Who made her an NPC!

Chapter 49: Birth, I have remembered you! [Three-in-one please read]

While Sichu was urgently deciphering the data obtained from the dark web base, Bai Fu walked leisurely from the window of the hotel sponsored by Digging Ji and others.

This was her signal to the players.

She believed that the wave of noise just now must have attracted the attention of the assassins and spies hiding in the dark. If nothing unexpected happened, the new assassins were now staring at her in the dark. As long as she showed a little flaw, those assassins would jump out and send her to death.

Of course, all this was Bai Fu's guess. She couldn't determine whether those assassins really dared to act when Sichu had already blocked Lin En.

Not all assassins would find a way to complete the task as long as they accepted it like the Makarov family, even if the price of completing the task was to sacrifice themselves. Most assassins acted in a way that they would run away when they saw that the situation was not good.

Being an assassin is to make money. If you lose your life, the money is useless.

After confirming that the players in the hotel had noticed her, Bai Fu returned to Xia Shi's residence under the cover of Xia Shi and others.

The next step was to wait.

She chatted with Xia Shi casually, mainly wanting to get to know Xia Shi in depth.

From the conversation, Bai Fu learned that Xia Shi grew up in a single-parent family. Her father was an old leader of the Genetic Primarch Technology Bureau and a second-generation official.

But Xia Shi and her father had a very unhappy choice of work after graduation. Her father wanted her to follow in his footsteps and join the Technology Bureau, but she joined the Intelligence Bureau despite her dissuasion because of her hatred for the Truth Society.

In her own words, it was-

"I haven't said a word to that old stubborn for two months."

Bai Fu nodded secretly.

On the surface, Xia Shi is the kind of life winner who is talented and has an extraordinary family background, but considering that she is very likely to be an important plot character or even the protagonist in the main plot of Zuyuanxing, she is likely to have a big thing next.

This type of game rarely sets up a protagonist who is a dragon from the beginning to the end, because in this way, the player has no sense of participation. The player comes to the game to seek happiness, not to be a coolie, and after being a coolie, he will be scolded by others "Why are you still there?"

When Xia Shi fell asleep in a daze, Bai Fu officially took action.

She secretly climbed out of the house, bypassed the guards who had already determined the location, and went straight to the hotel.

Twenty minutes later.

Patrick, Guiyiwofu, Jianqi Chongtian and others left the hotel one after another.

After they were in their positions, Digger Ji, who had already dressed up as Bai Fu, also walked out of the hotel.

Digger Ji: [I have left the hotel and feel good]

Patrick: [Digger, this time it all depends on your performance! ]

Calamity Dragon: [Digger, don't worry, I've been watching upstairs, I will notify you as soon as someone comes]

Jianqi Chongtian: [Remember to look around at every intersection and act as if you are observing whether someone is following you]

Digger Ji: [Well, I have rehearsed in front of the mirror many times just now! ]

She took a deep breath and moved forward slowly along the wall.

The streets were empty at night, and the atmosphere was terrifying, but Digger Ji was not afraid at all, because she was playing "Good Days" on repeat!

When she was surfing the Internet before, she heard people say that the horror effect would drop sharply after changing the startling soundtrack of horror movies to festive soundtracks, and now it seems to be true.

With the background of "Hey ~ Today is a good day, everything you want can come true", she felt that the fierce wild dogs that suddenly rushed over on the roadside were handsome.

"I will also play Good Days when I participate in the battle in the future, so I won't be so nervous, right?"

Digger Ji gave up this idea.

While killing people, blood splattered and broken limbs flew, she played "Good Days". Those who didn't know would think she was playing some insole game. Maybe her live broadcast room would be reported and closed.

Just as Digger Ji was slowly rushing to the battlefield, Li Cheng was reading leisurely at home.

"Beep, beep, beep, beep."

Suddenly, three "short, long, short" knocks came from the intercom on the round table next to him.

The code was correct.

Li Cheng put down the book in his hand and picked up the intercom.

"What's the matter? Long story short?"

The killer on the other end of the intercom said anxiously: "Bai Fu slipped out of her residence alone. We followed her all the way. She stopped outside an abandoned hospital and now seems to be talking to some intercom."


Li Cheng sat up straight.

He knew that Bai Fu was not simple. It was impossible for her to be a village girl who was lucky enough to suddenly awaken superpowers.

"Approach quietly and try to understand what she is saying."

"What if we are discovered?"

Li Cheng tapped the table with his index finger and thought for a while with his eyes closed: "If we can capture her alive, we will capture her alive. If we can't capture her alive, we will kill her on the spot!"

According to his original plan, he wanted to play with Bai Fu and Si Chuan for a while before taking action, so as to better attract the attention of the Intelligence Bureau, but now there is no need for that. The fact that Bai Fu ran out in the middle of the night and was killed or captured was enough to make the Intelligence Bureau confused for a while.

