Who made her an NPC!

Chapter 87 Silent Garden Superman Bai Fu has joined the battlefield [48k]

Chapter 87 Bai Fu, the Superman of the Court of Silence, has joined the battlefield [4.8k]

Before the official departure, Bai Fu made a large number of 50-size psychic shield cards for sale in the store, and also asked Gaoyuan to transport a batch of submachine guns, grenade launchers, RPGs, and grenades to sell to players.

This time she was going to attack a base that was far more important to the Society of Truth than the Bagalos base. In order to successfully complete the mission, she had to be fully prepared.

After these two days of hard work, she has successfully raised her trainee psychic painter level to Lv13.

Now her attributes are——

[Health]: 1730/1730

[Psychic energy value]: 700/700

[Attributes]: Strength 20, Agility 21, Constitution 75, Intelligence 18, Spirit 24, Inspiration 67

Bai Fu expected that if she could successfully complete Yulia's commission this time and kill the Black Hawk base, at least she would be able to level up two more levels in one go. If she was luckier, she could get some special rewards. Her strength It can still rise a lot.

By that time, in the entire Zuyuan Star, except for NPCs who had unlocked advanced professions and some advanced monsters, she had basically reached the pinnacle of single-target combat power.

Just thinking about Bai Fu makes me feel very motivated.

"Take me with you."

Suddenly, little Yulia, who was placed on the table by her, spoke.

Bai Fu decisively refused. Of course she could understand little Yulia's mood, but little Yulia was just a rag doll and could not help.

"Don't make trouble. I put you in the car and I'm afraid of falling off. I put you in my pocket and I'm afraid of falling or getting smashed. I can't stuff you into my chest or crotch, right?"

Little Yulia said: "I don't mind."

Climb, have you ever thought that you don't mind, but I do. Who would stuff a doll there if they have nothing to do?

Bai Fu made a face: "Ms. Yulia, you don't want to lose those relatives and friends forever, do you? If you don't want to, just listen to my words, stay in the Goli Desert honestly, and don't do any unnecessary actions."

Little Yulia could not object.

She couldn't move and was at Bai Fu's mercy.

Bai Fu handed her over to Old Nissen for safekeeping, and then gave Plateau a few words before taking more than 500 players on an expedition to the Black Hawk Base.

The number of players in the Court of Silence is far more than this. The reason why she only brought more than 500 is because she does not have any more cars to carry players.

She has actually worked very hard. When she first came to the Goli Desert, she only had one car. By robbing people everywhere, she pieced together a fleet of nearly 30 vehicles.

From an extreme perspective, 30 vehicles can accommodate 900 players, but this means players cannot carry weapons, so in the end Baifu only selected more than 500 players who could afford weapons to charge with her.

In the Old Republic, Twilight Canyon, there were many military green tents standing beside a river that passed through the valley.

The tent was temporarily set up. Outside the tent, all you could see were armored vehicles and general-purpose powered armor. These weapons were not actually very advanced, but in this wasteland era, they were enough to be called ferocious firepower.

At this time, in the largest camp, the commander of the old Republic, Damian, was discussing the battle plan with reinforcements from the Railway Guild and the Primarch.

A few days ago, the three forces received news at the same time that they had discovered the specific locations of four Truth Society bases.

To be honest, this news was a bit too shocking, and it was difficult for people to believe its authenticity. However, considering that the location marked on the email was within their own territory, the Old Republic and the Railway Association still sent people to conduct reconnaissance.

After checking, they found that what was stated in the anonymous email was actually true!

The relationship between the three major forces cannot be said to be good, and some frictions will break out from time to time. However, considering that the opponent is the more dangerous Truth Society, the three major forces finally decided to put aside their past conflicts for the time being and work together to kill the Truth Society.

"According to the news sent back by the scouts, the Truth Society has obviously sensed the danger. In the past two days, they have removed all hidden sentries outside the base and are preparing to withdraw from the base."

