Who made her an NPC!

Chapter 92 The main quest begins. Now I really become the protagonist【54k】

Chapter 92 The main mission starts, now you really become the protagonist [5.4k]

During the time the players arrived, there were actually several smaller rogue camps that had been broken up by radical players.

But the Goli Desert is, after all, a very large geographical area. Among the long stretches of yellow sand, there are seven large wanderer camps marked on the map.

These rogue camps usually have a size of 100 to 200 people and operate in a limited area. They maintain their operations by hunting sandworms, accepting requests, robbing passers-by, and bullying civilians in the shelter.

The person who can control a rogue camp of this size cannot be a rookie. With the players' current strength, it is impossible to defeat them even if they form a team.

Human wave tactics?

It is very unwise to use the human wave tactic in a desert area where sandworms may pop out at any time.

Because of this, even though some players have long known the locations of these large rogue camps through various channels, they still dare not provoke them rashly.

After running hard for a long time to get to the entrance of the rogue camp, he was killed before even a single mob was killed. It not only wasted time but also lost experience. No player would do this kind of uneconomical transaction.

But things are different now.

Bai · Popular Rising Star · Player Friend · Model BOSS · Suspected Version of the Protagonist · Fu makes her debut!

Under the leadership of Bai Fu, all the players in the Court of Silence were happy.

When Bai Fu comes, the task will be assigned. When Bai Fu comes, the experience will be gained!

[Just be envious and jealous]

[Come on, I want to be the first man to upgrade his main profession to level 20]

[Fufu’s thighs still smell so good, nugget]

[I have been practicing swordsmanship for ten days, now it’s time for you to see how powerful I am! 】

The community and the live broadcast room are full of players of the Court of Silence. A player with strong hands-on skills has already drawn a Q version of Bai Fu and made a complete set of emoticons.

The emoticon was uploaded at 10 a.m., and half an hour later people were using it everywhere in the community.

【Fumen! 】

Players in other places are going crazy looking at the fleet of cars speeding through the desert. Everyone is here to play games, so why is the gap so big?

In addition to secretly cursing the car for a flat tire, they could only torture the planner.

Either add a few NPCs similar to Bai Fu in other places, or make some optimizations so that everyone can join the Court of Silence and enjoy the joy of being taken flying by Bai Fu.

However, this torture was all in the air, and the game planner had already mastered pretending to be dead.

[Ahhhhh, planner, you deserve to die! 】

[There was once an opportunity to follow Bai Fu in front of me. I didn't cherish it and ran to join other camps. I regretted it when I lost it. If God can give me another chance, I can take Bai Fu. Fu’s feet were all licked! 】

【? 】

No matter how the players went crazy in the community and live broadcast room, the attack on the major wanderer camps in the Goli Desert started as scheduled.

After arriving at the entrance of a camp, Bai Fu asked the player to come forward with a loudspeaker to persuade them to surrender.

As expected, the wanderers hiding in the camp had no intention of surrendering. Not only that, they also laughed loudly.

"After I kill you, I will make you a specimen and put it on display throughout the Goli Desert!"

"I have made a total of 23 human specimens over the years. Good embryos like you are not common."

Bai Fu shrugged.

If you don't surrender, then go to hell.

She had no mercy at all for these wanderers. Which of these wanderers didn't have one or two innocent lives on their hands?

"Come with me!"

Bai Fu took the lead, followed by nearly a thousand players, instantly flooding the camp in front of them like a tide.

For the wanderers in the camp, at this moment, they were truly impacted by the tide of the dark moon.

"Betrayal, this is betrayal, damn, the people of the Gao family will not die well!"

"Thankfully, I have been purchasing weapons from the Gao family all these years, but in the end Gao Yuan didn't even give me a warning."

"This little brat has ignored us since he climbed up to the Court of Silence."

In the Blue-tailed Scorpion camp, several rogue leaders with a notorious reputation in the Goli Desert gathered together and were loudly accusing the Court of Silence, which had launched a general attack on them, and the Gao family, which had cooperated deeply with the Court of Silence.

One day ago, they received a call for help from a large rogue camp with whom they had a good relationship, saying that they were attacked by the Court of Silence and were beaten back steadily.

