Who made her an NPC!

Chapter 41 Summer returns, reunion with Bai Fu [Please read]

For Bai Fu, the focus of battle etiquette is not on etiquette, but on combat.

There will always be times when she is alone, or when the enemy is too strong. Even if she controls the enemy, the player's output is not enough to cause heavy damage to the enemy within 2 seconds.

Therefore, it is necessary for her to come up with a battle etiquette that can not only control the enemy for 2 seconds, but also allow the enemy to inflict heavy damage on herself during these 2 seconds.

"Just come up and punch yourself in the head?"

After some thought, Bai Fu rejected this design.

With her physique, even if she punched herself, it would be difficult to cause much damage to herself, but it was still possible to knock herself out of the [stunned] state with one punch.

Although the enemy would imitate her movements and punch himself in the head, if she fainted and the enemy was lucky enough not to faint, wouldn't it be the end?

This extremely high-risk thing cannot be done.

"If you use a gun..."

Before fighting, imitate Fire Cloud Evil God and give yourself two shots.

Bai Fu shook her head. When her constitution was in her twenties, she was no longer afraid of ordinary pistols. Now that her constitution had increased to 37, even those large-caliber pistols would be difficult to cause substantial damage to her.

But the problem is that she will carry a pistol with her, and her enemies may not carry a pistol with them, so this set of combat etiquette can only be used when facing specific enemies.

It's better to use your fists. Hitting the head won't work, but hitting other places is different.

She has a move called Fatal Dakun, which can cause heavy damage to most enemies without causing any harm to herself.

If the enemy is wearing armor, elbows, wrists, knees, and ankles are also good targets.

Bai Fu put the book back on the shelf with satisfaction.

After leaving the reference room, she found Xia Shi, and the two of them strolled around the area. They went back to their residence for a meal before noon, and then returned to the four office buildings again.

Bai Fu came here this time to meet with Director Lu Yuelin.

When she entered the director's office accompanied by Xia Shi, Lu Yuelin was reading a report and drinking wolfberry tea.

"Oh, Bai Fu, hahaha, I have heard your name from Xia Shi many times in the past two days, and today we finally met."

Lu Yuelin stood up with a smile.

His hair is slightly gray, and when he smiles, he doesn't look like a director in charge of a secret service organization, but more like an amiable old man.

As friendly as he appears on the outside, his words also give people a feeling of spring breeze.

Bai Fu thought she would be questioned this time, but she didn't expect that Lu Yuelin didn't say a single superfluous word throughout the whole process. Apart from praising her heroic performance in the abandoned cooling plant, he was talking about rewards.

"According to the "Regulations on Anti-Truth Attacks by the Primarchs (Fourth Revised Edition)", individuals or organizations that have made particularly significant contributions to preventing and stopping attacks by the Society of Truth or combating the Truth will be rewarded. The contribution of the cooling plant, a Silver Moon Medal and bonus cannot be ignored. Considering that you have helped us a lot this time, I will personally decide to give you some additional rewards. If you have any requests, I will try my best. To satisfy you, even if you want to join Sisi, it’s not impossible.”

Join the Four?

In this way, you can become one of your own. If you achieve great achievements, you should be able to access the psychic knowledge chain more easily than outsiders.

But there are also many disadvantages to joining the Four Countries. The most important one is that freedom will be restricted.

Bai Fu is not in a hurry to make a decision before she understands the advantages and disadvantages of each force and which one is more suitable for her to participate in the main plot.

Finally, she asked Lu Yuelin if she could borrow the advanced psychic knowledge mastered by the Primarch just in case.

"Although I am the Director of the Fourth Division, I don't dare to guarantee this. I can only try to help you apply. I can give you a thorough explanation here. The possibility of passing is very low, but if you can If you make a greater contribution to the Primarch, the situation will be different."

Sure enough it doesn't work.

Bai Fu could only settle for the next best thing and see if she could get a map of the current world of Zuyuan Star.

"Of course that's no problem."

