Who made her an NPC!

Chapter 82: Shining in the audience, the charm of the protagonist of this version [5k]

In the morning, the sun was shining brightly.

At the gate of Shelter No. 11, more than 200 new players were crowded.

After the initial surprise and commotion, most of the new players' attention was on Anya who suddenly walked out of Shelter No. 11.

[Hey, I know this NPC. Is she the follower next to Bai Fu? ]

[Yes, it's her, the novice guide of the Silent Courtyard camp! ]

[Oh my goodness, she looks so cute. I don't know what her reaction will be if I pinch her face. She will probably cry for a long time.]

[Brother, don't be mean. The AI ​​of these NPCs is very powerful. If you pinch her face for no reason, you can't join the camp and receive tasks.]

[Indeed, if I remember correctly, Anya seems to have a power armor. Be careful that she will come out wearing the power armor and shoot you.]

Most of these players are entering the game for the first time, but they are not unfamiliar with Above the Stars, and even Bai Fu, Anya, and Silent Courtyard.

This is thanks to the persistent publicity of Digging Ji.

Starting from the "First Most Popular Female NPC Competition on Stars" of Xingyou Club, Digging Ji has created one hot spot after another with battles with various players, and these battles are basically centered around Bai Fu. Therefore, any player who has been paying attention to Stars for a little longer and likes to surf the Internet has basically heard of Bai Fu's name.

But knowing the name does not mean that these players will prefer Bai Fu when playing the game.

In the initial rumors, Bai Fu was just a hidden character who would not be brought to the surface in the plot at any time. For players who are strength-oriented, plot-oriented, and task-oriented, they have no reason to go to Shelter No. 11 to find Bai Fu.

But the debate around Digging Ji's new video before the launch of version 1.1 changed everything.

Digging Ji's words "Fu Fu may not only be related to the main line, but also the protagonist of this version" directly changed the minds of many new players.

Damn, the protagonist of the version?

Then we must go for it!

This is the power of publicity!

Even the best wine needs a good reputation. If it weren't for the capable assistant, Bai Fu, she would probably still be racking her brains to figure out how to continue to improve the players' favorability.

Now the situation has reversed, and the players will come to her on their own initiative. She only needs to show a little kindness to win the favor of all the players.

In fact, what Bai Fu prepared for these new players was not "a little kindness", but a convenient game experience that other camps could never enjoy at this time.

First of all, Bai Fu presented the new players with a smart and cute novice guide and quartermaster!

Anya, wearing the small robe of the Court of Silence that Bai Fu asked the Gao family to rush to make, greeted the more than 200 new players in front of her with a kind face.

"Undead people from the other side of the fog, this is Shelter No. 11 in the Goli Desert, the location of the Court of Silence."

"Shelter No. 11 is a peace-loving settlement, where you can feel a different exotic atmosphere..."

Anya patiently introduced the situation of Shelter No. 11 and some precautions that should not be taken.

She took the initiative to add the precautions. She was afraid that these new undeads would go to other people's homes and rummage through boxes and cabinets just like the undeads who first came to the abandoned cooling plant.

A few minutes later.

She put her five fingers on her chest and said, "I hope you can gain something from this journey. If you don't understand anything, you can always ask me or your seniors."

Then, Bai Fu presented the new players with the benefits that old players enjoy in the Silent Garden!

After Jian Qi Chong Tian, ​​Patrick, Digging Ji, and Conversion to Me Fu went online, Bai Fu released new daily tasks on the camp management interface.

[Assistant to the Novice Guide]

The task content is to assist Anya in answering questions for new players, but the task requirements are not low. Only old players with a camp reputation of more than 20 can accept it.

Because the task is very simple, the reward for the task is not high, only a small amount of experience and camp reputation, but no matter how small the mosquito is, it is meat. Anyway, it doesn't take much time to complete this task.

Once the task was released, it immediately became a hot commodity in the eyes of players.