After receiving the signal for help, they immediately organized troops to prepare for rescue.

This process took almost an hour. When they contacted the rogue camp again, all they heard was the cry of a rogue who luckily escaped from the camp.

Too cruel.

Yes, Bai Fu and her followers are so cruel!

There were more than 100 people in a camp, but they killed only three people who escaped. Those three people had no supplies and would die in the desert sooner or later.

This ferocious energy made all the wanderers who received the news feel terrified. In order to protect themselves, after calling each other, they all rushed to the Blue-tailed Scorpion camp to discuss what to do next.

"Even the powerful Watchers back then couldn't unify the Goli Desert. A woman who appeared out of nowhere really thought she could change the world?"

"Arrogant! Insolent! This time we must teach the Court of Silence and the Gao family a lesson, let them know what the rules of the Goli Desert are!"

At first, these wanderer leaders also considered running away, but they were reluctant to give up the wealth they had accumulated over the years.

The Court of Silence is very strong, but as long as they unite, all difficulties will not be difficulties!

"Haha, after defeating the Court of Silence, I must let that woman know what hell is, what it means to be unable to live or die!"

"Stop talking nonsense, go to deploy defenses first, if you win, you can have as many women as you want, if you lose, it's useless to think more."

Amidst the curses, several wanderer leaders began to command their men to prepare for the next war.

A war of a thousand people is coming.

There is no doubt that this battle will determine the direction of the entire Goli Desert.

If the Court of Silence wins, the Goli Desert will end the century-long division and embark on a new development path with peace as the keynote.

If the coalition formed by the Wanderer camp wins, then...

"What's there to be afraid of? We players can't let these ruthless killers be so arrogant. Even if we lose this time, we can just fight again!"

In the car, Digging Ji said excitedly to all the viewers in the live broadcast room.

It has been two and a half days since we set out from Shelter No. 11.

In these two and a half days, the collective action of the Court of Silence has become more and more popular, and the mentality of many players has gradually changed.

The story has to start from breaking through the first Wanderer camp and seeing the innocent people in the camp who were tortured beyond recognition.

Even though they knew it was just a game, the game's realism was so high that the players' hearts still burst out with anger uncontrollably.

Even these players who could do whatever they wanted did not bully passers-by wantonly after entering the game. These Wanderers not only bullied them, but also took pleasure in killing people. They were so unnatural!

At this moment, the players of the Silent Courtyard not only regarded this action as a task to earn experience, but also regarded it as a peacekeeping operation.

From the real world, to the game world for peacekeeping!

While scolding those idle wanderers, they gave Bai Fu, who took the lead in the wanderer camp, a new nickname -

Sublime Moon Bai Fu!

The moon is now completely bound to Bai Fu.

This is related to two things.

The first is naturally related to Bai Fu's listing of the [Eye of the Dark Moon] prayer card for sale in Anya's store.

The second is that when fighting the wanderers, the Dragon of the Scourge accidentally discovered that Bai Fu had added a profession called [Moon Dancer] to her profession column.

Being praised as the moon by other NPCs, having the word "moon" in her profession, and having the word "dark moon" on the prayer card she sold, with so much evidence put together, who can still say that Bai Fu is not the dark moon referred to by the "tide of the dark moon"?

No one!

[I will destroy those born on behalf of the moon! ]

[Go! My sword is thirsty!]

[I have turned on the harmony mode, but I still feel sick when I see those corpses. Damn it, I must kill these unscrupulous wanderers]

The players' high morale affected Old Nissen, who was following the convoy.

Since the Watcher Camp was defeated by the Truth Society, he hasn't seen such a group of vigorous young people for a long time.


Half a day later.

The convoy arrived near the Blue Tailed Scorpion Camp.

Bai Fu released Little Bai Fu to explore the way as usual.

The desert terrain is not suitable for ambushes, so even if those wanderers made a lot of preparations, they were easily caught by Little Bai Fu.

"Pre-buried bombs and flanking, this is a big deal."

