Who made her an NPC!

Chapter 71 Bai Fu: This is the joy of cheating! [6k]

After the Battle of Bagalos, Bai Fu disappeared from the players' sight temporarily.

But her departure not only did not reduce the players' discussion about her, but instead attracted more players' attention.

This was due to the strong publicity of the Truth Society, the Primarchs and the Dark Web.

After the words "800,000", "1 million", "beat up the Truth Society", and "kill the Primarch" were combined, Bai Fu instantly stood out on the Dark Web's bounty list and became the new generation of super star of the Dark Web. Not only in Shelter No. 7 on the edge of the Goli Desert, but also in other places with Dark Web bases, many people were discussing Bai Fu.

"Have you heard about it?"

"Yes, that Bai Fu!"

"Awesome, it's really awesome!"

Similar lines always drift to the ears of some players inadvertently.

These players who don't pay attention to the community and focus on playing their own games may not care much about these words at first, but after hearing them more, they will inevitably be suspicious.

This shouldn't be an important plot clue, so I'd better investigate it.

When these players took action, Bai Fu's popularity naturally became wider.

The participation of these players made the discussion about Bai Fu in the community more intense, and many players were speculating on Bai Fu's role positioning in several main plots of Zuyuanxing.

Some players felt that Bai Fu might be involved in either the hidden plot or the main plot.

Many players also discussed the issue of camp selection, which has attracted much attention recently, based on the dispute between Bai Fu and the Primarch and the Truth Society.

Although the game officials have explained that even if players do not join a camp, they can still participate in the main plot, and even if players do not participate in the main plot, they can still get good development, but most players still think that in order to better complete the main tasks in the game, they have to choose a suitable camp to join.

The reason is simple. Joining a camp can obtain a fixed promotion channel, the difficulty of triggering tasks will be much simpler, and there are NPCs to lead, and the early experience is definitely better than being a lone wolf.

Many players born in and near the Primarch originally planned to follow Bai Fu, but now Bai Fu and the Primarch have fallen out and disappeared, so they have to consider how to play next. They can't just wait for Bai Fu, right?

[I don't want to run around everywhere, just join the Primarch nearby]

[Fu Fu helped the Primarch so much, but the Primarch not only didn't appreciate it, but also wanted to kill Fu Fu. Damn it, I want to join the Truth Society to kill the Primarch]

Just when these players were discussing enthusiastically, Jian Qi Chongtian and the water army he hired were also smearing the Truth Society, suddenly someone came to the post and shouted.

[Big news, big news, Digger Ji joined Bai Fu's camp! ]

[? ? ? ]

This roar attracted countless attention.

For a time, a large number of players flocked to the post that Digger Ji had just posted. At this time, Digger Ji was proudly answering the questions in the post.

[Joining Fufu's camp is not as difficult as I imagined. I didn't do anything these days. I just stayed with Fufu. Then she suddenly asked me if I wanted to continue to accompany her. Fufu said so much, how could I refuse? I said yes, and then she gave me a badge and a professional knowledge book]

Damn, she pretended!

The eyes of the players who came in were red.

The sharp-eyed players found that the level of Digging Ji was one level higher than when she ran away. She was upgraded and given a knowledge book. Digging Ji didn't join the camp. It was clearly inviting a beautiful playmate for herself. It was so cool.

[Digging treasure, digging treasure, have you forgotten the time when we fought side by side? Tell me where you are, I will never tell others]

[I want it too, digging treasure, I am your ten-year old fan! ]

There are many players in the forum @Digging Ji, and Digging Ji also received many private messages.

[It's not that I don't want to tell you, you also know that recently Fufu is wanted by the Truth Society and the Primarch at the same time, so it's not convenient to reveal her whereabouts]

[Okay, okay, I'll go ask Fufu and see what Fufu says]

After being bombarded with private messages, Digger Ji could only turn her head and look at Bai Fu next to her.

All this was within Bai Fu's expectations.

With Digger Ji's face-loving and show-off personality, it would be strange if she didn't show off in the community after joining the Silent Court, and this is exactly what she wants to see.

Since she has decided to tie the players to her chariot through the camp, she must not just watch when she sees the players start discussing joining other camps. She must do something, otherwise when she can announce her position, there will be not many players for her to choose from.

She invited Digger Ji to join the Silent Court to attract the attention of players and let them not rush to make a decision.

——Don't rush to join other camps, I still have a camp for you to choose!

But Bai Fu is also very clear that this level of publicity can only attract a wave of attention temporarily. After a long time, players will consider joining other camps again.

In order to maintain the popularity, she needs to constantly create new hot spots to catch the players' attention.

She has already thought about how to do this, that is, to make Digger Ji a model.

——You see that Digger Ji can become so strong by following me, why don't you players who think you are better than Digger Ji come to me to make money?

