Who made her an NPC!

Chapter 203 The discovery of the secret tower, Bai Fu's true identity revealed [6k]

The Secret Tower's spaceship rushed towards the nearby Jingu Star at a high speed.

At this time, everyone in the command ship, including Foster, looked solemn, and a few people with poor psychological quality began to tremble uncontrollably.

They were all people who had seen great storms and waves, and the reason why they reacted so violently this time was because the development of the matter was too unexpected.

That was 100 million dark domain bugs!

After arriving at Jingu Star, they were killed and fled in all directions without even being arrogant for a few hours, and were almost wiped out. What a miserable word.

Not to mention the Secret Tower members on the spaceship, even the knowledgeable Secret Tower butler had never seen such a scene.

If you want to blame it, blame the fact that there are too many players on Jingu Star, and these players are still emerging one after another. Whenever the Secret Tower members on the spaceship thought that the number of players should be so many, another group of players would immediately emerge. After more than a dozen times in a row, many Secret Tower members completely fell into the abyss of shock and panic.

Because of this, when Foster stood up and said that the people on Jingu Star were probably all undead, the other members of the secret tower on the spacecraft believed it without much doubt.

Since everyone accepted the outrageous setting that all the people on Jingu Star were undead, it was natural to accept the speculation that all this was deliberately set up by Bai Fu.

It can only be said that Foster led the entire fleet astray by himself. Without his shouting, others would not have imagined it to this extent even though they were afraid.

From a certain perspective, Foster has already explored Ji's 70% to 80% of his ability. He opened the "era of brain-filling" by himself!

In this era of brain-filling, all those who have entered the game on the spacecraft are competing for the top spot.

At first, everyone was just scolding Bai Fu for looking honest, but actually being a white-cut black.

Maybe someone felt that this was too uncreative, so he exclaimed in surprise and successfully attracted the attention of everyone around him.

"Do you think it is possible that Bai Fu's conspiracy actually started when she first appeared in the Sea Lion Galaxy?"

According to his story, Bai Fu became the ace agent jointly cultivated by the Star Network Community, Tidal Civilization, Sky Eye Alliance and Caster Civilization. These four civilizations deliberately let Bai Fu show up outside to attract the attention of the Secret Tower and trick the Secret Tower into stepping into the trap they set.

These words made Foster's conspiracy theory even more conspiracy-theory, and many people felt a chill on their backs.

But not everyone agreed with this speculation, and soon someone raised an objection.

Your imagination is very big, but it is a little deformed and not round enough!

If Bai Fu is really the so-called ace agent, it means that these hundreds of millions of undead people are also created by the Star Network and other forces. There are so many undead people, and there is no need to calculate. Isn't it better to just push it straight away?

Hey, it makes sense, but where did Bai Fu come from?

At this time, the new brain supplement master came into play.

Some people say that Bai Fu's identity is very clear. She is actually from Xingyue. Xingyue has taken a fancy to something in the Secret Tower, so it sent Bai Fu to make trouble. Considering that Xingyue is a super-superior force, it is not surprising that it has a cosmic treasure that can produce a large number of undead people.

Some people say that Bai Fu actually came from a higher-dimensional world. Many years ago, the Ghost Civilization, the predecessor of the Secret Tower, set off a dimensional disaster and released Bai Fu from the higher-dimensional world. Bai Fu may have been seriously injured or something at that time. Now she has gradually recovered and wants to retaliate against the Secret Tower, so she has attracted countless undead projections from the higher-dimensional world.

Others say...

Fuck, stop talking!

Foster's face was as black as the bottom of a pot.

No matter what the truth is, for him, he has no other way to go. He is different from other people in the Secret Tower. Others can surrender to Bai Fu, but he can't. He sent people to hunt down Bai Fu in the Star Cemetery.

Only war!

But now there is a very serious problem in front of him. His fighting spirit is burning like a raging fire, but others are different.

Look at the faces of the people around. They might be thinking about how to run away, or how to surrender.

Damn, trash!

Foster scolded in his heart, forgetting that it was his own wild imagination that caused the current situation.

He only knew that he couldn't capture Bai Fu alive by himself, he needed help, so he couldn't let the morale continue to decline.

Thinking of this, he took a few steps forward: "Do you think we are doomed to lose?"

The people around looked at each other.

Foster said: "We did fall into Bai Fu's trap, but this doesn't mean we are doomed to lose! No matter what Bai Fu's true identity is, at least she is now only an S+ rank superpower. This is a very obvious truth. If she has reached the level of natural disaster, then Cecilia would have died long ago. The moment we appeared, we were all dead with the spacecraft!"

Really? !

