Who made her an NPC!

Chapter 51 Saint Fu Huang, let you win until your hands are soft [two in one, please read it later]

Under Jianqi Chongtian's arrangement, members of the Tieyu Guild began to search for traces of the Truth Society in various places on Zuyuan Star.

At this time, other players did not know what they were up to. In the community, Jianqi Chongtian, Kobold and others had become the envy of almost all players, just like Digging Ji and others.

Digging Ji was not bad, because Bai Fu, the super powerful NPC, was discovered by her. When she first posted a post in the community to praise Bai Fu, there were a group of people who laughed at her.

But she was not defeated by those ridicules. Instead, she firmly bet on Bai Fu and made new judgments about Bai Fu's identity again and again. The amazing thing is that every time she made a judgment, she was right.

Now many players in the community jokingly call Digging Ji the planner who created the character of Bai Fu. Occasionally, Digging Ji will receive some weird @messages.

[Fubao Fubao, can you change Fubao's setting and make her a black silk leather shoe lover]

[Bullshit, white silk is invincible]

[Compromise, one foot black silk, one foot white silk, isn't it good]

Digging Ji has always sneered at such news.

What silk or not, she likes the kind of combat uniform that looks like a tight rubber suit!

In short, Digging Ji followed Bai Fu and drank soup in big mouthfuls. Other players envied her, but it was hard to be jealous, after all, ordinary people didn't have such outrageous judgment as her.

But the situation of Jianqi Chongtian and the dog-headed man was different.

Jianqi Chongtian and others were born in the abandoned cooling plant after the insect tide incident. Their game progress was originally nearly a month slower than ordinary players, but because they collected enough tickets, they got the opportunity to ride with Patrick and others to Lynn.

Relying on this operation, Jianqi Chongtian and others surpassed many players who entered the game earlier than them in a very short time and unlocked advanced professions.

This made many players' eyes red.

Damn, if they can buy that ticket, can they also replace Jianqi Chongtian and others?

When Digging Ji posted what happened in the evening to the community, a group of players started to complain crazily.

[I was just a few minutes away from buying that ticket, I'm going to faint from anger]

[Fufu personally led the upgrade, ah ah ah, I don't know if there will be such treatment in the future]

[I'm crying, fortunately the abandoned cooling plant has added several trains recently, otherwise I still can't buy a ticket]

These posts are also mixed with some comments from players from other guilds.

These players have no good intentions. Most of them are in a competitive relationship with the Tieyu Guild. Seeing the Tieyu Guild develop rapidly by relying on Bai Fu's thighs is as uncomfortable as being bullied by others.

Therefore, they kept replying to the posts, instigating other players to go to Lin En quickly.

When the number of players around Bai Fu increases, the Tieyu Guild will get less benefits even if Bai Fu trusts it.

[Trust in Fumen, gain eternal life, Saint Fuhuang, let you win until your hands are soft! ]

[You must hurry up, if you delay for a while, Fufu might leave Lin En and go to other places. Fufu is different from other plot NPCs, she will not stay in one place for a long time]

[Indeed, if you don't rush now, if Fufu finds a way to leave Zuyuan Star, it will be difficult to see her again in a short time]

[Brothers, I'm not trying to scare you, Fufu is in a low point now, helping her is like sending charcoal in the snow, and waiting for her to recover before you want to help her, the effect will be different]

[I have summarized the routes from other novice villages to Lin En, you can take a look if you need it]

Under the instigation of other guild players, it seemed that Fumen members were everywhere in the community for a while.

[You Fumen people are pretty good]

It can only be said that the current players are as cunning as Abe-san.

Some stupid players would even pretend to be dead when playing SLG games. When both their own people and the enemy camp were relaxed, they would suddenly show up and lead their own people to attack the enemy camp.

Jianqi Chongtian is not a fool. How could he not understand what tricks those familiar accounts were playing?

But it doesn't matter.

He didn't put his money on Bai Fu at all.

[They must be very proud now, but when they know that our ultimate goal is to join the Truth Society, they may not be able to laugh.]

The other core members of the Tieyu Guild are now full of admiration for Jianqi Chongtian.

With a dragon like Jian Ge in the Tieyu Guild, there is nothing to worry about!

Jianqi Chongtian smiled and closed the game community. Time is running out. Now he has to hurry up to get some information from Bai Fu's sister Anya.

Perhaps for safety reasons, Bai Fu will send Anya to the hotel where Digging Ji lives in the next two days.

After what happened last night, Anya's attitude towards him was obviously much better. She no longer used some tasks with pitifully low rewards to order him to do this and that like before.

