Who made her an NPC!

Chapter 36 That day, people waited for the hero to return [Two in one, please read]

The barrage was posted by Digji himself.

She really has no joy or sorrow now. To describe her mood in one word, it is "numb".

At this time, no one knew better than her what the two worlds of ice and fire meant.

Not long ago, she was still thinking about how to hug Bai Fu's lap to achieve a win-win situation, and she was still dreaming about the day when she would truly become a top player in the gaming field. But before she could be happy for a long time, Bai Fu's fate and hers both came. A turning point, a turning point all the way down.

What do you mean by being finished?

Dig Ji wants to cry but has no tears.

What else could she do? She could only sit on the ground and, like other players, stared blankly at the pickup truck that was driving away.

She was thinking about the mood of those who watched Jing Ke go away when Yi Shui said goodbye.

[Is this the final farewell? 】

[Perhaps Fufu still has one ten thousandth chance of surviving? 】

[You only dare to say one in ten thousand when making assumptions. Doesn’t that mean that you actually think there is no hope at all?]

[Damn, damn the plot planning! 】

[Mom, I hate knives, even the kind of knife that burns me and saves the world.]

[In fact, as long as the knife is fired well, it can make the plot more exciting. However, it came too suddenly and too fast. It seems that the plot of Baifu has just begun]

Yes, it came too fast, just like the pickup truck Bai Fu was driving at this time, so fast that no one could react.

In Patrick Star's temporary live broadcast room, Bai Fu, who was sitting in the driver's seat, only showed a cold side face. She firmly grasped the steering wheel with both hands and stepped on the accelerator to the bottom.

No one knows when the passage in the insect wave will disappear, so there is only one thing she needs to do now——

Accelerate, accelerate like crazy!

Sign blocking the road? Crash!

Fence blocking the road? Crash!

If the amoeba blocks the road, it will still be knocked away!

Within ten seconds, the pickup truck rushed out of the settlement, like a straight javelin piercing the gap between the insect waves.

This huge movement attracted the attention of the amoebas that were chasing the players crazily. They immediately changed their targets and swarmed towards the pickup truck like a tide.

"Shoot, shoot quickly!"

Patrick shouted to the players who boarded the pickup truck with him. Their guns were taken by Bai Fu from Xia Shi.

For a moment, dust flew under the wheels, and gunfire spewed out of the cockpit.

However, the number of bugs was too great, and a few scattered shots could not change the situation at all. Seeing that the path forward of the pickup truck was about to be blocked, the hearts of those who watched this scene from a distance were all in suspense.

If there are only one or two amoeba blocking the road, then the pickup truck can easily run over them. However, if the number of amoeba is more than a dozen, dozens, or even hundreds, it is absolutely impossible to break through with the horsepower of the pickup truck.

Once the pickup truck stops, the people on the pickup truck will be surrounded by countless amoebas.


The word suddenly popped out.

The hearts of the onlookers were like the high-speed pickup truck engine, almost beating out of their chests.

But before they could express their thoughts, the crazily surging amoeba seemed to have fallen into the time-stop field, and they all froze in place.

【What happened? 】

[Is it a BUG? 】

[How could it be BU... Damn it, look! 】

Boom boom boom!

The roaring sound rang out in the cold night. The next second, the pickup truck pierced through the insect wave in front of it like a ferocious beast. After rushing over a slope, it flew into the wilderness.


Even Patrick Star and others who were sitting in the car were stunned. They didn't react until the pickup truck landed and crushed an amoeba, splattering the windows with blood.

"We rushed out, haha, we rushed out!"

The players in the car, the players watching the live broadcast, Ya Ge and Xia Shi all cheered loudly.

[How did you do it? Why did those amoeba suddenly stop moving?]

[I know, look at the prop that Fufu took out just now, it is exactly the same as the one used by No. 7 when he attacked us! 】

Everyone's eyes were focused on the spherical device that Bai Fu had just taken out of her pocket.

[Psychic Binder]: Use psychic impact to freeze targets within 20 meters (remaining number of uses: 1)

Want to block my way?

Bai Fu's eyes were filled with murderous intent.

This road is indeed the road of death, but she is the one spreading death!

[You killed the Type II amoeba, the contribution was 100%, and you gained 270 experience points after making corrections based on the level difference]

【You killed...】

"There's an amoeba on the rear left trying to attack the tire and send it on its way."

"There are three amoebas on the right, try to kill one of them, otherwise the car door will not be able to withstand their impact."

Bai Fu commanded in an orderly manner.

Her face was still stern, and she couldn't see any joy, but she also couldn't see any panic. It was this calm side that was the most attractive.