"But judging from the fact that their retreat direction is still Twilight Canyon, they should not be aware of our existence. This is our opportunity. This time we must completely wipe out this force and beat the Society of Truth so hard that it will never be beaten again. Dare to mess around!"

Damian gave an impassioned speech.

But compared to what he said, the four agents of the Primarch sitting at the entrance of the tent were more concerned about the signature of the email they received four days ago.

[Team Xu, do you think that email was really sent by Bai Fu? 】

A message pops up on the personal terminal.

Xu Hong glanced at Ya Ge, who was smiling next to him.

[You kid, this is the thirteenth time you have asked me this question in four days. You ask me, how can I be sure?]

[Aren’t I curious? Speaking of which, we haven’t seen Bai Fu for more than a month. During this time, I visited the boss of the Wildfire Gang several times in prison. After hearing about Bai Fu’s deeds, Lao Deng couldn’t help but He kept bragging to me about how vicious his eyes were, and I could tell early on that Bai Fu was no ordinary person]

——Have you heard of Bai Fu? This is the outlaw who punched the Society of Truth, kicked the Primarch, and was still at large despite being pursued by the two major forces! She was once my subordinate!

Yago felt funny when he thought about what the boss of the Wildfire Gang said.

[Xia Shi also contacted me a few days ago. She asked me if I had any new news about Bai Fu. I could only helplessly spread my hands to her]

Xu Hong squinted his eyes: [Why are you saying these things? People in their twenties should not learn to reminisce about life like old people]

Yago shrugged: [Captain Xu, I think the person who sent the email is most likely Bai Fu. There are only a few people who know your personal terminal number. No one else sent it. Isn't it only Bai Fu who is left? ]

Xu Hong didn't say anything. In fact, he and Director Lu also thought so.

[Captain Xu, no matter from which aspect, Bai Fu has nothing to do with the Truth Society, but why did the military want to kill Bai Fu, and why did the people above want to arrest Bai Fu? I joined the Fourth Division because I agree with the idea that the Gene Primarch should rebuild order on the ruins, but now the people above are going to kill someone who would sacrifice himself for ordinary people. I really don't understand it.]

Yago thought of the scene he saw when he and Xia Shi went to the abandoned cooling plant together, and he couldn't help but sigh deeply.

Looking at the message sent by Yago again, Xu Hong's face suddenly changed, and he quickly replied.

[Be careful with your words! ]

He also felt that something was wrong, but this kind of thing could never be brought to the table.

He felt that Bai Fu should know something, and it would be nice if he could meet Bai Fu again.

The convoy stopped when it arrived near Dusk Canyon. With so many vehicles moving forward together, it would be too conspicuous. Bai Fu didn't want to become the main target of the Black Hawk Base, otherwise she would not have secretly contacted the Primarch and other forces.

She was waiting for an opportunity. When the Black Hawk Base and the Primarch and other forces started fighting, she would lead the players into the battlefield.

If it is not necessary, she will not fight a battle that she is not sure of. She now has many ways to upgrade, and there is no need to risk her life for some experience.

Bai Fu, who got off the car, arranged a reconnaissance mission for the players.

Generally speaking, scouts are required to have outstanding military, physical and psychological qualities. Players who are careless obviously do not meet this requirement.

But compared with ordinary scouts, players have the advantage that they can transmit messages very conveniently, and can also communicate with each other through video to achieve real-time monitoring of the battlefield.

After sending away the players who accepted the reconnaissance mission, Bai Fu began to warn the remaining players.

"I know you usually like to talk, but today's situation is different from the past. Once we are discovered by the enemy, we will be bombarded. In order to avoid unnecessary casualties, try not to speak before receiving my order. Even if you have something to say to me, please raise your hand first."

This warning is very necessary.

Old players are fine, but those new players who participated in the big event for the first time were jumping up and down with excitement while they were still in the car.

Bai Fu could understand their feelings, after all, they took two large tasks at once this time.

