Who made her an NPC!

Chapter 202 The strength of the fourth calamity, the terrifying Bai Fu [55k]

Chapter 202 The strength of the fourth disaster on the day, the terrifying Bai Fu [5.5k]

The secret tower needs to use a special prop called [Cooling Insect Nest] to release flood disaster.

[Cooling Bug Nest] is made by engineering bugs in the Dark Zone Zerg. The size of a cooling bug nest ranges from 50 cm to 5 meters in diameter. Due to the use of space technology in the production process, even the smallest one is 50 cm. The model can also store 100,000 ordinary bugs and 100 adult bugs. If a largest cooling bug nest is thrown at a surface civilization of the level of Ulises civilization, it will be a ruthless massacre.

Although the fleet sent by the Secret Tower this time did not carry the largest cooling insect nest, it did carry more than a hundred medium-sized cooling insect nests. These insect nests were enough for them to launch a "flood" with a scale of over 100 million.

Don’t underestimate the number 100 million.

There are two most terrifying aspects of the Dark Territory Insect. One is its ability to evolve, and the other is its ability to reproduce!

If the invaded civilization cannot come up with effective insecticide methods, the Dark Zone Insects will mercilessly devour everything they can digest in order to satisfy their most primitive desires. In the process, their numbers will increase dramatically. Expanding, evolving from 100 million to 200 million, 400 million, billions, or even more, until the entire planet is eaten bare by them, and they begin to kill each other.

It starts with destruction and ends with destruction. This is the terrible thing about floods.

"Chief Foster, all cooling nests have completed the preheating process!"

When Jin Gu Xing appeared on the big screen in the cockpit of the fleet intelligence ship, the operator's voice rang in Foster's ears.

He nodded slightly and said: "Set up the detector and let the accompanying brainworms explore together. Make sure there are no ambush around before entering Jingu Planet."

The secret tower's action this time has two purposes.

The main purpose is to capture the undead, and the secondary purpose is to capture Bai Fu alive and inquire about the whereabouts of the mother.

Therefore, the chief steward issued an order long before the action, telling Foster not to carry out a vitrified attack on Jingu Star until absolutely necessary.

Since those heavy naval guns cannot be used, dropping dark zone insects is the most efficient offensive method that can also reduce one's own casualty rate.

Foster gently pinched his chin and narrowed his eyes.

"There are thousands of undead people around Bai Fu now. I don't know how many there are in Jingu Star. If there are ten or twenty thousand, and I capture all these twenty thousand undead people back to the secret tower..."

Emotions called excitement suddenly bloomed in his chest.

Having made such great achievements, he will definitely be able to take another step forward and become a member of the combat command room from the fleet commander!

"There must be so many, otherwise I will be very disappointed."

The sharp black nails of Foster's right hand gently rubbed his neck, and his desire to kill was almost uncontrollable.

Ten minutes later, the detector and the brainworm reported back news——

No trace of an ambush was found around!

Foster raised his eyebrows slightly.

There was no ambush. Could it be that Bai Fu hadn't come yet, or that the bastards at Beginning Gate were afraid of being discovered by him, so they arranged the ambush far away from Jingu Star?

If it's the former, then he can ambush Bai Fu and catch Bai Fu off guard. If it's the latter, then those bastards at the Beginning Gate may cry bitterly this time.

The chief steward had already considered this situation and gave him a dimension fragment before he came. The dimension fragment had no lethality, but if he threw it outside the Golden Valley Star, before it disappeared, no matter how anxious the bastards at the Beginning Gate were. , and can only watch them do whatever they want on Jingu Star through the dimensional fragments.

My husband is currently committing a crime, it is so exciting, I can't help but get excited just thinking about Foster.

"Since no ambush has been discovered, let's march towards Jingu Star at full speed!"

The fleet moved forward at high speed and stopped when it reached the low-Earth orbit of Jingu. Then, the hatches of the drop bays of a whole row of spacecraft were opened one after another, and the cooling worm nests and airdrop bays that had been preheated were pushed forward in the accelerated orbit. Down, it shot into the atmosphere of Jingu Star like a cannonball.

Foster did not let the spacecraft land directly because he was afraid that doing so would scare the players on Jingu Star and make them afraid to take the lead. It would be very time-consuming and labor-intensive to catch them one by one.