Lu Yuelin immediately asked his secretary to get the map. Because he felt that the reward was not enough, he forced Bai Fu to give Bai Fu a lot of hospitality coupons and coupons.

"If you want to live in Lynn for a while, these little things should be of great help."

Bai Fu's mouth twitched.

After all, it was the other party's kindness, so she accepted it.

After she left, Lu Yuelin's secretary said: "Lu Chu, are you a little too polite to her? It's not yet certain that she has nothing to do with the truth."

Lu Yuelin took a sip of tea: "There is no doubt that she is guilty. She is now a benefactor everywhere, so she must be treated as a benefactor. What's the point of shouting about beating and killing? And if you really want to get some information from her, , then we should be kinder to her and guard her from the beginning. Do you think she will be guarded against us and not tell the truth? "

The secretary had a cold face and did not answer.

He didn't speak, and neither did Lu Yuelin.

He knew very well that this secretary would not completely listen to him, and would most likely cause some trouble for Bai Fu in private to show his ability.

What can he do? He can only forgive this guy like a father. Who wants to let this guy have someone above him?

Everything is good everywhere, but there are too many related households, which makes it difficult to carry out work.

But Lu Yuelin's mentality was still very calm.

If it is not easy to develop, it will be difficult to develop. At his current age, even if he does well, he will not be promoted, so why work hard?

His current mentality is to get going. When he is at work, he will do what he should do. Whether he can succeed depends on how his subordinates execute it. At other times, he will focus on not being late, not leaving early, not working overtime, and taking the lead in going to the cafeteria at mealtime.


After leaving the four places, Bai Fu went straight back to Xia Shi's residence.

She entered the map given to her by Lu Yuelin into the game's map system, and with the book introducing the origins of the five major forces, she now has a very intuitive understanding of the distribution of the five major forces.

These five major forces are now on the same continent. The gene original body she belongs to is mainly composed of scientists and part of the army funded by a major country before the war. After the war, these people used the shelter where they hid as the starting point to establish the gene original body in the far east of the continent. The goal is to rebuild a new order in the wasteland. After a hundred years of development, the gene original body now has six super-large settlements and dozens of small shelters.

Others such as the Old Republic and the Railway Guild have similar development processes, while the Human Alliance and the Truth Society are relatively special.

The Human Alliance was born out of the once most powerful force, the Old Republic. After the mutant rebellion broke out in the Old Republic, those persecuted humans broke away from the Old Republic and established the Human Alliance.

As for the Truth Society, no one has figured out the origin of the president of the Truth Society. Even within the Truth Society, most people don't know the president's real appearance and name, and usually call him "that adult".

This is very winery.

But unlike the winery, there are not so many undercovers and traitors in the Truth Society.

Otherwise, with the degree of hatred of the Truth Society by other forces, they would have killed to the door of the Truth Society long ago.

Bai Fu memorized all this knowledge in her mind. This information is useless on weekdays, but at a critical moment, it may be used to fool players and make them think she is unfathomable.

Speaking of players, after teaching Anya to read for a while, Bai Fu opened the community. She was going to see what the players of the abandoned cooling plant were doing recently.

When she clicked in, she found a post saying that Digger Ji had taken the car from the abandoned cooling plant to Lin En.

[This wave of treasure hunting is really fierce. In order to buy the ticket, he directly went bankrupt]

[What medicine did Digging Ji take? How did he suddenly become a natural live broadcast body? He can't stop doing this]

[There is no such thing as a natural live broadcast body. This is the benefit of holding the right thigh! ]

[Isn't it also Digging Ji's own wisdom that saw Bai Fu was extraordinary at a glance? ]

One group of players were praising Digging Ji, and another group of players were constantly @Digging Ji.

[Go digging treasure, find Fu Fu quickly, I have to see Fu Fu safe and sound before I can feel relieved]

[Damn, I was a step late. When I arrived, today's tickets were sold out]

[Alas, I don't know if Fu Fu is doing well in Lin En, and whether she has been bullied]

[Don't hide from Digging Treasure, I know you are peeking at the replies and laughing while reading]

Bai Fu nodded secretly. This morning's bus, then with the current road conditions, Digging Ji will arrive in Lin En at noon tomorrow at the latest

A while ago, she sacrificed herself to save the players, said goodbye to the players, and erected a monument for the players, which directly aroused the players' emotions. After these emotions fermented for several days, it is time to give the players an outlet for emotional outburst.