The first task was a faction task she issued in the name of the Silent Courtyard. The task mode was similar to the task issued in the last attack on Graham, but the rewards were richer.

The reward for the player with the highest contribution was 50,000 experience points, 30 faction reputation points and 2 combat etiquette cards.

At this stage, for any player, this reward is enough to make them crazy.

The second task is a task that is automatically triggered when the convoy arrives near the Dusk Canyon.

[Multinational Joint Action]

[Task Introduction: The joint strike against the Truth Society is about to begin. Show your heroic spirit on the battlefield! 】

【Mission objectives:

1. Ruthless killing - 1,000 experience points for each member of the Truth Society killed;

2. Decapitation Operation I - Kill Pedro, the head of the Black Hawk Base, and the reward depends on the contribution;

3. Decapitation Operation II - Kill the mechanic Qi Yuan, and the reward depends on the contribution;

4. Destroy the Black Hawk Base - the reward depends on the contribution. 】

【Mission reward: The reward depends on the contribution】

This mission is a template for the mission triggered by Bai Fu's attack on the Bagaros Base, and Bai Fu also received the mission.

Considering that the specifications of the Black Hawk Base are higher than those of the Bagaros Base, the rewards for this mission must be much richer.

Bai Fu found a clean stone to sit down, and quietly waited for the players who went to scout the situation to pass on the message.

At the same time, outside the Black Hawk Base, Pedro, the head of the Black Hawk Base, looked back at the Black Hawk Base.

"What a pity."

Before the president officially launched the counterattack plan, the location of the Black Hawk base was exposed because of Graham's sudden betrayal. After calming down, the president immediately ordered them to retreat, and they had to abandon the Black Hawk base.

You know, he spent nearly ten years of hard work to build this base.


Pedro's heart was bleeding. He swore that he must catch Graham and torture him with all the cruel means he could think of.

Putting away his murderous intention, Pedro turned to Qi Yuan who was sitting in the car and said, "There may be danger on the way of retreat this time. At that time, I will rely on your strength."

Qi Yuan smiled and nodded: "It's a small matter."

He has absolute confidence in his own strength.

Who can kill him?

Unless he encounters a large-scale military encirclement, or the enemy uses the missiles at the bottom of the box to bomb him, otherwise he has absolute confidence that he can use his mechanical corps to tear apart the enemy's defense line.

He is no ordinary mechanic. He not only has mechanical manufacturing technology that is beyond the reach of most people, but also has electromagnetic superpowers that are the envy of all mechanics. With the blessing of superpowers, his manufacturing speed is far faster than ordinary people. Mechanic, the mechanical weapons he created such as mechanical dogs and mechanical bees can also exert far beyond ordinary power.

Relying on this special ability, he became famous on the dark web and became a well-known S-class killer in his twenties.

Later, the Truth Society took a fancy to his ability and provided him with very favorable conditions, so he joined the Truth Society.

Although he is not the person in charge at Blackhawk Base, this is just because he is too lazy to care about others. His status is not comparable to that of Pedro.

After explaining the situation, the troops at Black Hawk Base began to retreat in an orderly manner.

When marching near Dusk Canyon, the coalition forces who had been waiting for a long time immediately discovered their presence.

"Commander Damian, there is a convoy of unknown origin heading towards our ambush area!"

Damian cheered up. They had sent people to block the nearby highway a few days ago. At this time, a convoy suddenly appeared. Who else could it be besides someone from the Truth Society?

"Let them enter the ambush area, and as soon as they come in, attack immediately!"

He shouted and everyone got excited.

Here comes the mobile credit!

Ten minutes later, as soon as the Black Hawk Base convoy entered the ambush area, a power armor hidden high up raised its right arm.


The machine guns began to spit out flames, and as a starting point, the machine guns on the armored vehicles, the guns held in the hands of agents and soldiers also followed suit and opened fire.

