Who made her an NPC!

Chapter 39 Popularity explodes, it’s over, I’m surrounded by Bai Fu! [Two-in-one please read]

Dig Ji wondered if he had seen something wrong.

She took several steps back, then rubbed her eyes vigorously. When she opened her eyes again, there was still a stone tablet as high as one person standing in front of her, and the words engraved on the stone tablet were still the same as what she had just seen.

She was very sure that there was no such monument in this alley not long ago, which meant that this monument was erected recently and was erected by Bai Fu, otherwise the signature on the inscription would not be Bai Fu.

"Fufu is not dead?"

When this thought came to mind, Digji's breath froze.

This discovery was completely beyond her expectation, but it also touched the truest desire in her heart.

After standing like this for a while, she suddenly pinched her right thigh.

Now was not the time to be distracted. She had to quickly find a passerby NPC to ask about the specific situation to prevent her happiness from being in vain.

Digging Ji quickly rushed out of the alley. She was very lucky. After running two streets, she met a passing scavenger.

She quickly stopped the scavenger: "Hello, I am..."

The scavenger was stunned: "Aren't you the outsider who directed our retreat that day? It turns out you are not dead. Bai Fu was worried to death yesterday."

The moment he heard this, Ji Ji breathed a sigh of relief, followed by excitement that could not be concealed.

Hahahaha, Fufu is not dead after all!

She was already trying her best to restrain herself, but she still couldn't hide the smile at the corner of her mouth.

"Can you tell me what happened in the past two days, and where Fufu went. I just went to her house to look for her, but she was not there."

"That's it..."

The scavenger told Digging Girl everything he knew.

After learning that Bai Fu thought the player was dead and would never come back, Dig Ji couldn't help but be stunned.

If she had been pursuing Bai Fu before, it was mainly because Bai Fu could bring her huge popularity and help her go further in her main career in game UP, but now the situation is slightly different.

Although Bai Fu is just an NPC, isn't this much more heart-warming than the many people she has come into contact with?

Her heart was touched.

In Dig Ji's view, Bai Fu is no longer just a simple NPC, but a virtual partner who can exchange sincerity for sincerity.

Damn it, it's on fire!

Digging Ji is now in high spirits and has been dormant for a day. Now is the best time for the Dragon King to return and punish those taunts directed at her!

After saying goodbye to the scavengers, she immediately opened the live broadcast room.

In Star Travel Club, in a thread discussing whether Bai Fu is dead or not, players are chatting idly.

[Dug Ji seems to have been hit hard this time. She hasn’t been seen showing her head for several hours]

[I can’t help it, who wouldn’t be embarrassed if something like this happens]

[The game has been launched. Is anyone going to confirm Bai Fu’s life and death?]

While chatting, a new reply popped up.

[The Digging Girl is now on the air, everyone, go watch it! 】

This voice immediately attracted a large number of musicians and players who liked Bai Fu. They swarmed over, so that just two or three minutes after the broadcast started, tens of thousands of people gathered in Dig Ji's live broadcast room.

The players who came over realized that something was wrong. Dig Ji was sitting on a rock, her face was tense, she neither spoke nor made any unnecessary movements, she just played the video there.

The videos she played were all related to Bai Fu, and they were played in chronological order.

From being rescued by Bai Fu in an alley, to cooperating with Bai Fu to defeat Brother Da Biao, to receiving the task of assassinating Bai Fu inexplicably, to Bai Fu having to kill the player under the coercion of Cao Wenliang, to Bai Fu took the risk of being exposed and came to the stronghold to remind players...

[What are you doing digging for treasure? 】

[Is this a new era of performance art, a cyber mourning hall? 】

The onlookers were confused, but no matter how confused they were, they continued to watch, just to see what kind of medicine was sold in Digging Ji Gourd.

As the scenes flashed one after another, the mood in the live broadcast room was finally aroused.

