Who made her an NPC!

Chapter 67 Rich woman V me 50 to prove her strength [4k]

On the road to the Bagalos shelter, the Primarch's army was still fighting with the ambush arranged by the Truth Society.

When the ambush attacked, the Primarch suffered a heavy blow, and several cars leading the way were blown up.

But the military representative Basque was no ordinary person. He lived up to the high expectations of the top leaders and quickly calmed down from his rage and began to command the army and the Intelligence Bureau to counterattack.

From the perspective of individual soldier quality, the gap between the Primarch and the Truth Society was not big, but in terms of battlefield coordination, the Primarch, who had fought many battles, was stronger.

Therefore, although the Truth Society had the advantage of ambush, as time went on, the two sides gradually returned to a situation of equal strength.

"Boom boom boom——"

The sound of artillery shells exploding and the sound of gunfire mixed together, composing a song of death on the battlefield.

In the command vehicle, Basque, Lu Yuelin, and the director of the third department all looked solemn as they watched their own personnel fighting back and forth with the ambush soldiers on the roadside.

This is not the situation they want to see.

For Lu Yuelin and the director of the third department, the longer they delay, the more dangerous the agents sent to the Bagalos shelter will be.

For Basque, the purpose of his coming here is to destroy the base of the Truth Society. Before he came, he patted his chest and promised that he would do a good job. If it is like this now, even if he succeeds in the end, he will not get any benefits.

We must think of a way to break the situation.

Basque's eyes fell on the two big guys of the Intelligence Bureau.

For his achievements, the people of the Intelligence Bureau can only take some risks now, but the Intelligence Bureau and the army belong to different institutions. He cannot directly command Lu Yuelin and the director of the third department. It seems that he has to give up some interests.

Basque was thinking, and the front line suddenly became chaotic.

"What's going on?" He frowned.

The surprised voice of the front-line commander came from the intercom immediately: "Commander Basque, the Truth Society thugs in the direction I am attacking suddenly withdrew!"


Basque was shocked.

The first thing he suspected was that this was another trap, but after thinking about it carefully, he felt something was wrong. With such a big gap, would the Truth Society have enough manpower to make a new dumpling?

Soon, exclamations began to sound from the intercom.

"Where are the people?"

"We have broken through the defense line and are heading towards the Bagalos shelter!"

"The enemy is retreating, should we pursue them?"

Everyone around him turned their eyes to Basque, and only Basque could make the decision at this time.

Basque hesitated.

It was too abnormal. He couldn't understand the Truth Society's operation at all. This was definitely not a rout, and it couldn't be a trap, because if it was really a trap, it would be too stupid.

Just as he was struggling, someone nearby suddenly shouted.

"The Truth Society's base was breached by Fu Fu, and they went back to support them. They can't let them run away!"


Everyone in the car turned their heads in horror and found that the one shouting was one of the strange people brought by Bai Fu.

Isn't Fufu Baifu? Although they had learned from Xu Hong that Baifu had found the real location of the Bagalos base, it was too damn outrageous to turn around and say that Baifu had broken through the base of the Truth Society.

"Where did you get the news?" Basque asked.

"The person who attacked the base with Fufu told me." The named player hurriedly urged, "Okay, it's useless for you to worry about this now. Send people to chase them. This is a great opportunity to destroy the Bagalos base. If it's too late, they may run away!"

Basque clenched his right fist.

He didn't want to believe it, but the base being broken by Baifu did explain the contrasting behavior of those Truth Society thugs.


He immediately gave the order.

The soldiers of the Primarch who received the order split into two groups and quickly advanced forward with various vehicles. They quickly crossed the trenches dug by the Truth Society. One group broke into the Bagalos shelter and rescued the surrounded Intelligence Agency agents, and the other group killed them in the direction previously announced by Xu Hong.

It went smoothly, too smoothly.

The Primarch soldiers who were still fighting the Truth Society ten minutes ago never dreamed that the situation would become what it is now. For a moment, they even had the illusion that they were not here to fight, but to travel.

"I heard that it was the Bai Fu who broke into the Truth Society's base."


"What new age superman?"

"Fortunately, she was brought here this time, otherwise, if the stalemate continued, who knows how many people would die."

The Primarch soldiers felt extremely fortunate.

On the contrary, the Truth Society's people were about to despair.

Under the pursuit of the Primarch, they fled madly to the base. As long as they could get there, even if they couldn't win, they would at least have a chance to escape.