"It would be best if we could capture her alive."

Li Cheng narrowed his eyes. He couldn't wait to let Bai Fu see the way Zhenli would torture people.


As professionals, after receiving the order, several killers moved quickly.

They acted very carefully and even used special abilities, but they never imagined that there was a player on the top of the building not far from them who had been using the game's built-in video recording function for surveillance.

Do you know what a telephoto lens that can even see pores is called?

[Come, come, there are four of us in total! 】

The Scourge Dragon shouted in the team channel.

All the players tensed up, and the five players from Tieyu Guild were the most excited among them.

The sword energy surged into the sky and he immediately switched to the guild channel: [Old dog, get ready! 】

The nickname of the player called Lao Gou is Kobold, and he is the veteran of Tie Yu Guild: [Don’t worry, with our strength and cooperation, if we really take it seriously, it’s easy to increase the favorability of a Madonna character like Bai Fu. ! 】

With sword energy rising to the sky, he pressed his hand on the gun at his waist. He had been waiting for this moment for too long. When he was crouching in the sewer just now, he had been feeling very anxious, fearing that the person hiding in the dark and staring at Bai Fu would not come out. Squatting in vain again tonight.

Even though he usually behaves very confidently in front of others, he is actually under a lot of pressure.

He is the president of the guild, but the guild is not his sole authority. The reason why others unanimously support his decision to defect to the Truth Society is because they believe in him, and he must live up to this trust.

If the development of the guild is not as fast as expected because of his decision, even if others don't blame him, the sponsor will have opinions.

Fortunately, his expectations were not fulfilled, and the four bastards hiding in the dark were really seduced out.

Now he is only two steps away from success.

The first step is to take this opportunity to increase Bai Fu's favorability.

The second step is to find the Truth Society.

As for extracting Bai Fu's information, Jian Qi Dingtian didn't regard this as a problem at all.

Just like what the kobold said, Bai Fu can sacrifice herself for the safety of the abandoned cooling plant regardless of the heavy past she carries. She is undoubtedly a Virgin (praise) character. After gaining the Virgin character's trust, she has to extort If the information on the character of the Holy Mother is still difficult, then it cannot be compared to Baifu’s character of the Holy Mother.

Jianqi stared at the game screen and the investigation results shared by the Dragon of Disaster. Now he was just waiting for the four killers to take action first, that is when they took the lead.

Digging Ji asked in the team channel: [Hey, hey, hey, if they come to fight later, should I run directly, or should I stand and let them fight? 】

Pai Daxing: [If you run away, the other party may notice something abnormal. Try to find ways to delay it for as long as possible. When Fufu receives the news and arrives, everything will be settled.]

Just as Dig Ji wanted to recover, an unusual coldness suddenly clung to the back of her neck like ice.

She felt a tingle in her heart, and in the blink of an eye, not only her back, but her vision was also swallowed up by darkness, and all the lights around her disappeared.

[You are eroded by darkness, the judgment is in progress, the judgment fails, your vision is -100%]

[You are haunted by shadows]

Two prompts sounded in succession.

Dig Ji realized the problem, but it was too late. A sharp object touched her lower back, and a soft female voice came from her ears.

"Little sister, you'd better not move around, otherwise my sister's dagger may pierce your kidney."

It took a lot of effort for Dig Ji to keep her body from shaking. She quickly asked in the team channel: [What is going on, I didn't even see clearly]

The Dragon of Natural Disaster frowned: [I saw that woman melt and turn into a shadow. When she comes out again, she will be behind you. What a powerful skill! 】

The opponent has superpowers, so it's not easy to deal with now.

But this did not deter the players present. Just kidding, she even showed her health bar!

[Notify Fufu, try to trick her first when digging for treasure, we are coming]


Everyone took action. Bai Fu, who had been hiding in the hotel, also received a reminder from the player who was following her as a communications soldier.

"Does the killer this time actually have superpowers? No wonder the mission reward is very high."

Bai Fu felt her blood boiling.

It's good to be strong. If you're strong, you'll get a higher reward if you kill them.

She opened the door. The hotel was several streets away from the abandoned hospital where Dig Ji was located, but this distance was nothing to her now.

After unlocking the [Gunner] profession and raising it to level 5, her attributes became——

[Attributes]: Strength 11, Agility 12, Constitution 47, Intelligence 5, Spirit 19, Inspiration 23

She also unlocks two new skills.

[Low-level shooting specialization]: shooting accuracy correction +10%

[Precision Shooting Lv3]: Shooting accuracy correction +6%, long-range attack critical hit rate +3%

Although 12 points of agility is not as good as ordinary elite agents and elite killers, it is more than enough for traveling in the city.

