Who made her an NPC!

Chapter 27: We failed to penetrate the enemy's armor [Two-in-one, please read later]

"You're here."

An impatient voice came from the second-floor platform.

Cao Wenliang raised his head quickly, and when he saw Bai Fu, his body shook violently.

He had never expected that he would be discovered, and from what Bai Fu said, it was clear that she had known that he would come.

How is this possible?

Except for the time when he passed by Bai Fu this morning, he had never even glared at Bai Fu in front of her.

Are there really people in the world who "suspect that the other party is plotting against him just because he was glared at in the crowd, and immediately prepare for it"?

Damn, it's too perverted!

Just when Cao Wenliang's face was changing, Bai Fu spoke again: "I guess your next sentence is-how did you know I was coming."

"How did you know I..."

Cao Wenliang said halfway and quickly shut up.

"Are you doubting that I can read minds now?" Bai Fu laughed, "Don't worry, I certainly don't have this superpower."

Cao Wenliang immediately pulled out his gun, pointed at Bai Fu and shouted, "Stop talking nonsense."

Bai Fu was fearless: "Don't you wonder why I knew you would come to find me, and I still came here in the middle of the night without sleeping?"

Cao Wenliang's pupils shrank.

Oh no, it's a trap!

He quickly raised his gun and looked around: "Come out, who's hiding there, come out quickly!"

As time passed, Cao Wenliang gradually realized that something was wrong.

If there were really people ambushing nearby, why would Bai Fu expose them for no reason?

He quickly raised his head again, and sure enough, Bai Fu, who was standing on the second-floor platform just now, had disappeared.

"Damn it, you dare to play tricks on me, you're looking for death!"

Cao Wenliang was furious, holding his gun and rushed to the stairs.

He was very fast, and rushed up in a few steps, and what he saw was a ruin.

"You can't run far in such a short time. Come out obediently, I can let you suffer less pain, otherwise when I catch you, I will let you experience what it means to be worse than death and hell on earth!"

No response.

"Do you like playing cat and mouse with me so much? Then I will play with you to my heart's content. This place is far away from the Wildfire Gang, you don't have to expect anyone to save you!"

Perhaps because of the thought that Bai Fu could be caught soon, Cao Wenliang became extremely excited and his breathing became rapid unconsciously.

He walked through the ruins, laughing from time to time and saying some threatening words.

"I'm coming!"

"Do you know what it feels like to have your nails pulled off one by one?"

"Your fingers are very beautiful, I will break them one by one."

While he was looking around, Bai Fu, who was hiding in the dark, was counting silently.

1000-7 equals, no, it's not this, but——

"28, 29, 30, okay, it's time."

After feeling that the time was about right, Bai Fu stood up and threw a [Spiritual Vision] at Cao Wenliang who had his back to her.

The skill was judged successfully, and Cao Wenliang's attribute panel popped up.

[Name]: Cao Wenliang (Elite) (Tired) (Minor Injury)

[Health]: 124/130

[Attributes]: Strength 14 (-4), Agility 7 (-2), Constitution 10, Intelligence 3, Spirit 3, Inspiration 4

Seeing this data, Bai Fu smiled.

She knew very well that with her extreme point allocation method, it would be difficult for Cao Wenliang to kill her, and similarly, it would not be easy for her to kill Cao Wenliang.

Who made Cao Wenliang's Agility as high as 7 points, while her Agility was only a pitiful 3 points?

After the two of them fought, if Cao Wenliang shamelessly used his ultimate move [You Give Luda] to run away, she really had no way to deal with it.

But now the situation is different.

When she first met Cao Wenliang, she used a combination of [Multiplier Amplification (Inferior)] and [Power Surge (Inferior)] on Cao Wenliang.

After that, she successfully delayed the disappearance of the first Power Surge buff on Cao Wenliang by talking, and immediately gave Cao Wenliang a second set of skills.

Counting the 10% bonus of the [Low-level Psionic Expertise] skill to the active skill effect, after these two sets of combined punches, Cao Wenliang's physical strength was directly deducted by 44%. The reduction in physical strength is reflected in the attribute panel as a decline in strength and agility. Now Cao Wenliang's agility is only 5 points.

5 points of agility is still higher than her 3 points of agility.

But it doesn't matter, Bai Fu still has a trump card to play.

After attacking the player's base, she gained 3,000 experience points through the faction mission, which is enough for her to upgrade the [Vagabond] profession to Lv5.