"Fufu, there is something I would like to ask your opinion on." Digging Ji asked.

Bai Fu, who had been peering into the community, nodded calmly: "You tell me."

Digging Ji said: "Pai Daxing and Jianqi Chongtian who were working with us before also want to help you. I know that our situation is very dangerous now and we cannot expose our position casually, so I was ready to refuse them, but they kept asking me, I can only ask for your opinion."

Bai Fu pretended to be in deep thought.

Digging Ji hurriedly said: "If it's difficult, I will reject them immediately."

Bai Fu shook his head: "The embarrassment is not that difficult. The Truth Society and the Gene Prime are now at odds with each other. It is almost impossible to make a big effort to cause trouble for me. The most you can do is send a killer to harass me."


"I came to the Goli Desert to find something important to me, not to avoid the pursuit of the Society of Truth and the Primarch." Bai Fu paused, "Well, if they really dare to face it, If they are afraid, let them go to the nearby Vault 5 first, and after they find something, I will personally confirm their true thoughts."

For safety reasons, she was talking about Vault 5, not Vault 7.

Vault 5 is hundreds of kilometers away from Vault 7, but the distance to Bagalos is about the same.

Digging Ji quickly went to the community to appease other players and repeated what Bai Fu had just said.

This worries some players.

Although they found a way to contact Bai Fu, not all players have the ability to go to Vault 5.

[Let’s wait and see first]

As the first players to arrive in Linn and follow Baifu on several missions, Patrick and the others are different. Although they are not rich now, they still have to spend the money to travel from Bagalos to Vault 5. They can still afford it.

After receiving the news, they all rushed to Shelter 5, and no one chose to quit.

In fact, something happened with Tieyu Guild.

After Jian Qi Dingtian's plan to defect to the Truth Society failed, his personal reputation was affected to a certain extent. Therefore, when he suddenly made a U-turn and said that he would defect to Bai Fu again, some people in the guild hesitated.

The pie you drew looks delicious, but your previous misjudgment makes it difficult for people to believe that this pie is real!

Although Jian Qi Soaring felt very unhappy about this, he finally modified his plan temporarily.

"Let's do this. Lao Gou and I are going to find Bai Fu as a way to find a way. You join the Primarch. When the time comes, no matter which side of us develops, the other side can go there and join us."

Sword Qi soared to the sky, and this time it was all on the line.

If he loses, he transforms into a clown on the spot and goes to Gotham to confront Batman. This position of president may not be secure, but if he wins, he will win everything.

Bai Fu didn't know there were so many twists and turns on the other side of Jian Qi Soaring Sky. Now her attention was entirely on the group of people blocking the car.

This place is fifty kilometers away from Shelter No. 7. There is no village in front of it or any shop in the back. At first glance, there is only a sky full of yellow sand and a settlement that is mostly covered by the yellow sand.

"Boss (Fufu)."

Anya and Diji Ji looked at Bai Fu uneasily.

Bai Fu waved her hand to signal them to calm down.

The data fed back by the spiritual vision showed that the people blocking the road were not killers, but just a group of ordinary desert wanderers. Their strength and equipment were mediocre. They jumped out to block the car, most likely with the slogan "I drive this road." I planted this tree. If I want to live from now on, I will leave money to buy the road."

Bai Fu is fearless.

Even if these people use their full output, they can't knock out a few drops of her blood. However, one thing must be paid attention to. If her car is damaged in the battle, she will have to work hard to get to Vault 11. .

She jumped out of the car and deliberately took a few more steps to stay away from the car: "Brother, give me some face. You can leave now. I won't care about your offense."

"Who the hell are you? Why should I give you face? Be honest and lie on the ground, or I will shoot you to death."

The wanderers who blocked the road were very rude, raising their guns and shouting curses.

He was rude, and Bai Fu was even more rude.

With lightning speed she drew a gun from her thigh.

Psychic attachment, five consecutive bursts of shooting!

All five bullets hit the scolding rogue without missing a beat, instantly covering the five layers of alien erosion. Then, she calmly started to use the chain reaction.

It wasn't until she completed the second binding that the other wanderers around her finally reacted.

"Damn it, how dare you..."

Before he could finish his words, he was interrupted by screams from beside him.


Alien erosion broke out, and three people fell to the ground. Except for the rogue who was shot by Bai Fu and died on the spot, the other two rogues did not die, but the living ones had more impact than the dead rogue. .

Everyone could see clearly that Bai Fu had not touched them at all just now, but now they were rolling on the ground in pain as if they were burned by flames, with blood dripping from their eyes, ears, mouth and nose.

"You are a superpower!"

A group of wanderers blocking the road were frightened out of their wits.

Bai Fu is very satisfied with the power of alien erosion.

