Who made her an NPC!

Chapter 29 You are a bit too extreme [Two-in-one please read]

Bai Fu's premonition was correct. After realizing that something was wrong, the Wildfire Gang leader immediately asked all his men to pay more attention.

In just one day, the Wildfire Gang discovered that there were many twins, triplets, and even quadruplets among the outsiders.

This was really a bit too outrageous. Twins were not so easy to give birth to.

The Wildfire Gang leader could only think of two explanations.

First, these outsiders were not normal people, but clones. When they died, new clones would immediately take their place.

Second, these outsiders could be resurrected from the dead.

If he had to choose one of the two explanations as the real answer, he would prefer the former. Compared with resurrection from the dead, cloning technology was more scientific, easier to implement, and easier to accept.

But things were obviously not that simple. There was a question that had been bothering the Wildfire Gang leader.

There were no signs of training on the bodies of those outsiders. Although many of them were not potbellied, they at least had the body shape of the exploited social animals in the large settlements, but they were more fearless than those specially trained death warriors.

Is this reasonable?

Unless those outsiders knew that they could be resurrected even if they died, there was no way to explain this.

There is an old saying in the abandoned cooling plant -

When you eliminate all impossible factors, the remaining answer, no matter how unbelievable it is, is the truth.

"So, the truth is that outsiders can be resurrected from the dead!"

The Wildfire Gang leader was shocked. He didn't dare to announce this answer. In the previous battle, the ordinary members of the Wildfire Gang had been almost mentally exploded by the shameless fighting style of the outsiders. If they suddenly learned that they were facing a group of undead people, they would probably be scared and immediately scattered.

In this way, the Wildfire Gang that he had worked so hard to build would collapse.

"What kind of devils have we provoked?!"

They have immortal bodies, unfathomable moral standards, unexpectedly high cultural levels, and unlimited growth potential.

In the eyes of the Wildfire Gang leader, provoking such outsiders is no different from encountering a natural disaster that can destroy the entire settlement!

He began to regret that he spoke loudly when he first met the outsiders, but now it is useless to regret. Unless he returns to the past with his memory, he will still make the same choice after discovering that the outsiders stole his supply box.

Who would have thought that those outsiders were so scary?

It can only be said that their appearance and giggling appearance are too confusing!

The Wildfire Gang leader's mentality is very explosive.

He cast his eyes on an inconspicuous secret door in the gang. At this moment, he can only rely on those people.

After telling his men not to run around, he quickly got into the secret door.

There was a long and narrow white corridor hidden under the secret door. At the end of the corridor was a heavy iron door. After opening the iron door, a very old-looking laboratory came into view.

"Doctor Yulia!"

The Wildfire Gang leader looked around and finally his eyes fell on a person wearing thick protective clothing. That was the woman who went with him to check Cao Wenliang's death a few days ago.

He hurried forward, but after only two steps, he was pressed on the shoulders by two strong men guarding the door of the laboratory.

Yulia turned around: "Let him go, he came here in a hurry, he must have something urgent."

The two strong men just smiled and did not move their hands away.

Yulia looked indifferent, not angry at all because her words were ignored: "What do you want to talk to me about?"

The Wildfire Gang leader quickly told his discovery.

"The current situation is very bad. Once the Wildfire Gang is in trouble, this laboratory may not be hidden..."

Before he finished speaking, the two strong men at the door laughed.

"Immortal, what fairy tale are you talking about? Hahaha!"

"Number 7, if I'm not mistaken, what he said just now seems to be threatening us?"

I'm not, I didn't...

The Wildfire Gang leader was sweating profusely.

Although he was being made difficult, he didn't dare to resist at all, because the three people in front of him came from an organization that Lin En, a large settlement nearby, was afraid of -

The Truth Society.

More than a hundred years ago, a global war broke out on Zuyuan Star, and the war almost destroyed everything. In the following hundred years, humans rebuilt civilization under the dual invasion of pollution and mutant life. Until now, five super powers have been born that control a large number of settlements and shelters.

These five forces are the Gene Primarch, the Old Republic, the Railway Guild, the Human Alliance and the Truth Society.

Among them, the Truth Society is the most special one. No one knows where its headquarters is, and no one knows who its leader is, but every time its people appear, it will inevitably bring disasters that cause countless deaths.