[[Vagabond] Upgraded to Lv4, Strength +1, Constitution +1, Attribute Point +1]

[[Vagabond] Upgraded to Lv5, Strength +1, Constitution +1, Attribute Point +1]

Two prompts sounded in succession.

Bai Fu did not hesitate at all, and added the two extra attribute points to Agility in one breath, so her attributes became-

[Strength 7, Agility 5, Constitution 24, Intelligence 3, Spirit 11, Inspiration 11]

"Only 5 points of spiritual energy left, but it is enough."

You know, she also has a profession-specific skill that can consume 20 health points to restore 5 points of spiritual energy.

Now, it's time to reverse the identity of the cat and mouse game!

Bai Fu's eyes flashed with a gleam of light.

"Cao Wenliang!"

She shouted.

Cao Wenliang turned his head suddenly, and after being shocked, a ferocious smile appeared on his face: "Why, you know you can't hide anymore so you don't hide? But it's too late!"

He walked towards Bai Fu with a big laugh.

Bai Fu seemed to stretch her body comfortably, and asked with a smile: "I'm waiting for your power enhancement effect to disappear, what are you waiting for?"

Power enhancement effect?

Cao Wenliang was stunned by Bai Fu's words.

But he soon put it behind his mind: "I've been fooled once, do you think I will be fooled again?"

He pulled the trigger.

The sound of gunfire cut through the darkness, the fire flashed, and the bullet accurately hit the wall ten centimeters to the left of Bai Fu.

"If you don't want to be shot to death, just stand still."

To his surprise, Bai Fu walked straight towards him as if she didn't hear what he said.

"Roar, you actually approached me on your own initiative, not choosing to run away but approaching me on your own initiative."

Cao Wenliang became even more excited.

He grabbed Bai Fu's hair, but Bai Fu just dodged his attack by moving to the left.

It was only then that Cao Wenliang suddenly realized that his body was a little tired, but he had no time to think about the reason.

Bai Fu was kicked in the chest by the fanatical right foot.

He had been kicked there by the Wildfire Gang leader, and now the new wounds were added to the old ones. The moment he fell to the ground, a bright red [-9] instantly floated on his forehead.

"You bastard, die!"

This kick directly kicked Cao Wenliang's sanity away. He raised his right hand and shot Bai Fu.

He didn't wake up until the gunshot rang out.

It's over. Bai Fu will never survive with a shot at such a close distance. He promised to torture Bai Fu severely, but now it's all over!

Cao Wenliang raised his head in annoyance.

But unlike what he imagined, Bai Fu did not fall to the ground, and there was no large patch of bright blood on her body. She smiled, raised her right hand slightly, and between her five fingers was clearly a bullet!


At this moment, Cao Wenliang felt that his throat was stuck by something, and an unprecedented chill rose from his back and rushed straight to his head.

Catching a bullet with bare hands, this was something he dared not even think about!

He watched Bai Fu put the bullet into his pocket, and watched Bai Fu take the pistol from him.

Your gun is good, but it's mine now!

Bai Fu examined the gun in her hand with interest.

[Garbage Star P7]

[Quality]: Gray

[Basic Attributes]: Attack Power 16~23, Firing Rate 2 rounds/s, Magazine Capacity 8 rounds, Effective Range 50m

[Additional Effect]: None

"My calculations were indeed correct. After using hardening, this inferior pistol can no longer pose a big threat to me."

Bai Fu was confident that she could catch the bullet with bare hands.

The gun Cao Wenliang used was the same model as the one used by the head of the field department last night.

When the head of the field department shot the player with the gun, she was observing the damage value. After comparing the player's attributes with hers, she felt that this gun would not pose a threat to her unless it hit her weak spot.

This is indeed the case. The shot just now only took away 2 points of her health. For her with a total health of 270, this amount of damage can be said to be insignificant.

In fact, even if the estimate was wrong and the bullet was embedded in her palm, Bai Fu was not afraid.

She is different from ordinary NPCs. She has an ability that all NPCs envy, that is, the breathing blood recovery method!

As long as she is out of the battle and has no disability or high continuous blood loss debuff, her injuries will always get better as her blood volume recovers over time.

If she didn't have this ability, she wouldn't dare to do such a high-intensity task.

"Now, it's time to send you on your way."

Bai Fu raised the gun.

At this time, Cao Wenliang had already climbed up from the ground and ran towards the location of the Wildfire Gang like crazy.

Bai Fu pulled the trigger.

