Who made her an NPC!

Chapter 5: There has never been such a wonderful start

The explosion of bullet comments in the live broadcast room was completely within Bai Fu's expectations.

Such a handsome appearance, plus she deliberately gave herself a white hair buff, if this still can't attract the players' souls, then she might as well find a piece of tofu to kill herself.

But how much popularity can be accumulated will have to wait and see.

Bai Fu opened the game panel.

After killing the strong man, she gained 150 experience points, just enough to level up.

[[Unemployed vagrant] upgraded to Lv3, strength +1, constitution +1, attribute point +1]

Bai Fu's attributes have changed slightly.

[Template]: Normal

[Experience]: 71

[Main Occupation]: Vagrant Lv3 (0/1000)

[Secondary Occupation]: None

[Health]: 60/60

[Attributes]: Strength 5, Agility 3, Constitution 6, Intelligence 3, Spirit 4, Inspiration 3

[Skills]: None

[Talent]: None

[Attribute Points]: 1

[Reputation]: 1

Bai Fu added free attribute points to Constitution. 7 points of Constitution increased her health bar to twice that of ordinary soldiers. She can be called an elite monster.

The bad news is that the upper limit of the blank profession of Vagrant is Lv5. In order to continue to improve her strength, she urgently needs to learn a new profession.

The good news is that the game has no hard limit on the upper limit of the number of professions, so she can learn a new profession at will.

This is the difference between "Above the Stars" and other games. Players can use experience to unlock new main profession slots and learn more professions.

But generally speaking, it is not recommended to learn too many professions at the same time. People have their limits. Even if a saint is practicing many professions at the same time, he will not be able to keep up with the progress of the main force of players due to lack of experience, and thus miss many major events.

In the early stage, it is better to specialize in a certain profession, brush out advanced skills and talents, and then consider the combination of professions.

Bai Fu has already planned her future upgrade direction.

The so-called mixed learning is a knowledge of lying down and gaining points.

In terms of adding points, the main strength is physical and the secondary is agility. If you can't beat one, just use the big move to escape.

She has considered the main profession for the longest time. "Above the Stars" currently has four schools, namely technology flow, physical cultivation flow, psychic flow, and spiritual flow, and each school contains a large number of main professions.

The Zuyuan Star where she is located is a novice planet with the theme of "wasteland", and can only learn some main professions of technology flow, physical cultivation flow, and psychic flow.

At this stage, Bai Fu prefers the latter two.

It's not that the technology department is not strong enough, but that the latter two are more cost-effective.

First learn a tank profession, or a support profession that can buff yourself to increase your survival rate.

As for the future, it depends on how much gold the players can help her get from the planner after her popularity rises.

After closing the game panel, Bai Fu opened the abandoned cooling plant section of Xingyou Club again.

As soon as she entered, she saw the players going crazy.

[White-haired big sister, hurry up and use the ultimate boots to insult me! ]

[Foot control pervert, die! ]

[She actually took a sneak shot? Where is the morality, where is the bottom line, where is her home address? ]

[I've been waiting for a long time, where is Galio, why hasn't he reached level 6 yet?]

As she was watching, a link popped up in front of her.

[The next door comprehensive version has posted a voting post for female NPCs, everyone go and vote! Click ↑]

[Alpaca, it's a phishing website, this is the real link: ***]

Bai Fu's mouth twitched.

She didn't click on the link, but opened the comprehensive version herself.

The cause of the incident was this: not long ago, a player from an abandoned cooling plant posted Bai Fu's video to the general section, saying that this was the best-looking female NPC in "Above the Stars", and if you don't agree, come and argue.

This trick immediately attracted a bunch of videos and photos.

Later, some players collected these videos and photos and opened a separate voting post -

"The First Most Popular Female NPC Contest Above the Stars"

Once the post was posted, it immediately attracted the attention of countless players.

They started a cyber battle in the post on the spot.

[I can only say that cuteness is worthless in front of sexiness]

[Impossible, my wife Mary Rose is invincible! ]

[I laughed, Tifa is the sky]

[You don't understand how beautiful a rich woman can be]

[Why don't you add the huge mecha in the promotional video as an option? What makes you say that her gender is not female? ]

[I choose the mecha girl, she is the one that everyone expects! ]

When Bai Fu clicked in, the battle was still going on fiercely.

There were 43 contestants in total. After more than an hour of competition, the first and second places were fixed.

The giant mecha that appeared in the promotional video was far ahead on the list, showing a desperate and terrifying dominance.

Behind it was the NPC that was resurrected by the players in the internal test.

As for the third place, it kept changing.

Bai Fu scrolled down and found herself at the 15th place.

[The Mysterious Girl with No Martial Ethics X]

“There are quite a lot of masters.”

This ranking is very good, because the ones ahead of her either appeared in the game PV or had accumulated some popularity in the internal test.

A pure passerby like her would not have even been qualified to participate.

But with a wave of performances, she forced her way into the upper half of the list!

Bai Fu nodded gently.

What a pity. If her special effects when she appeared were more handsome, her ranking would definitely rise.