The Truth Society of this nature naturally became the public enemy in the eyes of all forces. Even in the eyes of the Human Alliance, which was dedicated to protecting human bloodline and killing all unclean lives, the Truth Society was a bit too extreme!

The Wildfire Gang leader never thought that he would have an intersection with the Truth Society.

But more than a month ago, when he was counting supplies in the gang, these three people suddenly broke in. They claimed to be from the Truth Society and asked him to help do something to prevent their whereabouts from being discovered by people from Linn. They also promised to recommend him to join the Truth Society after the matter was accomplished.

Of course he didn't believe this at first, but then the strong man codenamed No. 7 took out a ball-shaped prop. At that moment, he felt as if he had been cast by some kind of immobilizing spell, and his whole body and space were locked. Tightly held together, completely unable to move.

That was the first time he felt hopeless.

Having been on the road all his life, he had experienced death threats more than once, but only this time he couldn't see any possibility of resistance because he couldn't even understand any of his opponent's moves.

The unknown is the biggest fear!

Under pressure and out of a desire to get ahead, the leader of the Wildfire Gang agreed to help.

In a small place like an abandoned cooling plant, no matter how hard you work, you will never get ahead in your life. In the eyes of those big shots, you are not even a worm.

If there is no chance, forget it. When the opportunity is in front of him, he will try to climb up no matter what.

But this road is not easy to climb.

Even though he had tried his best, the two strong men guarding the door still never gave him a good look. Only Yulia had a better attitude.

This time it was Yulia who came to the rescue: "Okay, what's so funny about this? Can you guarantee that what he said is not true? Don't underestimate the technology of the Primarch."

Both the Abandoned Cooling Plant and Lyn were under the control of the Primarch, who were world-famous for their mutant research.

"I don't understand technical matters, you have the final say."

No. 7 grinned, seemingly smiling, but actually he was hiding anger.

Yulia was not frightened by his eyes: "Go and investigate to see if those outsiders are related to the Primarch. If they are related, then we can't stay in this place."

No. 7 didn't move.

Yulia's eyes were cold: "If the mission fails, do you think the president will trouble you first, or me?"

No. 7 was silent for a while: "Then I'll do some exercise."

He shrugged and walked past the Wildfire Gang boss.

"I..." The boss of the Wildfire Gang was a little embarrassed.

Yulia said: "Let me know if anything happens."

This was a disguised form of expulsion. The boss of the Wildfire Gang wisely said goodbye and left. He was filled with anxiety. This time he had completely offended No. 7.

When things get over here, No. 7 will definitely come back to trouble him with his more extreme character than Cao Wenliang.

In terms of strength, he is not as good as No. 7, who has a ball-shaped prop, and in terms of background, he is even worse than No. 7.

Although Yulia had previously promised to recommend him to join the Truth Society, judging from No. 7's attitude towards Yulia, Yulia might not be able to keep him.

"Oh shit!"

At this point, the leader of the Wildfire Gang found that he had only one solution.

Come on, the undead people from out of town must kill this incompetent No. 7!

After coming out of the secret door, the boss of the Wildfire Gang met Bai Fu who came to hand in a mission.

"All gathered so quickly? Okay, okay, okay."

He nodded repeatedly, not in the mood to ask Bai Fu how he collected all the poison sacs at this time.

This was somewhat beyond Bai Fu's expectations. She had come up with several excuses before coming, but since the boss of the Wildfire Gang didn't ask, there was no need for her to say more.

[You completed the camp task [Material Collection (Special)] and received a reward of 10,000 experience points and 20 camp reputation]

Bai Fu raised the psychic apprentice to Level 8 without much hesitation, and then added the extra 2 attribute points to his physique.

Her attribute panel has undergone new changes.

[Template]: Normal

[Experience]: 2751

[Main occupation]: Psychic apprentice Lv8 (0/10000), homeless person Lv5 (full level)

[Sub-career]: None

[HP]: 290/290

[Psychic energy value]: 60/60

[Attributes]: Strength 7, Agility 5, Constitution 26, Intelligence 3, Spirit 12, Inspiration 12

The camp's reputation has increased from 22 points to 42 points, which is not low.

Bai Fu found that the boss of the Wildfire Gang was obviously more enthusiastic towards her than before.

