Who made her an NPC!

Chapter 90 Since we are all going to lick each other, why not lick Bai Fu! [53k]

Chapter 90 Since we are all licking, why not lick Bai Fu! [5.3k]

After getting off the car, Bai Fu waved at Xu Hong and others, signaling them to go to the roadside to talk.

In the previous battle, Xu Hong, Yago and others were injured, but now they were walking briskly.


They were now full of doubts.

Under the tree, Xu Hong tentatively called out: "Bai Fu?"

Bai Fu said: "Let's talk about business, what do you want from me?"

"How did you become so powerful?"

Yago couldn't help swallowing his saliva. He remembered the scene when he and Bai Fu first met in the abandoned cooling plant. At that time, Bai Fu had some difficulty dealing with a mutant mass-produced by the Truth Society, but now Bai Fu can kill Luo Wan, Pedro, and Qi Yuan in the gunfire, and there is no sign of any injury on her body.

What a powerful strength!

The most powerful ace agent of the Gene Primarch Intelligence Agency is only at this level, no, maybe even worse.

Before Bai Fu opened her mouth, Xu Hong glared at Yago. Can such a question be asked so directly?

"It's like this. There are actually two things we came to see you for today. I received a message from Xia Shi two days ago. She asked me about your situation. I didn't know where you were at the time, so I could only perfunctorily tell her a few words. If she knew that you were alive and well and had become so powerful, she would be very happy."

"By the way, Xia Shi asked me to tell you a message after seeing you. She said that she has joined the laboratory where her father used to work. She will fulfill the agreement as soon as possible and help you find the file."

Xu Hong explained.

Bai Fu was a little surprised. If it weren't for the task bar reminding her from time to time, she would have almost forgotten that Xia Shi said she would help her find the file recording the source of spiritual energy. Unexpectedly, Xia Shi remembered it all the time and put it into action.

It's really touching.

"Thank her for me. If she gets into trouble, she can contact me at any time using the method I told her."

Xu Hong was about to say something when his personal terminal suddenly flashed.

He quickly answered the call, and a roar came from the receiver: "Xu Hong, what are you doing leaving the team without permission? Get back here!"

"Yes, yes."

Sweating profusely.

Xu Hong hurriedly ended the call and looked at Bai Fu: "I have another question. This question has troubled me for a long time. Now there are rumors that you are actually the ace agent of the Primarch. I want to ask..."

Bai Fu interrupted Xu Hong directly: "It's nonsense. I have nothing to do with the Primarch. The Primarch really wants to kill me. I don't know the specific reason. I only know that it is related to the secrets held by Li Cheng."

The boundary with the Primarch must be clearly defined.

She was not afraid that Xu Hong and others would make up a lot of nonsense, but she was mainly afraid that the players would mistakenly think that she had a good relationship with the Primarch, and then come up with the idea of ​​joining the Primarch first since they could not join the Silent Court.

At this point, Bai Fu suddenly had an idea.

After the attack on the Black Hawk Base, all the major forces will definitely pay more attention to the players and start to actively recruit players. She needs to make things difficult for the Primarch.

You bastard, I can't beat you now, but can't I disgust you?

"You'd better not investigate Li Cheng, it will kill people." Bai Fu changed the subject, "If you really can't suppress your curiosity, then ask those outsiders for help. You should have seen their abilities just now."

If the players go to investigate Li Cheng, once they are caught on the spot by the Primarch, it is likely that those extremely sensitive people will be wary of the players. It will be even more interesting if a conflict breaks out between the two sides.

Xu Hong was stunned for a moment. The method Bai Fu said seemed to really work.

Because the Intelligence Bureau was urging him, he said goodbye to Bai Fu and left in a hurry with Yago.

It was enough to know that Bai Fu had nothing to do with the Primarch. Let the outsiders investigate the rest slowly.

On the way back to the car, Yago scratched his head anxiously: "Captain Xu, are you leaving just like that? Don't we still have many questions to ask, such as the relationship between Bai Fu and those outsiders?"

Xu Hong stopped: "Yago, if you were in Bai Fu's position, could you trust me as a gene original agent without reservation?"

Yago felt that he couldn't.

