players.

It makes sense!

But they did not give up the idea of ​​summoning Bai Fu to their novice planet.

Since sending long-distance signals is not feasible, why not just let Digger Ji tell Fu Fu their coordinates and let Fu Fu come over?

Now Fu Fu has completely fallen out with the Secret Tower. As long as Fu Fu comes to take them to the Star Sea, they can help Fu Fu fight the Secret Tower.

It is true that their level cap is only level 35 after the new version is opened, which is equivalent to just entering the B level in the Star Sea, but their number is large. There are hundreds of thousands of players on a novice planet, and millions on ten novice planets.

Millions of B-class superpowers placed in any corner of the marginal world star zone are a force that cannot be ignored. They can all help Fufu to establish a kingdom in the star sea and become a real queen.

[When Fufu sits on the throne, we will conquer the four directions and expand the territory for Fufu Kingdom. Isn't it wonderful? I don't want much reward, as long as Fufu gives me her socks...]

[Fuck, what a pervert! ]

[Just tell me if this future is good or not]

[The porridge brother may think it's good]

Players actively discussed in the comment area of ​​the video released by Digging Ji. Seeing the discussion content, Digging Ji had an idea and his eyes fell on Bai Fu, who was sitting on a high stool next to him and kept swinging his feet.

Her eyes gradually became hot.


She is not saying that Bai Fu's feet are wonderful, although this is indeed wonderful, but this is not the focus now.

Digging Ji found that the "founding of a country" mentioned by those players in the comment area is very feasible.

Let's say, if, if, although Fu Fu may not be willing, they push Fu Fu forward from behind, making the Court of Silence the first force in the Star Sea, and making Fu Fu the queen of the entire Star Sea, isn't this more interesting than honestly following the rhythm of the game to do the main quest?

As a witness and the first promoter of this great cause, she will definitely become a super anchor by then, and her name will be forever recorded in the history of the game, becoming a name that cannot be ignored when future generations review the history of the game.


Digging Ji became excited.

Compared to being a digging Ji, being a creation Ji can really inspire people's fighting spirit.

She decided to tell this plan to those players who have a good relationship with her. Now can be said to be the best time to implement this plan. If the Star Sea version is officially opened, it will not be easy for Fu Fu to gather millions of players under her.

While Digging Ji was secretly moving, Bai Fu also saw the comments under the video.

Millions of players, founding a country...

It sounds exciting.

But forget about founding a country, she doesn't know how to govern a country.

For now, she should think about how to keep the benefits of Jingu Star in her pocket under the prying eyes of the Secret Tower.

If she suffers a big loss at the hands of the Secret Tower this time, her image of being wise and brave that she has finally established in front of the players will be damaged.

After flying for a while, the spacecraft finally released the warp flight state.

"It's not far from here to Jingu Star. Just in case, let's send out a few detectors first, and let the undead drive the carrier-based aircraft to search nearby to see if we are really earlier than the Secret Tower."

Manu's proposal was unanimously agreed by everyone.

After spending two hours to confirm that there was no danger, Bai Fu drove the spacecraft directly into the atmosphere of Jingu Star.

Jingu Star, like Zuyuan Star and Indigo Star, is a novice planet where technology and other schools coexist.

This is normal. If the technology level is not good, even if the players of Jingu Star get the blueprint of the long-distance signal transmitter, they can't make the finished product.

The difference is that Jingu Star is a novice planet that focuses on superpowers.

Because there are so many types of superpowers, players can also use krypton gold to buy superpower awakening potions in the game mall and actively awaken special superpowers. Therefore, Jingu Star is often famous in the player community for its varied fighting methods. Players of Jingu Star also like to post their own fighting videos. There is nothing else, just one word -


The cool superpowers are enough to satisfy the second-year fantasies of many players.

In comparison, the early stage of the psychic profession is a bit boring. After many skills are thrown, other players can't see that you have already cast the skills.

But in addition to being cool, the players of Jingu Star also have a hard life.

Their superpowers are cool, but the problem is that the superpowers of those powerful NPCs are even cooler.

[Give up, you can't beat me in terms of coolness! 】

In the process of fighting against those powerful superpower organizations, the players of Jingu Star were beaten and bloodied, and at one point they found that the progress of their main quests was decreasing instead of increasing.

It was precisely because of such a hard life that the players of Jingu Star had the motivation to make their own long-distance signal transmitters to contact Bai Fu after seeing how happy the players of Zuyuan Star and Indigo Star were drinking soup behind Bai Fu.

At first, they didn't expect to drink soup.

[It's better to drink some of Fu Fu's bath water than to be bullied by those superpower organizations here]

But the development of things was completely beyond their expectations.

Bath water?


Hehe, this time they might be able to eat meat with Fu Fu!

The main quest of Xinghai, Haochi!

When the little red dot representing Digging Ji overlapped with the little blue dot representing Jingu Star in the game map displayed in the live broadcast room, at the same time, all the online players of Jingu Star stopped what they were doing and looked up at the misty sky.