[Dig for treasures, express my condolences and accept the change]

[What a pity, why did Bai Fu die? 】

[Ah ah ah, Cao Mu Ma’s Truth Society, I will fight you to the bitter end! 】

Until Bai Fu smiled and handed the induction bait to Patrick Star, then jumped out of the pickup truck and stopped more than 30 amoebas by herself, the scene flashed on the screen, and Digging Ji's face was full of emotion. color.

[To be honest, not long ago, like everyone else, I thought this was the end of the story. Bai Fu appeared like a ray of light, and finally turned into a streamer to save the abandoned cooling plant and left. Although this story is short, at least it has a beginning and an end. And it’s both touching, but...]

She suddenly shut up, got up and walked to a small alley.

[You must not know what I found here]

These words piqued the curiosity of the players.

They followed Dig Ji's footsteps and began to explore the alley. As they walked, they found a stone tablet in the middle of the alley.

[Is this what Di Baobao is talking about? 】

[Isn’t it just a stone tablet? What’s so strange about this? Could it be that this stone tablet is related to the hidden mission? 】

[Could this be Fufu’s tombstone? 】

[Don't make trouble, who has no problem putting the tombstone in the middle of the road]

Watching the barrages passing by on the virtual screen, Dig Ji knew that the time had come, and she stopped.

[I won’t move on, you can see for yourselves]

She locked her camera on the stone tablet and began to zoom in until the text on the stone tablet was clearly displayed in the live broadcast room.

[In memory of those brave men who sacrificed their lives to save the abandoned cooling plant——

White Fu]

Counting "Bai Fu", there are 22 characters in total.

Reminiscent of the video footage that Dig Ji played just now, at this moment the player feels that what they are seeing is not text, but 22 bullets. These 22 bullets penetrated the virtual screen and were shot one after another with unparalleled power. Deep in their hearts.

Bang! Bang bang bang!

Anyone who is not a fool understands what it means to be signed by Bai Fu.

Yes, Bai Fu is not dead!

The news itself was extremely explosive, and combined with the words written on the monument, the power of the explosion was comparable to a super volcanic eruption. It was so explosive that the barrage in Ji Diji's live broadcast room disappeared for several seconds.

The first to fall in love are those players who like Bai Fu.

They had been worried for several hours, and now they suddenly received such good news and jumped up with joy. How could they have time to post a barrage?

The next ones to fall were those players who were dissatisfied because their favorite NPC was overshadowed by Bai Fu in terms of popularity. They felt that they had been hit hard.

At this time, the same idea came to their minds.

It's over, Bai Fu's popularity is about to soar. Unless a more distinctive NPC appears in the next plot, as long as Bai Fu participates in the popular female NPC contest, other NPCs will have no choice but to compete for second place!

The last person to be affected was Leziren.

They came to see Dig Ji sit-ups. Unexpectedly, Lezi didn't see it, but instead saw this shocking scene.

NPC builds monuments for players. This is the first time for most people to encounter this kind of thing. Even bystanders feel quite happy at this time. Who doesn't like to be respected and held high?

Soon these fun people started to have fun again. The fun people would join in wherever there was fun. Although they couldn't see the fun of Digging Ji, but now that the matter is so popular, they were worried that they had no other fun to watch. What?

【Awesome, awesome, awesome】

[You can always trust Fufu, the NPC who cares about the players the most and is also the players’ most solid backing]

[Hahaha, I knew Fufu couldn’t die so easily]

[I declare that the plot planner is a god today! 】

Looking at the live broadcast room that was instantly flooded with barrages, Digong Ji smiled slightly, don't worry, she still has a trump card in her hand.

[Don’t you think this alley looks familiar? 】

look familiar?

A player with a good memory finally reacted.

[Oh my god, isn’t this the place where Fufu and Dibao met for the first time? 】

As soon as he posted this barrage, the density of barrages in Digji Ji's live broadcast room was pushed to a new peak.