Jianqi Chongtian felt that this was the perfect opportunity he had been waiting for. In order to achieve his goal as soon as possible, he completely lost face and called Anya "Sister Anya". He also handed her Wasteland Coke and cakes from time to time, making Anya laugh.

Digging Ji, Dragon of Natural Disaster, and Conversion to My Fu: "..."

Damn, you are really thick-skinned to recognize a little girl as your sister!

Complaining in his heart, Digging Ji and the others did not stop him.

Jianqi Chongtian was happy to do this, so what could they say? They also expected Jianqi Chongtian to get some interesting information from Anya.

So far, they still knew too little about Bai Fu, and all the information was ambiguous. If they could get accurate information, who would be willing to guess?

Hard work pays off. After praising Anya and Bai Fu like they were the only ones in the world, Jianqi Chongtian finally succeeded in opening Anya's mouth.

"That female killer last night was so powerful. I didn't even see clearly what happened before she disappeared from my sight. It's a pity that she shouldn't have targeted you two, Sister Bai Fu and Sister Anya. No matter how capable she was, she fell down after being glared at by Sister Bai Fu!"

"Hehe, that's the boss!" Anya happily drank a mouthful of Wasteland Coke, and her little tail was almost up to the sky with pride. "I tell you, let alone the boss, even the old me could easily beat her!"

Jianqi Chongtian's eyes lit up, and he quickly poured another cup of Coke for Anya: "You are worthy of being Sister Anya! Does Sister Anya have old injuries like Sister Bai Fu?"

Anya waved her hand: "No, I have special medical superpowers. This ability can not only save people, but also strengthen myself, but later my ability was sealed."

Jianqi Chongtian's eyes lit up, and he nodded his head repeatedly. OK, new information is obtained. The next step is to slowly lead the topic to Bai Fu.

"Hiss——" Jian Qi Chong Tian deliberately took a breath of cold air, "So if Sister Anya's ability was not sealed, wouldn't it be possible to help Sister Bai Fu heal her hidden injuries? The person who sealed your ability is really a jerk!"

An Ya seemed to have found agreement: "That's right, if my ability was not sealed, the boss would not be injured, and now there would be no need to take me around here to find a way to help me unseal it."

As she spoke, she stomped her feet viciously.

Jian Qi Chong Tian's pupils shrank suddenly when he heard this.

I understand.

He completely understood!

Before, they all thought that Bai Fu secretly investigated the Truth Society in the abandoned cooling plant in order to find a way to leave Zuyuan Star, but now it seems that her main purpose is actually to find a way to help Anya unseal it.

This is heavyweight intelligence. If he tells this to the Truth Society, he will definitely be rewarded.

But this is not enough. He has to find a way to further figure out what Bai Fu wants. It would be even better if Anya could accidentally reveal Bai Fu's true identity.

Jianqi Chongtian was confident about this. He had found a trick to deal with Anya. As a child, he liked to hear others brag about himself. Once Anya was boasted to be too proud, he didn't need to ask Anya actively, and she would pour out a lot of information like pouring beans.

It can only be said that Bai Fu was smart all her life, but confused for a moment. She didn't cover Anya's mouth properly, but sent Anya to him.

"Sister Anya, you..."

Jianqi Chongtian spoke again. This time he just called a name, and saw Anya holding her stomach and shouting.

"Ouch, stomach, my stomach hurts so much, I need to go to the toilet."

Anya jumped off the chair and went into the toilet in a flash.

Jianqi Chongtian's eyelids twitched wildly. This was too unfortunate. It would not be so easy to get any questions from Anya after she calmed down.

He waited helplessly for more than half an hour. During this period, Anya went to the toilet four times. Until Bai Fu came to pick her up, he still didn't find a chance to continue asking questions.

There is no other way, I can only wait until next time.

Jian Qi Chong Tian secretly contacted other people in the guild and taught them his method of tricking Anya.

Although he felt that Anya's brain could not find anything unusual, what if he asked too many questions and aroused Anya's suspicion?

It would be better to let others feel a little involved.

"Fu Fu!"

Seeing Bai Fu coming, Digging Ji and others quickly surrounded her.

Now that they have unlocked advanced professions, they should be able to further trigger tasks related to Bai Fu.

"Come in."

With Bai Fu's call, Xia Shi walked in from outside the door.

Everyone was confused.

Xia Shi got straight to the point: "In the meeting just now, Bai Fu recommended you to Si Si, hoping that you could also join the action. The director was a little hesitant, but she fully guaranteed it, and the director finally agreed. I am here to ask for your opinions."