【Fufu is awesome! 】

[Dig for treasures, don’t leave them lying around, come out and see the gods! 】

[You can’t die, you must not die]

If everyone thought that Bai Fu would never come back alive after leaving, now they are finally a little bolder.

Maybe, there is really hope?

Players took action one after another.

The players at the scene stepped up their attacks on the amoebas.

[Brothers, step up your efforts. It doesn't matter if you don't have weapons. You can use stones to hit them. As long as you can hold one more amoeba, Fufu will be safer.]

Players who were not at the scene went to the official account to petition, asking the official not to write Baifu to death. No matter whether it is useful or not, they should start to brush it first, at least to let the official see their attitude.

This scene of unity infected Yago and Xia Shi.

The pure feelings of human beings are more beautiful than gems!

Digging Ji was also infected by this passionate atmosphere. She stood up and rushed towards the residents of the abandoned cooling plant who were still in a mess.

Fufu rushed out to save these people. Regardless of whether Fufu can come back alive, in order not to let Fufu's efforts go to waste, she needs to try her best to ensure that these people survive, and at the same time let them know what Fufu did.

Fufu herself may not care about her reputation, but she can't watch Fufu's sacrifice being ignored.

"Stand still and don't run around. If you keep running around like this, when will you all be able to retreat to the temporary shelter?"

"You bastard, you are lying here waiting to die. Have you ever thought that someone rushed out in a car to save you and used himself as bait to attract the attention of those amoebas? Get up!"

"Get up, are you worthy of Bai Fu's efforts?"

Digging Ji's appeal still encountered some troubles at the beginning.

"Who are you? Why should I listen to you? Bai Fu saved us, not you."


At this time, Xia Shi stood up and fired a shot into the sky.

She blew the muzzle of the gun with a cold face: "Do as she says. If anyone disagrees, you can come to me to argue."


For a while, even the most jumpy people in the fleeing team became obedient.

You are right, you are right!

On the way to the temporary shelter, these fleeing residents looked up in the direction where Bai Fu drove away.

Can the insect tide really be led away?

In fact, after breaking out of the encirclement of the insect tide, the situation did not develop in the good direction that the players expected.

The sound made by the pickup truck when driving is the biggest source of ridicule in the dark night, which will constantly attract amoebas to charge at the pickup truck, but this is not the most troublesome thing. The real headache is the pollution sources randomly scattered in the contaminated area.

Bai Fu must always stay highly focused to avoid hitting the pollution source, which greatly slows down the speed of the pickup truck. Once the pickup truck slows down, the amoebas attracted by the sound can reach the pickup truck.

The impact of an amoeba will not cause any damage to the pickup truck, but the situation is different if many amoebas attack continuously.

[If this continues, the car door will be knocked off. Once the car door falls, if an amoeba suddenly spits venom into the car, it will be all over]

[This distance is not far enough. If the bait is thrown here, the attracted amoeba will still affect the abandoned cooling plant]

The players in the live broadcast room saw it and were anxious.

At the critical moment, Guiyiwofu stood up.

"I will be the last one to cover the rear. I will try to hold off these amoebas for a while. You keep going forward!"

Bai Fu stared at Guiyiwofu for a long time. Her eyes fluctuated at first, but in the end, she seemed to have finally accepted this fact and calmed down.

"I hope we will meet again one day."

"There will be a day!"

Guiyiwofu smiled with white teeth. He found a gap and jumped off the car.

"Come on, you bugs, attack me!"

At his shout, most of the amoebas that originally tried to intercept the pickup turned their guns and rushed towards him. Seeing this, he ran in the opposite direction of the pickup.

While running away, he did not forget to look at the pickup a few more times.

Come on, everyone, this is my last ripple!

Guiyiwofu was the first to jump off the car, but not the last. After him, other players also followed his example and jumped off the car as human bait after their bullets were empty.

One, two... At the end, only Bai Fu and Patrick were left in the car.

"How far are we from the abandoned cooling plant now?"

"About 5,000 meters." After looking at the map, Patrick answered in seconds.

Bai Fu shook her head: "Not enough. The influence range of the bait is about 5,000 meters. If it is used here, it will still affect the abandoned cooling plant. We have to drive at least another 500 meters."

Patrick agreed with this analysis. The only problem is that this car doesn't seem to last that long.

His sight passed through the windshield and locked onto the group of amoebas that appeared at some unknown time.

Are there more than 20 or more than 30?

With so many amoebas attacking at the same time, the car will be scrapped soon. It's time for him to take action, but with his strength, can he stop these amoebas for even a minute?

It might be possible when he is in full condition, but his leg was injured when he fought with Yulia before, and he has not fully recovered yet, so the possibility is almost zero.