[I asked why the monument was built in such a remote place, because this is the place where Fufu first became acquainted with us! 】

[I really cried to death, I didn’t expect Fufu to even consider this]

[Ah ah ah, I can’t stand it, how can my wife be so considerate]

Digging Ji laughed and talked about everything he heard from the scavengers.

[Fufu was very lucky. When she was about to be surrounded by the amoebas, Patrick successfully sprinkled the induction bait. Most of the amoebas were attracted by the induction bait. She took the opportunity to walk through the wilderness and return to the abandoned cooling plant. 】

[Didn’t there be a sudden version update and then we were all forced offline? Fufu waited for us for a long time, but still didn’t see us resurrected. She thought we were really dead, so she proposed to build a monument for us]

[Yesterday, the Primarch's reinforcements arrived, and Fufu followed them to Linn. Her mission here has been completed, and there is a high probability that she will not come back again]

[I have decided, I want to go to Linn, I want to find Fufu and tell her that we are not dead, so that she will not blame herself]

Digging Ji's words were recognized by many players.

Even if they don’t want to wait for this abandoned cooling plant, they are going to Linn!

During the entire live broadcast, Ji Diji didn't say a word to Qingsuan, but many players had already spontaneously rushed to help her.

The community ushered in a wave of purges. Many players who had previously categorically analyzed that Bai Fu was dead immediately deleted their posts and ran away after receiving the news. Many other players followed suit and converted to Wo Fu, deleting their accounts and practicing again, leaving Zuyuan behind. The star is chosen as the birth planet of the new number.

It wasn't just because they liked Bai Fu, but after this incident they discovered that Bai Fu was really as unusual as Dig Ji said.

[I mean, is there a possibility that Bai Fu is actually the protagonist of the main plot of Zuyuan Star? 】

Don't tell me, this is really possible. Judging from the current situation, even if Bai Fu is not the protagonist, she is definitely an extremely important supporting role!

Many hard-core players feel that instead of aimlessly exploring other novice birth planets, it is better to move to the Origin Star and hug Bai Fu's thigh tightly.

The benefits of hugging Bai Fu's thighs have been fully demonstrated by Ji Ji and others.

In the battle with Yulia and the insect wave incident, due to Bai Fu's unexpected performance, the players in the abandoned cooling factory who were supposed to lose money turned around and directly earned faints. Now their average level is the highest among all novice villages. Yes.

I have to say, this feeling of being carried away by NPC is as attractive as sweetness!

Some people even posted a guide for newcomers on the main board of the community.

[The first step is to purchase gaming equipment and register an account;

The second step is to create a human race character and select the birth planet of the novice on the Ancestral Star;

The third step is to enter the game. If you find that the Novice Village is not an abandoned cooling plant, then delete your account and start over from the second step. If it is, immediately find a way to increase Bai Fu's favorability.】

Under the influence of this wave of popularity, Star Travel Club briefly became Baiyou Club.

Some players were shocked to discover that they were not playing "Beyond the Stars" but "Damn!" I'm surrounded by white beauties".

The biggest impact of this wave of popularity is that the number of players on Zuyuan Star has reached the upper limit. Many players want to be reincarnated on Zuyuan Star, but they receive a message that the number of players is full and they cannot reincarnate.

Seeing this situation, Bai Fu, who had been watching the drama, couldn't help but twitch the corner of her mouth.

Is this okay if there is no upper limit?

Imagine that tens of thousands of players suddenly crowded into a small abandoned cooling plant. The game experience is so bad, just how to solve the problem of eating is enough to dissuade many players.

"You know how to stir up heat."

Bai Fu looked at Digji Ji who was still active in the live broadcast room with relief.

When Digging Ji found Lin Enlai, Bai Fu planned to set her as a benchmark, first give her an advanced knowledge book, absorb her into the Court of Silence, and then reveal a little new background story to her.