Xu Hong smiled and said: "So some questions can't be asked, at least not before a good trust relationship is established."

Yago nodded and asked: "Captain Xu, what do you think of Bai Fu?"

Xu Hong pondered for a moment: "The arrival of those outsiders may indicate that this gray and lightless world is about to change, and Bai Fu... a new moon is rising slowly."

The speaker is unintentional, but the listener is intentional.

The excavator Ji, who was standing not far away waiting for Bai Fu to come back, was struck by lightning when she heard this.

Wait, new moon?

As the king of imagination and the first person to write a random plot, she suddenly remembered that the version of version 1.1 was called "Dark Moon Tide".

Dark Moon, New Moon, Bai Fu

OK, OK, it's connected, all connected!

Digging Ji was a little glad that she had developed the habit of recording videos all the time. She cut the words that Xu Hong said into audio, then quickly opened the community and started editing a new post.

[Breaking news, brothers and sisters, breaking news, I found strong evidence that Bai Fu is the protagonist of the version! ]

[Everyone knows that the name of version 1.1 is Dark Moon Tide, right? I won't say anything else, just listen to this audio]


[Surprised or not? ]

[To be honest, I really didn't expect the evidence to appear like this. I can only say that the truth is hidden in the details. This game is very detailed. After careful consideration of each line, you can dig out a lot of useful information.]

[If you still don't believe it, you can pay more attention to your surroundings in the future to see if other people use words like moon and dark moon when talking about Bai Fu.]

This post immediately caused widespread discussion after it was released. Who made Digging Ji and Bai Fu bring celebrities now?

[Digging treasure, you are really awesome. You found this. It is the biggest loss of this game that you don't become a plot planner.]

[Dark Moon refers to Bai Fu, Dark Moon Tide, Bai Fu Tide, what should the word tide mean? ]

[Tide, tide, um, tide]

Amid a bunch of outrageous speculations, a new reply suddenly became popular.

[If you ask me, this tide refers to the tide of players, and the tide of the dark moon means that this version is the version where Fu Fu leads players to do things everywhere]

Many players were immediately shocked after seeing this reply.

Damn, it makes so much sense. Bai Fu is the protagonist of version 1.1. Her faction, the Court of Silence, began to recruit a large number of players in version 1.1. After version 1.1 was launched, she led the players to do several waves of things in succession. All of this matches the content of that reply.

[Kneel down to the boss]

[The boss smokes a cigar]

Bai Fu: “?”

No, how can you be so good?

Bai Fu, who accidentally clicked on the community, was stunned. She never dreamed that just when she got off the car to talk, Digging Ji and a group of fun players had completely stamped her with the chapter of "version protagonist".

This time, there is basically no possibility of any twists and turns.

Under the call of Digging Ji, there will definitely be many players who pay attention to the conversations of NPCs around them. There will always be a moment when one or two NPCs will connect her with the moon.

Normally, such words would not attract anyone's attention, but with the advance notice of Digger Ji, the situation is completely different.

Evidence, this is the evidence that Bai Fu is the protagonist of the version, and Digger Ji is a genius in digging out the game plot!

Bai Fu has already anticipated the grand occasion of players praising Digger Ji's accurate guesses in the community.

Her evaluation is to shoot the arrow first, then draw the target, it is hard not to hit the target every time.

"Since things have come to this, let's cooperate with Digger Ji a little."

When passing through a place with network, Bai Fu went to the dark web and boasted about herself as a "pure passerby" under the bounty for her. While boasting, she also gave herself a nickname "Silver Moon".

The flow speed of dark web information is not particularly fast, but there are still killers who remember the nickname Silver Moon and said this nickname when talking to others, which happened to be heard by nearby players.

In the spirit of taking advantage of the heat, the player quickly posted his discovery on the forum.

This is the "first sighting" other than Digger. Starting with this incident, within just two days, several players claimed to have heard similar things.

Now no one doubts that Bai Fu is not the protagonist of the version.

The evidence is as strong as a mountain, my family!