Although the shooting accuracy correction brought by the two new skills is only 16%, it is enough to allow her to evolve from a human body tracing master to a high probability of hitting the target at a distance of twenty or thirty meters.

"Let's go!"

Bai Fu rushed into the night.

On the other side, Digji Ji, who was held up by a knife, tried to ask about the origin of the killer behind her, but the female killer ignored her at all. Instead, she took out the handcuffs and prepared to cuff her hands.

Then there is nothing we can do.

Dig Ji suddenly raised his right foot and stepped heavily on the female killer's foot.

The female killer seemed to have expected this scene to happen. She moved her feet 10 centimeters to the right, just enough to avoid Digger's step.

"Little sister is a little dishonest. In that case, I can only teach you a lesson."

She stabbed Digger Ji in the back with a knife. The knife was placed very carefully, which could cause severe pain to people without causing death from excessive blood loss.

But what the female killer didn't expect was that Digger Ji, who was stabbed by her, actually broke free from her restraints as if nothing had happened.

Turn around, draw the gun, shoot, all in one go.

Unexpectedly, I didn't turn on the pain!

The female killer's neck tilted, and she dodged quickly, but the sudden burning pain in her neck still kept stimulating her nerves.

"You are looking for death!"

She pretended to stab Digger Ji to death with a knife.

The other three killers hiding in the dark quickly stood up: "Calm down, the employer wants to catch you alive."

"How can you make me cold..."

The female killer had only said half of her words when several gunshots in the dark made her calm down.

"There's an ambush!"

The four killers' faces changed drastically. They quickly dispersed and confirmed that the person who attacked them secretly was not very good at shooting. They secretly breathed a sigh of relief, but they still underestimated their opponents this time.

Although the individual strength of the players was crushed by them, the players not only had the advantage in numbers, but also had the disaster dragon hiding in the high place to report the location.

What would be the result of four masters fighting against a dozen rookies who had opened the full map vision and were not afraid of death at all?

"Why did the bullet come out from such a place?"

"How did they find me?"

"How many of them are there?"

"Fuck, I got shot in the ass!"

The four killers who had no vision in the dark night became more and more frightened. The opponent didn't say a word, but just shot coldly. For a moment, they had the illusion that they were good citizens and the opponent was the real killer.

The female killer gritted her teeth and stared at the fallen excavator. Perhaps only by controlling the bait "Bai Fu" could they get away smoothly.

"I'll suppress their firepower, and you guys are responsible for hijacking that woman."

Her body turned into a shadow and disappeared on the spot. The remaining three killers didn't care about anything else. They began to move around to avoid bullets and gradually approached Digging Ji.

After a period of chaos, one of the killers rolled in front of Digging Ji. He pointed his gun at Digging Ji's forehead and shouted, "Stop it, or I'll kill her now!"

He was responded by more intensive gunfire.

Bang, bang, bang!

The bullets rained down like raindrops, hitting Digging Ji and the killer.

The killer's eyes were wide open until he fell to the ground. He couldn't understand why these people hiding in the dark killed Bai Fu together. Could it be that they were not in the same group?

The female killer who had just used her superpowers to get rid of a player was also dumbfounded when she saw this scene.

What's the point of fighting against such a group of lunatics!

She just wanted to run away now.

But just as she was about to take action, a sword rushed out from the side.

The Iron Rain Guild used this as a stage to perform, and they were now completely desperate!

So what if the opponent was strong? Even if they could only delay for a few seconds before being killed, as long as they could delay until Bai Fu arrived, all their sacrifices would be worth it.

For Bai Fu's favorability, charge!

A player from the Iron Rain Guild rushed out, two players from the Iron Rain Guild rushed out, three...

They rushed and shouted.

"If you dare to assassinate Fu Fu, I will send you to hell now!"

"Die, die, die, everyone who dares to oppose Fu Fu will die!"

"Fuck, you dare to target Fu Fu."

The female killer was numb. Seeing this scene, she thought she had accidentally entered a fanatical fan meeting of an idol.

No, since you respect Bai Fu so much, why did you just shoot her to death?

Patrick and others were also stunned.

Damn, it turns out that Tieyu Guild is also a fanatical supporter of Fufu. This is really unexpected. Fufu couldn't help but think whether his support for Baifu was not enough. After all, he didn't rush out to stop the three killers like the people from Tieyu Guild.

The female killer stabbed the heart of the closest player with a knife. She was about to deal with the next player, but was surprised to find that the player whose heart was stabbed was holding her feet tightly.

He didn't die?

"Get out of here!"

She kicked the player on the ground away, and then turned into a shadow and appeared behind Jianqi Chongtian.