[You triggered the mission [Special Operation]]

[Mission Introduction: Si Si has formulated a special operation against foreign wanderers. Under Bai Fu's guarantee, Si Si allows you to join it]

[Mission Objective: Destroy the Wanderer Camp]

[Reward: 10,000 experience points, 5 points of reputation with the Primarch Camp]


At the same time, all the players in the room received a game prompt.

Is the big one finally here?

"I have no objection!"

"Wherever Fu Fu goes, I will go!"

"Me too."

No player hesitated, they had been looking forward to this moment for a long time.

Looking at their reactions, Bai Fu knew that her plan was successful.

With the current scale of the Silent Court faction she founded, it is impossible to issue players with very high reward tasks, but she had previously hinted that players would be able to access more advanced tasks after they unlocked advanced professions. What should be done?

Bai Fu thought of a way to pull players into the event of catching spies everywhere and let Si Si issue tasks to players.

Xia Shi said: "Since you have no objection, don't walk around today. Si Si will drive here to pick you up at 3 pm tomorrow."

Digging Ji and others agreed immediately.

After the notice, Bai Fu, Anya and Xia Shi walked towards their residence together.

On the way, Anya did not forget to ask Bai Fu for credit: "Boss, I have done what you said."

"Well done."

Bai Fu smiled and touched Anya's head. She sent Anya to the player, mainly wanting to use Anya's "big colander" attribute to reveal some newly compiled information to the player, so as to enrich Anya's character.

Nanny, this is the positioning she gave Anya after careful consideration.

It's a good start today, but whether the planner can successfully add settings to Anya later is unknown.

After returning to the residence, Bai Fu asked Xia Shi about the situation of all the senior executives of Si Si with great interest. She mainly wanted to see if Li Cheng had any accomplices among the senior executives of Si Si, so she couldn't help asking a few more questions when asking Li Cheng.

"Is his father the deputy director of the Intelligence Bureau?"

Bai Fu was surprised to learn that Li Cheng and Xia Shi were both the sons of officials.

His father was the deputy director of the Intelligence Bureau. As long as he managed well, Li Cheng would have the possibility of becoming the director of the Intelligence Bureau in the future. Why would he work for the Truth Society with such a background? Was he caught by the Truth Society?

Bai Fu felt that things were not simple.

At this moment, Xia Shi suddenly stood up.

Bai Fu raised her head in confusion and saw Xia Shi walking around the coffee table and coming in front of her, pressing down with her upper body, as if she was going to throw her down on the sofa.

"What do you want to do?"

First of all, the possibility that Xia Shi wanted to rape her could be ruled out. She didn't know what Xia Shi's sexual orientation was, but if Xia Shi really had this idea, she would never have held it back until today.

She looked weaker before, but now she has the fierce nickname of White Death and a record of killing two waves of killers by herself. It's not easy to rape her at first glance.

Xia Shi: "I just want to ask you a question now."

Bai Fu: "What question?"

"Who are you?" Xia Shi's eyes narrowed slightly. "When I first met you at the abandoned cooling plant, I thought you were just a simple and enthusiastic citizen who awakened special abilities to save the abandoned cooling plant and even sacrificed yourself. But the more I met you, the more I felt something was wrong. The ability can be explained by awakening, but the calmness when killing people cannot be explained by awakening."

Bai Fu asked: "Is this important?"

Xia Shi gritted her teeth: "It's very important. I must figure out your purpose. And I told you that the reason I joined the Intelligence Bureau was because I couldn't stand the truth killing people for no reason. It's the same now. I can't accept myself working with a cold-blooded killer!"

Bai Fu raised the corner of her mouth: "If I were really a cold-blooded killer, what would you do?"

Xia Shi said seriously: "I would withdraw from this operation."

Bai Fu couldn't help laughing: "I thought you would say you would kill me. I'm not a killer, but there are some things I can't explain to you."

"Yeah." Xia Shi nodded and distanced herself from Bai Fu.

Bai Fu was slightly surprised: "You believe this?"

Xia Shi said: "Bai Fu, I admire you very much."


"When you abandoned the cooling plant, you were able to sacrifice yourself for others. In my opinion, you are as dazzling as a meteor. It is hard for me to believe that a person who is willing to sacrifice himself for others would be a cold-blooded killer, so I need you to give me an answer to relieve the grudge in my heart. Now that you have given me the answer, I feel much more comfortable."

Bai Fu's mouth twitched.

Being too naive will lead to big trouble!

"Have a good rest, the spy may jump out tomorrow."

No words were spoken all night.

The next day, when Bai Fu was packing up, a new group of players also drove to Lin En.

PS: Two-in-one, thanks to Danyang Xuefeng for the reward.

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