[Ahhh, I'm envious]

[The players born in Shelter No. 11 are really lucky]

[Fuck, who is the protagonist of our version? Digger No. 2, come and dig, I also want to hug the protagonist's thigh]

A group of players looked at the players of the Silent Garden with envy, and soon, this emotion became stronger.

This matter has to start with the news of the destruction of the Black Hawk Base.

As Pedro and Qi Yuan died in Bai Fu's hands one after another, the remaining members of the Black Hawk Base began to flee in all directions. Most of them were caught or beaten to death, and only a very small number of strong people escaped by strength and luck.

After escaping, they immediately reported what happened on the battlefield to the president of the Truth Society. After Graham's "defection", the president felt that something big might happen this time, but he never expected that it would be so big-

The Black Hawk Base was almost wiped out, several capable generals died suddenly, and the hostages used to threaten Yulia were also rescued!

The president was almost fainted, but he was a man who had experienced storms after all. No matter how angry he was, he still grasped the key to the problem from this fiasco.

"A young woman with white hair wearing a black mask?"

The president seriously suspected that this person was Bai Fu, but he had no evidence, so he temporarily put this matter behind him and turned his attention to the player who exploded with Qi Yuan's mechanical dog.

He picked up a report from the table. This report was handed in a few days ago, which recorded the characteristics of the players.

"It seems that they can be resurrected infinitely. Sometimes they suddenly disappear and reappear. Most of them seem to have serious mental illness and are extremely unstable. They usually like to say some completely incoherent words and do things that normal people can't understand."

Before, because his attention was all on revenge against the original gene body and Graham's defection, he didn't pay much attention to this report, but now he has to pay attention to it.

The ability to be resurrected infinitely is really a bug.

Although these undead people have mental illness, it is not a problem for the Truth Society. No matter what their mental state is originally, as long as they use the mutant technology of the Truth Society, they will become the most loyal Truth Society warriors.

Just think about it. By then, he will be followed by thousands of mutant warriors who can be resurrected infinitely. The original gene body and the railway guild will all be destroyed by you!

"Implement the mutant plan with all your strength!"

At the order of the president, those players who have just joined the Truth Society and have not been promoted yet are in trouble.

"Hey, hey, hey, what are you doing?"

"Let me go, let me go."

Tai Er Zhenren, who was promoted because he successfully brought the information that Graham had robbed back to the Truth Society, felt his scalp tingling when he saw this scene.

Fortunately, he was promoted, otherwise he would have been caught for experiments.

There is a certain risk of failure in transforming into a mutant. Some players were pitted. After the transformation failed, their race became strange and weird. The most unlucky one had a physical and health conversion ratio of 5, which was only half of that of normal players.

Even those players who successfully transformed were not very happy. The Truth Society has too many restrictions on general mutants.

[Oh my god, my account is useless, Truth Society, I will never let you go! ! ! ]

[Fuck, shit mutants, I can't learn other professions]

[Damn, I'm so ugly after becoming a mutant, I'll kill the president of the Truth Society! ]

Bai Fu: "..."

Well, she hasn't even made a move yet, and the Truth Society has become the most hated faction by players on Zuyuan Star, and the one walking towards them is the Primarch.

In fact, the Primarchs are much better at eating than the Truth Society. Although they also deal with mutants, they don't have to force players to become mutants.

The collapse of the Primarch's reputation among the player community is caused by the superposition of multiple events.

First, a few days ago, the Truth Society suddenly announced the production records of the Primarch's biochemical factory, accusing the Primarch of researching inhumane technology that erases human consciousness.

Players saw it and thought, ah, isn't this the style of a villain?

Most players still don't like villains. Some simply hate villains, and some think that it's easy to fall if they follow villains.

Then, Xu Hongzhen asked the players to investigate Li Cheng's situation, and those players were actually discovered. This made the gene primarchs' high-level officials wary of the players all of a sudden. They not only increased the scrutiny of the players, but also strictly prohibited the players from contacting key positions internally.

These two orders made the players' game experience drop a lot. They tried hard to brush up their reputation and NPC favorability, but it was useless after brushing for a long time, and they couldn't take up some management positions at all.

If there was no comparison, it would be fine. The bad thing was that there was a Bai Fu on Zuyuan Star. Bai Fu established a Silent Courtyard, and the Silent Courtyard became the top stream with the cooperation of Bai Fu and Digging Ji.