Sensing the danger, Jianqi Chongtian raised his breath and burst, and slammed his elbow into the female killer's lower abdomen. This move came so fast that the female killer had to block it with her right hand.

"Hit... No!"

Before Jianqi Chongtian could be happy, he saw the female killer transformed into multiple phantoms. When the phantom moved, a knife passed through his chest firmly, bringing a large amount of blood.

Damn, so strong, there is no way to beat it.

Jian Qi Chongtian was not discouraged, but his voice became louder.

"Since you are here today, as long as I am still alive, you will never think of escaping. I will not give you the chance to continue to harm Bai Fu!"

"Just you?"

The female killer sneered.

The next second, a bullet suddenly shot out of the darkness and hit her left arm accurately.


The female killer groaned, trying to see who was plotting against her. When she finally saw the appearance of the person who came out of the darkness, her heart sank suddenly.

It was Bai Fu!

This means that they really fell into a trap tonight!

Without saying a word, Bai Fu just ejaculated at the female killer, who spat.

It's impossible to kill someone tonight, but if she wants to escape, no one here can stop her!

She turned into a shadow again, and what was different from before was that this time she ran straight to the top of the building.

"Humph, want to escape?"

Bai Fu didn't take it seriously.

This female killer's superpower is indeed very powerful, but she made a mistake, that is, she should never go to the sky.

The moment the female killer reached the top of the building, Bai Fu used battle etiquette on her.

This time Bai Fu didn't make any unnecessary movements, she just stood quietly like that. She stood very firmly, but the soles of the female killer's feet were empty.


The female killer fell straight down from the roof of a building more than 30 meters high. The moment she landed, Bai Fu shot her six times in the head, beating her face to a bloody pulp, and she was so dead that she could no longer die.

[You killed the Shadow Snake, with a contribution of 94.2%. After correction based on the level difference, you gained 6594 experience points]

Bai Fu looked at Pai Daxing, Jian Qi Chongtian and others.

To be honest, she was a little surprised. She didn't expect that the president of a big guild was her fanboy, and he still performed so hard in the battle. It seemed that her charm was not great.

She nodded and quickly rushed towards the other killers.

Pai Daxing, Jian Qi Chongtian and others who were watching this scene opened their mouths involuntarily.

When did Bai Fu become so powerful?

By the way, it's an injury. The injuries on his body must have improved a bit, so his strength has also recovered a bit!

The sword energy was so high that he was in a good mood at this time.

Tonight's performance has fully improved Bai Fu's favorability, and most of his plan has been completed.


At this moment, Jian Qi skyrocketed in his mind that he had gained a lot of Bai Fu's favorability points by relying on his actions tonight, and then he used insinuations to get a lot of information about Bai Fu from Anya's mouth. Then he took this information to join the Truth Society and was taken over by the Truth Society. With this magical operation, Tieyu Guild came from behind and became the number one guild among the stars, and it also made itself famous in the history of online games.

In the following time, Bai Fu cooperated with the surviving players to kill another killer. She deliberately chased the remaining killer, but let him escape.

Of course, just because she doesn't chase him doesn't mean that she doesn't let players secretly follow him.

"Fuck, fuck, where did this pervert Bai Fu come from?"

The surviving killer was sweating profusely on his forehead. He was shot in the butt. Fortunately, he was shot once and kept hiding. Finally, he managed to escape from the encirclement.

Now he doesn't want to continue the mission at all.

"I have important information and must tell you face to face."

After contacting Li Cheng on the walkie-talkie, the surviving killer jumped all the way forward. It took more than 20 minutes before he saw Li Cheng.

"What's the matter? Don't you know this is a special period?"

"See for yourself!"

The surviving killer transferred the footage captured by the terminal to Li Cheng.

The more Li Cheng looked at it, the uglier he became, especially after seeing the speech of the kobold from the Iron Rain Guild.

At that time, another killer asked the kobold: "Aren't you afraid of retaliation for protecting Bai Fu like this?"

The kobold seemed to have heard the funniest joke in the world, holding his stomach and laughing loudly: "Revenge? Is it just you, or the trash behind you? I have provoked Fufu, you must have some sense and surrender now, otherwise there will be no consequences for heaven and earth. No one can save you!"


This was the first time Li Cheng saw such a crazy person.

Okay, okay, I remember your face when you were born. If I catch you in the future, I will make sure you live and die!

Li Cheng turned off the terminal and suddenly said to the killer in front of him: "Go kill that person outside."

"Outside?" The killer was stunned.

Li Cheng scolded: "Idiot, he has been following you for a long time, haven't you noticed yet?"

The killer twitched his eyes.

Was he being followed?

"I'll go right away!"

PS: It’s a big chapter of 6,000 words, please read it.

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