"Boss, are there any other tasks for me?"

Now her relationship with the players is in a period of close cooperation. She wants to strike while the iron is hot and complete more tasks, upgrade the psychic apprentice to Lv10 as soon as possible, and then search for advanced knowledge.

The boss of the Wildfire Gang shook his head: "You have been busy for several days. Please rest first. I will call you when I have other tasks."


Bai Fu could only go to other places to see if she could take on any tasks.

After saying goodbye to the boss of the Wildfire Gang, she went to the library and brought out the "Basic Boxing Teaching" she had found earlier.

There are two main reasons why I chose this professional knowledge book.

The most direct reason is that this is the professional knowledge book that can maximize the player's combat effectiveness at this stage.

You can’t say that the professions they activate are not powerful for other professional knowledge books, such as "Firearm Assembly" and "Two or Three Secret Agents", but their versatility is far less than "Basic Boxing Teaching".

After all, you have to get a gun after changing your job to a gunner, and you have to find some way to get some special equipment when you become an agent.

There is no such problem when you study "Basic Boxing Teaching". If you have never practiced boxing, can you still use skills?

The second reason why Bai Fu chose "Basic Boxing Teaching" is that the book is very thin, with just over twenty pages in total, and each page is mainly pictures with a small amount of text for explanation, making it very suitable for copying.


Bai Fu did not intend to give the original copy of "Basic Boxing Teaching" to the players, but prepared to copy one herself.

She borrowed this book from the Wildfire Gang Library. It is not difficult to borrow it again if you borrow it and return it. If you don't return it, you will be scolded. It is not good if you are found to have a relationship with the players.

Moreover, the players are now saying that she is going to steal the professional knowledge book, so of course she has to meet the expectations of the players.

Although it is also stealing to bring the original copy directly, it seems that the difficulty of stealing the book is too low. It is more touching to say that "I copied a copy secretly".

Bai Fu was right.

When she gave the hand-painted "Basic Boxing Teaching" to Digging Ji, all the players around Digging Ji and the players in the live broadcast room were moved.

[Damn, I can't imagine how much effort Fu Fu made to copy this professional knowledge book, and how much risk of exposure she took]

[Now no one can help, even the big mecha in the promotional video. Fu Fu is the best in the world, I said! ]

[Indeed, the mecha is cool, but I can't drive it. Fufu is different. She not only gives me money, but also gives me a professional knowledge book. I was originally worried about how to change my job.]

[Oh my god, what a great deed!]

[Fufu: I want to create a world where every player can easily change their job!]


Amidst the singing and laughter, Bai Fu was almost worshipped as a god.

Although the game has been launched for about ten days, the number of players who have obtained new jobs is not really large.

Bai Fu's move directly gave all the players who helped her collect poison sacs the opportunity to change their jobs. Not only did it attract a lot of popularity, but it also made a wave of positive publicity.

[It's different if you raise the favorability of NPCs. If Bai Fu's favorability for treasure hunting is in the single digits, let alone the professional knowledge book, she may not even give 200 credit coins.]

Many players have secretly made up their minds that the next time they meet Bai Fu, no matter what, they will first increase their favorability!

Bai Fu is satisfied.

A player only gave her a little benefit, but the benefits given by thousands of players piled together would be an astronomical figure.

"You guys learn slowly, I'm leaving first. The Wildfire Gang has been keeping a close eye on me recently, and my identity cannot be exposed."

Bai Fu found an excuse to run away.

Now she didn't have time to continue chatting with the players. She had to see if there were any tasks nearby that could earn experience points. She was still more than 20,000 experience points away from upgrading her psychic apprentice to Lv10.

When she walked to another street near the "shopping street", Bai Fu stopped.

On the side of the road.

A sturdy man who was obviously dressed differently from the abandoned cooling plant grabbed a stall owner by the neck.

"Tell me where those outsiders are hiding, or I'll kill you now."

Bai Fu was shocked.

Although there were rude people everywhere in the abandoned cooling plant, it was the first time she had seen someone as extreme as this person.

Fortunately, this person was dealing with a player who was more extreme than him, so she was not worried at all. She was just curious about this person's identity. She had no impression of this person at all.

Bai Fu threw a spiritual vision at the strong man.

PS: It’s a new week, please read and recommend it.

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