Who made him the Pirate King?

Chapter 100 Reward! Whitebeard II Edward Teach! (Two updates, 8k, please subscribe!)

The twisted white lightning left a fleeting faint trace on the horizon of the East China Sea.

Edward Teach did not activate [Seeing Color Haki], but activated the [Thunder Fruit]. The subtle electromagnetic waves that cannot be seen by the naked eye expand outward like radar, sensing the surrounding natural environment.

Not long after, Edward Teach's "radar" sensed an island, and immediately accelerated his speed and flew towards the island.

It was an ordinary small island, not large in area, and there were no traces of human activity on the island.

Edward Teach didn't care about this trivial matter. He dodged and turned into thunder, landing on the island.

The moment his feet touched the ground of the island, Edward Teach relaxed completely and lay down on his back on the soft sand.

"I'm so exhausted..."

The soft clay acted as a cushion, and the "Edward Teach" slowly disappeared, revealing Storm inside.

Storm lay on his back, relaxed on the clay cushion.

This was his first multi-day battle with the enemy.

Even with the help of the [Devil Ring], Storm can use the power of the Devil Fruit without consuming it.

But fighting on his own and releasing [Haki] all require stamina.

Especially when fighting powerful opponents at the level of the Five Old Stars and Admirals.

Storm had to concentrate without slacking off.


Storm couldn't hurt the other person without telling him.

There is also the possibility that the other party will seize the opportunity and take him away...

Storm fought with Markas Mazsheng and Kizaru for several days.

His [Armed Haki] and [Informed Haki] were almost at their lowest point, and his physical strength was also exhausted.

If he hadn't left the scene in time just now, the battle situation might have undergone an unbearable reversal...

This is not an escape, this is a strategic retreat.

Having said that.

Thanks to the battles in the past few days, Storm has been continuously honing his [Haki].

He has mastered the "internal destruction" technique of [Armed Color Haki].

As for [Seeing and hearing domineering]...

Storm called out his [Grand Trophy].

In the past few days of crazy fighting, he didn't know how much damage he had done to the "big strange bird", namely Markas Maz Saint.

But no matter whether it is a headshot or a heart attack, there is no way to truly "kill" Markas Mazsaint, or even make him lose the ability to fight.

Storm failed to collect the [Grand Trophy] of the Five Old Stars.

As for Kizaru.

Storm was even more helpless against the opponent.

[Thunder Fruit] is extremely fast.

The speed of [Shiny Fruit] is not slow at all.

After a few days, Storm only seized a few fleeting opportunities and caused some moderate damage to Kizaru.

The heaviest attack was probably the "current push and heavy flow storm" before parting.

Storm heard clearly.

Boss Kizaru's ribs are definitely broken.

As for whether one is broken, or two...

Then Storm couldn't hear clearly.


Although I didn’t get the [Grand Trophy] from the Five Old Stars or the Generals.

Storm wasn't entirely without gains.

[Information and domineering: ★★★★★★★] (seven stars)

After several days of fighting.

Storm's [Seeing Color Haki] successfully increased its level by a small amount.

From the original "six and a half stars" to "seven stars".

Since then.

Storm's five basic attributes - [Strength], [Speed], [Endurance], [Armed Color/Visual Color Dominance].

All of them have reached a perfect seven-star rating!

There is only one [Overlord Color Haki] left that has not yet been activated...

Storm glanced at the [Overlord Color Haki] that had not yet been activated.

To say he didn't care would be a lie.

But the awakening of [Overlord Color Haki] requires timing and cannot be forced.

Storm still remembers the last time he pretended to be Whitebeard III Edward Teach and had sex (crossed out) with the Shemale King Ivankov in Impel Down City's new transvestite paradise - declaring his ambition.

He briefly burst out with an unforgettable momentum...

It's a pity that except after that time.

Storm has never found the explosive feeling of [Overlord Color Dominance].

He is also greedy for [the domineering look of the king], but he still has to let nature take its course...

Storm lay quietly on the beach of this uninhabited island. After resting for a short period of time, he stood up.

"The person fighting the Five Old Stars this time is Whitebeard III Edward Teach..."