After taking the task, Bai Fu set his [Task Tracking] to visible and deliberately placed it above his head, so other players saw his name as——

[Assistant to the Novice Guide]

[Bai Fu]

The players watching were almost blinded by the light.

Good guy, isn’t this a title exclusive to veteran players with high reputation?

Noble, it’s really too noble!

It’s already very gratifying that veteran players can get rewards for guiding new players, but I didn’t expect that it can be played like this.

After being tricked by Bai Fu, veteran players with low reputation and new players are now trying their best to brush up the reputation of the Silent Courtyard.

Bai Fu used the exclusive tasks for veteran players to stimulate the new players to achieve great success in combat.

Then, Bai Fu presented the new players with a perfect service that is unique in the many novice villages of Zuyuan Star!

In other novice villages, players buy equipment, food, and props in most of the time. They need to run around and find them by themselves. Just rushing will waste a lot of game time.

But there is no such problem in Shelter 11.

Baifu and Gaoyuan transformed an abandoned street in Shelter 11 into a shopping street dedicated to serving players.

Here, players can buy guns, medicines, clothing, and some commonly used basic materials. Here, players can also sell the sandworm materials they have collected to the store. Here, players can also freely accept the commission tasks issued by the commission task platform jointly built by Bai Fu and the Gao family.

Except for the inability to change jobs and buy prayer cards here, it can be said that this shopping street has provided a real one-stop service for players who have just entered the game.

As Bai Fu expected, not long after entering the game, new players have shared this unique shopping street on the forum.

Want to play the game comfortably without being bothered by those groove settings?

Then hurry to Shelter No. 11!

Finally, Bai Fu presented the new players with a convenient job transfer process and the only prop prayer card so far.

All players who join the Silent Court can buy professional knowledge books in the special store she opened.

Of course, this is also conditional.

Ordinary professional knowledge books can be purchased at will, but more advanced knowledge books not only cost money, but also meet reputation requirements.

Even so, this is very convenient. Players who entered the game in version 1.0 suffered a lot in order to change their jobs.

In order to attract players, Bai Fu deliberately put the knowledge book of [Psychic Apprentice] and the three psychic knowledge chains she mastered in the product catalog of the special store of the faction opened by Anya.

[Hiss, it's so expensive. With this price and this reputation requirement, Bai Fu is definitely a profiteer! ]

[You know nothing, this is still expensive, do you know what this is? This is a knowledge chain, which is a prerequisite for changing to a high-level profession! ]

[Indeed, the official website said that you need to collect 5 knowledge chains to change to a high-level profession. The store in the Silent Courtyard suddenly released 3 psychic knowledge chains, which is equivalent to directly reducing the difficulty of changing jobs by 60%! ]

[It's amazing. The Silent Courtyard is simply a paradise for psychic professions! 】

[Look, you have to be level 30 to change your job, and the level cap in version 1.1 is only level 25]

[You don’t know this, right? Knowledge chain doesn’t have to be learned when changing jobs. Learning in advance will give you a bonus]

The new players gathered in front of the store were very excited.

Oh, in fact, the old players were also very excited.

It was just an update, and Shelter 11 and the Silent Garden had such a big change. Could Bai Fu really be the protagonist of this version as Digging Ji guessed?

It was so cool.

They were the first Silent Garden elders who followed Bai Fu!

The old players who could talk to Anya and Old Nissen were very proud.

Seeing that the players were all laughing, Bai Fu also laughed.

“Everyone is good, that’s really good!”

These players may not know what it means to be deeply involved in the Fu family.

She actually hoped that all the players who joined the Silent Garden would change their jobs to become psychic apprentices, because in this way, these players would be bound to her.

By selling psychic knowledge or psychic items, she can make a lot of money from players. After the money is done, the players will not scold her, but will say that she is doing a good job.

The reason is simple.

She saves players the time of searching for psychic knowledge, and buys time with money. This money is money in the game. Most players will say "Is there such a good thing? More!".