The unlucky ones at the front of the motorcade had their heads smashed on the spot, with blood and brains splattering everywhere.

"Enemy attack, enemy attack!"

Screams started.

Pedro's face was extremely ugly: "Are these people born in the year of the dog? Their noses are so sharp, they actually came to ambush them."

He couldn't say he was panicking, because he had been prepared for it, but he was still very irritable because he had been praying that nothing would happen to him along the way, and he ended up praying lonely.

"Fight back, what the hell do you think I am a vegetarian?" Pedro looked at Qi Yuan beside him, "We can't delay for too long, otherwise the number of enemies may increase."

Qi Yuan smiled and shrugged: "I have already sent out my mechanical swarm when the other party shoots. Just wait and see the good show."

He jumped out of the car.

Looking at his retreating back, Pedro breathed a sigh of relief.

Extraordinary people are usually unable to undertake the main attack mission on the battlefield, but Qi Yuan is different. He is a mechanic who can truly form an army by himself.

As long as Qi Yuan launches an attack, everything will be fine!

Pedro has seen the power of mechanical swarms. Those poisonous needles are enough to kill a Type II amoeba!

"What is this?"

"Mechanical bee, retreat quickly, poisonous needle!"

The coalition forces discovered an abnormality, but it was too late. The poisonous needles shot from the mechanical bee swarm hit the necks of multiple soldiers. The toxin began to spread. In just a few seconds, those soldiers who were hit fell to the ground. , screaming and rolling around.

"Help me, help me!"

"Bastard thing."

Damian gritted his teeth. He had no idea that Truth would have such a hand. Just when he was commanding people to exterminate the mechanical swarm, the people from the Black Hawk Base attacked from the other direction.

Infantry arrays and convoys feigned attacks, while Qi Yuan made the main attack.

Yes, one person is the main attacker.

Wearing special power armor, he drove hundreds of mechanical dogs with firearms on their backs to charge the coalition forces from the flank.

The mechanical dogs are small in size, can run and jump, and are so fast that even Bolt would cry when he saw them. Facing the hail of bullets from the coalition forces, they easily completed the breakthrough. They can also use the automatic locking module to track the enemy and shoot while breaking through.

"It's Qi Yuan, damn, the intelligence didn't say he was at the Black Hawk Base at all, that's too bad!"

Looking at the group of mechanical dogs getting closer and closer, Damian's eyes narrowed as he recognized Qi Yuan. He realized that it might be difficult to completely retain this retreating force of the Truth Society today.

"Ha ha."

Qi Yuan laughed wildly.

He really enjoys this scene of using mechanical legions to harvest the lives of enemies. In his opinion, a man's romance should be guns (machines) and roses (blood)!

Pedro from behind nodded.

As he expected, although the enemy made preparations, they still showed flaws because they did not expect Qi Yuan's presence.

"Wait for my order."

He immediately used the walkie-talkie to contact all drivers, ready to rush out from the hail of bullets at any time.

At this time, neither Pedro, Qi Yuan, nor Damian thought that there was a Bai Fu hiding in the dark who came after receiving the news reported by the players.

"Is this the combat effectiveness of a basically formed mechanic?"

Once this video is released, Bai Fu believes that many players will change careers and become mechanics.

But it doesn't matter, she will tell all players with practical actions that at least at this moment, in this Twilight Canyon, she, Bai Fu, is the strongest!

"Now it's our turn!"

Following Bai Fu's order, more than five hundred players divided into five hundred groups and attacked the convoy at Black Hawk Base.

"Sir, no luck, the flank was attacked!"


Pedro's eyelids jumped wildly after receiving the news.

He turned his head hastily, looking past the messy players, and from a distance he saw a young woman wearing a spotless white shirt, a black mask and black leather gloves walking towards him with steady steps.

"Quick, call Qi Yuan back!"

Pedro felt the threat of death.

PS: It's the end of the month, I'm setting up a bowl to ask for monthly tickets.

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