"So, we still have a chance. We have 5 S+ here, and if we count Cecilia who is probably hiding in the dark, there are 6 of us. Can we still catch Bai Fu with 6 against 1? As long as we can capture her alive before the ambush comes and use her as a hostage, we can definitely jump out of this encirclement. You know, we still have dimensional fragments in our hands, which are enough to buy us a few hours!

"Everyone, we joined the secret tower either because of hatred or because we are desperate. We have all died once. At this point, can we still be afraid of the little fear of death brought by Bai Fu?"


Absolutely not!

Foster suddenly raised his right fist, his voice excited.

Those who didn't know the inside story might have thought that he was doing pre-game mobilization in sports animations.

What is blood boiling?

That's it!

Mina-san, come with me one last time. This time, we are going to——

No! Keep! Legacy! regret!

Under Foster's shouting, many members of the Secret Tower were deeply affected. They remembered the past when they were chased around, which was their lost youth, and they suddenly felt high-spirited to fight.

Fight, we will fight with the secret tower for another fifty years!

Seeing that his emotions were aroused, Foster breathed a sigh of relief and walked to the console.

"Bai Fu, I want to talk to you!"

His voice swept across the entire Jingu Star through the interstellar general broadcast channel, and Bai Fu quickly received this set of signals.


Did he become so angry after discovering that all the bugs were killed by the players that he wanted to start a fight online?

Bai Fu turned to look at Manu next to her: "How is your fleet prepared?"

Manu introduced: "The simple star gate was set up two days ago. Yesterday, the fleet received the order from the joint command. Now they are on their way to Jingu Star. Due to the flood waste released by the secret tower just now, It took a lot of time, so we only need to hold on for half a day at most to wait for reinforcements. "

Half a day at most?

This time is much shorter than Bai Fu imagined.

It's not difficult for her to just delay for a long time. Her ability to escape is not a vegetarian.

The only problem is that she is afraid that the secret tower will realize that the situation is not right and run away with the bucket, causing the siege to fail. In this way, the progress of the story mission she accepted to eliminate the secret tower will not increase much.

"You have to try your best to attract the attention of the secret tower."

Bai Fu nodded secretly.

Once this operation is successful, she will not only be able to make a big face in front of the players, but her relationship with Star Network, Tidal Civilization and other forces will definitely improve a lot. With this relationship, she may be able to make Tide Civilization and other forces helped her see if she could get new advanced psychic knowledge.

In short, let’s listen to what the secret tower has to say first!

Bai Fu accessed the interstellar general broadcast channel.

"Your secret tower is really haunting. From Tianhu Planet to Stellar Cemetery, from Stellar Cemetery to Ulisses Planet, and now to Golden Valley Planet, those who don't know may think you are my followers."

The trick is done, so start making declarations of victory?

Foster sneered.

"Bai Fu, don't think that you will win if we fall into your trap! No matter how many undead people you have, we secret tower people have all come from the mountains of corpses and seas of blood. The current situation It will not make us despair, it will only make us more determined. We will definitely break through all obstacles, defeat everyone who stands in front of you, capture you alive in front of everyone you arranged, and then return as a hero. Secret Tower, don’t underestimate the bravery of our Secret Tower people!”

Foster roared and output, which immediately stunned Bai Fu.

No, your word is wrong.

You already know that we arranged an ambush, why not only did you not escape, but you also said that you would capture me alive?

Bai Fu took a look and saw that the fleet in the Secret Tower was not as good as the fleet sent by Star Network and other forces. Could it be that the fleet in the Secret Tower contained very powerful superpowers, such as natural disaster-level superpowers? Who?

She quickly flipped through the [Battle for the Defense of Golden Valley Star] mission that was triggered when the Secret Tower came over.

After the airborne Dark Domain Insect Queen, the progress of this mission has increased to 14.12%. This is unreasonable. If there are natural disaster-level superpowers hidden in this fleet of the secret tower, then just killing a group of insects will not make the mission impossible. The mission progress has reached such a high level.

You must know that those destructive natural disaster-level superpowers can sweep across the fleet of the secret tower on their own. If they spend more time, the entire Jingu planet can become a life restricted area. Their deterrent power is a thousand times that of the secret tower. After releasing this wave of floods, judging from the mission progress, there is absolutely no way that there are natural disaster-level superpowers in the secret tower's fleet.

In this case, where does Foster's confidence come from to say harsh words, deliberately acting to make her relax her guard?

Another thing that puzzled Bai Fu was the tone of Foster's words.

No, bro, why are you shouting so passionately and righteously? Who is the villain?

Something was wrong, very wrong. From her perspective as an experienced actor, this was definitely not how the acting was performed. This was too destructive. There must be a monster when things go wrong!

Just as Baifu was thinking, Foster spoke again.