The bullet flew out of the chamber and hit Cao Wenliang's buttocks. Cao Wenliang screamed and fell to the ground.

"Did you miss the target?"

Bai Fu rolled her eyes.

She had clearly aimed at Cao Wenliang's back just now.

Forget it, it's not a big problem. Just practice more if you are new!

Bai Fu put away the gun and rushed to Cao Wenliang quickly. Cao Wenliang just stood up and was kicked in the chest by her again.

"Ah!" Cao Wenliang let out a beast-like roar from his throat, "Bai... Ah ah ah ah..."

He originally wanted to shout Bai Fu's name loudly, but the sudden hardening of his mouth made him only make unclear sounds.

Before he could figure out what was going on, Bai Fu had already kicked him in the chin.


This kick not only caused high damage, but also gave Cao Wenliang a [Stun] debuff that lasted for 10 seconds.

Bai Fu put a gun to Cao Wenliang's neck: "I didn't want to kill you so soon, but you insisted on dying, so there's nothing I can do."


The bullet shot into Cao Wenliang's throat. After struggling for a while, Cao Wenliang's health bar was completely emptied.

[You killed Cao Wenliang, 100% contribution, and gained 1750 experience points after correction based on the level difference]

Just like when she killed Martin, the mission was not triggered this time. This was normal. After all, she and Cao Wenliang were in the same camp. If killing someone in her own camp could trigger the mission reward, it would be really outrageous.

Bai Fu dragged Cao Wenliang's body to a distance and made some easily detectable disguises before returning home.

The next day, she did not receive the news from the Wildfire Gang until noon.

"Minister Cao is dead!"

"I heard that he was killed by those outsiders in revenge for the attack the night before. Minister Cao died miserably. His chin and throat were all beaten to pieces. The boss rushed over as soon as he received the news."

"Damn, those outsiders are so lawless!"

When Bai Fu followed the large group to the scene, she found that the boss of the Wildfire Gang was squatting on the ground to examine Cao Wenliang's body.

Next to the boss of the Wildfire Gang stood a woman she had never seen before. The woman obviously had a Western face and her hair was ice blue, which could not grow in reality. She stood expressionlessly, exuding an aura of "keep away from strangers".

"What is that?"

The person next to him explained: "She is a distinguished guest from outside. The boss has been entertaining her recently. Otherwise, those outsiders would not be so arrogant."

Bai Fu subconsciously threw a [Spiritual Vision] over.

[Skill Judgment Failed]


Bai Fu was surprised. It was the first time she encountered a situation where the spiritual vision judgment failed. Even the Wildfire Gang boss was not so outrageous. At most, the data fed back was full of question marks.

She felt that she might have come into contact with some hidden tasks or the main task of the novice village of the abandoned cooling plant.

While thinking, the Wildfire Gang boss stood up: "It seems that I must take time to meet those outsiders in person."


Suddenly, the woman like an ice cube spoke.

The Wildfire Gang boss turned around in confusion.

"It shouldn't be those outsiders who killed him."

"Why do you say that?"

"Think about the experience of your people fighting with those outsiders these days. They only use some despicable means. If it was them who did it, there would be more or less human excrement on him and around him."

Fuck, blind man, you found the highlight!

Almost instantly, everyone's eyes were focused on the ice woman.

Bai Fu was no exception.

You guys came to visit from Conan Theater, right? You found this!

The onlookers whispered.

These days when they went out to fight with those outsiders, they always encountered a few big guys with shit on their weapons. The day before yesterday, the director of the field department was in a raid. It doesn't make sense that the outsiders Cao Wenliang met would suddenly become kind people.

The Wildfire Gang leader's face changed slightly: "If it wasn't done by outsiders, then..."

The Ice Woman said: "I'm not sure, there is no evidence."

The Wildfire Gang leader didn't say anything else, and his face was full of anxiety.

Regardless of whether Cao Wenliang's death was caused by an outsider or not, when this happened, it meant that the survival of the entire Wildfire Gang was threatened, and he had to pay more attention to it.

He thought of Bai Fu.

He finally found a successor who looked very promising, but he couldn't let this successor follow the footsteps of Cao Wenliang, the idiot.

After the commander dragged Cao Wenliang's body back, he shouted to the guard standing guard at the door:

"Go call Bai Fu over, I have a new task for her."

PS: Thanks to Liu Tianzun, Gao Leng Najie, Shuyou 20170708165333886, and Lin Wangzhiyu for their rewards

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