The fake goddess uses her appearance to fascinate the players.

The real goddess not only confuses the players with her appearance, but also easily grasps the players' future!

"It's a pity that not all players like psychic professions. In order to attract more players, it is necessary to find more professional mentors for the Silent Courtyard."

Bai Fu shook her head secretly.

Under her guidance, the new players have been doing the tasks enthusiastically.

Their arrival has made Shelter No. 11 more lively than ever before, and also made Gao Yuan see the hope of cooperating with Bai Fu to become bigger and stronger.

But there is one thing he can't figure out.

"Where on earth did these undead people come from?"

In this world where technology, superpowers and psychic powers coexist, resurrection from the dead is not a special ability that can shock people for a hundred years.

But so many people have the ability to resurrect, and it seems that they can revive infinitely, which is quite amazing.

Gao Yuan has investigated and it seems that such people appear all over the world.

Two days ago, he also instructed his men to contact an undead who had nothing to do with Bai Fu. The undead man chatted happily with his men at first, but left with a look of disgust. The speed of his face change was so fast that people were completely confused.

He didn't know whether it was a good thing or a bad thing that there were so many undead people in the world, but considering that his partner Bai Fu could easily control hundreds of undead people, it should be more beneficial to him.

Faced with Gao Yuan's inquiry, Bai Fu lied a little: "I don't know the specific situation, but they are very good partners."

Gao Yuan has begun to explore the details of the players. I guess other camps have now noticed the abnormality of the players. Next, they will definitely pay more attention to the players.

Fortunately, she made arrangements in advance, combined with the publicity of Digging Ji and this wave of positive publicity, which successfully made herself the brightest star in the night sky during the period when version 1.1 was just launched, so as not to fall behind in the competition with other forces.

Bai Fu lay dormant for two days, giving new players time to adapt and develop.

In the past two days, her information and the situation of Shelter No. 11 have been circulated everywhere in the community, and many players from other novice planets have been jealous.

[The experience of this game is really amazing, and I am worthy of being the protagonist of the version, and I am treated very well]

[Your grandma, where is the protagonist of our plot? 】

[I regret it. I was still laughing when everyone deleted their accounts and reincarnated into the Zuyuan Star. Now I can’t laugh at all. 3 knowledge chains, how much time can this save]

[It’s not too late to reincarnate now, right? 】

[I’m already level 14, I can’t bear to part with this account, I’m crying]

【Fufu, hehe, my Fufu】

[Don’t go crazy here]

[Just tell me whether Fufu is handsome or not. It doesn’t matter if he is good-looking. He can still be so handsome if he forms a camp]

Bai Fu's position was exposed, but she was not worried.

Recently, the Society of Truth and the Primarch have been fighting back and forth. It is said that the Old Republic also intends to join the war. Therefore, neither the Society of Truth nor the Primarch has the energy to trouble her.

Even if she does come, she is not afraid. She runs back and forth in different camps every day. It is not easy for those people to find her. She can run away at any time based on the information provided by the players.

Speaking of intelligence, White Foo had successfully planted spies within the Primarch.

Most of the players in the Iron Rain Guild have joined the Primarch. Because of the soaring sword energy, these players are now constantly passing on information to her.

In addition, there are several players who have a good relationship with Patrick Star and Digger because they are too far away to get to Vault 11, so they play "curves to save the country" and try to reveal information about the Truth Society to her. to improve her favorability.

[When Bai Fu arrives, it will be the time for us to revolt! 】

In short, Bai Fu accepted everything.

In addition to discussions about Baifu and Vault 11, many players in the community have focused on psychic professions.

[Speaking of which, what is the combat effectiveness of psychic professions? 】

A large group of players came to the relevant discussion thread, including some game masters who had just transferred from other games.

At this time, players who knew something stood up.