However, she is not satisfied with simply showing up in front of Digging Ji. Her plan is to take this opportunity to continue to enrich her personality in front of the players.

Now her personality in the eyes of the players is "a beautiful, mysterious and caring NPC for the players", which is good, but not enough. She needs to create a second creation on this framework to further bring herself closer to the players and give the players a feeling that "Fu Fu is dazzling, but not out of reach".

"Anya, do you feel a little bored staying here?"

"This... It's okay, a little, but it doesn't matter." Anya hesitated and said.

Bai Fu called her in front of her: "It's rare to go on a long trip. I'll take you out for a walk tomorrow. By the way, you..."

She told Anya something, and Anya nodded repeatedly to show that she remembered it.

Now her admiration for Bai Fu has reached the maximum. If Bai Fu says to go east, she will never go west.

After a night's rest, Bai Fu found that Digging Ji was live streaming the next morning.

She sat by the window, commenting on the scenery outside the window from time to time, until half an hour later, the car finally drove into Lynn Station.

When her feet stepped on the ground, Digging Ji had a sense of illusion in a trance.

Did she really arrive in Lynn? Could she really find Fu Fu? Is there a possibility that when she arrived in Lynn, Fu Fu left Lynn again?

She quickly suppressed this uneasiness.

She was the one who dared to watch the old corpse in the mountain village alone in the middle of the night with the sound on. What was there to be afraid of at this time? Just find it and it's done!

Digging Ji cleared his throat and smiled at the camera.

"Arrived in Lynn, the settlement closest to the abandoned cooling plant. It's so beautiful, my family!"

The barrage flew by quickly.

[Oh my god, this Syrian-style city is full of wasteland]

[This game is really exaggerated. Not only is the map huge, but there is no need to load when moving quickly]

[Treasure hunting, treasure hunting, don't waste time at the station, let's go see Fu Fu in the distance]

"Okay, okay, don't worry, I'll go find Fu Fu now."

Digging Ji officially embarked on the journey.

On the way here, she had already prepared to search for several days in a row, but the pain of searching was beyond her expectations.

"Bai Fu? I haven't heard of it."

"A beautiful girl with white hair. There are so many people with white hair these days. Red, orange, and green hair can be seen everywhere."

After returning empty-handed and finding the wrong person again and again, Digging Ji felt that she was about to go numb.

[Digging treasure, what are you doing, digging treasure]

[As long as you don't stop, the road will continue to extend, so, digging treasure, don't stop! ]

[Digging treasure, do you want all your previous efforts to go to waste? ]

Looking at the passing barrage, Digging Ji hurriedly explained: "It's impossible to give up, I can't give up in this life, I'm just a little thirsty now, damn, this game is too real, I have to find a way to earn some credit coins, otherwise I feel I will die before I find Fu Fu."

But where can I find tasks that can make money?

Digging Ji held her stomach and walked aimlessly through the streets and alleys.

She didn't know how long it had been. When the sun set in the west and the moon was high in the sky, she came to an intersection. There was an orange light across the intersection, and two people stood under the light.

One tall, one short, one big, one small, both had beautiful long white hair. Under the orange light, their faces were extremely blurry.

But at this moment, Digging Ji's sight penetrated the blur and firmly reflected their facial features in his eyes.

Bai Fu, Anya.

Digging Ji was stunned.

She could never have thought that they would meet again in this way.

This carelessness was like the first time she met Bai Fu, and also like when she found the monument that Bai Fu had erected.

At this moment, Digging Ji's heart was overwhelmed, and the bullet screen in the live broadcast room also exploded.

【! ! ! 】

PS: Although I said I would finish writing early, it's still a little late, but fortunately, the two updates were written as scheduled, please read them.

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