But they never expected that when they finally rushed to the gate of the base, they saw a closed door!

"Kill those who don't surrender!"

Basque shouted loudly.

At the same time when the soldiers of the Truth Society were being beaten, in the base separated by a door, Bai Fu successfully tricked Yulia into attacking her by taking advantage of her weakness that she did not dare to attack him.

Even though Yulia had a lot of skills, after being locked by her throat with her arms, her body still fell to the ground uncontrollably.

“I’m getting better!”

"As long as we hold on for a little longer, this battle will be over when the Primarch destroys the Truth Society soldiers outside!"

"Come on Fufu, reinforcements will be here soon!"

"Master Fu, cut her in the middle!"

The four agents and surviving players who saw this scene were overjoyed.

Most of the players in the live broadcast room were also very excited. Only a few players who hated Bai Fu were stomping their feet in anger, but no one cared about them now. Everyone was discussing how many benefits those players who participated in the action would get after the mission was over.

No one thought that Yulia could make a comeback when the situation reached this point.

The crispy mage is getting close to Fufu, the human shield, but he still wants to overturn it?

Even if Yulia has extraordinary abilities, there is still a group of Primarch soldiers waiting for her outside.

[Damn, I’m so jealous. It’s so cool to hang out with Bai Fu. Fortunately, I’ve already bought a ticket to Lin En. I’ll join next time too.]

[Indeed, even if you don’t kill a single monster, you can still get the basic reward for destroying the Bagalos base at the end of the mission. This is so cool]

Just be envious!

The players who stayed at the scene smiled.

They no longer watched the barrage in the live broadcast room, but focused on Bai Fu and Yulia.

It’s fun to watch women fight, and it’s even more fun to watch beautiful girls fight!

But soon they stopped laughing. Yulia was only locked in the throat, not the source of spiritual energy in her body.

In order to break free from Bai Fu's shackles, she began to use her skills crazily regardless of the cost.

Boom boom boom——

Strands of translucent white tulle fell from the air, some of which hit Bai Fu's back, and most of which hit the surrounding players.

Yulia hoped to distract Bai Fu by killing players so that she could escape. This was a disaster for those players who let down their guard. Just now they were complacent, but in an instant they were smashed into corpses and lost in vain. Less experience.

Under the continuous bombardment of white gauze, the walls and ceiling of the corridor were also damaged, collapsing and breaking one after another.

War reporter Dig Ji would have been smashed in the head if he hadn't been able to hide quickly.

"It's over!"

Looking at the mountain of cement fragments piled up in front of her, Dig Ji looked depressed, and the live broadcast had to be interrupted.

The people who rushed over afterwards were helpless. They wanted to help Bai Fu, but their strength was not strong enough to smash these cement fragments.

All we can do is wait.

With the strength Bai Fu showed just now, she shouldn't lose to Yulia.

Bai Fu is also riding a tiger now.

In order to prevent Yulia from escaping, she not only strangled Yulia's neck with her arms, but also tightly clamped Yulia's waist with her thighs.

Most people would roll their eyes if they couldn't stand in her position for 10 seconds, but Yulia's ability was so abnormal that her hands and feet could not completely lock her due to the repulsion from her psychic field.

She had to use [Frenzy] and [Power Surge (Bad)] on herself, temporarily increasing her power to 21 points.

"I don't believe that your spiritual power is unlimited!"

Bai Fu wants to take a gamble, betting that Yulia's spiritual energy will be exhausted faster than her physical strength.

Yulia struggled desperately, but since she didn't dare to really kill Bai Fu, she couldn't use many checks and balances now.

She tried bombarding Bai Fu's arm with white tulle, but Bai Fu was not affected at all. She also tried floating into the air and then falling heavily, but Bai Fu was still unaffected.

If this continues, sooner or later her fake body will be drained by Bai Fu and then killed.

It’s so outrageous.

How could there be such a "strong" woman in this world?

When she received the order from the president of the Truth Society, Yulia thought that her fate had changed. She thought about Bai Fu and wanted to take Bai Fu's photos to eat. Who would have thought that after actually meeting Bai Fu, she actually It would be so frustrating.

If she dies here, I don’t know how long it will take to find the next opportunity to contact Bai Fu.

Kill her, kill... no, can't kill her.