Through the reconnaissance of the clairvoyance skill, Bai Fu found that these wanderers came from several different camps. It seems that they gathered together spontaneously after feeling threatened and prepared to fight her head-on.

This is good, so that she doesn't have to sweep through the camps one by one.

To be honest, the response plan of these wanderers was already very good, but it was a pity that they met her.

Today is different from the past. She is now several levels stronger than when she first arrived in the Goli Desert!

"You advance from the left and right sides, and the rest of you will charge from the front with me. This time we will eliminate all these wanderers in one fell swoop!"

Bai Fu quickly issued orders.

With the sudden explosion of several small Bai Fus who were exploring the way ahead, all the bombs buried by the wanderers were detonated in advance.

The wanderers were shocked.

"Oh no, why did the bomb explode in advance?"

"Who buried the bomb?"

"Is it the time to entangle such things now? The Court of Silence has already attacked!"

Under the leadership of Bai Fu, the battle between the two camps began.

In fact, Bai Fu could have created a few more small Bai Fus, and then controlled them to bomb the wanderers hiding in the dark and preparing to shoot cold guns. This round of bombing is estimated to kill nearly a hundred people. This deterrent power is much greater than the bombs buried in advance, and it may directly break the defense of these wanderers.

But her action this time is not only to destroy the wanderer camp in the Goli Desert, but also to give benefits to the players of the Silent Courtyard camp and attract other players to join the Silent Courtyard.

So she tried not to attack these soldiers, but left them to the players so that the players could get more experience.

"Brothers, rush with me!"

"Sniper support, sniper support!"

"I'll cover you, you guys go around!"

Through the various fortifications built outside the camp, the players and the wanderers fought fiercely.

The Iron Rain Guild's Jian Qi Chong Tian and the Loyalty Hall Guild's Hei Si became the protagonists of this battle. They secretly competed with each other and commanded the players to launch rounds of attacks.

At the beginning, the wanderers could still suppress the players with fortifications, but as the players advanced to the fortifications, the situation was completely reversed.

Psychic shield, summon ghosts! , spatial confusion, visual fog...

One after another, psychic cards were played.

These wanderers had never seen such means before. Soon a gap was created. The players used it along the gap and gradually occupied the entire fortification.

【Damn, it's too strong! 】

The players watching the live broadcast were stunned.

The battle was fierce, but it was not as fierce as they imagined. The advantage of the players was too great.

[The real awesome one is Fu Fu. Without the prayer cards she made, how could this battle go so smoothly?]

[One person strengthens an entire army. This is a psychic prayer master. Is this Fu Fu? Awesome!]

In an instant, Bai Fu's status in the hearts of the players was raised again, and the value of the prayer cards was once again reflected.

The wanderer leaders hiding in the camp originally wanted to use the fortifications to give the players a head-on blow, and then put the players into a more dangerous camp to kill them slowly. Who would have thought that the players would destroy their plans with their outrageous performance just after the fight started.

They dared not sit still any longer. If they dragged on, once the morale of the wanderers under their command collapsed, there would be no need to fight this battle.

But just as they rushed out of the camp, a figure that did not look tall blocked their way.

"Your opponent is me."

Bai Fu had no expression on her face.

The dozen elite monsters that rushed out could not help but be stunned for a moment.

One against a dozen?

Do you think you are a superman!

"Since you are looking for death, don't blame us for bullying the weak with our numbers!"

They surrounded Bai Fu in a fan-shaped formation.

Because she was afraid that the enemy would die too quickly, causing the battle to end in an instant, and the players would not feel the joy of fighting at all, Bai Fu deliberately disabled skills such as Alien Corrosion and Summoning True Spirits this time.

Even so, relying on her super high attributes, the continuous damage of the electric knife, the increase brought by the fanaticism and super energy burst, and the skill bonus of the Moon Dancer profession, she still performed well in dealing with these dozen high-level elite monsters.

Perhaps it should not be said that she was well-equipped, but that she was beaten!

Have you seen an NPC with "Strength 27, Agility 38, and Constitution 81" after the bonus is fully pulled?

It can only be said that Bai Fu's attributes are a bit too supermodel in the current Goli Desert.