Too unlucky.

Patrick's heart sank.

Bai Fu didn't have enough time to drive the car away in a few seconds. He felt that the task of [Insect Tide Invasion] might not be completed.

"Let me do it."


When Bai Fu's voice sounded, Patrick's heart was overwhelmed, and the players in the live broadcast room who were worried were also shocked.

Hey, hey, hey, don't be like this, don't give hope and suddenly put the knife directly into the heart.

[Help, help, is there anyone who can help me? 】

[I Chao, why can’t this old car be bigger and hold a few more people? 】

[I can’t bear to continue reading]

Bai Fu, who was taking the time to follow the live broadcast, laughed to herself. In fact, she deliberately drove the car to a place with many amoebas. After driving for such a long time, it was time to go back and collect the strengthening potions in the laboratory.

Although she could have waited until the inducement bait was put in before turning back, how could it be more impactful and touching to get out of the car and "sacrifice" herself when she turned back at that time?

Now that the distance is just right, she will leave the psychic restraint to Patrick to ensure that Patrick can safely drop the induction bait to the designated location and complete the task of [Insect Tide Invasion].

Bai Fu continued: "We have walked all the way with the courage not to be afraid of death, just to lure away the insect tide. Now the hope of success is right in front of us. How can we sit back and let the opportunity slip away because of personal life and death?"

This sentence made Patrick, who had thousands of thoughts in his mind, unconsciously open his mouth, but in the end he couldn't say a word.


He heard Bai Fu say this.

"I put the burden that should have been borne by me on your shoulders, but... just let me be willful again."

Bai Fu shook his head and talked about the lines for the second grade.

If you feel that this burden is too heavy, then think about the problem simply. This is not to save so and so, just think of it as simply using inducement bait on those amoeba for my sake!

Bai Fu forced a smile and handed all the induction bait and psychic restraints to Pai Daxing.

Then she stopped the car, opened the door and jumped out.

"Come on, you insect that is not afraid of death, come on!"

In the dark night, Bai Fu's voice was particularly clear.

Patrick was still speechless. He just felt that his eyes suddenly became a little blurry. Damn it, this was the first time he had been touched by an NPC after playing so many games!

He had an impulse to jump out of the car and face the ferocious amoeba with Bai Fu.

But he knew he couldn't. If he did this, all Bai Fu's efforts would be in vain, and he couldn't save Bai Fu even with his strength.

The only thing he could do was to move sideways to the driver's seat and start the pickup truck at the prompts of the game.

Rush, rush forward for Bai Fu!

"I will come back, I will definitely come back!"

Ahhhh, whoever stands in my way will die!

The cry from the bottom of my heart intertwined with the roar of the pickup truck, like an explosive movement, breaking through the obstacles of the amoeba and the boundary between the game and reality.

In the rearview mirror, Bai Fu's figure was pulled further and further away, until it was completely hidden in the night, as if it had never existed.

[Hurry up, Paida, do it fast! 】

[I won’t sleep well tonight, ah ah, it’s already here, and Bai Fu is still apologizing to us. Can’t she be more selfish? 】

【I cried to death】

【She is the real brave! 】

[If you want to succeed, you must succeed, and you must never let Fufu’s expectations fail! 】

Watching the detonated barrage in the live broadcast room, Bai Fu felt half relieved. After seeing the amoebas she intercepted stop and then rush towards the direction where Pai Daxing left just now, the other half of her heart My heart was also relieved.

Next, as long as we wait with peace of mind, the threat of the insect tide to the abandoned cooling plant should be over. After all, the induction bait that No. 9 smashed was actually in the center of the exhaust gas cooling plant. The reason why it attracted so many amoeba is entirely because there are so many amoeba. The amoeba heard the movement and followed it in a daze.

Now that bait is being thrown elsewhere, most of the amoebas won't join in the fun at the abandoned cooling plant.


In this way, except for some players who were numbed by the knife, a world where everyone is happy was born!

Bai Fu punched away an amoeba that was trying to attack. The matter was over. There was no need to delay here anymore. She turned around and ran towards the abandoned cooling plant.

About a few minutes after she left, a pickup truck rushed through the night.

As soon as the car stopped, Patrick jumped out of the car.

"Sister Fu, Sister Fu, I'm back, where are you?"

He kept looking, but there was no trace of Bai Fu anywhere in this vast wilderness.

Is this the end?

The heart is filled with sadness and the screen is filled with wailing. Only by searching through the cracks can one find a few optimistic comments.

[There is no body and no remains of clothes. Maybe Fufu is still alive? 】

PS: Thanks for the reward of Sad Words and Riding a White Horse 1408.

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