"Bai Fu, I admit that you are much stronger than we expected. Since you have set up such a trap, you must have put a lot of effort into signal shielding so that we cannot transmit what happened here back to the headquarters."

Ah, have I ever done this?

Bai Fu looked confused, only to hear Foster suddenly smile coldly.

"But, just like we underestimated you, you also underestimated us! I didn't expect it, Bai Fu, we have high-dimensional projection. Just when I was talking to you, I had already contacted the headquarters through high-dimensional projection, and put this place What happened and your true identity were all told to the big housekeeper. That’s right, Bai Fu, we have discovered your true identity and your conspiracy is about to end here. Hahaha, are you scared? Are you panicking? It’s too late!”

Bai Fu directly made a [subway, old man, mobile phone] expression.

She couldn't understand Foster's words at all.

True identity?

Isn't her true identity "Bai Fu, the card queen from the countryside"? She has never concealed this. Does the Secret Tower know that she is a time traveler and has a player panel?

What a joke, how can the Secret Tower know this?

Bai Fu was puzzled, and the more she thought about it, the deeper her frown became.

This was originally a very normal behavior, but it seemed intriguing to Manu and others.

Bai Fu's true identity?


Manu's body was shocked!

This question has actually troubled him for a long time. One of the purposes of following Bai Fu to Jingu Star this time was to take this opportunity to find out Bai Fu's identity.

In the previous investigation, he was sure that Bai Fu was a master who was injured and seeking recovery, but it was unclear where Bai Fu came from and where she was going.

For this reason, after arriving at Jingu Star, he interviewed many ordinary residents and undead people on Jingu Star.

What was disappointing was that all the ordinary people said that they didn't know Bai Fu, and although the undead knew Bai Fu, they couldn't explain it.

[Fufu? Fufu is indeed the Lord of the Dark Night]

[What is the real strength of the Lord of the Dark Night? I don’t know, why don’t you ask Digging Ji, she might know]

[Fufu’s hometown seems to be Indigo Star, but it may not be, there is still too little known information now]

[Why are you asking this, are you plotting against Fufu! ]

Manu didn’t get any useful information, but made himself more confused, and felt that the fog around Bai Fu was getting thicker and thicker.

Therefore, after hearing that Mita had figured out Bai Fu’s true identity, he couldn’t help being shocked.

How did he figure it out, and what is Bai Fu’s true identity?

Judging from Bai Fu’s sudden frown, did Mita guess it right?

Manu was so anxious, he wanted to say something, but was afraid of causing Bai Fu’s disgust.

Damn Mita Riddler, if you know, just say it!

"I have finished what I want to say, Bai Fu, wait for me, I am coming to you, you can't hide this time, we have already made sufficient preparations to deal with you!"

Foster exited the general broadcast channel.

He looked down at the high-dimensional projector in his hand, which showed that the data had been successfully sent to the headquarters.

Very good, in this way, even if he failed to escape from this trap in the end, the butler who received the information would not be fooled by Bai Fu again, and might even be able to avenge him.

Foster immediately called out a man with a red cockscomb and light scales on his arms from the crowd.

Onandi, a fish-scaled subhuman, was only rated B-level in strength, which was very inconspicuous in the secret tower, but his ability was very special, he was a psychic profiler!

He was arrested for committing a serial murder case, and during the arrest, his psychic ability suddenly mutated, which gave him the ability of [Profiling].

The profiling ability has no killing ability or physical fitness at a low level, but it is an extremely rare SS-level ability in the ability rating, even rarer than Cecia's ability.

The reason is simple. After possessing the profiling ability, you can find people through character profiling, and even predict the next move of the target. When the profiling ability is upgraded to a high level, you can use your profiling ability to control and curse the target. At this time, the target is no longer limited to humans. Animals, plants, AI life, and even machinery and buildings can all be controlled, which is very powerful.

O'Nandi naturally does not have this ability now. At the B-level, he can only do character profiling, but for Foster, this is enough. This ability is enough to help him find Bai Fu who is hiding.

"Let's start."

O'Nandi nodded, and under the gaze of everyone, he pressed his hand on a piece of white paper.

Gradually, ink began to appear on the paper. After about a minute, the ink became a landscape painting from top to bottom.

Foster took the painting away and slapped it on the console.

"Search for me!"

The spaceship AI immediately appeared and compared the landscape painting with the three-dimensional map of Jingu Star scanned in outer space before, and soon found a place with a similarity of more than 99%.

Found you, Bai Fu!

Foster's eyes lit up and he immediately gave the order to attack.

The spaceship whizzed away, and just a dozen seconds after the spaceship left, a person who was very familiar to Bai Fu and Foster appeared in the dense forest below the place where the spaceship just hovered -

Cecilia, who had returned to her original appearance!