At this time, most of the people on the fleet were staring at the virtual screen in front of them. No one noticed that a black mist was quietly attached to the base of an airdrop pod, and flew with the airdrop pod. The Golden Valley Star.

In the eastern hemisphere of Golden Valley Star, there is an open area of ​​sand and gravel.

The night is hazy and I feel sleepy.

The man standing next to the boulder with a telescope in his hand rubbed his sleepy eyes and sighed: "Will there really be evil aliens coming?"

"Who knows, the big boss said yes and asked us to prepare, so let's prepare. It's not like the big boss won't pay us wages." The strong man next to him shrugged.

"I'm not doubting the big boss, I'm just worried that the big boss will be deceived by that woman who looks different from us."

"That's not what we should care about. We just need to...wait, what is that?"

As the strong man spoke, he suddenly stood up from the ground and stared at the night sky.

The man holding the telescope looked suspiciously along the strong man's line of sight, and saw countless fiery red streams of light suddenly appearing in the originally clear night sky.

The stream of light fell rapidly, printing the entire sky crimson, as if it was ignited, presenting a shocking doomsday scene.

how so?


Aliens are aliens!

The two people who had just been talking hurriedly fled towards the nearby signal station, but before they could run far, a ray of fire suddenly fell directly in front of them.

The fire wave formed by the explosion rushed them away directly, and the high temperature made them scream in agony. Even so, the fear surging in their hearts still made them stand up tremblingly.

Through the surging smoke and dust, they saw a brown ball full of pores. At this time, one after another, black and strange-shaped insects crawled out of the pores of the brown ball.

Some bugs have two wings on their backs, and some bugs have two forked foreheads on their heads...

No matter what these bugs look like or what their habits are, the moment they emerge from their pores, they are like inflated balloons, their size suddenly expanding hundreds of times.

The NPCs living on Jingu Star have never seen such a weird scene. They were so frightened that they turned around and ran away, but how could their speed be compared to these insects whose strength was comparable to that of C-class superpowers?

The dark zone insects that smelled the scent of flesh and blood started hunting mode the moment they left the cooling insect nest. They attacked in groups, like mudslides flowing down the hillside, carrying a strange buzzing sound. .

"It's over, it's all over!"

The two people running away looked pale. How could they escape from this insect wave at their speed?

Despair began to spread, and at this moment, a white stream of light suddenly cut through the night, passed directly above the two people, and penetrated into the surging insect swarm.


The explosion was deafening. When the two looked up, they found several figures suddenly appearing in front of them. The leader was the strange woman who killed the King of Superpowers two days ago and said on TV that evil aliens would attack. .


Bai Fu ignored them, she took a few steps forward, raised her right hand suddenly, her spiritual blast exploded, and a huge wave of psychic energy spurted out, fighting fiercely with the oncoming insect tide.

The tide of insects pouring out of the cooling insect nest is terrifying enough, but it is nothing compared to the huge tide of psychic energy blasted by Bai Fu now!

The rushing spiritual energy melted all the insects in front of it into slag, as if the indestructible insect tide was torn in half in the blink of an eye. The rumble resounded through the wilderness, almost covering up all the sounds in the world. .

Accompanying the trend of psychic energy were ten dazzling flying magic blades. The magic blades rotated at high speed and flew through the air, leaving behind a long string of black phantoms that freely shuttled through the insect tide that was divided into two halves. Among them, regardless of whether they are those crispy-skinned bugs or those defensive bugs wearing carapace, as long as they are lightly touched by the magic blade, they will be split into two in the next moment, completely cut off from life.

Only twenty seconds later, when Bai Fu lowered her right hand, the surging insect tide had completely died down. On the pile of rocks, not a single living insect could be seen, only broken corpses on the ground.

"It's a pity that the attack range of the spiritual blast is still a little small, otherwise two seconds would be enough to kill all these bugs."

Bai Fu shook her head regretfully.

The eyes of the two people standing behind her were wide-eyed.

Good guy, you killed so many super scary bugs in just 20 seconds, but you still don’t think the efficiency is high enough. What kind of alien superman is this?

Bai Fu ignored the shocked looks behind her. She turned on the communicator and contacted Fei Ye and Dig Ji, who were fighting the fire in another place.