This strange scene stunned the people around the player, even the members of the supernatural organization who were beating the player.

What happened?

There was nothing in the sky.

Suddenly, the player named [Fengyoujing] laughed.

"Haha, it's over, you're all done, my elder sister Fufu is here!"

Then, other players also shouted.

"Okay, okay, the one and a half year period has come, welcome the return of the Lord of the Night!"

"Nice, I can finally see Fufu in person."

These words made the members of the supernatural organization around them even more speechless. They suspected that these players were either crazy or just pretending to be mysterious.

What a joke, don't think we won't beat you if you're crazy. If you dare to go against the company, your fate will only be to become the company's fertilizer!

A group of supernatural organization members surrounded the player with a covetous look.

But before they could do anything, a dazzling white light suddenly shot down from the clouds, and the light pierced everyone present and covered their eyes with their hands.

After nearly ten seconds, everyone's eyes finally recovered, and they all looked up, only to see a little girl in a red tight combat uniform floating in the sky.

Uh, a height of 1.3 meters should be considered a little girl, right?

At this time, the little girl put her hands on her waist, raised her eyebrows slightly, and looked down with a proud face.

"An Bao?"

"Isn't this Anya?"

"No doubt, this is Fufu's sister Anya!"

Fengyoujing cheered again.

Anbao, Anya?

The people of the superpower organization were confused. This was a person they had never seen before, and a name they had never heard of, but judging from the current situation, this should be an enemy.

Since it is an enemy, you can't keep it alive, you must get rid of it!

Don't think that you are great just because you can fly. We have a group of powerful superpowers here...


Before the members of the superpower organization had time to prepare for the attack, Anya, who was floating in the sky, had already taken action.

The mental power surged out of her body like a tide. In just one second, she accurately passed over the players in the coverage area and pressed all the members of the superpower organization firmly to the ground like dead dogs.

"You are the ones who sent a message to Boss Fufu to save you, right? Well, now you can rest assured. Boss Fufu is here, and I will take her place to defeat all these people!"

Anya landed on the ground and stepped on a superpower like Bai Fu.

Her posture was very similar, but because her body shape was very different from Bai Fu, and she was not wearing high heels, she did not show any so-called queen temperament, but just made people feel cute.

Well, besides being cute, it also makes people feel at ease.

Don't look at Anya's cuteness, but she is a real A-level superpower!


Fengyoujing and others fell into ecstasy.

Anya is here, and Fufu must be here too. They are not dreaming, nor are they hallucinating. Their good days are finally coming!

At the same time, the same plot was being played out in different places on Jingu Star.

After all, this time they were not here to show off, but to deal with the secret tower. In order to save time, Bai Fu sent out Anya, Yulia, Feiye, Vic, Xia Shi, Lu Ni, Manu and others as soon as the spacecraft broke through the atmosphere, and asked them to land on Jingu Star at the same time to achieve multiple goals. While announcing her arrival, Bai Fu completed the main task of Jingu Star in one fell swoop -

Destroy the terrible superpower city!

While Anya and the others were taking action, Bai Fu herself was not idle. She turned into a ghost and appeared in front of the protagonist of Jingu Star at the fastest speed.

"Okay, I won't say any more nonsense to you. I was summoned by the immortal Fengyoujing of your Jingu Star to help you solve the problems you are facing. My strength..."

Bai Fu raised her hand and shot a deep pit several dozen meters wide from the mountain next to her.

"Do you believe me and take me to the superpower city you mentioned now, or do you want to drag it out and waste time? You can make your own judgment."

The protagonist of Jingu Star looked up and looked at the woman with her arms folded in the air, with only the soles of her pointed high heels being the most conspicuous. He couldn't help swallowing his saliva.

My Queen!

He had no doubt that the heel could easily pierce his skull.

"I'll take you there right away!"

Ten minutes later, the super villain who called himself the King of Superpowers of Jingu Star died.

He lay on the ground and died peacefully. He was stepped on by Phantom Fufu and his chest exploded. His chest exploded and he lost his vitality immediately. His remaining upper body still kept a smile.

Looking at Bai Fu who smiled and nodded, and Phantom Fufu who was a cold and queen-like, the superpower city, nicknamed the Crime City, exploded directly.


Those superpowers who were so strong that the players were miserable began to flee in all directions.

Huh, want to escape?

Bai Fu threw out a bunch of cards, and made a card-scattering army.

Her psychic army surrounded the City of Superpowers, and concluded the main quest of Jingu Star.

Start to attack!

Bang, bang, bang!

A few minutes later, the entire City of Superpowers fell silent.

Bai Fu was very satisfied with this situation. With her current strength, it would be so easy to deal with these B-level superpowers.

Very good, the main quest is completed. Now it's time to count the quest rewards, squeeze the players, and select smart players to prepare for the placement of spies in the secret tower!

"Come with me, I'll take you to see the aliens."

Bai Fu waved to the owner of Jingu Star.

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