"Finally found you, you deceived me with illusions and fake bodies last time, this time I will never be fooled again!"

Cecilia remembered that she was deceived by Bai Fu's fake body and illusions, and then she was kicked several times by Bai Fu's real body.

Last time, Bai Fu attacked her by surprise, this time it was her turn to attack Bai Fu by surprise!

Cecilia followed the fleet of the Secret Tower silently, sneaking quickly while thinking about how to deal with Bai Fu after catching her.

When she was still at the Secret Tower headquarters, she thought that once Bai Fu was caught, she would kill her immediately to prevent any more trouble.

But now her thoughts have changed a little.

Just as Bai Fu said, the grudge between her and Bai Fu first came from her envy and jealousy, but then Bai Fu kept playing with her, which made her resentful.

If Bai Fu is killed directly, it would be too easy for her. Besides, she sneaked out of the secret tower this time. After returning, the butler will definitely punish her with extremely high standards. If she can't get more out of Bai Fu to cover the pain brought by the punishment, then her trip will really be in vain.

"I can't kill her, nor can I hand her over to the secret tower. I want to find a place where she won't be discovered and imprison her first, destroy her ability, and completely isolate her from the outside world, so that she can become my toy. Then I can educate her however I want!"

Thinking of this, Cecilia reached out and pressed the belly button that was beaten by Bai Fu, and the whole person became excited.

I can't help it. I really want to catch Bai Fu and ravage her now!


Just when Cecilia's blood was boiling, the butler at the secret tower headquarters saw what Foster sent through the high-dimensional projection.


After reading it, his pupils shrank suddenly.

This news is really too explosive.

Hundreds of millions of undead people, and Bai Fu is very likely to be someone sent by the Star Covenant to cause trouble or a high-dimensional life?

The butler immediately used the projection to ask another person in the fleet, and the answer he got was the same as Foster's.

It seems to be true.

His face was gloomy.

If it is the former, then the Star Covenant should be interested in the dimensional secrets in their hands, but how did the Star Covenant know that they had this thing, and why didn't the Star Covenant's Lord of the Oath come to grab it himself, but had to send Bai Fu over, and let Bai Fu pretend to be a visitor from the Dark Realm at the beginning, and joined the Star Covenant by mistake?

By the way, the Lord of the Oath must be afraid that his high-profile actions will attract the attention of other supernaturals, thus attracting competitors!

If it is the latter, then things are even more troublesome, the life of the high-dimensional world, so Bai Fu may not want something in the secret tower, but the "life" of the entire secret tower.

No matter what the truth is, we must find a way to deal with it.

Let Foster and others kill Bai Fu now?

Can he kill her?

The butler lost confidence. If he had known, he would have gone there in person. Now it was too late to go to support. After missing this opportunity, he could only think of other ways.

"It is too difficult for our Secret Tower to deal with Bai Fu alone. We must introduce external help."

As the butler thought about it, he thought of the short essay that appeared on the Internet not long ago about the Secret Tower and the Master of the Secret Tower.

That short essay vividly described the "sadomasochistic" story between the Master of the Secret Tower and the Queen of the Dark Domain Zerg, which caused a huge response and successfully caused the Secret Tower to be jointly attacked by many parties.

The power of the short essay is very great.

Got it.

The butler decided to imitate that short essay and write two short essays.

One said that Bai Fu was a pawn of the Lord of the Oath, and came to the Sea Lion Galaxy to help the Lord of the Oath steal the True Spirit Pillar of the Consecration Cult, and then interspersed some love triangle stories between Bai Fu, the Lord of the Oath, and Fei Ye in the short essay to attract the public's attention.

Another essay said that Bai Fu was a high-dimensional life. She deliberately disguised herself as a good person to let the public relax their vigilance. In fact, she wanted to take the opportunity to invade the marginal world. In order to make this story more attractive, he decided to mix in the story that Bai Fu was moved by Fei Ye's true feelings, which once shook her inner ambition, but finally reaffirmed herself.

These two essays look fake, right?

It doesn't matter.

Wasn't the essay about the master of the secret tower also fake? As long as you write some truths that most people don't know now but will be exposed soon in the essay, most people will think that the content of the whole essay is true.

The "real content" that the butler decided to add to the essay is that Bai Fu secretly hid hundreds of millions of undead people on Jingu Star. This is first-hand information. When this news spreads, the two essays he wrote will definitely create explosive heat.

As long as there is a super doubt about Bai Fu's identity and intervenes in this matter, he will no longer have to worry about Bai Fu posing a threat to the secret tower.

Write, write, write. I have to finish writing and send out the essay before the news that Jingu Star hides hundreds of millions of undead spreads.

The butler got busy.

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