This move is a bit of a waste of psychic energy when used to deal with ordinary monsters, but it is a magical skill when used to deal with some Tiehanhan who are not good at speed, have less armor, and do not have high psychic resistance.

Seeing her put her finger on the gun again, a wanderer hurriedly shouted: "You, you, you... do you know who we are? We are from Hongsha. Even the famous Black Crow is not our boss." If you dare to kill us, you will be dead!"

Black Crow?

Bai Fu didn't expect that she could hear Yulia's nickname here, and her interest immediately rose.

"I heard that under the leadership of Black Crow, the Watchers almost became the most powerful force in the Goli Desert. How can your boss be so powerful and defeat Black Crow?"

"That's our boss!"

"How did he win?"

"That's right, that's right..."

The wanderer held it in for a long time but couldn't explain why.

Bai Fu understood instantly. This was clearly a true interpretation of "After Lu Bu's death, everyone has the courage of Lu Bu". Anyway, Yulia was already "dead" and there was no way to refute, so everyone came out to brag that they were better than Yulia. Ya is awesome.

She quickly killed the wanderers and continued driving.

She drove for nearly two days before finally finding Shelter 11.

Vault 11 is located in an oasis, but the environment here is quite bad. There are conspicuous bullet holes everywhere on the outer wall of the shelter, and the door of the shelter has long been missing.

"Fortunately, I have a map function, otherwise I might get lost in the desert."

Bai Fu drank a lot of water.

Yulia just asked her to come to Vault 11, but did not tell her what to do when she got here, so she first went to a nearby hotel to book a room, and then started wandering around to get information.

Her first target was a tavern called the Oasis. A tavern was a place for drinking and chatting, and the information here should be the best.

After the door opened, the wind chimes made a pleasant sound, and what caught Bai Fu's eyes was a one-eyed middle-aged man wearing a vest and white gloves.


The first time she saw this uncle, Bai Fu knew that he was a man with a story.

【Name】:? (Disability - All attributes are greatly weakened)

[Template]: Normal

[Main occupation]:? Lv14[Lower occupation? Lv10], Wanderer Lv10

[Sub-professional]: Bartender Lv4

[HP]: 186/?

[Attributes]: Strength 11, Agility 4, Physique? , Intelligence 13, Spirit 18, Inspiration?

【Skill】:? ? ?

[Talent]: Unyielding

[Favorability]: We have never met before (0)

[Danger Level]: Green

The total level is 34, which is 5 levels higher than her, but because he is disabled, all attributes are very low, and his agility is only 4 points. Judging from the names of the guests in the tavern, his name is Old Nissen.

"Two glasses of water and one glass of your most distinctive wine."

Bai Fu sat down in front of the bar.

"Hey, do you want some water?" Anya raised her head.

Bai Fu gave her a shock: "You don't want to drink water, but you still want to drink?"

Anya immediately became honest.

After a while, wine and water were brought over. Bai Fu took a sip and asked with a smile: "Boss, can I ask you about someone?"

Old Nissen nodded. He had encountered this kind of thing many times, but this time the situation was slightly different, because what came out of Bai Fu's mouth was a very special name.

"Do you know Julia Viviani?"

Old Nissen's pupils shrank uncontrollably.

But what really made Bai Fu realize that something was wrong with Old Nissen was when she said this, and Old Nissen's favorability towards her changed.



It seems that old Nissen not only knows Yulia, but also has an extraordinary relationship with Yulia.

As for whether the relationship is good or bad, it remains to be further verified.

"I heard people say that Julia Viviani is the famous villain Black Crow. She was born near Vault 11."

Bai Fu deliberately spoke slowly, and as soon as she finished her words, she discovered that Old Nissen's favorability towards her dropped from -15 to -27.

"But in my opinion, she's a good person and a very interesting person."

The next second, Old Nissen's favorability towards her rose from -27 to -1.

Bai Fu smiled slightly.

The answer is obvious now. The relationship between old Neeson and Yulia is positive.

It’s still fun to cheat!

Without the player panel, she would have spent a long time just speculating on the relationship between Old Nissen and Yulia.

Old Nissen paused and suddenly said: "Are you an admirer of Yulia?"

He looked at Bai Fu. It was normal for a girl of this age to admire Yulia.

Bai Fu was noncommittal.

Old Nissen continued: "If you want to come to the place where Yulia was born to follow her traces because you heard her story, then I advise you to give up this idea quickly. There is nothing you want to see here. On the contrary, it will bring danger to you.”

"How do you say this?"

"When Yulia was there, there was peace in Vault 11, and no one dared to come here to cause trouble. But since her death, the Watch has fallen apart, and the rogue groups that have suffered a lot at the hands of her and the Watch have sprung up one after another. They come here to cause trouble. Hongsha has been occupying here recently. They will come to collect protection fees once a month. If you don’t leave early, you will inevitably suffer if you accidentally meet them. "

Isn't Hongsha the organization to which the group of people who caused her trouble on the road belonged?