Yulia continued to use threatening tactics: "Bai Fu, this is just a fake body of mine. Even if you kill this fake body of mine, it will be useless. I will come back!"

Bai Fule was delighted.

Come back, next time I'll treat you to a thigh-locking triangle choke set.

"Aren't you afraid that the people you care about will suffer?"

"Afraid? Not just you, sooner or later I will destroy the Truth Society as well!" Bai Fu sneered.

She felt that the force field around Yulia's body was weakening. Could she finally clamp Yulia?

Yulia took a deep breath and decided to change her strategy: "Do you hate the Truth Society?"

Bai Fu said: "If the truth wants to kill me, then I will have to send it on its way."

"Actually, I also hate the Truth Society." Yulia suddenly said.

Are you fooling the devil?

Bai Fu curled her lips.

Yulia said to herself: "I need you because studying you can help me get rid of the control of the Truth Society, so that I can launch revenge against the Truth Society. The power of the Truth Society is beyond your imagination. If you really If you want to destroy the Truth Society, you’d better cooperate with me.”

"Will the truth be very powerful? Why don't I feel it?" Bai Fu was unmoved.

Yulia said: "You have never been in contact with the president of the Truth Society, so you don't know how strong he is. You won't think so after you meet him."

"Stop talking nonsense, no matter how hard he encounters me, he will die. As for you, just hope that I can't find your true body."

"Do you pin your hopes on the Primarch? I advise you to give up this plan. The Primarch hides deeper secrets than the Truth Society. In-depth contact with the Primarch will not end well."


This sentence caught Bai Fu's attention. Li Cheng also said something similar when he was arrested.

"Let me tell you the truth. I don't have much psychic energy left. How about we make a deal?" Yulia changed the subject, "As long as you agree to let me study you, after the deal is done, I can give you anything I have, including my life."

Before Bai Fu replied, she added: "I know you won't agree now, but it doesn't matter. When you have contact with the Truth Society and the Primarch for a while, you will believe what I said just now."

Bai Fu's eyes turned slightly.

She suddenly realized that this was an opportunity. Yulia was an expert in psychic energy, and what she lacked now was psychic knowledge.

"Can you really give me anything?"


Bai Fu said: "I don't believe it, unless you can give me some psychic knowledge first."

Rich woman, V me 50 to prove your strength!

Yulia was silent for a long time: "Go to Shelter No. 11 in the Goli Desert, I will find a way to contact you."

"Okay, I look forward to our next meeting."

Bai Fu continued to increase the strength of her hands, and finally, Yulia's psychic energy was exhausted. In just a few seconds, Yulia fainted due to suffocation.

She slowly loosened her sore hands and feet, stared at Yulia's fake body for a few seconds, picked up the gun that fell on the ground, and shot the clone away with a few shots.

[You killed Yulia (fake body), contribution 96.3%, and gained 43817 experience points after correction based on the level difference]

Seeing this high experience value reward, Bai Fu was in a good mood. It was worth it for her to roll on the ground with Yulia in her arms for several minutes.

"Shelter No. 11?"

Bai Fu was not worried at all that it was a trap set by Yulia. After all, she could ask players to help her wade through the mines.

Of course, she didn't really plan to cooperate with Yulia. She just wanted to cheat some psychic knowledge from Yulia.

It's not a big problem.

Didn't Yulia say that she wanted to study her so that she could take revenge on the Truth Society? When the time comes, she will destroy the Truth Society. What can Yulia blame her for?

Bai Fu looked around.

The trouble has been solved. It's time to find a way to leave this base.

She walked deeper into the base and soon found another exit of the base. The exit was blocked, but she could hear someone talking on the other side through the door.

"The bomb has been installed, retreat!"

Bai Fu quickly dodged, and with a loud bang, the door collapsed.

In the billowing smoke and dust, he saw Basque rushing in from outside with a team of soldiers.

"Bai Fu?!"

Basque stopped. He didn't expect to meet Bai Fu here. He was stunned at first, and then his eyebrows were overjoyed.

"Why are you the only one? Where are the others?"

Bai Fu answered truthfully: "The corridor collapsed and they were isolated on the other side."

Basque nodded. Just when Bai Fu thought he was going to save people, he suddenly raised his pistol.

"Kill her!"


A bullet was fired and hit Bai Fu's forehead straight.

PS: Thanks to Anatomy Use Jia Ren and u Lan u for the reward.

I will take a break tomorrow and update one more chapter.

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