"Based on previous exchanges with Saint Nashou Lang, this battle took place on the cliffs of the Red Earth Continent after all, and there were no witnesses..."

"The World Government shouldn't take any serious action on this matter... right?"

Storm thought for a moment and stopped worrying about this small issue.

Even if the World Government wants to put a reward on "Edward Teach" because of this incident, what does this have to do with his "White Dragon"?

"That's it for now, let's eat first!"

Storm touched his belly, released the [Clay Fruit] ability, and pinched a blue-eyed white dragon out.

"Where is this place?"

Just when Storm was traveling across the East China Sea, just looking for a restaurant.

On the other side, the red earth continent, Marie Joa, between the powers.

Saint Makas Maz with a long white goatee slowly walked into the room of power from the outside, followed by Kizaru with a sad look on his face.

Why do I, a seriously injured patient, have to attend the Wulaoxing meeting?

Kizaru touched his ribs and felt a stabbing pain.

Whitebeard's words vaguely rang in his ears——

"Kizaru, will you bleed?"

‘This is a work injury! This is definitely a work injury! ’

Kizaru took a deep breath and forced himself to shift his attention away from the broken ribs.

‘I want a vacation! And it must be paid time off! ’

between powers.

All four and five old stars are here.

There is another figure standing in front of Wulaoxing's desk.

Marshal of the Navy Headquarters, Buddha's Warring States Period.

Kizaru stood beside Sengoku, looking at his nose and his heart, like a tool without any emotional fluctuations.

"Maz, you're back, and you were killed by a kid..."

Just when Nashou Langsheng was about to say something, he suddenly caught a glimpse of Warring States on the side and barely saved Maz's face.


"Has the identity of that 'Whitebeard' been found out?"

Markas Mazsheng walked to Wulaoxing's exclusive sofa and sat down, heaving a long sigh of relief, and then asked the question he was most concerned about at the moment.

"I have already told you his name in advance...

"Edward Teach!"

When Storm first fought against Markas Maz, he once revealed his "name" to himself.

Then he said nothing more.

But this name is still firmly remembered by Markas Mazsheng in his mind.

Later, Kizaru arrived in time and took away most of Storm's energy.

Markas Maz Saint conveyed the name "Edward Teach" to the other four Five Elder Stars through spiritual contact.

In the past few days.

Although the other four Five Old Stars did not go to support Markas Maz Saint.

The battle between him, Kizaru and the "white beard" took place on a cliff thousands of meters high.

Whether it is the Navy Headquarters, the CP Department, or other five old stars, it is difficult to intervene in a battle that takes place at such a high place.

What's more, Whitebeard is a "Lightning Man" who ate the [Thunder Fruit].

Sending personnel rashly will not pose any threat to the enemy at all.

On the contrary, it may have an impact on your own people...

Especially Makas Mazsaint.

After all, "Whitebeard" is a user with the [Thunder Fruit] ability, and Kizaru is a person with the [Sparkling Fruit] ability.

It is difficult for external forces to affect this level of "speedster".

But the Izu Shinten that Makas Maz Sanctuary has become is different...

Give an example.

If Marie Joa aimed at this area and launched a round of intensive bombardment.

"Whitebeard" and Kizaru will never be affected. They are not only speedsters, but also natural ability users.

But Makas Maz Saint is different.

In the eyes of the other four Five Old Stars, sending people to join the war would be a way to harm their colleagues.

We simply didn’t send anyone there…


A five-old star and a naval admiral, this configuration is already comparable to the Demon-Slaying Order.

Can't get enough of a younger version of "Whitebeard"?

Unexpectedly, I didn't get it...


But no matter what, it's not like the other Five Old Stars did nothing in the past few days.

It's like they sent people to collect all the intelligence information they could collect about "Whitebeard".

"Warring States, tell me."

Saint Nashoulang looked at the Buddha Warring States who stood like a statue, and said coldly.

"What information did the Navy find?"

"Combined with the appearance of 'Whitebeard', there is also the name 'Edward Teach'."

Warring States seemed to wake up all of a sudden and reported the report in a leisurely tone.

"The Navy's staff analyzed two pieces of information that might be useful.