[Psychic professions are more auxiliary in the early stage. If you are the kind of person who likes fighting, it is best not to choose it. Even if you choose it, you must minor in a combat profession]

[Psychic professions + combat professions are very powerful, but the problem is that the two professions require exactly twice the experience, and it is easy to be unable to keep up with the progress in the early stage]

[Ah, that’s not the case. Bai Fu is also a psionic professional, but isn’t she super powerful? 】

[Brother, Bai Fu is an NPC. NPCs have many bonuses that players don’t have. They can’t be compared like this]

[Ah, didn’t the official say that players with NPC bonuses also have the opportunity to unlock them? 】

【Really? I don't believe it! 】

It's bad for me, right?

Bai Fu didn't panic, she already had a plan.

"Many players now regard me as the protagonist of the new version. Since I am the protagonist, it is time to show the strength and performance that a protagonist should have."

She decided to make the action against Graham the first major event in the Court of Silence camp, that is, the "main mission" in the eyes of the players. As for the real main mission in the Goli desert area [Watcher's Elegy], she herself is now I haven’t received it yet. Where can I share it with players?

"We still have to 'torture' little Yulia and old Nissen to get them to hand over the main mission as soon as possible."

Bai Fu took out little Yulia.

"I'm going to torture Graham tomorrow. Don't you have anything to say?"

Little Yulia lay in the palm of her hand and said earnestly: "Actually, you don't need to take this risk at all. You just need to give yourself to me and let me study your body. I will be able to find a way to get out of trouble, and then personally Go get those people out."

Bai Fu curled her lips: "Stop dreaming, don't talk about your body, I won't even give you a hair!"

Little Yulia was not disappointed by the rejection.

It would be better to say that she had known that Bai Fu would say this.

It doesn't matter, if you don't give it, won't I find a way to pull one out of you?

When the time comes, I will pluck your bald head directly!

Bai Fu said: "Tell me about Graham's information. You don't know anything about him, right?"

Little Yulia said: "Graham is the deputy director of the Special Operations Department of the Truth Society. He is known for his keen observation and considerable strength in the Special Operations Department. On the surface, he is a martial artist and is good at double swords. If you go and investigate, this is probably the information you will get.”

Bai Fu nodded. Little Yulia was right. This was the only information she got from the dark web.

Graham's knife is not an ordinary knife, but an extraordinary blade that can cut out air blades. It is said that the air blades he cuts can break even steel, let alone the fragile human body.

However, steel...

Bai Fu touched herself.

It seems that steel of normal thickness is not as hard as imagined.

"But if it was just like this, Graham would never be able to sit in the position of deputy director of the Special Operations Department." Little Yulia added, "He is actually a superpower, and his superpower is capture."


"High-speed visual capture. When he uses his powers, the world in his eyes will slow down, and he will capture even the most complex movements. He will have enough time to think about how to deal with his opponent's moves. This is how powerful he is. Once he gets close to you, the situation will become very bad."

It turns out that it is indeed a very good ability, but if this is all Graham's trump card, then Bai Fu can rest assured.

She is a super tough queen, and her main feature is that she is not afraid of the speed and reaction of her opponent.

"The key is the people around Graham."

Bai Fu understood, but she would not let down her guard against Graham. Who knows if Graham has hidden something else?

"Do you have anything else for me to do for you?" Bai Fu tried to ask.

Little Yulia said: "Let me check your body."

Forget it, you should just leave.

Bai Fu thinks that the person who opened the main line of the area is most likely old Nissen, but there is still a lack of an opportunity.

Let's talk about this later, the most urgent thing is to deal with Graham.

She has received news from the spy that Graham is on a mission to find trouble with the Primarch, which is a good opportunity.

Seeing that the new players have almost adapted, Bai Fu issued a faction mission to eliminate the sandworms, and then picked out the ten new players who performed best in the mission.

"Next, there is an important operation related to the future of the Goli Desert. I need your help!"

Here it comes. They have all been looking forward to the main quest and the story of the protagonist of this version for a long time!

Seeing Bai Fu coming out, all the players were excited.

PS: Thanks to Tang Xian for the reward

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