Have you seen it? Living with the crow means you will be hungry for nine meals in three days, but living with the white woman is different. You will have meat for every meal. Why don’t you come over here if you are treated so well?

Unlike before, Bai Fu now has a longer-term vision.

The enhancement she received yesterday made her realize that in order to continue to receive enhancements, it is not enough just to increase her popularity among players. She must also actively participate in various plots, so that the game will have enough "reasons" to strengthen her. .

Considering that the game plot is accompanied by various risks, in order to reduce such risks, she very much needs the help of the players.

Even if it's not for this, but simply to resist the assassination of the Truth Society, she still needs to use the players.

Just now she received news from Xia Shi, who was sitting next to her, that the Truth Society had issued an assassination bounty for the three of them. Although the level of the bounty was not high, it was after all a bounty issued by the Truth Society, one of the five major forces on the Origin Star. , she had to guard against it.

Mentioning Xia Shi, Bai Fu remembered an interesting thing.

Xia Shi has a very special talent, strong luck. So far, she has only seen this talent in Xia Shi.

At first, she didn't take this matter seriously, and just secretly complained that Xia Shi was the hateful European Emperor. But after she herself received a [lucky] talent, she realized that things might be far more complicated than she imagined.

What about strong luck but not strong luck? Is it possible that this is the halo of the protagonist?

She seriously suspected that Xia Shi was the protagonist of the main plot of the novice village, the abandoned cooling plant. In a normal plot, players would probably gradually discover the secrets hidden by the Wildfire Gang through contact with Xia Shi, and finally assist Xia Shi in killing the Wildfire Gang, but Due to her intervention, Xia Shi became a marginalized person in the plot.

Of course, all this is just Bai Fu's guess, and she needs further verification.

But what is certain is that talents such as [luck] and [strong luck] have great potential.

Don't underestimate the 10% bonus. As the level increases, players will pay more and more attention to probability judgment for the things they come into contact with.

Reading knowledge books requires a probability judgment, analyzing blueprints requires a probability judgment, making props requires a probability judgment, and drawing a lottery requires a probability judgment... The benefits brought by the 10% hard bonus are very considerable, and now it only allows her to steadily obtain the power of evolution. The blood template might allow her to draw magical skills in the future.

Bai Fu was a little envious of Xia Shi. Her lucky bonus was 10%, but her strong luck bonus was probably not more than 20%.


Just as Bai Fu was thinking about the problem, Xia Shi's voice rang in her ears. She raised her head and found that the car had stopped.

When they came, the Primarch's reinforcements swept away the amoebas on both sides of the road, so the time it took to return to Linn this time was nearly half shorter than when they came.


Bai Fu shouted softly, then jumped out of the car with a huge suitcase.

Unlike the abandoned cooling plant that looked like ruins, the Lynn settlement was a real city. In the center of the settlement there were tall buildings and a nearly 100-meter-tall radio tower.

"Lynn, I'm coming!"

A happy smile appeared on Bai Fu's face.

At the same time, a dozen more players were born in the abandoned cooling plant.

These players are different from other players. Their names all have the prefix Iron Rain. They are members of the famous guild Iron Rain Guild.

"President, should we practice for a while in the abandoned cooling plant first, or should we go directly to Linn?"

The president of Tieyu Guild said with a sword in the sky: "Go to Lin En, but this time we are not going to Bai Fu."


"There are too many people looking for Bai Fu. We went there. We won't get much benefit at all until we improve Bai Fu's favorability. Instead of wasting time there, I think we should join another camp."

"Want to join the Primarch?"

"No, we join the Truth Society. No one wants to join the Truth Society now. We will be the first group to enter and can monopolize all the tasks of the Truth Society, and..."

Jianqi burst into the sky and laughed.

"Bai Fu is an important character in the main plot. If we help the Truth Society deal with her, we will definitely get a lot of camp contribution points. With Digging Ji and the others broadcasting live every day, we won't have to worry about not getting information about Bai Fu."

PS: Please read on.

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