"First, about three years ago, a young pirate also known as 'Whitebeard' attacked the elite recruit training camp of the Navy Headquarters."

"I've heard about this."

Saint Nasushiro has a cold face. As the financial god of the world government, he is responsible for the supply of funds for the activities of the navy and other violent organizations.

"That guy Zefa, he can't even get a little-known newcomer——"

When he said this, Saint Nashou Lang suddenly realized something and glanced at Saint Markas Maz next to him.

Three years ago, Zefa faced off against Whitebeard II, and it did not end well.

An entire class of boot camp was almost wiped out.

Zefa himself even had one arm cut off.

But what about Markas Mazsaint?

If it weren't for the five old stars' own abilities being too special.

Markas Mazsaint had his head blown off by "Edward Teach" a few days ago.

The Five Old Stars are worse than admirals!


Nashou Langsheng coughed twice and skipped this topic.

"Warring States, you continue."

"The pirate who calls himself 'Whitebeard' also has the power of Whitebeard in his youth, but his appearance is somewhat different from Whitebeard, just like... a fat version of Whitebeard.

"In addition, the 'Whitebeard' at that time did not have the ability of [Thunder Fruit]. I am not sure if it is the 'Whitebeard' this time."

Warring States thought for a moment and gave a more accurate description.

"Ever since that attack, the Navy has been trying to find traces of Whitebeard's activities, but he seemed to have disappeared from the world and could not be found no matter how hard he looked."

"This is because your navy doesn't work hard enough!"

Nashou Langsheng said coldly.

"Apart from this white beard? Are there any other suspects?"

"The General Staff searched the confidential database for a long time and found the name of an organization - MADS."

Warring States said calmly.

“Decades ago, the MADS organization had news about creating ‘ability user clones’.

"I suspect... the white beard that appears this time is probably related to the MADS organization back then."

After listening to the intelligence analysis of the Warring States Period, several five old stars had some spiritual communication with each other.

'The whitebeard who attacked the navy boot camp ship is very suspicious! ’

'The MADS organization is unlikely, Vegapunk is in our hands, and the other so-called scientists... are just mediocre people. ’

‘Let the CP department take action! Navy is such a disappointment! ’

‘The threat of Whitebeard who ate the [Thunder Fruit] is too high, let’s try to recruit him! ’

'First the White Dragon, then Whitebeard... New monsters appear one after another, it's really a headache! ’

The spiritual communication between the Five Old Stars is over.

Finally, it was the Financial God of War, Nashou Langsheng, who spoke.

"About the MADS organization, the Navy does not need to be involved!

"You just need to inform all naval bases, from the Grand Line to every base in the four seas, and ask all navies to pay more attention to people suspected of being 'Whitebeard' and not to miss any suspicious person.

"A man like Whitebeard cannot hide for too long."


Warring States nodded, he hesitated for a moment and then spoke.

“In fact, the staff also proposed another possibility.

"Could the 'Whitebeard' who appeared this time really be...that Whitebeard's son?"

That white beard, of course, refers to the real white beard, the strongest man in the world - Edward Newgate!

It stands to reason.

This speculation should be the first to be stated.

But Warring States still felt that this matter was too outrageous.

Because he had never heard of Whitebeard having close contact with a woman...

Although Whitebeard has a lot of "sons", none of them are "biological"...

"Whitebeard's son?"

The five old stars looked at each other in shock and confusion.

"This...should be impossible, right?

"Let's do this!

“Reveal some information about this incident as quickly as possible.

“Then set a bounty amount for this ‘Whitebeard’!

"We must let the people of the Whitebeard Pirates see the reward for this young version of Whitebeard!"

Warring States took orders and retreated.

Under the orders of the Five Old Stars, the entire world government began to operate rapidly like a clockwork machine.

Freshly released special edition bounty orders.

Through the special channels of the World Government, it is directly delivered to every corner of the world.

New world, paradise, four seas...

Every franchise country and non-franchise country, as long as they are organizations related to the World Government, have all received an extremely special single-person bounty order.

【Whitebeard II Edward Teach】


[Reward amount: 1.999 billion Baileys]

[Reward level: DEAD OR ALIVE (regardless of life or death)]

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