"The secret tower did not directly bombard with naval guns, but chose to release floods. It seems that they came to Jingu Planet not just for revenge. They may be for me, or maybe for you immortals, but this kind of thing is not important now. Release floods ? Today, we are going to let them know that in Xinghai, they can't do whatever they want, and in Jingu Star, they have to lie down! Come on, start killing insects!"

Bai Fu's words reached the ears of every player on Jingu Star through Dig Ji's live broadcast room.

Along with this sentence came the game's prompt sound.

[You triggered the hidden mission [Defense Battle of Jingu Star]]

[Mission introduction: The secret tower of evil forces from outside the sky has released a large number of cooling insect nests of the dark zone Zerg on Jingu Planet. If not stopped, horrific floods will sweep across the world and turn Jingu Planet into a restricted area for life. For the sake of Jingu Planet , contribute your strength! 】

[Mission goal: prevent the secret tower from invading Jingu Star! (Current progress 0.00%)]

[Reward: Reward depends on contribution]

Both players from Jingu Star and other players who came with Bai Fu have received this mission.

Before they received the mission, they were full of enthusiasm for fighting the secret tower. Now that they had received the mission, they were even more eager to try it.

This is a mission to prevent the invasion of a powerful camp with natural disaster-level superpowers like the Secret Tower. The mission rewards are definitely very generous!

Okay, okay, secret tower, right?

I don't care about fires and floods, but in the end they are nothing compared to our fourth natural disaster!

[Brothers, rush to the duck and crush these bugs! 】

[Damn it, Jinguxing is my hometown in this game, how can I let you bunch of bastards live in such a hurry? 】

[It’s time to show off my real skills. This time I bought a set of neurosensory enhanced equipment from Fufu. I want to kill, kill, kill, kill]

Bai Fu divided them in advance into dozens of groups of players stationed in various major cities on Jingu Star. They took troop carriers, ejected, and headed straight for the cooling insect nest that landed on the ground.

Each group of players is divided into many combat teams, and the commander of each team is the group of players that Bai Fu brought from Zuyuan Star, such as Patrick Star and Jian Qi Chong Tian.

Their average combat power is much higher than that of other players, and they have participated in the Tianhu Star War and have rich experience in fighting against the Dark Domain Zerg. When they come forward as combat commanders, the players of Jingu Star are very convinced, anyway, they will not grab the quota of Jingu Star players to go to the Star Sea.

When the players attacked everywhere, the NPCs of Jingu Star also took action after the initial shock. Jingu Star is the Jingu Star of Jingu Star players, and even more so their Jingu Star. They have to do something.

If you can't go to the front battlefield, then do logistics, weapons, ammunition, don't worry about whether you can effectively kill those bugs, just prepare first.

At Bai Fu's order, the entire Jingu Star moved at high speed and entered a state of war.

At this time, she is not a queen, but better than a queen.

Countless people were chanting her name, and many Jingu people stopped praying to the gods and prayed to her instead.

"You must win, big sister with white hair!"

Bai Fu looked up and calmly looked at the night sky that had temporarily returned to calm.

She believed that the people in the secret tower in the starry sky should have noticed the changes on the ground.


Foster did notice it.

At first he was excited. None of the more than 100 cooling nests that were dropped had any accidents, and all landed safely. This seemed to be a good omen.

After discovering that players appeared in groups near the cooling nests, he became even more excited.

"Here they come, this fearless fighting style, this abnormal behavior of laughing even when dying, is an undead. Jingu Star really has a large number of undead!"

Foster made a rough estimate and found that there were at least a thousand undeads appearing on the big screen.

There are a thousand here, and the possibility that there are thousands or even tens of thousands of undeads in the entire Jingu Star is getting higher and higher.

"Notify the brainworms, tell the bugs below not to rush to kill the undead blocking the road. Kill them all as soon as they come up. God knows where they will be resurrected. It's too troublesome to catch them one by one."


The brainworms that received the notice quickly passed the order down.

Foster looked at the players who were chased around on the big screen with a radiant face.

What he saw was not the backs of the players running away, but his future of promotion and salary increase; what he heard was not the screams of the players, but the voice of the butler praising him.

As time went by, as more and more players appeared on the big screen, Foster laughed more and more happily.

"Two thousand people!"

"Five thousand people!"

"Ten thousand!"

"Hiss, it seems that I still underestimated it. There may be 20,000 or 30,000 undead on Jingu Star!"

Foster's eyes were bright.