Bai Fu asked: "Since this place is so dangerous, why don't you leave?"

Old Nissen smiled: "Isn't it dangerous outside? The Goli Desert is huge. It is a chaotic place full of mutated monsters, wanderers, and plunderers. How can ordinary people living here dare to mess around? Go, I’m afraid I’ll die on the way. Unfortunately, if Yulia hadn’t been there... things wouldn’t have turned out like this. Anyway, just listen to me and leave quickly.”

Bai Fu's smile also became brighter.


She just loves chaotic places!

Bai Fu felt that she was really in the right place this time.

Even if she failed to get what she wanted from Yulia, she still planned to stay in the Goli Desert for a while, for no other reason than to develop her own camp.

To make players stay in the Court of Silence whole-heartedly, the sense of immersion, emotional value, and sense of achievement are all other things. The most important thing in the early stage is to provide players with sufficient tasks. There are tasks to do and rewards to get. Most players will Will not run away easily.

From this point of view, there are not many good places like the Goli Desert, which is full of monsters and scum, and can casually assign players the task of killing monsters and upgrading.

Sweep across the yellow sand and conquer Goli. I will do what the Watchers cannot do in the Court of Silence. I will let the players achieve what Yulia failed to achieve!

During the next time, Baifu asked old Nissen various questions related to Yulia while drinking some wine.

Xu decided that she was Yulia's admirer. Old Nissen's favorability and attitude towards her had improved a lot, and he no longer avoided her on some issues.

"That child is a genius. If she is given enough time, I believe she will grow into a top expert on the Zuyuan Star.

"The most commendable thing is that even with such powerful power, that child can still maintain a pure heart. Many people in Vault 11 have received her favors and received medicines to treat diseases and life-saving food from her. .

"She said that her greatest wish was to restore order to the Goli Desert. Unfortunately, she... died.

"Fortunately, you met me. If you tell others that you admire her now, I'm sure you will get scolded. Now the name Yulia is almost taboo in Vault 11."

These words aroused Dig Ji's curiosity.

A Dig Ji who doesn't dig the plot is not a good Dig Ji.

"Why is it like this? Isn't Yulia the benefactor of Vault 11?"

Old Nissen sighed, with a cold light shining in his one eye: "That was before, now everyone thinks she is a disaster. If it weren't for her, rogue groups like Hongsha wouldn't often come to Vault 11 to cause trouble. ”

It’s hard to comment on Dig Ji. I can only say that she has seen a lot of similar things.

While they were chatting, noisy voices suddenly came from outside.

"What happened?" Old Nissen was puzzled.

A person ran in from outside in a panic: "It's Hongsha, the people from Hongsha are here!"

Old Nissen was stunned: "Didn't Hongsha just come here a few days ago? It's not even a month yet, why are they here again?"

The man said: "They said their people were killed, and now they are here to catch the murderer. It's not just us, they are also looking for other shelters and settlements."

That being said, if the people who actually came to the Red Sand Wanderer camp didn't grab a wave, wouldn't it be a pity for their bad reputation?

Soon there was a lot of noise in Shelter 11, and the group didn't leave until midnight.

Old Nissen was exhausted: "Have you seen it now? They are just here for a formality today. They may cause trouble for you next time. You'd better leave quickly."

Bai Fu asked: "If I guess correctly, your relationship with Yulia is unusual, right? Are you her relative or a member of the Watchers?"

Old Nissen didn't expect Bai Fu to say such words at all. He stared at Bai Fu with a solemn expression.

Bai Fu waved her hand: "Don't worry, it was Yulia who asked me to come here. She said she would find a way to contact me when I get here."

"You..." Old Nissen opened his mouth slightly.

It seemed that he knew that Yulia was not dead.

Bai Fu stood up: "To prove that I didn't lie, I decided to use those wanderers as a meeting gift."

"You want to kill them?"

"No, this doesn't require me to take action, Dig Ji."

Bai Fu's call made Dig Ji confused.

"Ah, I fight the rogue?"

She was already level 12, but her real combat power was not even comparable to level 10 mobs. It was too difficult for Fufu to ask her to fight those rogues.

"Don't worry, it's just a small problem."

Bai Fu throws a card to Dig Ji.

[General Card·Psychic Shield]: After use, a full-body shield with a shield value of 450 is formed, lasting 5 minutes.

After seeing the effect of this card, Dig Ji's mentality immediately calmed down.

There's no way you'll lose tonight!

That's it.

Bai Fu plans to make money from players by selling cards. This is the buyer's show she prepares for other players.

PS: Thanks for the initial tip.

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