You should know that the three attributes of Guido she met in the attack on the Bagalos base before were "Strength 33, Agility 24, Constitution 19", which is not even as good as one of her toes.

Some of these elite monsters in the Goli Desert who are weak in fronthand and poor in backhand are not as good as Guido. What can they use to fight her?

The regional BOSS is to humiliate the elite monsters in this area, otherwise how can she have the face to be the regional BOSS of the Goli Desert!

The streamer is activated, and Bai Fu, who shuttles among the elite monsters, is really as graceful as a dancer under the moon.

Especially when wielding the electric knife, the gorgeous electric light adds a bit of beauty to her.

The beauty of killing!

Many players were stunned.

Can melee combat be so handsome? Even those movies that are famous for their handsome martial arts moves are not as handsome as Bai Fu now!

As time goes by, the wanderer leaders who besieged Bai Fu broke their defense.

Fight a market!

They turned around for a long time, but they couldn't touch Bai Fu at all. They finally hit Bai Fu once, but there was no damage. But Bai Fu's attack on them was different. Every knife fell, and there would be screams and black smoke from the scorched flesh and blood.


They tried to run, but Bai Fu would never let them go.

Since we are here, we should make the best of it. Let's all die here!

Bai Fu chased after them, killing each one with a knife. When she cut the last one, the man suddenly shouted.

"Spare my life, I was wrong, Nissen, please, we are acquainted after all, please help me say a few words."


Bai Fu turned around and found that old Nissen came over.


"Javier, he used to be a member of the Watchers. I thought he died in the Truth Society attack, but he survived and became the leader of another Wanderer camp."

Old Nissen sighed as he spoke.

When he raised his head and focused on Javier, what emerged on his face was not the joy of meeting an old friend, but extreme anger!

"Javier, look at what you are doing now. You are like other wanderers, bullying the weak and killing innocent people. Have you forgotten what you said to me? Have you forgotten your dream of rebuilding the Goli Desert with the Watchers?"

Javier, who was scolded, was also angry: "Dream? Bullshit dream! I worked hard with you for so long, but in the end, I was easily crushed by the Truth Society."

Old Nissen gritted his teeth: "You were not this kind of person..."

Javier smiled: "People change. From the day Yulia was taken away, I knew that the most worthless thing in the world is dreams. Only power is everything. Without power, you will be trampled underfoot. With power, you can trample others underfoot!"

Old Nissen was so angry that his heart ached.

Javier curled his lips in disdain. He could see that Old Nissen would never plead for him. In this case, he might as well let himself go!

"By the way, let me tell you a secret. You may not believe it. The reason why Yulia was noticed by the Truth Society is that your most trusted deputy Carlisle secretly defected to the Truth Society and reported Yulia's situation to the Truth Society. Because of this, Carlisle was valued by the president of the Truth Society and is now in a high position in the Truth Society."


Old Nissen froze there as if struck by lightning.

Seeing him like this, Javier couldn't help but burst into laughter: "See, your so-called dream is worthless in front of power, just hold on to your dream and drown, do you think you can deal with the Truth Society by holding on to the thigh of the Court of Silence, you don't understand how strong the Truth Society is!"

Old Nissen trembled all over: "You..."

Bai Fu patted Old Nissen on the shoulder, and then stabbed Javier with a knife.

"I don't know whether the Truth Society is strong or not, I only know that you will die here today. As for the Carlisle you mentioned, since he has attacked the Goli Desert, then as the current leader of the Goli Desert, I have the obligation to send him and you on the road!"

Under the impact of the electric current, Javier screamed for more than ten seconds before finally losing his voice.

Bai Fu retracted the knife: "Are you okay?"

Old Nissen shook his head: "Thank you."

He was silent for a long time before speaking again.

"There is something I have been hiding from you. Are you interested in hearing it?"

[You have triggered the main quest of the area [Watcher's Elegy]]

Just then, Bai Fu heard a game prompt in her ears, and her eyes suddenly lit up.

Here it comes, here it comes, finally here!

Controlling the main quest of an area, now she is either the protagonist or the protagonist!

PS: Thanks to Fanggao Sikuaiyi and book friend 20240116221728896 for their rewards.

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