She refreshed the post casually, and then something magical happened. Her votes increased by 108 votes in one breath, from 15th to 14th.


Bai Fu thought she was dazzled and quickly refreshed the post.

It turned out that she was not wrong, because her votes increased by more than 30.


Her votes just now were still increasing by one or two votes. Could it be that someone voted wrongly and voted on her head?

Bai Fu flipped through the post and finally figured out the situation.

It turned out that Digger Ji flashed into the field and used his ultimate.

Digger Ji was originally voting silently. After seeing a player evaluate Bai Fu with "What's the use of being pretty, she will disappear soon", she immediately became popular.

You are not allowed to insult my favorite mysterious girl X!

Digger Ji used the skill [Over-interpretation].

[I dare to guarantee that the mysterious girl X must be a very important plot NPC! 】

It is clear that Bai Fu only appeared for a few minutes and had only a few lines, but she wrote a 2,000-word essay to show that Bai Fu is not an ordinary person.

[In my opinion, she is most likely an undercover sent by a certain organization to the Wildfire Gang. As for whether she is related to the main line, this remains to be verified later. 】

Players who don't know Digging Ji were shocked after reading the post.

Especially those players who were tortured by the thesis and had bald heads almost knelt down to her.

How can you write so well?

Players who know Digging Ji directly sang badly.

[Everyone, go away, Digging Ji is sick again]

[Digging Ji may guess right, but Digging Ji is unlikely to guess right]

Faced with doubts, Digging Ji was very calm.

It doesn't matter.

A storm can't knock down a fallen tree!

[If you don't believe it, let's wait and see]

If she guesses wrong, she will continue to play dead. If she guesses right, she will jump out!

The effect of Digging Ji's [over-interpretation] was outstanding, and Bai Fula directly attracted a lot of attention.

Some players really loved it.

Some players just came for fun.

But no matter what the purpose was, they all voted for Bai Fu.

You vote, I vote, Bai Fu ascended on the spot.

15, 14, 12!

[Tenth place, damn, in the top ten! ]

[Damn it, why don't you vote, vote, vote for me! ]

Other NPC supporters panicked when they saw this scene.

Referee, someone is cheating!

They didn't care about so much, and hurried to ask for external support.

No one expected that this voting activity, which was not very popular, would become the most popular activity since the server was launched.

[Sixth place, everyone, lend your vitality to my wife! ]

[The power of unity, please use your roar to destroy all obstacles! ]

In just 20 minutes, Bai Fu killed from 15th to 7th!

But this is not her limit.

30 minutes, 6th!

47 minutes, 5th!

On the way to the 4th place, she encountered a strong block.

But what does it matter?

[We unite! ]

After a tug-of-war that lasted for half an hour, Bai Fu exhausted her opponent's votes and secured the 4th place before the voting time was over.

Yes, 4th!

This is not 4th among four people taking the exam, but 4th among 43 people!

If the voting time had not been up, Bai Fu felt that she might even surpass the big sister who played the piano in cool clothes.

Qin Nu zoomed in close to her face and built a wall of sighs with the support of lsp, but the sword of the fun man was not bad either!

Seeing the final result, all the players who supported Bai Fu cheered.

[We are the champions! ]

[Fuck! Awesome! ]

Of course, some players were dissatisfied and argued endlessly about the ownership of the third and fourth places.

[Beat, it's only the fourth place, far from the third place]

[What happened to the mysterious girl X? ]


[You are not broken, are you? ]


The two sides argued for a long time but could not decide who was better, and finally agreed to fight in the second competition.

[Sophia is the best! ]

[Bullshit, the mysterious girl X is the best! ]

This wave of arguments unexpectedly brought a lot of attention to Bai Fu.

Bai Fu: "6."

Digging Ji is really a woman with amazing wisdom.

She didn't expect that her appearance could be so popular, and she could only say that she had never had such a wonderful start.

But she also knew that such popularity was very false.

Fun people come and go.

She is now equivalent to getting fourth place in the kindergarten class. As the game plot progresses, she will meet more masters.

In the 1.0 version [Dark Star Momentum] alone, "Above the Stars" has opened many novice planets with different themes for players to choose freely.

These novice planets all have their own main plots, and there are many exciting side plots hidden outside the main plots. Just imagine how many popular NPCs will be born in these plots?

Not only that, the number of habitable planets controlled by cosmic forces such as "Reborn Empire", "Supernova Wars", and "Titan Industries" that appear on the game's official website introduction page is countless. How many heroes can be born on so many planets?

Countless, simply countless!

Bai Fu's heart was made up.

Damn it, I'm going to fight them!

She just didn't believe she couldn't get up.

Next, let's improve her strength while consolidating her skyrocketing popularity.

Bai Fu thought of the post of Digging Ji.


A good way to clean up.

To express her gratitude to Digging Ji, I copied it!

While thinking, Bai Fu had already arrived near her home.

She raised her head and saw a person standing under the mottled sign of "Ling Quchang" on the side of the road under the outline of the setting sun.

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