Win the game!

This time, I really have to thank Bai Fu. If it weren't for Bai Fu, the undead named [Fengyoujing] wouldn't have sent out a long-distance signal for help. If they couldn't intercept this group of distress signals, they wouldn't be able to find Jingu Star. Without knowing where Jingu Star is, he couldn't capture the undead on Jingu Star. If he couldn't capture the undead, it would take him a long time to accumulate enough merits for promotion just by fighting with those scum in the Initial Gate Galaxy Cluster.

The housekeeper said that they made Bai Fu's current high status, but Bai Fu is an honest person. Isn't she repaying their kindness now?

Say thank you Sister Fu!

Thank you Sister Fu!

The other people on the spacecraft are also grateful to Bai Fu from the bottom of their hearts. If this operation is successful, they can also get a promotion and a raise.

"Commander Foster, when do we start the capture operation?"

"Wait a little longer, no hurry, they can't run away anyway." Foster smiled confidently.

But this time, the situation has changed a bit.

No, why are these undead still coming out?

Thirty thousand, forty thousand, fifty thousand... It should be the end now... Damn, how come there are so many undead ambushing in this damn place!

Foster couldn't laugh anymore.

He saw the player luring the enemy deep into the city, ambushing them halfway, and finally destroying all the bugs born in a cooling nest with a pincer attack from both sides.

He thought this was the limit of the player, but he soon found out that it was just the beginning.

Because the players are still coming out!

From fifty thousand to one hundred thousand, from one hundred thousand to two hundred thousand, it seems endless.

The dark domain bugs he put down are very powerful, but when facing players whose average combat power is comparable to that of a superpower who has just entered the B level and who are not afraid of death, these dark domain bugs are not enough to look at.

Bug tide charging?

Player tide counter-charging!

Accidentally surrounded by a large number of dark domain bugs, the dark domain bugs are sharpening their knives and ready to eat?

Hey, don't worry, eat me, a human bomb first!

Bugs can fly and burrow into the ground?

What a joke! Do you think our abilities and the props we just bought from Fufu are just for show?

Foster has dropped supercooled insect nests on other planets more than once, and each time he dropped them, he could set off a frenzy on the planet, but this time...


[We are not dead today, so we will see how crazy you are! ]

Those dark domain insects dropped in the wilderness were killed and fled by the players who rushed over urgently before they even had time to see an NPC.

Those dark domain insects that were lucky enough to be dropped near the settlements were not much better. These places were the places that Bai Fu focused on guarding. Once she found the dark domain insects, she would immediately send a large number of carrier-based aircraft to airdrop players down.

The flood that Foster had high hopes for did not cause any major damage on Jingu Planet, but was completely defeated by the players.

"Can this still happen?"

Foster was dumbfounded.

Manu and others were also dumbfounded. Although the scale of the flood on Jingu was very small, far less than the scale of the flood on Tianhu, it would be too exaggerated to be wiped out so easily.

It was the first time they saw the terror of players, and it was also the first time they realized the huge value of players.

By the way, there is also the value of Baifu.

Bai Fu can command so many undead people, her value is immeasurable!

Manu became excited. The Star Network Community had found a treasure.

Unlike the excited Manu, Foster was about to burst at this time.

What the hell, why are there so many undead people on Jingu Star?

A terrible thought suddenly came to his mind. Is it possible that the entire Jingu Star is filled with immortals?

If this is really the case...

Foster's scalp was numb. There must be a billion people living on Jingu Planet.

"I understand, I completely understand. This is a trap. This is a trap set by Bai Fu. She deliberately let the undead people of Jingu Star send long-distance signals to make us think that we have caught her weakness and drive happily. We came here with the spaceship, but we actually jumped into the hole she dug. What a cunning woman. I thought she was an honest person just now!"

Foster's breathing was extremely heavy.

Since Bai Fu had laid such a trap, there was no way she would let them leave so easily. If she ran away directly, she would probably be stopped halfway, suffer a heavy blow, or even be annihilated.

If you want to survive, it seems there is only one way to go now——

Live to die!

"Damn Bai Fu, no matter how many undead people you have, it doesn't matter. As long as we can capture you alive and use you as a hostage, we will still win this battle!"

Foster gritted his teeth and immediately issued the order for a general attack.

Fight into Jingu Star and capture Bai Fu alive!

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