[The gene primarchs are people. Bai Fu led the mission in the Silent Courtyard. In the gene primarchs, they were only ordered around by others. They also made big promises every day, but they found that they couldn't eat the pie after drawing it for a long time]

[Fuck, you are born more than my boss]

[I *****]

[Anyway, they are all licking, why don't I lick Bai Fu? Bai Fu is not only the protagonist, but also pretty. Even if you can't lick anything, licking Bai Fu is at least pleasing to the eyes.]

[This unfortunate thing will be destroyed sooner or later. I'm going to join the Silent Courtyard]

[Is it too late to join Fumen now?]

The anger of some players who joined the Primarch was completely aroused, and the confrontational emotions of these players made the Primarch more wary of the players. It was a vicious cycle.

A small number of players with capital chose to run away, and the other part of the players could only bear it for now, but they also began to appeal in the community.

[When will Fu Fu come to show off the Primarch? If she really comes, I will change sides on the spot]

[I support Fu Fu to be the governor of the ancestral planet. Who is in favor and who is against it?]

Bai Fu was very happy.

Yes, yes, that's it, everyone come and lick me!

She began to suspect that the Truth Society and the Primarch were her fans, otherwise how could they cooperate so well to push the players to her side?

Please step up your efforts. I will bring these players to your graves when the time comes!

In order to stimulate these extremely unbalanced players, Bai Fu decided to take the players to clean up the surrounding wanderer camps after returning to Shelter No. 11.

A day later, she returned to the base camp via Shelter No. 5.

Recently, all major forces have been studying what players are. In addition, the coalition forces had just fought a battle with the Truth Society, so they had no energy to care about them. This must be good news.

After posting a bounty for collecting psychic knowledge chains on the dark web, Bai Fu brought the relatives and friends of Yulia who were brought back by car to Old Nissen's tavern.

When old friends meet again, they naturally reminisce and feel sad.

Bai Fu couldn't bear to see the crying scene, so she quietly returned to her residence and counted the mission rewards.

Mission Little Yulia's Request (3) has been completed, and the mission reward is 220,000 experience points. Since she successfully rescued all the targets, she triggered a hidden reward.

The hidden reward is a very special psychic prop production blueprint.

[Psychic Energy Collector]

This collector can store up to 500 psychic energy and can be reused with a durability of up to 250. Although it cannot be used to replenish psychic energy, the psychic energy in it can be used to make various psychic props, such as prayer cards.

Bai Fu's eyes lit up.

This way, she can store a large amount of psychic energy in advance and then use it when making prayer cards, which can effectively improve her card making efficiency.

The only problem is that she is still too slow to fill the psychic collector by herself.

"Got it!"

Bai Fu thought of a good idea, why not let the players fill it?

She can set up a bunch of psychic collectors in Anya's store, so that those players who have changed their jobs to psychic professions can pray and contribute their psychic energy.

Of course, she will not let the players pay in vain. In order to increase the enthusiasm of the players, she decided to package this behavior.

"Silent Court Prayer Ceremony!"

"Pray once to get a 'blessing'. When the 'blessing' reaches a certain value, you can consume these 'blessings' to enjoy certain discounts when buying prayer cards!"

This will not only stimulate players to pray every day, but also stimulate players to change their jobs to psychic professions. It can even increase the mystery of the Silent Court through this strange ceremony. It is simply killing three birds with one stone.

Bai Fu applauded her plan.

She chose to study the blueprints. After the learning progress bar was full, she invested experience and upgraded the apprentice psychic painter from Lv13 to Lv16.

After the addition of points, the upper limit of psychic value exceeds 800, and the new psychic bonus is successfully triggered.

[Physique +8, Intelligence +4, Spirit +4]

Current attributes——

[Health]: 1850/1850

[Psychic value]: 880/880

[Attributes]: Strength 20, Agility 21, Constitution 81, Intelligence 25, Spirit 27, Inspiration 85

“It’s time to impact the advanced profession and become the real protagonist of this era!”

PS: Thanks to the book friend 20240116221728896 for the reward

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